tv [untitled] December 6, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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(inaudible) you should have seen what it was to build with the san mateo building trades because they didn't understand what it was to provide community benefits. she understands it, she supports it, i think you are very fortunate to have her, the city will. i know she is the type of person that will provide us all of the time commitments that are needed on these commissions because that's the hardest thing for folks when they accept these commissions is the time. thank you, supervisors, have a great afternoon. >> hi, madam president, my name is rod sahad, commissioners, supervisors. my name is rad sahad, i am president of the asian commission. i am here to pay my respects to leroy king, i have known him and i've got in front of him so i first of all
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want to do that. secondly i want to say that not just the other community but asian indian community also supports commissioner king to be reappointed. we think he brings great wisdom and is fair and i'm delighted personally that he is on the board, on this new commission, the commission on community investment and infrastructure, if i got that right. i'm also here to support the nomination of mara rosales who i have known since 1985 when she was assistant city attorney. worked with her when we were trying to bring asian indians into the mlp program. enough has been said about her so i'm not going to say anything further. i am in support of all the members. >> thank you, mr. sahar, thank
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you for being here. >> madam supervisors, al norman, baby merchants, southeast commission. i am here in support of all of the candidates here this evening. i have a personal relationship with mr. sing, mr. ellington and miss christine johnson. the other two women i think i may have had a working relationship with them, but i very much appreciate what they had to say and what they look forward to doing, so i like to support everybody today and the bayview community supports theo ellington and all the other people being nominated. >> thank you for being here and thank you, former commissioner king, for being here. it's great to see you.
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>> supervisor, my name is leroy king, i served on redevelopment for 24 years, the longest serving commissioner in the city under 5 mayors. during that period of time, dara sing was on for about 15 years. he was a good person. he would always get out in the community, night and day, all the people in the community they knew they could always call on dar sing. i'm here to support dar sing. i support all the other commissioners for their appointment. >> 25 years, that is incredible service. we know how those meetings run so thank you for your work and also for your leadership in general for the city and county. >> i love this city. >> you must love the city.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is oscar james, i'm a native resident of bayview hunter's point 66 years, i've always served on joint housing when redevelopment first came into our community. first of all i want to say i support dar sing 100 percent, i'm glad the mayor and you are allowing him to serve on this commission. i had a problem with the oversight committee because they didn't have a commissioner from the previous redevelopment commission serving on there. i worked with and seen commissioner sing, i was a retiree from the san francisco redevelopment agency for 40 years. i've seen redevelopment in its best years, i support all of the people who are being appointed to this new commission. the wisdom and the knowledge that this new commission brings i think is
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going to be beneficial to our community. i also would like this commission to make sure that the certificate of preference of persons in the redevelopment agency both in western addition, hunter's point, midmarket, certificate of preference be extended and make sure those people have preference on all development that's coming in. i also served on mayor allioto's commission for the close of the shipment in 1973, commitments made by the navy that guaranteed 50 percent of all work and 35 percent of all contracts go to residents in the bayview hunter's point community and i'd like for you guys to look into that. margaret beales was the person working on it at that time and i know still around, maybe you guys can get some of the resources he had during that commission. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. james, thank
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you for being here. >> good afternoon, madam president and members of the board of supervisors, my name is argon shifferade, i am here for dar sing. i like the way he humanizes relationships with developers and businesses and so on and i really appreciate him. he has always talked to us whether we meet him at commission or other areas. he always ask us how our business, what can we do for you, and that's what we expect from public officials, humanizing the relationship. that's a great matter we have and i am really glad you are considering him. we had a long meeting less than, about 6 months ago. and what i know, i told him he was listening to us on the meeting.
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if we want to change the perpetual underemployment of black people in this community you need to change and come up with a new radical political culture. i hope you will do that and i want to support it. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir, thank you for being here. >> good afternoon, supervisors, madam chair kim, my name is don marcos, director of mission hiring hall and i want to congratulate all the appointees by the mayor to this important commission. first and foremost, the honorable dar sing who i have adopted as my community dad. his intelligence and vision is not obvious in what he says but how he assesses things and how he acts on them. he is a kind and very, very conscious man who is
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community minded. maridol salas, when we celebrated our 40 years her name came up. she was referred by a nonprofit law firm and ignited a fire in her heart and now runs her own firm and has made a lot of contribution in the work force hiring local residents. miss johnson, i am a co-member in the tax credit investment board advisory committee, energetic and driven as she looks. miss mondahar, a prohifk, prolific advocate of the community, not just the philipino community but the community as larpk and of course mr. ellington as
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energetic as he sounded. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon, chair kim, supervisor farrell, supervisor avalos, i was on the south of market committee for 10 years, during that time at many meetings i would go to the redevelopment agency. there's one person i don't recall ever missing a meeting and that was dar sing. it was thanks to the redevelopment agency there was jobs provided, housing provided and a lot of south of market
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got revitalized. i will be brief and urge you to approve these nominations. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is gary banks, founder of family restoration house, a nonprofit organization located in district 10. also i served on the project area committee bayview and currently on san francisco eoc, and i'm standing here in support of dar sing and also the other candidates. i believe we have a great eclectic group of individuals who i believe will serve our community in a very good way. i really appreciate dar sing, all the great supportive galas and the bayview area dealing with the hunter's point, i believe he is a well-seasoned individual and i'm sure you've heard plenty of the same thing but i'm standing before this group to say the sank thing.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors, my nais is chris moscone. i'm here to support mara rosales. i'll be brief, everyone has said a mouthful and very he will eloquently, including the nominees. mara and i have been working together for many years and i think what she brings to this commission will be a plus. she knows a lot about city process, city law, public law. i think it's a great choice and i look forward to this whole commission. i'm really happy to be here. thank you. >> thank you, mr. moscone. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is robert woods and i would like to say this, that it's not the candidates that i speak towards, the candidates are very much so qualified. i
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speak to the process in terms of how those names was developed. when the commission, the successor commission, have a meeting and no one shows up in the meeting is canceled and then you come here and you see people being nominated and the community have not been involved in it other than within their little close circles and i say to you that we look forward to them being on board but we question, we will question the decisions that they make because the decisions that they make will affect the community and since we did not have any input up front, we will question them and we will want to know why
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and who developed, who there in the car with in terms of who they make these decisions for. and that's what we have been missing in the community. we have not been missing representatives but we've been missing some type of tangibles that give the community some type of hope. right now, like i said before, you have been whistling past the graveyard for so long that the community have not been, the community's not dead yet. and i say to you watch the decisions that are made and how it affect our community because we will come back to you because you are the ones that are on the board that's making this, the decisions. so we say to you,
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good luck and you will see us and i say to those people whom you nominated --. >> if you could wrap up your final comments, thank you. >> i say the people who you nominated, i hope them success and i hope they will come around and visit the true community. thank you. >> thank you, mr. woods, i appreciate those comments. >> good afternoon, supervisors, genevieve, i met marily mondejar i would not have met my former boss, former
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speaker mar, i would not have developed the relationships to be the national cochair of the philipinos for justice. she helped me fight for my passion no matter how uncomfortable it may be. marily has the ability to organize the community. i highly recommend marila mondejar to the commission because of her experience with marginalized communities and the ability to organize and develop and because she will help the community fight for what they want and deserve and strengthening the physical, social and economic infrastructure of san francisco while doing so. >> thank you for being here. i see there is only two more
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speakers left, so i want to encourage anyone else that did not fill out a speaker card to at this point line up on the right-hand side, your left-hand side of the room. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is ingrid merryweather, i am the president of a company doing business with the city for 15 years. in particular i've been fortunate to know mara rosales for close to 15 years. it would be difficult for the city to find anyone better who bears the title she will bear. her personal convictions are taylor made to help steer this agency in the projects for which they will have jurisdiction to a new paradigm of possibility. mara rosalales
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will steer the board to new possibilities and i ask the board's support for all the candidates, they were quite impressive. >> i'm mary franklin in district 10, founder of the environmental justice movement, inc.. i want to also commend the commissioners who were appointed to the commission initiative and i have to say i would never have thought i would see the changing of the guards. i want to pay homage to mr. leroy king and congratulations commissioner singh for being able to stay on that commission. what i have to say to the newly elected individuals, i want to leave one term to you, disposition agreement. i hope this new commission initiative coalition of individuals will not be
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guilty of producing documents that are unenforcible or null and void. it's called land disposition agreement and if any of the newly informed, newly appointed individuals would like to see one of those, i will be happy to show that to them. so may i say, too, that a land disposition agreement that is not enforced negatively impacts upon the generation and the community and that is perpetual. thank you. >> thank you, miss franklin. again, if you would like to speak on this item please line up on this side of the room. >> rules committee, go, go into a soma, going to a soma, don't you know that we want to
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feel (singing) going to a soma, going to a soma, that we want feel, you'll make the funds grow. you'll make the (inaudible) going to the soma, give it a go-go. (applause). >> thank you. miss jackson. >> dr. espinola jackson, bayview hunter's point. a lot of statements have been made today. what i would really like you to do, i'm not here to oppose these appointments that are needed but at this point i
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think you should wait a while, at least until january because of the fact this is the time when a lot of change is happening in my community. i served on a joint housing committee with the redevelopment agency back in 1968 and the things that were supposed to happen in my community never did. you talk about affordable housing from the time the term affordable housing started being, i wanted to know affordable to whom because it's never been affordable to the people living in my community. the ami is the way of not having poor people living in san francisco. that need to be looked into. another thing that need to be looked into, before you set up a commission, throwing them in the fire, you know, because they don't know what's been happening in the past but one that's been a commissioner for some time, is just wait and make sure and have an audit done before they get there. because it's going to be real hot up in that corner because another thing i'm going to talk about is ab 26. the state
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made, they was called then not called, so statements i was concerned with because i've been involved with the redevelopment agency since 1968, the affordable housing and work force you need to check it out and have an audit done before these people go sit anywhere and let us have a meeting for me to come back and you can tell me what has happened. thank you very much. >> thank you, dr. jackson. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i mean supervisors, eric brooks representing san francisco green party and the local grass roots organization of our city. i'm not going to get up here to oppose any candidates because it's clear at least four of these candidates are profoundly impressive in their qualifications for this type of work. but there is a problem and that is with public process.
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it's vital to remember that the reason we made sure that some of us fought so hard to make sure that neighborhood representatives were on this commission is that that is right of pa process of appointing them was supposed to entail going to those neighborhoods in depth and getting their input on who these appointees should be. for this to be noticed a few days ago at holiday time is very problematic to that process. just to show an example of why this is so important and why we need to wait until the second meeting in january to nail down these appointments, as impressive as they are, none of the appointees when they stood up said one word about the fact that the bayview hunter's point development area is a federal super fund site. 30,000 people in the bayview hunter's point signed a petition to put a measure on the ballot because of the concerns about the fact
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of that super fund site because of the asbestos that was released during lanair's project for which they were fined $500,000. these environmental issues were not brought up in the comments of the appointees and that clearly shows that those 30,000 people in the bayview were not sufficiently consulted. they need these appointees to hear from them and they need a chance to weigh in on the process of who is being appointed in the first place to this body. thanks. >> thank you, mr. brooks. is there any more public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, we do have 5 appointees before us for these 5 seats. supervisor farrell. >> thanks, chair kim. first i just want to say thank you to all the candidates that came out today to speak. i have to
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say, and also want to commend the mayor and staff for putting such a fine group together. i think all your diverse backgrounds and interests are going to be really well served and serve our city. so thank you for that. you know, i think mr. singh certainly a lot of your prior history, a lot of your merchant activity is going to be welcome here and really impressed with who came out to speak on your behalf. miss rosales as well, your background in the city and the people who came out to speak for you, miss johnson, your background, especially in finance, obviously near and dear to my heart but so valuable for what this agency is going to be tasked with and to have your experience and background is going to be incredible valuable and look forward to having you play an integral role in that. .
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tamara lee, i think the first person out on tv here on sfgov tv did the dating game. marilee, really impressed with what you did during our redistricting process and believe you have the best interests of everyone at heart and look forward to working with you on this commission. mr. ellington, theo, when you become the subject of one of walter's songs you graduate into a different strata here in city hall and i look forward to working with you as well. i am more than happy to put forward a motion to move all these
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commissioners. >> we have a motion to move items 2 and 6 to the full board. and we have a second. supervisor weiner. >> thank you, madam chair, i'm not on the committee but i thought this was important enough i wanted to be here for the item. i just wanted to associate myself with supervisor farrell's remarks, these are all exceptional candidates, clearly the mayor did a terrific job in vetting and coming up with a good slate for this commission so i'm very supportive. >> thank you, supervisor weiner, thank you for being here. >> thank you, chair kim, i actually had the opportunity to meet with all the candidates, each and every one of them over the past few days, mostly last week. i appreciate their reaching out to me. i was not able to meet with miss mondajar, she was able to talk to one of my staff members. i
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will be supporting all the candidates. i do appreciate the effort to reach out to get a lot of expertise, a lot of experience, a lot of diversity for this commission. i think it's very vital commission that can set the tone for how other commissions can work in san francisco but certainly to carry out the remaining work for these project areas. i want to say the things i am concerned about. local hire is essential that we actually maximize the effort around local hire on these projects that remain in these areas. affordable housing to me clearly we have in bayview hunter's point large amounts of (inaudible) housing continue to be built. i want to make sure we are maximizing the most dire economic situations that people are in so we are able to keep
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people in san francisco. we need to look at business development that's actually going to support local businesses and ultimately we need to look at how our city is dealing with disparity. we're seeing our economy taking off but also running away from a lot of people in the city and making sure we're looking at equity and evening disparities in the city and that's something we don't talk about enough in the city and i'm hoping we can actually move a new agenda that's actually going to be looking at making improvements for the lowest folks. i think about, when people talk about 99 percent, i'm concerned about the bottom 70 percent and make sure we can build unity between the 90 percent to support the bottom 70 percent and hope this commission can look towards that as some kind of directive. so i will be supporting these candidates moving forward. >> thank you. thank you, supervisor avalos.
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i did have an opportunity to sit down with many of the nominees that were before us today and i think what i appreciated was not just each individual nominee but the collection of the nominees together. i think there are several different areas of expertise that each of the would-be commissioners could represent and i'm glad there is a wide spectrum that will be of backgrounds and experience that will be represented on this commission. so i am also happy to support this motion moving forward these 5 appointees. similar to supervisor avalos, you know, i just want to recognize that this commission is really a delegation of board responsibilities that we are giving to a citizen advisory committee. and i think there's certainly a number of things that we would want you to look out for, things that we would be considering if we were to look at many of these items. and i think as we build two new area plans really where we don't have a lot of
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