tv [untitled] December 7, 2012 2:00am-2:30am PST
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metropolitan transportation commission to strengthen the privacy policies of personnel information of the clipper card program. >> president chiu: supervisor avalos. >> supervisor avalos: thank you. colleagues, this item we just had a committee hearing on. it wasn't a resolution i wanted to have -- but i want discussion with the mtc and i feel confident that they will be making recommendations to their board about how to make sure that clipper cards will be more private and i feel that we were able to accomplish what we needed to with this resolution. i'm still -- have a vote for it but just wanted to state that i believe we carried out the intention of getting some privacy restriction on these cards. >> president chiu: thank you, supervisor. colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted. item 34. >> clerk calvillo: item 34 is a motion amending the board of supervisors rules of order in their entirety to correct
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clerical corrections, proper placement of sections and additional updates. >> president chiu: same house, same call. without objection, this motion is approved. item 35. >> clerk calvillo: item 35 is a motion approving mayor's appointment of daryl honda to board of appeals ending july 21, 2016. >> president chiu: same house, same call, this item is approved. item 36 was not forwarded from committee. why don't we go to roll call for introduction. >> clerk calvillo: supervisor mar, you are first on roll call for introductions. >> supervisor mar: thank you. i just have a couple of quick items first of all, one of our hundred-year-old neighborhood theaters is celebratingw< this evening, and the san francisco neighborhood theater foundation is recognizing 100 years of the boat theater. that's that theater on sacramento street, right at
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presidio avenue. but they're celebrating 100 years of one of our incredible neighborhood theaters. but the neighborhood theater foundation also runs the balboa theater in my district and outer richmond. the babble theater is holding on saturday balboa theater day, it's a family friendly event with face painting, cartoons and they're showing the film rise of the guardian. they're also showing i believe life of pi is showing there as well, a great movie, the amazing film as well. also, i will be there at the theater, at noon, where we will be watching restroomin rememberd at the beach, history of the the richmond district. it features many historical photographs and testimony of people who remember playland at the beach. following that movie is the second film called sutros the palace at land's end with the
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sutro path area also that used to house the large indoor swimming pools and beloved sounding attractions like the mechanical museum. join me on december 4. if you want more information about historic neighborhood theaters and the theater foundation go to and join me in supporting our theaters. join us on thursday in about 48 hours for clement time between arguello and funston. lots of great activities and a couple of food trucks will be out in front of green apple and foggy notion. join us for great food, music, free stuff, and a lot of fun. the rest i'll submit. >> clerk calvillo: thank you. president chiu. >> president chiu: thank you. colleagues, first of all i have two in memoriams for today. first i want to recognize the passing of a devoted officer on our san francisco police
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department, officer philip welsh. he graduated from st. ignatious and uc berkeley and served our city for 18 years. most recently he covered the beat in my district in north beach where he worked closely with our district residents and community members to ensure public safety in our neighborhoods. among his colleagues, as anyone who interacted with him would know he was known as a very friendly face, voice and protector of our community. i want to recognize officer welsh for his work in protecting our residents and express deep condolences to his family, particularly his children. he will be remember by colleagues and community or his service. i also want to recognize the passing of a friend and a fellow public servant, teresa burke. for the last decade she served as an analyst at the public utilities commission in addition to her work on complicated legislation she was greatly respected by her colleagues for
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her work advocating consumer interest in securing grant opportunities for new initiatives and serving as the departmental liaison on climate change before her work at the puc. she served as an analyst for the department of public works. i knew teresa not only as a woman who is deeply committed to serving the public but as a friend and i think many of us who are active in public life knew her. she would be dearly missed by many of us here at city hall. i have one additional item. today i will be introducing a supplemental appropriations for domestic violence. recent data has shown that the demand for city departments and our nonprofits for domestic violence assistance has increased significantly, steadily, while funding for such services has stayed at best flat or decreased. in the most recent report on domestic violence put out by our city over the last one year period documented by that report we have seen as a city 47% more
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calls to domestic violence hot lines, 29% more beds needed at shelters, 17% more convicted batters by our adult probation and 200% increase in child support cases involving family violence. within our district attorney's office the numbers are more severe. increase in the number of cases an extremely underresourced case load. over the last two year period, the case load per month has increased double. the number of trials that have been prosecuted have increased by a third. the san francisco felony case load is 67% higher than the case load in san mateo county, 150% higher than the case load in santa clara and 233% higher than the case load in alameda county. the supplemental that i appear proposing is a 750,000 amount with a focus on domestic
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violence victims, calling for additional staffing with the district attorney's office, with more prosecutors, investigators, and in particular victim advocates, with additional funding for community providers of civil legal services for domestic violence victims to help such victims get restraining orders, his child custody, and immigration assistance. funding for domestic violence public awareness campaign and the the restoration of a previously eliminated domestic violence policy analyst position who had been, until recently, the only city staff position devoted -- focused on domestic violence. colleagues, as we all know over the past year we've had significant public discourse on domestic violence, but despite the recent controversy, everyone agrees that we need to do more to protect and bolster our safety net for our domestic violence victims from our mayor, our district attorney, our sheriff and our colleagues. im4 p want to thank supervisors cohen, kim and mar for their
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early cosponsorship and i also understand that supervisors wiener, farrell and avalos will also be supporting. the rest of my items i will submit. >> the clerk: thank you. supervisor elsbernd. >> supervisor elsbernd: thank you, madam clerk. i have two in memoriams today. the first, the mother-in-law for our on again, off again, on again deputy clerk da clerk kayn gay. secondly, if we could, on behalf of the entire board of supervisors, i'd ask if we could adjourn today's meeting in memory of former san matillo county supervisor mike nevin. mike was a very good friend of mine, someone who i looked up to a great deal, someone who i really saw as a role model in
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this job. prior to entering politics, mike was a 27 year member of the rising to the level of inspector. he then, in his adopted home of daly city, joined the daly city city council, served there for 10 years, serving as mayor for two years. he then stepped up to the san matillo county board of supervisors and served on that board for 12 years. in his collective 10 year at both daly city city council and county board of supervisors he served on a variety of regional agencies, mtc, caltrain, bay area management district, you name it, he probably served on it. what i got to know him well on was transportation issues. when i had the pleasure of serving at the caltran board where supervisor cohen is now, and it could open any door you wanted. he was a legend, not just because of his warm amazing permipersonality and intellect.
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but more beyond his public service and commitment i think what i will remember most about mike and the example he most set to me is that of dedication to family and dedication to his community. much more beyond being an elected office, having some sort of title. i think the title he cared most about was father, grandfather, brother, cousin. his family was so absolutely important to him. i read through his obituary, and it reminds me to some extent of how i felt after i wrote and read my father's own obituary in but it doesn't come close to really saying who this man was. mike gave his entire life to his brother and sister, both as family, but also when i say that i mean collectively, his entire
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society. truly someone who will be missed dearly. his wife of 45 years, kathleen, his three children, one of whom is a member of our own police department, lt. mike nevin. a great man who leaves a great legacy, not just in san mateo county but throughout the region. i know i can say it on behalf of everyone here, his family is.ln sent our deepest condolences. >> presidencondolences if we could -- >> president chiu: if we could adjourn as a board for mike nevin and kay gulbengay. >> clerk calvillo: supervisor campos. >> supervisor campos: thank you, supervisor elsbernd, for the very moving comments about supervisor nevin. i have a couple of items, and i'd like to begin by just talking about an item that i
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think has been debated many times here. and i don't know if this will be the last time that it's mentioned at the board of supervisors. probably not. but i do want to thank the mta board of directors today who just, a couple of hours ago, voted unanimously to approve the implementation of the free muni for low income youth program. and i want to thank all of the members of the board of directors for their support. i also want to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues on the board of supervisors, who were cosponsors of3áthis project. supervisors avalos, president chiu, supervisors cohen, kim, mar, and olague. thank you very much. more importantly, we want to thank the members of the community who have been working on this pilot project for actually more than two years. power, chinatown development community sorry, san francisco youth commission, urban habitat
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cosponsoring with supervisor cohen, who has been doing a great deal of work, since her election, on the issue of reproductive rights. it's a resolution commemorating the 40th anniversary of rowe v wade at th and commending the wf those in san francisco. the 40th anniversary, the landmark supreme court decision, and those of us who have seen the importance of this know that the access to legal and affordable family planning has been integral to expandingjpzcs for success and satisfaction by women and girls in their emotional, economic, educational and professional spheres. one in three american women will actually have an abortion by age 45.
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couples have used birth control. and we know that the denial of abortion care perpetuates poverty because what we see is that women of lower income are five times more likely to have uunintended pregnancies. we have seen unfortunately in the last few years a tendency to, throughout the country, to undermine the right of women to choose whether or not to have an abortion. states have actually enacted twice as many antichoice laws in 2011 as they did in any recent previous year. many states are actually still shutting down crucial reproductive health and family planning services for women throughout the country. the house of representatives recently actually voted, in its most recent session to defund title 10 which is the only federal program that is exclusively dedicated to family planning and reproductive-%( +/
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health, including agencies like planned parenthood. we, in san francisco, can be proud of our history and our right of women to choose, and here in san francisco, because of the efforts of many people, including supervisor cohen, were one of the first cities to pass an ordinance forbidding crisis pregnancy centers that do not provide or refer abortion care from continuing to use deceptive advertising to take advantage of vulnerable pregnant women. so it's something to be proud of. and our own mayor has also cosponsored a resolution approved by the u.s. conference of mayors where the right of women to choose was also reaffirmed. we will be having a celebration of women life and liberty on january 26, 2013, at jefferson herman plaza. through this resolution, we as a reaffirming the importance of reproductive health rights and
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justice, and we commend the work of the7[ úv pro-choice workersd service providers, who make sure that the rights embedded ingfjhe v wade are protected in san francisco. the last item i have is an item -- and i want to thank supervisor christina+!jpgn al r working on this. a number of serious allegations have been made and there will be investigations with respect to those. but where i think it's important for us as a board to focus is what's happening in terms of the needs of the residents of the housing authority developments. ium( ;h will remind folks that e housingjp'e authority was actuay established by this board of supervisors in 1938. it is actually the oldest housing authority in the state of california, and the 17th
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largest in the countries. and it is clear, from talking to legal counsel, that we have oversight responsibilitiess!ja=d the ability to understand how they are performing, in their responsibilities. again the focus is not on the individuals or personalities, but simply what is happening to address the needs of the residents. and so with that in mind, i just want to note that with the support of supervisor olague i will be, in the next few days, introducing a motion requesting that the board's budget and legislative analyst simply conduct a review, a performance review of how the authority, how the agency is performing its duties. i think it's something that we can all benefit from, from past performance, audits and reviews, we have learned a lot about various agencies, muni being an example. and i think that to the extent that good things are happening, it's1q@÷ an opportunity for us
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to highlight and showcase those positive things. and to the extent that there aren't good things happening it's good for us to also learn better. so i look forward to that work and to my colleagues supporting the budget and legislative analyst undertaking that task. and, you know, once that task is completed, if it is approved, hopefully we'll have an opportunity to have a substantive discussion about what's working well, what subject, and how we can make sure all of the needs of our residents are addressed. as someone who has four housing developments in my district, i know that6 to make sure that the needs of those residents are addressed.3 the rest i submit. thank you. >> clerk calvillo: thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor wiener. >> supervisor>( x] wiener: thank you, madam clerk. today, i'm introducing two hearing requests. the first, i'm introducing along
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with supervisor cohen, relates to high speed rail in san francisco. as you know, the the state legislature voted to move forward with some very important high speed rail project. the northern california segment is slated to receive $600 million in proposition 1(a) funding as an early investment. many of us are committed to the ultimate success of high speed rail and caltrain electrification and we therefore would like to hear an update on san francisco's participation in this early investment. we understand that the first step is moving forward on long desired electrification of caltrans but we need to know san francisco. we need to know how the city's project, along with our partners in7 project, along with our partners we need to know how we are financing our share of the local match. at this hearing we will discuss next steps and including which agencies are working on this, we can make sure everyone is
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working3(( byi together. the second hearing request has to do with recent friends in robberies including armed robberies in san francisco. we've seen a spike in a number of robberies, many of them around smart phones and ipads, whether people robbing people on buses. recently in my district, we've had a string of armed robberies in residential areas, in the middle of the day, very scary incidents. i know this is happening around the city. opportunity for the police overview and strategies and also a chance to educate the public on what we're doing, and how the public can help protect itself. thankséj:x you. >> clerk calvillo: thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: thank you verygyt)7 much. i just want to take a moment to say a couple of words for a
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gentleman that passed. his name was percy hater. he passed away this past saturday december 1 at the aimg of # 2. although he was born in tyler texas he spentu in san francisco. he's the father of five kids, three daughters and two sons. one of his daughters was a friend of one of myl he was a.a( #u5 notoriously kne funny and loving. he was a plumber, a contractor, confidence in his workers, in his team. he didn't cut corners, and he always went above and beyond the job at hand. when i spoke to his children, i asked them what their fondest memory would be of their father generous, and kind, and greeting everyone with a smile. i would have to agree with that statement.
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the last time i saw mr. hater was at sally's restaurant. he was standing in line in front of me, taking a long time to pay for his meal. i said mr. hater, hurry=[j-w up. and turnedfdjal around and smi. he was about a quarter short. instead of fumbling in his pocket i gave him a quarter. that was the last time i saw him and one of my fondest memories i have of him. he was a great man. i'd like to close out the board in he will be missed. thank you. >> clerk calvillo: mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster that concludes roll call for introd/bj@çé4j4(p&c"p%>> presid. why don't we go to general public comment. >> the clerk: now is the opportunity for the public to items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar, please note that public comment is not allowedu%( .x on those items whh board committee.
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assistance will bejágiven twice the amount of time. if you would like a document to projector, statep?( :h such ande it when the meeting returns to live meeting. >> president chiu: let's hear from our first speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the corporate rape of our public library, don't give money don't accept money from the friends of the library. today and next week i will be speaking without my usual graphics on the premise that anything different might cause you to look up. ford,jtx those whotjdc do note chamber it is obvious in the broadcast that supervisors give no indication that they are paying any attention because so many people have complained recently the supervisors do not brazenly as they used to. in the 1990's there was a supervisor named sue bierman who one day during a budget hearing stated all the departments in the city create some0( ñ opposin
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or controversy except the library, and that she, quote, never gets any letters critical of the library. to this day, i have no idea whether she was intentionally insulting me or whether the i wonder if i asked for a show of hands now how many of the present supervisors have never seen a letter from me. i won't do that of course because the question would imply that you're listening to me now. let me tell you anyway that if let me tell you anyway that if you haveó any criticism of the public-private partnership that is the library department, someone on your staff deserves a bonus. the trouble is that if you don't listen, you have no jp control r or how vulnerable you are to corruption is a bottomless pit.ñ knowledge is the only limit to that corruption. power. i say all the time that i care about the library, but you don't
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have to care about the library. it is not about the library. if they can buy your ignorance, they can destroy what you do care about. what they can destroy, because itself. and that is why, as always, the thank you. >> members of the board of supervisors, ray hartz, director of san francisco open government. here's a copy of today's agenda you will see know your rights i've heard a lot of members of this thing, in particular one particular person whossr:pi liko whine about the task force. here's an order of dangerous,aj- determination finding the city attorney's office to violated here's the san francisco policey commission to have violated the
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law. here's one finding the rent board to have violated the law. san francisco police commission here's another one finding the police commission to have violated the law. here's one finding the library commission to have violated the law. here's a referral for enforcement to the ethics commission. here's another order finding( uñ louise herrera to have violated here's the referral to the district attorney regarding that matter,úz%( +p here's a referre ethics commissioñcjsú regardingt meter. here's a referral to the city violation. here's another referral, and a directive to all city agencies and finally, the latest one, if this board of supervisors would quit whining sunshine ordinance, and they(4 l take an oath each year to have.5 telling city agencies that the
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sunshine ordinance, and they(4 l their knowledge of it, then maybe they wouldn't have as many visits to the sunshine ordinance visits to the sunshine ordinance taskq. government or the city family that you like to call it that has to spend time there, citizens also have to spend time there, and usually a lot more and they violate the laws of a >> president chiu: thank you. next speakerkb ó. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm peter warfield, executive association. the library has an unfortunate record of not only violatingo7( from me and the previous speakeñ and others, but unfortunately is
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expert at let us call it misdirection. at a relatively recent library commission meeting, the deputy city attorney got into -- excuse me, the deputy city librarian got into the act when she said, having heard a great deal about the difficulties and the financial arrangements and commitments, shee actually the friends had not committed to provide 16 million as we've heard for 10ijp;n yed more, regarding the branchq%($
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