tv [untitled] December 7, 2012 6:00am-6:30am PST
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[speaker not understood] or bicycle parking and [speaker not understood] and other amenities in that space. we've also made concurrently other improvements on the east-west street intersecting sixth street and those include lowering the speed limits on howard, folsom, harrison and bryant within the same time frame from 30 to 25 miles an hour. so, it's been a year. we did the evaluation and we found that the change is working with minimal impacts. we not only looked at sixth street, but also fifth and seventh as a corridor and the traffic did not shift significantly or change significantly on those streets. so, based on that, we recommend that it be approved and made permanent and we presented the results to city planning and they gave it a categorical exemption now for this particular proposal.
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>> what is the board's mesh you? er >> motion to approve. >> second. >> any discussion? all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? thank you. ms. gilbert. >> moving on to item 10.5, authorizing the director to execute a termination agreement with the city of san francisco downtown parking corporation for the fifth & mission garage, and execute agreements with vendors, consultants, and commercial tenants. directors, in addition to a member of the public wishing to address you, staff also requested that the item be severed. they would request that you amend the resolution to add language to -- one of the result clauses that would state -- it would add the following language. on term substantially similar to the enclosed agreement. so, the further resolve clause would read the san francisco transportation authorizes the director to execute a termination agreement with the san francisco downtown parking [speaker not understood] insert
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language, on terms substantially similar to the enclosed agreement: and execute agreement with vendors, consultants and commercial tenants, et cetera, et cetera. >> is there a member of the public who wishes to zvictiontion about this? -- to speak about this? >> yes, david con. >> good afternoon. i've dadev kahn, [speaker not understood], on behalf of the san francisco downtown parking corporation board. * david i'm working with the board, san francisco downtown parking board to finalize use agreement for the 5th and mission garage. i've been speaking the last several days with the city attorney's office and actually this afternoon with mr. roberts and mr. katari. we have a few remaining issues with respect to the lease termination. it is the expectation those remaining issues will be resolved and the language finalized no later than friday at 12 o'clock. i've discussed that with mr. katari.
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the staff recommendation as the board understands it is to approve the lease termination subject to the ability to ratify the language provided that it remains substantially similar to the agreement before the board and we agree with that recommendation. >> sir, thank you. anybody else care to address the board? if not, we need to do the amendment first as described. there is a motion to approve the amendment. is there a second >> second. >> discussion all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? okay. [laughter] >> okay. the man is willing to wait three hours to tell us he likes [speaker not understood]. [laughter] >> i'm not going to stand in the way. >> okay. we have a motion to second on the amended resolution. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? the ayes have it. thank you. >> item 10.8, revising the san francisco municipal railway's schedule of fares for friday, december 28, 2012 to provide transit service at no cost for all passengers of san francisco municipal railway vehicles in celebration of muni's 100th anniversary.
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thises was severed at the request of a member of the public, eric scott. * this was >> mr. scott. it's my hope that we can kill two birds with one stone here. december 28th is the last friday of the month. this is the day when we are traditionally subjected to the horror known as critical mass. i'm hoping that everyone who is able to can take advantage of muni's generosity and celebrate this as leave your bicycle at home day, muni is free, please ride it. thank you. >> thank you very much. [laughter] >> okay. is there -- would you like to make a motion? >> move to approve. >> second. >> discussion? all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> mr. chairman, that completes your consent calendar. now we will go back up to last but not least, item 9, this is
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an opportunity for members of the public to address members on issues not on the calendar. herb wiener, barry toronto and mark gruberg are the only people who have submitted speaker cards. >> [speaker not understood]. i really wish you and i had the opportunity to speak earlier. i've been waiting a very long time, perhaps longer than waiting for a muni bus. first, they went after the parking meter. then the taxi medallions and now they're coming after my senior fast pass. the proposed sliding scale for fast passes is a means test, similar to that used for applying for public assistance. it is disguised as an attack on the affluent senior citizens but is the opening for further stringent eligibility standard for fast passes for everyone. it is basically a means of raising revenue. in the meantime, the buses
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don't run on time. we'll be lucky to be home by christmas next year. this is in essence the rifkin doctrine. eternal fiscal plunger and service reduction. the mta board has a responsibility to hold this in check. we are approximating the service standards of emelio cruz of 15 plus years ago. viva emelio. i must add in closing if you are going to put through the standard for the fast past rate for senior citizens, mr. rifkin bet r be willing to pay $100 a month for his fast pass. [speaker not understood] equality for everyone. >> next speaker, please. >> barry toronto followed by mark gruberg. is mr. gruberg here? okay, all right. >> mr. toronto. yes, good afternoon again.
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i first want to alert you that i saw on facebook somebody shared a link of an article in the new york times about the international association of taxi regulators was working on creating regulations to deal with those apps, [speaker not understood] and side cart. our own chris hiyashi has been instrumental in being involved in helping create those regulations. i think i'm a little disturbed that this information is not getting out to you guys and to us about what you guys are actually doing. i think it's important that this information and what she's actually proposing be included, is actually advertised -- proposed -- advertised so we have an idea what's going on. and that helps us in having confidence that sfmta is doing something, and where this is going to go. and i think that's important that you get a presentation
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from her in your january 15th meeting about what's happening with that. because we still haven't had any -- the formal discussion about how to deal with that, although the cpuc has taken some action if you read about that. the next issue is the football games coming up. as you know, they're playing miami this weekend at home and they're most likely going to be in one roof game for sure and probably going to host it. and i'm concerned about there should be some -- can be police officers hired to help monitor the taxi service at the ballpark starting late in the third quarter after the game, during the game and after the game in order to make sure that the legal taxis get the fares before rather than the illegal taxis and the vehicleses that are not licensed to pick up just by showing up * without an actual appointment to pick somebody up. and you know the law. so, i urge you to make sure
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that there's tough, stricter enforcement to help the 49ers in terms of getting better taxi service and also in keeping the illegal taxis out. >> mr. chairman, that's the last person who turned in a speaker card. >> are we having the closed session? >> no. >> we are not. >> this completes the business before you today. >> with that, members, we are adjourning this afternoon in the memory of supervisor mike nevin, a wonderful, wonderful man and did much for san francisco, the entire area. i want to wish everybody a happy holiday. hope to see many people on the 28th. just want to say it's a pleasure to work with all of you, mr. rifkin, our outstanding staff. with that, we stand adjourned. thank you. [adjourned]
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>> bend it over like that. we chop it. >> while you do this if you come across something that looks hazardous, material wise, >> like this paint? >> you can't take paint. >> that gets dealt with by? >> we have a patrol truck thal pick up the paint. >> we have tv monitors and tires. you want to look for needles we don't mix needles with the garbage. >> you have to be a positive
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person in a way to deal with this job. you are dealing with areas you know it's been cleaned. >> basically it happens a lot where you clean up an area. you come back a couple of days later and it's back to that again. we more or less are used to it. that's -- it's our job. you have to get used to it. it's a fact. that's the way it is. >> sure. yeah. >> okay. >> what do you think, are you ready to sign up? >> totally. i'm over dressed. >> a little warm? must be the sweat.
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>> part of the daily routine is george our steamer. you see the wall people urinate on the and the sidewalk. a trick. i get it up like this. somebody got to do it. the bigger they -- >> pull the trigger. >> careful, the water's really hot, too. >> i have been on a packer truck. i painted removed graffiti. my favorite. >> what's that smell? pine. one of my favorite, a guy got his head stuck in a trash can.
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we had to get vasoline and rub his ears. [laughter]. what goes on here we will empty out and clear this area. >> ever find stuff like drugs or anything? do you deal with that. >> i don't know, do you find anything? >> everything's trash. >> dave, let's get a little of that. >> the way to do it easier without opening the can is push off the debris off the top and you are topping off the can. we are not supposed to empty the can. there is a can on every corner. sometimes we get calls the majority of my work is done on eyesight if i see it i do it.
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downtown we fill up 3 or 4 times a day. >> daily it could change and be various different assignments that come up. we can swing by, we see some of the trucks unloading in the area. >> this is our dump site, this is where we dump the debris. we come twice a day to unload all the trucks. i need you to go on up there and he will assist you to unloading the mattress and the futons. >> okay. okay. >> sometimes you see it popping out. you have to be very careful.
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pushing in and down. pull it out. >> you have been here once earlier? >> did you have as much stuff? >> more. >> oh , my god. >> did you survive your day in dpw? >> i did i learned quite a bit. the packing truck. shovelling stuff. the steamer i thought i was a candidate for an industrial accident. >> we have 340 employees. most of the people out there do it every day. >> i'm ready to turn in my vest. >> did a good job today. >> would you pass him on probation. >> yes. see you tomorrow at 6 i
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>> so again good morning everyone. i am ed risk. i am the transportation director in the great city of san francisco and it's my great pleasure and delight to welcome you today to a great celebration. what we're celebrating here is the partnership that many of you that are with us today that have gotten to this point. we are
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celebrating the fact that we have gotten to this point and the investments that will central sup way will bring to san francisco and what it means for this city and this region. i can't tell you what an honor and privilege it is to serves as the transportation director in this great city. we ordered san francisco weather to deep the dust down and we are in a construction site and it's a great time for transportation across the nation largely because of some of the folks you will hear who are to my left and your right. it is also a great time to be in san francisco because we have leadership here in the city that are encouraging innovation, that recognize the importance of investment and infrastructure, and there is no better manifestation of that than this project and that prt is man manifested in a way that
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i can see no more strongly in our great mayor who have been been a public works director, a city administrator, and helped build the city's plan he really gets this stuff. he is really engaged in this stuff. i don't think a week has come gone by that he hasn't asked me when this day is coming and it's a pleasure to introduce our mayor ed lee. >> thank you for your wonderful leadership. over 20-25 years ago when we were struggling with the earthquake, when people in chinatown said "gosh we're really going to suffer, and if we're going to be participating in our great economy in san
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francisco we have to find a way for better transportation routes to transfer people up north and down south of the city, and when we call ourselves a city as a transit first city there is no better example than that than what is reflected in the plans for the central subway. this project is a vital enhancement of our public transportation system. it's going to significantly improve the movement of tens of thousands of franciscans and if you were here this past weekend when people were predicting it would be jam san francisco instead of san francisco you knew that folks were educated because of the great leadership at our mta, our county transportation, all of our transit systems and were at the highest level of educating the visitors and others to use public transportation. it will work for all of us and as we
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build the housing units we identified in hunter's point and treasure island and welcome more people to our great city and we are growing as a result. we are going to have the greatest subway system that can connect to our bart, to our caltrans, to up and down our muni lines. this central subway will be a great success. it will connect to some of the most densely populated and rapidly developing areas, and it will improve access to all of our vibrant communities, and really is investments like this that will foster loyalty among all of our public transit customers while we reduce carbon emissions, make our city cleaner and cleaner. i'm not the only one that thinks this way. you know i'm among many, many friends today in the
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audience, on stage and i would like to invite at this time someone who has made it a practice to visit our city regularly, to make sure this project was being planned well, that the initial funds that were granted to us by president obama and with the great work of our congressional delegates and speaker pelosi and senator feinstein we would make sure to use it in the right way and creating the jobs and the investment that people wanted to see. u.s. transportation secretary ray lahood. please share this announcement. >> hello san francisco. i am delighted to be here to celebrate with all of you three
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very important champions for this project. senator feinstein who doesn't often call me, but when she does i pay attention, and four years ago when i went to see her about a number of issues this project was number one on her list. we need to get it done. we need to get a full funding grant agreement. she has been a champion for this project from the beginning going back -- i am sure she will tell you, i don't know how far. speaker pelosi, a champion for this project. [applause] speaker pelosi doesn't call me very often, but when she does it's always important. four years ago when i took this job i went to see the speaker. this was number one on her list. how do we get this project done?
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jackie spear a strong advocate for this project. you have three great champions, and i will also tell you that in working with senator boxer on the transportation bill this project was always at the top of her list. [applause] so i am delighted to be here. i don't know of another place i would rather be, and i know that all of you are so thrilled with the opportunity that this will create. every one of you sitting out there deserves credit. you've all played a role in this in some way or another. this is not about you. it's about the people. it's also about the next generation of transportation for the next generation for san francisco. that's what this is about. this is your vision. it's a clear vision, and so i am delighted, and very proud to announce today
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$942 million to the san francisco -- [applause] for the san francisco mta to extend the central subway light rail system from the downtown business district to chinatown. thousands of people will be enabled with good transportation as a result of this project. now, i have a long speech here but i'm going to stop because i know every one of these other people has more important things to say. thank you to the champions. congress women spears, speaker pelosi, senator feinstein and senator boxer you
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will well served in washington d c and the people will be well served by this project. thank you san francisco. >> secretary lahood. thank you very much for that wonderful news. >> [inaudible] >> it's a really truly a great day for san francisco. great cities need great public transportation systems, and you know what? you know what makes our city great with all these leaders? they listen. they listen to our communities. they understand -- because for years our communities pleaded we need better transportation systems what makes our leaders so great they listen and they act. that is so wonderful. that is what standard that we have for all of our public officials. secretary lahood if you could thank president obama from all of us. yes. [applause]
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because i know today we're going to spend a lot of precious moments thanking leader pelosi and congress women fine 79 and boxer and. >> >> we're going to thank all of our community members and from china town and all of them have worked very hard. these are not easy projects. they're very complicated and people had to work at the highest levels to make sure that every aspect worked, and a person who has worked tirelessly for 20 years and we join in celebrating 25 years of being in our congress and sought at every stage to make sure these funds were projected, to make sure we're
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doing our part, that congress is doing their part, all of the federal agencies, the person that first called me to share the news we're out of the white house and into the congress and wait our magical 60 to 90 days and lees give a warm welcome leader nancy pelosi. [applause] >> who is also keeping track on the giants. >> you know mr. mayor i always listen attentively to every world you say but i know you want me to say it's the bottom of the ninth and one out and in a matter of minutes we have another cause for celebration and you said jam san francisco didn't happen last week. we may have another potential for this weekend as well. thank you mr. mayor for your kind words. thank you everyone for the role
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you played in making this important day possible. i am here with my son paul and he can attest to the fact we are part of the 30 stockton crowd. we used to take it downtown and we would say "here comes the bus. there goes the bus". because it was always crowded mr. secretary. it would always be crowded and today is one things that contributes to the mobility of families, bringing people to work to play and improve their quality of life. secretary lahood has been one of the truest friends to san francisco. he has been a leader that has -- [applause] -- he has helped us make our case to the white house, to omb, and the rest. as we celebr
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