tv [untitled] December 10, 2012 12:30pm-1:00pm PST
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in what is now district 10. for over 70 years my family has contributed to this economy through taxes, real estate taxes,cq) :x sales taxesej@ñ and i'm here to speak on behalf of the community sponsored radio station kpoo, who as youpjpfk know, broadcasts the board ofcejpó supervisors meeting,b? mar you know, you used to work there, free of charge lot of91 for over 32 years. it was founded by joe0kf ejy now theyl%(rs even had their own phone line which they hadf%(@ to disconnect just recently because they're running out of funds. now, it came to the public's
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attention that $15 million were found. so we're feeling that it's about time that thisinnñiñ world-class city share the wealth with kpoo. their people came out, they volunteer mar, you know that, they don't get paid for that. in fact one of theg"(d come out, donald lacy he lost his daughter to homicide. this is victim homicide victim survivors month. and he voluntarily did that. and during the time that they were tryingnñá$ to tar and feather elected sheriff mirkarimi marvin dimlyq a+rñ passed. and there was no adjourning[j in his memory. i thought -- i think that would be a nice gesture. he was over the congressional
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black caucus. >> supervisor chiu: thank you very muchfwwf t÷. owen. >> good afternoon. john didonna from san francisco. this is just a general-ap,e philosophicalh at the root of the controversy is a question of what human beings are how are we t|( q7 act,:/( and function in a way that is true to our spirit nature, and intellect. i use the word intellect in its ancient text, to bev:( # one thing from another is the power to make?ipp distinctions to sort things throughwmo i've been] that concerns me the most in this battle for our minds.
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we should be taught not what to think, but how to think. thank you for listening. >> -- all the supervisors)i( of la you about the future my future, our future, the future of the city. we was discussing education in item 13, and i feel that ifl( don't fire up every channel if we don't liquidate every pipeline and search every avenue[vjld in! >> president chiu: excuse me, sir. we have a rule in the board chamber that issues that have already been discussed in committee can't be discussed in public comment today. that being said if you want to discuss education issues in general you're free to do that. >> yeah. i feel like the children that's in schoolútpñ now they're going to be sitting in these seats, the same children so if
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we don't get on top of this education crisis, we're basically"wp(g÷ contributing to the demise of our own future and the future of this city. so i think that it's important that we do have the conversation about education as often as we possibly can, not just when it's time to fork over some money to the school district. i feel like we need to hold them more accountable the community, and city government. and i think we always need to have that conversation about black and brown,mxr'a÷ and race, when we.é about education because i see that the city is taken off as far as -- industry without black and brown youth, and we're putting tags on black and brown children andé+ to prison because a lot of times these funding -- you know we come up with things that we think are going to work, and 2.7 million sounds a lot to some people.
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my bad. but whatever we come upc4ji' with,1lj÷ if it doesn't work let's just not keep sending the kids straight to jail. it's like we need to come up with more things to do whether it be finding more money or developing a self-supporting mechanism that produces human capital so that manufacturers human capital so that we can given some other type of capital to kids, as far as, you know, human capital, like education. thank you. god bless you all. >> president chiu: thanks. next speakerr@y,. >> i'll be using the overhead. this is my daughter, charlotte molinari. what i'm going to speak to you about is very sensitive for me and you all as well because it has to do with the abuse of power, from law enforcement to elected3* officials, retired
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politiciansk= io such as doug bosco and willie brown. it's because of3tj their power that my daughter went from missing9i%( 7zñ to dead. this has to do with domestic violence. if sonoms of energy in her father raping me teen prostitution, and teen drugs not being locked up she would be alive. i am sick when i look and compare and contrast what happened with domestic dispute in your county and in mine, knowing that this same power and influence that prevented justice in my case created another set of injustice in the opposite direction in your case. i know that you have somewhat resolved that problem, but not fully. i came here specifically to speak to you, and also to your
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sheriff. one of the things-zp8d that could come out of this as a positive with all this dispute about legitimate rape is i begged for the investigators to give me a polygraph test. they said they couldn't. so i'd like your help with getting a law passed on the federal and state level so that witnesses and those accused of sexual assault domestic violence have a mandatory polygraph or state of the art go to the f.b.i. on how you can detect lies. victims have theè:xáñ opposite. while it might not be used in court it would help the investigators so they're not wasting time on false claims and so people9j%( ic-hat are harmed are helped. so i look forward to continuing our communication helping me resolve injustice in your county and helping you resolve injustice in mine. >> president chiu: thank you very muchajq .
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. and best regards to mayor -- to the mayor. did not moses give you the law? yet none of you keeps theejpz& law. why you looking for an opportunity to kill me? the crowd answered, you have a$ d demon. who is trying to kill you. jesus answered them i performed one work and all of you are astonished. moses gave you the it is of course not from moses but from the patriots and you circumcise a man on sabbath. if a man receives circumcision on the sabbath in order that the law of >opmm are you angry with me because i
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healed a man's body -- a man's whole body on the sabbath? do not judge by appearances but judge with the right judgment. the lord said to moses iuj( will bring one more plague uponóojpq pharaoh and egypt afterwards he '( bz will let you go from here. indeed whether he lets you go he will drive you away. tell the people that every man is to ask his neighbor and every woman is to ask her neighbor, for objec and gold. the lord gave the people favor in the sight of the egyptian. however moreover, moses himself was a man of great importance in the lém of pharaoh's officials and the sight of the people. every first-born in the land of egypt shall die from thee4
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first-born of;> president chiu: thank you very much. no, every member of the public gets the same amount of time. thank you very muchíyje.x. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name's douglas yep. i've lived in san francisco for 60 years. i would like to thank heather knight and the cron!m%( s@ñ chronicle exposing bullying tactics at the housing authority. in my opinion that's been going on in the san francisco hierarchy form, starting with my own experience in 1999 when i saw my coworker,
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a dead gayg%( bg death at san francisco general hospital and to this day every one of the board of supervisors, in my humble opinion, have been gutless for not taking up the subject especially a certain somebody sitting to my left. i would like to quote somebody in this article. it says here, lee said i've been called a bully and i don't)jpx think i am. wrong. i challenge you to make up with the sheriff. whatever happened to the publicj@á makeup. if there's not going to be a public makeup i challenge the government audit and oversight committee with the new leader i may say, to take up that issue, and to confront it head-on. lee said during the giants parade that he was a team player. i don't see anyué%(v3ñ teamwork. all i see is a big baby. and ifóji you don't like it, you
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will help provide those services and help counsel survivors on all their options and assist them in finding safety for themselves and their children.qjsñ this money would enabl!jpwl my agency in particular to fund a full timeá0%($ma spanish-speaking attorney position. i want to thank you very much for your consideration of this. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm mari mckeefer, manager attorney with legal services program. supervisorfjp thank you for your leadership in funding forr( [qñwb vn domestic violence services. i would like to -- our staff and volunteer attorneys represent survivors of domestic violence in civil court cases involving child custody, child support and spousal support. many of our clients have already obtained permanent restraining orders against their abusers but abusers continue to harassnurúm them
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by aggressively pursuing custody and visitation of their children, children that they are oftenaó%( i! also abusing. for many of these abusers, filing motions in civil court is just another tool in their toolbox of abuse. because our justice system is complex and intimidating providing legal representation to survivors of domestic violence ensures3 those survivors as well as the÷.lg children. thank you for supporting the increased fundingp$&0y for these services. next speaker9%( "u. >> good afternoon, president chiu andoyjp$[ fellow members of the board of supervisors. i am here to say that i'm very frustrated with the sf mta. i think it's timeutihír that we should look at if they should be elected,$%( rp or if that some of the members of1l appointed by your body, rather than just approved by your body
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after being appointed by the mayor. i believe sf mta hasz9( ; decimated the taxi industry, has made it more difficult for cab drivers to provide better service,!?( #fe and1 has also treated cab drivers as slaves under a system that tries to get as much money as possible.ftjul÷ and today theyp&h did approve some money for a pilot program for 16 months under the low-%(ú[. income free muni for youth. they also had to ak we esto az lot of businesses in-=dx' north beach because they columbus avenue and they ended up ak weeing to the concerns. the lastri"cñ point is is about the meters on/ajgñ sundays. you ought to be concernedj7 that, and the impact it's going to have on the businesses that operate on sundays, and the fact thatg p4z people, not just outside the city but in the city expect to go somewhere without worrying about putting money in the meter
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and the)pñ the impact it will have once they get a ticket you won't see them back shopping anywhere. i think you ought to take thisyjp!ñ÷ concern up before it gets implemented on january they're actually going to have three weeks ofq< vi leeway before9 % ythey start actually issuing tickets. they're go1'nnn be hiring new parking patrol officers and i'm very much concernedvjpe going to harm the business -- the small business atmosphere of this city. and i urge you to act -- because i heard8(d owens that he actually blamed you, the board of supervisors, for implementing this and you had nothing to do with it, nothing. and i think it's important to reassess the power that the sf mta board has and the impact it has on you getting the blame for all ofu5ncj this. in closing, i would like to also congratulate those members who are either reelected to the board ofp
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i am so glad that supervisor mar campos and avalos got reelected to the board, but i am very sad today, andkejq;w i want to say goodbyej-%8 v in christina olague who has done a very good job for her community and shekr%( #jñ did not deserve theb otherwise for all the work she's done as a member of the planning commission. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you very much. any other members -- any other members of the public wish to speak in general public comment? 8 v_u!lic comment is now closed. madam clerk, could you read adoption without committee reference calendar. >> clerk calvillo: items 39 throughr9( bi 43 are being considered for immediate and unanimous adoption without committee reference they will be acted upon by a single roll call 'xph] it can be separately0 >> president chiu: would anyone like to sever these items? let's take a roll call vote on all of the resolutions. >> clerk calvillo: on items 39 through 43, supervisor mar, aye. superviso>k
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supervisor wiener,0mju% aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos ÷ aye. president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, ji supervisor kim aye. there are 11 ayes. >> president chiu: thosem9jpxv÷ resolutions are adopted. madam clerk, could you read the inñnnnnct memoriams. >> clerk calvillo: yes. adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalfóej1rd of president chiu for the late mr. officer philip welsh, ong( v behalf president chiu and supervisor elsbernd for the late teresa burke on behalf of supervisor elsbernd for theqíj[ late former -- on behalf of supervisor elsbernd and by the full board county supervisor mat nevin and bp÷ kay gulbengay and the late percy hater. >> president chiu: is there any more business before the
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