tv [untitled] December 17, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PST
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opportunities under the following conditions the tenants is in good standing so bow dean is [spelling?] so they have consistently reporting their obligations in a timely manner and reporting all of their duties under the lead and there has been no issue with them in terms of least obligation they have a good community partner. number 210 inapt is committed to making a significant invest in the leasehold which will benefit of the port. well we have seen that happen before and they are doing the same a $350,000 investment we consider that significant. they are taking an under utilized piece of the -- if you look at it, it's an octogon so we have h i ask so eight sides and this they are taking the least used sign and put it in a new dinings and beverage service and so we think
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that is significant and there will be for that, then there is going to be generating roughly $350,000 of additional revenue to the port. so $350,000 investment and $350,000 potential return and no rent credit or rent abatement is being offend. so, number three, the benefits of the direct negotiations out weight the competitive bidding well we think there are significant public benefit to this so we are improving our visit visitor experience, we also have they are going to commit to keeping the public rest rooms even, and clean and supervised which, is essential to a positive visitor experience in the whof and so with that i kindly request your approval. thank you ask i have a motion? >> motion to accept second. >> is there any public
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comment on this item? commissioner any questions or comments? seeing none, all in favor? >> aye resolution 1294 has been approved. >> tim nine d is to request to enter into expwhreurve with barbecue of llc., the most-who issued for 2012 for a retail restaurant least and develop of the restaurant site. >> commissioners good afternoon i'll be brief i'm here asking your permission to engage in exclusive negotiations with the most qualified respondent to the rfp request for proposal for the operation and renovation
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site located at terry france soy and the qualified restaurant operators who had who would be able to operate the restaurant and renovate the restaurant and provide the highest return to the port of san francisco and in the rfp we set no monthly represent but instead proposed that the submittals included a proposed monthly rent. we did also annual adjustments we did require a minimum of seven% of all gross sales be included. the construction period in which no rent is paid, may be may have been plopsed the minimum least term would into the exceed 15 years however we were open to respondents proposing option extensions. the again the
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port's objective was to select the most qualified respondent with the ability of finances design to construct and operate the restaurant on the site we received four proposals the first were both barbecues of s f and s f california tribes attach and walk-in brews san francisco it was determines that the rockship bruce was not -- to the proposal and the summary is in the different areas of scoring. again, the i have included a summary of the scoring the written proposals and the interviews we chose to interview 33 of the respondent as a result of the scoring and review by
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the selection committee port staff is requesting and recommending that you authorize or the port staff to negotiate with bows barbecue and bows meets the compatibility for a restaurant operator and boast has demonstratedded the restaurant development process which, is key in working with the port. bows was named many' wards rnlts having @s, top restaurant barbecue 12 and san francisco restaurant named bows one of the top restaurants in the bay area for years and sunset magazine named bows one of the top ten best bar could yous in the west of 2012 what is the concept. family style restaurant, open plan,
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covered patio,s jazz and blues at night, barbecue, and let me see ... by approvalling this, we are not approving a leasehold for bows all you are delegating the authority to sit down with bows and negotiate for 60 days and hopefully arrive at an equitable least between the port and bows barbecue. neck steps next steps if you indeed authorize me if negotiate we anticipate that could take a month to put the least together and we would be back to you with the term and conditions of that least for your approval and following that, we would anticipate going to the board of supervisors for approval and a commencement date optimistically pep; february,
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march -- very optimistic. and i'm happy to answer any of your questions i'm requesting your authorization to negotiate. >> thank you is there any public comment on this item? first of all, i would like to say i appreciate the hard work here with the due dates and with the fact that we had four companies that put in and you chose this and so i'm pleased and i can definitely support this justice has been done. >> thank you just one question. could you tell us what the other proposals were? sure. well the first one rock and brews the most interesting part of that is i can't even similar mondays of quiz kkiss was one of the partners and that is as much as i can say it was not a responsive in -- i won't go into
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detail. stripes, tavern restaurant, first i'll add and i'll backup and say that the three respondents were very good if we had three opportunities, i would love to be able to do three deals with all of these so they were all high quality respondents and the teams were all very high quality. stripes tavern, kind of the difference is they are proposing sick thousand month in minimum represent and seven% of grows sales, capital investment of 750 to 850,000 compare that to s f rent being 5,000 a month, three% annual scalelation seven% of gross sales a rent credit of
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$340,000. and an investment ... is scalelation seven% of gross sales a one-time rent credit of $40,000 only which was in the rfp and that was for a credit because there is insufficient electricity at the premises so other than that, no rent credits. so boast is the highest rent paying per month, if you look at, we have setup a financial model. i don't know if you have received the spread sheet comparing apples to apples and they will pay us a million dollars over the 15 year term more than the second person. so i hope i'm answering your
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question. >> you did i really appreciate it and my commissioner adams said you definitely did your due diligence. diligence. >> yeah and i intrusioned bow and michael lat teen here hi. .... >> stand up i can't see you. hi did you bring me samples? . >> [laughter]. okay. just on a final note and i'll make it very brief. bows stood out as a brand name the other restaurant but bows is something a little more special and so in ever area the proposal, the scoring the interview, they came out on top. >> my brother lives there and so i have already been hearing good things.
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>> okay all in favor? aye resident luxe 125 has been approved. >> item ten a presentation and decide on the port of san francisco blue green way project good answering commissioners david with planning and development and i am to take this opportunity to give the commission and the public an update on a variety of blue green way project and this is a project to complete the water trail from san francisco mission creek on the north to the county line on the south it's a project that has been led by the port but includes many region state and regional agencies currently we have seven project in the act of planning and design and two projects that have been recently completed
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and so this map illustrate the line of blue green way planning and design guidelines and this is a community planning guidelines to define the los angeles and use and provide community and continue youth between the water front and we initiate tattediated this in 2010 and released a address in 2011 and we are aiming to complete this in january of next rather and one of the reasons that we have not been able to complete this yet is to get a number of the items prioritized in the implementation and i'll have an opportunity to circle back and finish the planning and design guidelines. along the blue green way and identified within the planning and design guidelines was the need to establish a unique but unified signage system and the concept on the left illustrate what was
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in the design guidelines and we have a joint venture with indicateet keyingian and associate doing the detail design work for the blue gray sign which will be installed in nine locations between the creek and the park and we home to have the design work completed in the next month and have it go out to bid in the next spring and construction completed ideal in time for america's cup. moving into specific projects, this is the bay front park shore line project the top two pictures is what it looked like before and the bottom two are what it's looking like and if you go out there now there is some other site furnishings and as soon as we took the fence down it has been receiving a lot of use and people are enjoying it today. then we have craning copark
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which, is approximately 8-acre park within the pier 70 area and this past saturday we we had a third in the series of community workshops and 70 attainablities to present a draft concept plan, you may recall in june and july aecosm and their team presented two alternative concept and we reviews them with the commission and a variety of stake holders holders and ae come came together and developed a hybrid version of a draft planning for the entire 8pm acre park and the next slides illustrate the slide zones for the multipulse green and a park and plaza space and three is what we are call the building one 09 court area and four are the maritime garnishes and five is the shore line
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areas and basically crane copark is bound by -- east of ill annoy street and the orange areas are future parcels as identified by the pier 70 master plan if so this is an illustration looking at 19th street at the entrance to the park with the large green area to the left and there is a little key on the bottom right that shows where that view is from this shows how simply four can be adaptively reused as a park area and rehabilitation of the cranes and access into the park from ill know street this shows area three building one 094 courts and so this is just north of leasehold and the sip way four is to the west and we
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are looking to do north generally and so adaptive reuse of one 09 and one ten and creating a plaza space that also recognizes the history of the site and it's former use and ship building and repair what we call the maritime shields. and allowing the ship repair vernacular to be introduced for interpretation and reasonable generally the concept behind park plan and lastly this is one of the concepts on how to design one of the concept point for human power boating and this is
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urban beach around the northeastern shore line and access to the water from slip way four as well. with that in mind one. things that we have had to present as part of the workshop is that we don't have the budget to complete the entire project as it's designed today we had to look at the available fundings and the cost for the project today with the 2008 & bonds and additional port funds our budge is 21 million for cran copark today. the estimates cost looking at construction cost and is plus an estimatemation contingency of 50% puts us at a subtotal of $33 million and are soft costs are between 30 and 33% and we have it at 33 and for
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a total cost of 43 and-a-half million dollar and this equates to $4.8 million in a customer, a acre which, is similar to other city front parks in the city and the other thing to note is because of the other high level conceptual of the park we have a 50% contingency because of the scion and that contingency can come down and those cost can come down but recognizing thats that's the best information that we have today and we might be look at what we might be able to phase as an initial projection of the park and what we can deliver as a first phase is outlined in yellow and so it's a multipurpose green and there is a slip way four area, the short line area, east of slip way four
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and then 19th street to access the park. if costs come down begin to come down as a part of getting into more detail and assessment, we think, we have alternate a b and c generally in that order and the additional parts of the park can come online and then we think the area orange which, is the one 094 court would be a second phase and then building 49 and the areas to the north would be phase would that future development or redevelopment of those facilities in general, the workshop went well we held it down at the noonian building people were happy with the
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concept generally we did get a request do more research on the even time fields but we needed to share with the participates of the workshop that the development was a part of overall pier 70 strategy. next up along public projects is the -- working with the arts commission, we released concepts for arts on the 292 grain silo and is one 35 applicants submitted ideas and the art commission narrowed it down to 23 and we had a jury panel narrow it further down to select four artists and just this past friday the arts commission received their proposals for
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their project and this is hot off the press you are the first to ever see it and i apologize that it doesn't come up as well as i like it but the first idea. and this is an etch and sketch where members of the public can sketch something up and the silos can get repainted with that image and don't know exactly how it works its an interesting idea and a way to engage the community and activate the gateway project as well: the second project is transfiguration by laura has had dad and she is taking image re and history into a different context and recognizing the history of the area and the site and recognizing it graphically
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and so there is and environmentle butcher town and the community and highlighted it in a composes as it mural and it would like like what [spelling?] it is on the left and at night the blue red and green to highlight the aspects televise and again an interesting interpretation of how we cannen hants grain silo and is thirdly we have electro land it's cameron mc dowell who proposed to use l e d lighting to apply right light to the silos that would not only interpret the way that the silos originally worked and functioned but also create an interactive game that people could use on their mobile devices like iphones or i-pods
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or blackberries to manipulate the colors and also provide an audio comment tare on the site and the history of the community as a part of it. and the last period is rego and mays within a city sign and speak to the power peace and nations cities communities, families and individuals. and that too will be hit in the evening. the next steps for this are in early january each of these will be at the baby opera house on display two receive public excellent and in addition, we will have them online in the ports website and to refute public comment and in late january the panel will reconvene and select one artist to move forward with and depending on which it selected it it can take between six and
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12 most to build and construct the probability. so hopefully, in some time in 2013, this will been up and operable. and then just a few other project we have toll larry park which, is a small park between third street and creek on northern shore this project is the with d p w and they are hoping to complete the design and put it up to bid in the spring and construct it and last week the state coastal conserviancy's board granted an award to the board for $600,000 to remove dilapidated piles within the yech creek and i'll be come can back to request authorization to receive and expand those grant funds and
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second to last, is the bay view gateway across from toll lar aye park which, is the project is in d p w's hands and we are in 30% detail and we are working with the arts commission on a major art piece at the intersection of third and cargo way to activate and create a gateway to the community and the hopes are working with engineering that this will go out to bid with toll lar yeah park potentiallily as a single paunch in the spring of next year with construction beginning shortly there after. last and not least is the picture of the grand opening of harrison park and car go lane bike lanes both of which we have seeshed a lot of great compliments on and people are out there using them today and with that i'm available for any questions thank you.
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>> clean woods? good afternoon commissioners conmarine woods water front den son, i want to thank for all of his hard work the blue green white project if you have not been down to harrison park since the new entrance went in, please go, it's absolutely beautiful. the bay front park shore line is has really opened up that park from the boulevard for people to use all of these projects really connect people with the water front. and they are very important and without the support and david's leadership,
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they would not have happened. i know that you will all worked hard to get to 2012 bond. i'm hoping that you can find some other money to do the north east work plaza's so we don't have to spend our bond minute on that and we can move it back down to the southern water front to help finish up crane copark and then the other project that have been so long in planning but really, thank you david. >> thank you. are there any i public comment? david i gist wanted to tell you that you did a very great report. great thorough and i'm going through all of the project and everything that you worked on and i'm totally impressed this is very good work. thank you. >> ditto. very very good work and i'm really excited about
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the silos. i'm really excited about the silo and their project those are great proposals and so it will be spiting to see who win and is i can't tell you who i vote for next but if you want to know personally no, but those are great concept i just want to ask veil layer row park and creek is there a budget for those projects and --. >> yes this is a off the top of my head so don't quote me but toll larry park our budget is $675 from the 2,000 and eight bond and we received a grant for $275,000 for the california resource agency. so that is the bum for that project. for the bay view gateway project, the
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budget is approximately $3.6 million i believe and for the coper crane and the power removal it's about $660,000. >> okay and so is that for both sides of third street or just the -- just -- well currently, it's just for toll larry park from the 2012 bond, for the north side between illinois and 23rd street we had one $.5 million proposed for that improvement. >> okay and so most of those project are in the design phase? none the projects from the 2012 are in the design phase but
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