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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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obag funding after that? >> correct. there should be future rounds. our federal funds flowed to the region on an annual basis. this is their four year program for doing the fund. next year for the next round can be a similar obag program. >> of about $35 million? >> if the formulas hold. those are all under discussion. schedule over view, on september 25th, we brought a schedule funding framework to the board for adoption. in your enclosure those documents are page 1, 3 and 5. september26th, day rereleased call for project. on october 26th we received 12
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applications for obag funds. page 9 and 11 of your enclosure shows all the projects we receive and the description of those projects and the amounts requested. on page 11ing you'll see a map of the same project. we are at the december 2012 budget point here. this is adopting the initial obag project list. just wanted to go through what we did to do some the screening and prioritization for this process. we created a scoring system based on the board adopted criteria. if you go to page 13 of your packet, we went through every project and scored each criteria. in there you'll see how we assign points for each criteria.
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we attended field visits. we went out and reviewed on sight all the projects. we met with project sponsors both before and after the applications. we discussed what we were looking for in the application and after received them, we had discussions with them and members of the advocacy community. i won't go into too much depth into all the details i'm happy to answer any questions. i want you to keep three themes in mind, one is project readiness, lot of the scoring is focused on project readiness. complete streets project,
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multimonth dal -- multimodal projects. again, tieing back to the regional program projects that were in high impact areas, high growth impact areas. the phase that we're moving into now is the project development is something we unique set up for the one day area program. we collected the project application that are first initial scoring and we will use prop k funding. over the next four months really address more details on each one of the projects. each one has some unique aspect that's we need to address and actually getting details in your packet for each project what we're looking for. we're really looking for some more public outreach where needed, refining projects, schedules and budgets and doing more detail and engineering and
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doing multiagency coordination. i want to offer a briefing back to the board just to tell you where we're at in further project development. there will be four projects. recommendations which is on page 15 of the packet is to move forward with 10 of the 12 projects. that leave us us with
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$54 million in obag funding. over the next four months, we will be going through this project development phase to bring recommendation back to you in may or june. the two projects removed from consideration, one is a project. we focusing on capital projects and this is operations project. this is a project to do bicycle and education outreach, maintenance and training classes and possibly a bike share in the bay view community. since we received the application we've been working with that sponsor and several other sponsors that do that
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activity. there's really no targeted planning or outreach around this project. there's some outreach done around the tdp. we want to see how the tdp start to develop. there's also a large portion of this project where they're looking at replacing some of the over headlines. getting into the next part of the recommendations. about the funding pramework, we created a project. within that target, you'll see on your page 15, first two projects, actually a little bit
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lower on scoring. the third project is actually gene parker elementary in district three. this project is part of the chinatown broadway phase four project. we can describe it a little more detail on the next slide. i want you to know it's within that project. all three of those projects combined and about $2.7 million. just a little bit above but enough to keep everyone in at this point. the four project that's we have what we call upper tier, you can see the upper tier portion of the project, masonic, second street, all projects that have a high level project and gone through corridor specific
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projects are in high growth areas. these are project that's are meeting all of our benchmarks. just a few details to point out for the columbus avenue -- for the broadway project. this is phase four along broadway. the plan cost is completed in june. this project goes from columbus all the way to the broadway tunnel. >> just looking at the masonic project well above the cost for other project that's are being
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considered here today, $16.3 million. i wonder if there's a way to break apart that project in different phases that could allow for other projects to be able to be considered in the upper tier project. is that a possibility? without diminishing what we're able to do in the long term vision for masonic boulevard? >> sure. it is something we will be working on with the project manager. if they are here today to answer that question, that would be great. it's something we're definitely targeting and looking at different ways we can phase it. it is difficult when you are looking at different the cycle tracks. that's the main piece requires a lot of major changes roadway. along with targeting segmenting the project or looking at value engineering some of the enhancement portion. we're going to be looking other funding sources as well. hopeful in february and march
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we'll have detail. >> is that a portion what we're expecting over all to be spending on masonic boulevard avenue? >> the total cost column on page 15, it's actually $20.7 million project. this is from masonic. >> i just would like to see if that could be perhaps considered a way we have one kind of project that is an outlier and you know, i have great needs for managing traffic along geneva boulevard. that will be nice to consider other ways that ecould be more flexible with our planning and funding. >> this is kind of a unique situation where we beat the bushes and we have a very
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competitive long list of projects, which is fantastic. it gives the board a choice. one of the pluses of this development project is to have a more transparent discussion about which one you want to move forward. these projects on the list with high priorities. >> i'm just thinking, want to look at how we can maximize what we can do with the initial round of funding. needs that are close to the upper tier but not quite there and how to maximize that especially around park station. that's much less cost, things
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staying close to the top. >> moving down the list quickly. these are the bike and pedestrian and actually weight finding and realtime transit portions of phase one of the transit center project. this is actually within that phase one project. we looking to meet with dpw the next main point of discussion how the environmental phase of that project will move forward. >> i just wanted to mention as far as the masonic, i think the
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district 11 definitely under serve as it relates to transit dollars. of course the bike rider in that particular part in district five it's very high. this has been one of those -- i think there should be more maybe conversation negotiation around some of this but certainly this has been one of the areas where bicyclist have been -- i know there have been two fatalities that i can think it. there does need to be attention given to providing a safer environment for bike pad purposes. you think that might be one of the reasons behind prioritizing this in the way that we have. it's part of obviously different picture. i wanted to make sure i put that
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out there. >> top two projects here, this is really unique project. it's in the middle of the park. it touches three different districts. actually in the prop double a program, we're providing the funds program for the paving portion of this project. some of the things we will be looking to over the next four months is try to solidify the vision behind preferred alternative for the project and the project includes basically
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paving, sidewalks and bike lanes. >> very bumpy road. >> moving forward selecting an alternative, doing more design portion of the road. the balboa area, the obag request is focused solely on the shelter canopies which are part of the fast track improvements. we're going to be working with sfmta and bart and focusing on coordination and coordination around the balboa park project. >> i want to make sure. i appreciate that role t.a. can
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play. that coordination between mta and bart can be stronger. working together, we can help reach that coordination. >> absolutely. that was my next point. the first balboa advisory committee meeting should be in january. they are just finalizing the details. you'll be seeing that here in the prop a request.
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the southwest portion of the plaza is moving toward, i believe they're at 100% designing. i believe that starts in february. this project scores well but it doesn't have that complete street corridor wide element. we'll be holding on to the project scored in the middle here and working with bart and finding some other funding strategy for this one as well. the final slide, the next four months, doing project development, public outreach, updating cost assessment and doing detail engineering. february and march coming back to give updates. april all of this building into
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getting revised obag application. may or june, we'll be bringing this back for board approval and final list of $35 million. at the end of june, we're forwarding list on to mtc. with that i can take any questions. >> colleagues any questions, commissioner cohen. >> i want to go on record to press concern about pa lou. the current list of projects don't necessarily meet our obligation that we brought to the voters with regards to the prop b ballot initiative. meaning we made an agreement asking voters to pass prop b that we are going to do some kind of basic level funding of repaving our streets. i'm asking for the th to
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reconsider working to retain the cost estimatings to find the fund pa lou. we kind of touched base on it when we met in the office last week. had an opportunity to talk to my neighbors supervisors office. i want to go on public record. i will be having a conversation with rec and park about their responsibility to manizel. it's unaccepted street. it's a street that recognizes of their own. they should be making -- they
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should be making a contribution, if you will, taking ownership of repaving mandel. i just want to go on record this pa lou project a high priority. i hope to work together to see if we can get this pa lou project up into the top tier of projects. thank you. >> for the record, the broadway project second street and masonic all improves paving. >> i would like to advocate for that too. there's enough for all of us. >> commissioner kim? >> thank you, i do think that this is a great group of projects and i'm excited to see many of these moving through the obag funding target. i just had a question about pa lou as well. i know there's $3 million allocated it makes sense for us to work in partnership with the
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prop b repaving. i'm curious what that amount would need to be in order to fully fund that project? >> as we've seen it, there's about $3.4 million in our request forpaving. >> we're talking about additional $340,000 for the funding for that project? there's currently $3 million allocated. >> no, the prop b funding is allocated? >> i'm looking at your recommendation to your projects on page 10. it says there that you're recommending $3.05 million for the pa lou repaving project. >> no, that was what it was applied to. >> i see. >> that's in the middle tier. we want to do some work to bring that project up and make it more
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competitive. >> i was confused because it says recommendation as a headline. you're evaluating amongst all of these projects? >> we just can't fit them all. we looking comprehensively in prop a where we have slab resurfacing and dolores.
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it was one of the categories that had a financing because we advanced money to the department of public works. we're expecting to see the financing cost go down. we're happy to bring that back to you in january and february at the latest. >> what that means is that of course we need to look at the program and this money complimenting each other. we also need to look at prop k, as helping us fill some of the
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holes and in doing that, we need to make sure that we don't violate our own process with prioritization that maria having talking about. that prioritization is about readiness, it is about complete street, it's about some of the other policy that you have given us among these projects. we're just talking a moment ago about the need to deal with safety, bicycle safety and so on. all of this is about transforming the city not just repaving what we have and making it better. that goes to your comment about the mandel project as well. we do know that it is the street that parks department should have -- [inaudible]. it is ultimating a city street. city of san francisco see it as
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a street. they don't see it as one agency and another agency. this process which looks at the quality of the street, paramount importance. >> i'm concerned we'll be using the park money for the street. i like to maximize our open space park money. >> ultimately i think that, i spent years sitting at the department heads working group talking about complete street. here we have a law for repaving our streets. we can't repave them the same way. this is a program that you have complete control over as the governing board of the authority have an opportunity to shape it.
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>> we will work over the next four months that we receive to see if we can address a lot of the issues that were brought up.
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is it specific to how -- >> that's what we will be doing over the next four months. >> we will continue to work together to incorporate the recommendation >> we're not assigning any funds. two projects dropping
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out. >> i'll clarify. it includes everything you shown us today. obviously we can't fund all of that because this amount is so greater than the amount that we have that you're talking about our input today as we move forward to come up with a finalized budget. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> thanks for asking the questions commissioner cohen and clarifying. not to jump the gun on decision-making that we have to make. i like to see that we have this list of ten projects now that we don't reshuffle the deck moving forward. these projects are closed initial cut for this round. can still be clearly in the running for obag funding and prioritized in that way.
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>> thought -- thank you for your presentation. any member of the public like to comment. please come forward. >> i'm from the department of public works finance and budget. i want to say a couple quick word. we support the staff recommendation to move this group of projects forward. i do want to clarify a little bit about and follow up what supervisor cohen was saying about the commitments that we made to voters when they approved proposition b streets bond. we estimated that we would be able to spend a total of $65 million a year on repaving in order to get us to a score to improve the quality of