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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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period. part of that assumption was about $50 million a year would come from prop b money and around $3.5 million would come from federal funds or obag. the last time you considered funding was streets and roads sets aside. prop k and couple other sources. it's really important that our entire paving commitment from federal funds go forward if we're going to meet that prop b commitment. when we vote prop b, it allowed us to put $50 million into complete streets, bike safety and those are the funds that make improvements and make streets better. it's a large chunk of money over
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the same period of time that obag is providing. the department of public works working with other city department is committed to complete streets. we feel it vital to make the investment . we need to spend even more money just on repaving. the amount of money that we need to meet those commitments is included in the masonic project and broadway project. to meet that commitment, we will need all of them. we will be working with the t.a. staff and especially with the other agencies applied for obag funds in order to make sure we're meeting all of those needs. thanks. >> thank you.
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>> right now we're over subscribed. what we will actually heard a lot of concerns that you've spoken about today. we are going to look at each the projects. get better refined cost estimates. look to see if there are other sources to still keep us on schedule that deliver the projects that we committed. and move forward on this entire package of projects. i think we're going to try to do that in the next couple months and when this recommendation comes back, not only can we fund these projects, these are
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federal funds so it's important that unlike second street, last time we're able to soak up these funds, spend the money and deliver the projects and try to deliver all of them whatever shape or form. >> i go want to support for these projects. as we see every single day in san francisco. i wanted to say quickly about the application. we are talking to them and we have worked with them in the past looking at other ways to get a lot of their ideas and energy mobilized and on the
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ground. the paving alone is needed and something we hear unanimously. this valley a great time to be adding in some of the innovative bicycle improvement. the plan is in front of you today is part of this obag list really moved the hearts of directors and they produced unanimous vote. we're really excited to see all of these move forward but obag
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and few others and we look forward to working with all of you and all the city agencies. thank you. >> just a question that you might know commissioner cohen, there used to be a bike program back in the day. there was a big repair program around 2000. it was related to a safe haven. is there anything like that in place there? >> i'm not familiar. we have been dealing with groups. >> it seems like a good place to put resources to programs and enhance biking and areas of san francisco. we don't have as much of other places. probably a great need to have it. if there are no other members of
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the public we can close public comment. colleagues we have this before us. >> motion to move forward. >> second by commissioner and we can take that without objection. thank you so much for your presentation. we can go on to our next item. >> recommended allocation of 419 in prop k funds for san francisco transportation agency for request. >> good morning commissioners. this item begins on page 127 of your packet.
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the first allocation request, the sfmta requested they requested total $157,000. when completed this project will allow light rail vehicle to turn around and advance of the southern terminal. third connection illinois and 19th street. the design and construction phases of this project will be fund by $4.6 million federal grant and $1.38 million program
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fund. these of course will be printed in multiple languages.
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the tenderloin community elementary requires amendment to the traffic to add this project to the pp and fiscal year 2012, '13 from the guadalupe bay elementary school. with that i can take any questions who can respond. >> thank you for your
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presentation. just from experience we have in district 11 and also at the sun set district issue where we see light rail vehicles turned around. we have before us the mission bay loop and i just want to make sure there's a real plan in place to make sure that we're not going to use the loop just to serve the northern part of san francisco to focuses living in the south can actually maintain level of service because of the turn around will be pushing cars back up north before the terminal is preserved. final plans how the mta will be using this terminal? >> i like to invite sfmta program manager to explain the
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plan. >> good afternoon. the mission bay loop is designed to help us deal with the very heavy service demand that's are anticipated as the eastern corridor develops including hunters point all the way up to mission bay. the central subway service plan calls for six minute service down to sunnydale and three minute service to mission bay. where we to run all the service to sunnydale at a three minute headway. not only we will be over serving the line but it will be very expensive. there will be very rich service to both destinations, based on the demand. the line will operate very similar for example, the one california, which we operate in
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the peak period today where we have six minute service heading out to the beach and we have three minute service in the core part of the line. it will be scheduled service. it won't be operated similar to a switch back. it will be operated on a daily basis in a way that customers can expect and is communicated with clear signage. >> i think that's going to be important to stick to. switchbacks are a real phenomenon and district 11 and district 4 cause a great deal of convenience for people living in the avenues. making sure we're not closing out service or diminish services what we're planning for the southeast sector. >> thank you. >> i just had a quick question. when you said that the schedule is three minutes to every threes
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to mission bay and six minutes to sunnydale. is that currently the schedule now? absolutely not. that's what we are predicting what we need in order not to have crowded trains. that service plan, based on the land use probablies that we're -- projections and based on how we seeing people travel today, it's a plan we will grow into and it's one we need to be prepared for as we plan for additional vehicles and things like that. >> it's a funding place to make that plan a reality? >> what is the operations plan that we have submitted to the federal transit administration and are preparing for as part of the central subway project. >> that would be great. the t-line one of the slowest lines i've taken here in san
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francisco. i just want to make sure if we do this turn around, it's going to be coupled with the additional services to ensure we have trans making that full ride down to sunnydale. >> absolutely. >> commissioner cohen. >> i think it was last year, maybe it was earlier this year, we had a hearing about switchbacks and i understand that there were problems with v-tags. there particular piece of equipment community the shuttle
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or the car and the street lights. it wasn't working so that means operators were having to manually cross through intersection. long short of a story, this has been fixed i'm told. i don't know if we have anyone from muny here until this is fixed. i want to echo a little bit what supervisor kim was mentioning and supervisor avalos. i want to echo the importance that we get it t-line worked out as quickly as possible. >> what mission bay loop will allow us to do is to manage crowding throughout the line so
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when people get on the train whether it's in the bay view or in mission bay or downtown, they have a spot and they have room. we're working as hard as we can to solve some of the near term problem but ultimately we're looking to grow the transit service, grow the ridership and better meet customer demands. this project is a key piece of that in terms of being able to much of where the ridership is heaviest versus where we're able to deliver heavy demand. >> we'll see actually increased density in that area. >> one other point i want to bring to your attention is, when switchbacks do occur, particularly around 3rd and 23nd, people are kicked off the bus and they in a platform. many people don't speak english. i have many constituents not knowing what's going on.
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i take the t and i experienced this before. not only frustrating that you have to exit the bus, you don't know when the next one is coming. you can imagine someone not even speaking native language, it's very frustrating. i don't believe muny has been outfooted to where they have a prerecorded rolling message that is specifically in spanish. even if we hand out fliers and have them printed out knowing that switchbacks will be a possibility during their peak hour, you can start to hand to people. might be able to minimize some of that frustration that i've been hearing from constituents. >> i will be happy to share that feedback. >> thank you, i appreciate that. >> thank you. this time we can open up for public comment. anyone from the public like to comment, please come forward.
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>> we've educated thousands of people in san francisco in every district. we are collaborating and reaching out to community groups, the bike kitchen and the bike project to reach out to under represented audiences such as colors and bay view and hunters point. these funds will help support efforts and improve bike safety. thank you. >> thank you very much any other member of the public like to comment. seeing none, we will close public comment. can we move this forward with
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recommendation and conditions amendments. so moved and we will take that without objection. >> item ten recommended program up -- cycle three lifetime transportation program to three san francisco municipal transportation agency projects. >> [inaudible].
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>> the board has program access to mta bus restoration project in state transit assistance or funds to low income program. the mta board will be acting on use of this fund at second p.m. pretty soon.
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all project has been funded in previous cycle. for extended service levels.
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>> we'll get back to you. >> we are going to have a gap in service. we should not have a gap in service. i would like commitment to that. the question is when it's going to happen. >> i heard that he could happen sooner rather than later. one of the issues is also next muni notification, one of the issues i was in a meeting and providing that machine on the site so i want to check, near-term, but something we should look into in trying to fund that. >> on page 219, it talks about 2.05 million dollars,
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possible uses of those funds. that is an mta quesiton as well, thank you. >> i could answer that question. i think there is obviously a major inconvenience for the customer. the question when the task and get an answer to is what is mta's plan to get compatible prepayment systems city wide. we are planning to give an update on the muni project funded through prop k. on it is a project of fund ticket machines that is stalled for a variety of reasons. we can make a calendar for january.
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>> that will be great. thank you. >> thousand and i'm julie - the 2 million dollar placeholder is for surface ticket machines, looking for a little bit different than what we have in the subway. we have fewer people using them at our busiest stops we have between 300-500 people a day and only a portion use cash. we are looking at a simpler machine with a smaller footprint, potentially even solar powered. we are still working on the clipper components of the machine whether add value, for issuing a clipper card, we took it out of this grant to research the technology. the 2 million placeholder could be used for one or two things.
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we can either go bigger on some of the investments that we are making the existing corridor, for example more stop enhancements or more next bus information. or we could look at doing an additional corridor, the rapid network. those are the two things that we are working on now, and need to also work with fta, the founding partner and see what they are interested in. >> okay, thank you. >> >> that was your presentation? thank you for that. let's open it up for public comment. any member of the comment that would like to comment come forward. seeing none, we close public comment.