tv [untitled] December 22, 2012 4:00am-4:30am PST
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tough one and it's not one that i have been in and you did it with your head held high and i really respect that. so thank you. >> supervisor cohen. thank you very much supervisor olague, it has been a great pleasure to have sat to your left and i'm sure that is no indication of our political affiliations but it's inventory venezuela dippity [spelling?] that it works out that way. you have become a very eloquent speaker and you were always very thoughtful and speaker and so you get a zero for that because you came to the table with that
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already but when it comes to be memorially prepared to go into the chamber and cast some very difficult votes and i have within witnessed this change in you a lot of constern nation and a lot of stress and anxiety and ten months later you are even more strong, more defined and you have been a very vivacious woman on the board of supervisor and is i want to thank you for that for being another example not just for young girls but also young boys of what leadership looks ke and i just wanted to comment and echo on what superior kim mentioned that this is a new beginning for all of us working together and i'm sure you will continue with
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your service to san francisco and i just want to say thank you. and we all deal with our own insecurities and i think you have handled yours very grace fully. thank you. >> sprfer chew. >> thank you very much. sprr olague i want to thank you for serving with us and i can remember going through that process myself and i do not want to reiterate any of the points that my colleagues have talked about already and --
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. >> thank you to supervisor avalos and i'm for the going anywhere i loss an election, i didn't die. so i'm still going to be out there and this weekend, i went to a bet thing and so who knows what my next ventures will be and i still have my oslo and scandinavian -- a farmling community in the central valuegee and so i think i is it have -- so if you are thinking what am i doing going to loss oh, in the middle of winter., you know i saw a film and never scoped my interest in
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scandinavian culture and is that doesn't take away at all to my comment and being proud of being latin and sevenning the latin community this past year and so i'm grateful to my supporter and is grateful to the residents of district five and i love the city and happy to have had the opportunity to serve on this board. a.
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(applause). . >> thank you supervisor olague. our final accommodation of the day will be to our second colleague local be leaving us today although he know he is not going far sean i have to say when i read the resolution that was draft of the to you today i was honestly blown away by how much you have done over the whereas and supervisor elsburnd has served for the past 12 years to supervisor tone aye hall and as well as belong to this board of supervisor and is for two terms as a member of this board and he has attended 502 of 505 board meetings held since 2,000 one missing three meeting for his honey moon and the birth of his son and among the many bits of legislation he has passed i
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has worked on the planning commission and adopting capital planning for our city for years to come and spear headed reform in our community and we know his leadership when it comes to our mention plan and the mere i can't do important and lesser known thing that he has done in district seven from golf course -- to working for the irish immigration center et cetera, and i think we can probably talk for many hours about the many thing that you have done but in addition, to your expertise which i'll miss in addition, to all of your cautionnaire not to all of us on what se we shouldn't past, i'll going to say i miss how you throw a microphone, i'm going to miss the energic debates we remember
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with chris fail 83 and last few years with david campos and most of all, i'm going to miss working a six -years-old man trapped in a 36 -years-old body. and i know there will be many other comments that will be made along those lines but sean in all seriousness we are all going to miss you and with that, i know that there are many other colleagues that have other thing to say although i'm wondering if we should sprferl farrell, no? who wants to go next? supervisor farrell owe supervisor wiener. you go first farrell. >> so, this is a hard one i always -- i quickly learned after coming on to the board that i was going to dread the day that sean elsburnd was no longer a colleague and you thought i was going to start with something isn't that
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correcty. i'm starting with something nice. and this is a very you know a very saturday i know for me and a lot of people and i think we all know being in a position and particularly when you are running from scratch, when you start trying to generate support and something that is hard at the beginning and people are not sure what is going on and it's hard for them to get people to say yes and i still -- sean was the very first person who endorsed me when i ran for a full two years before the election i still remember sitting down and ordering coughity and he said absolutely of course, and sean you have stuck with me through a very hard campaign and coming on the board even though you are younger than i am you have you have been a mentor to me on the
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board we don't always agree on thing but you have always been there everyday i needed help, advise and there have been times when we disagreed and i remember after the nudity hearing and committee when someone announced that we were a block and they agree on he have gone and that might be true for me and carmen i think we good agree on a lot of stuff but sean and i have disagreements they are always lopsided votes and there was the dogs in the golden gate area and we had a spirited debate about that and then there was the only time that i have been at the losing end of a ten to when vote was a routine procedural vote to split the file on prop d that
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time and sean was a little i couldn't remembery with me that day because it was a final significant to pull out a cell phone appeal from our strict and that appeal came up and low and behold it got scheduled on sean's birth day and he was grumpy with me and we tosselled over that and i loss ten to one and so whether we are on the same side or are having a disagreement, you are -- you have you are one of the wisest people i have known and you take such broad perspectives on and everything there are so many times when i have come into your office and i'm thinking a certain way and you are able too really step back and look at the big picture and you have made me a beneficiary interfere and i know you are not going anywhere and i'm sure i'm going to continue to bug you and pick
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your brain but we are going to miss you so thank you for your incredible service. >> thank you supervisor wiener. >> supervisor farrell? thank you and supervisor wiener i have been dragging this for a while here on sean's last board day for those of you who don't know carmen and i have watch as he has a sticky pad on the board to could you please tell down his days on the board here and so he has come over the last months and so he commented after the number of days after three years missing only three board meeting and this has been your life and i know you are going to go onto beinger and better thing but i did some back calculations here and that is, you know over
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70 -- what is it 73 days of your life have been spent in board meetings here in this champ better yourself and just alone in public comment if you take averaging generally speaking it's over 500 hours in public comment and that is 20 days of your life have been in public comment and so i can't wait to see you in public comment at the next board immediate peating and i know you are not going to be there and so i was looking through and found some old pictures and so i put an old deck here but jest i don't know if you can put pull it up on the screen here but -- i don't know if ughs you guys can pull it up ... i don't know if it needs to
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be sensorred we will see. it's probably too late at this point. all right so a few things learned from my perspective sean was somebody who supported him earlier on and sean was certainly a big mentor to me burg the process but thereby a number of thing that i have learned and first of all, embracing the moment and found some old pictures of sean back if 2004 when he was first a point and i recall not being political conscious in san francisco and working in silicon valley and see things guy on trunch and is so really friendship matters here at the board of supervisor and is so there are some real pictures we have dug up of you with some
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people throughout not only of city hall but outside, colleagues department heads and so forth, and you have always -- you know created these friendships throughout city hall and it's such a lesson learned for every within of us on how we operate here at the board chamber and is when i came in, before hand it was more of a fractured board and i think nevertheless you created these friendships on the board of supervisors that was from the giant's celebration the other week here in san francisco in city hall, and well i don't know how chris detail aye got in there but i thought i would light epiif up for you but really, the friendships that you have cultivated have been pretty incredible and in fan campaigning we have found some pictures of shop's campaigns from here he had cookied made of himself on the bottom left,
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before you just some old pictures of him and some old comcast videos and some pictures of him looking like a real tough guy up in district seven and then the one button of the sean for mayor button but those of you who you helped support during campaignings and the notion of campaigning hard but also being out in the neighborhoods was something we all learned from you and being a stateman and representing the can of san francisco with integrity we found some old pictures of you that were follow upy. keep going. but, they were you know, you have been someone who has represented not only district seven but the city and county of san francisco incredible well and now, you are going to so with senior feinstein and i think the one
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dmeafnts made to me before is that upyou are probably one of the most authentic people that came into one of these chambers and losing a ten to one vote didn't matter to you. having fun nonetheless here are some fun pictures of sean here in his office over the years and enjoying his time and i don't know what you said to andy ross there but to take this job with a grain p salt and i think we can all learn a lot of lessons from that and it's something that you taught and i do appreciate the fact that you take a lot of joy and do take a lot of joy in this job and you stand for what you believe in. you did the -- community and prop c last year and there is a lot of pictures there about a lot of the effort that you put into in terms of prop c and interpretation of going around
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and getting the significance it was not easy and it's not always take an easy read here as a supervisor and it's about standing up for what you think is right and then if you put it back on, these are the ones that are my favorite let your expressions do the taking here at the board of supervisor and is we have had funny pictures that we have gathered over the years here of your expressions here at the board and aside of swapping the microphones out and i think you can flip to the in connection one and the expression of boredom has been perfected over the years here and there is so many of them and flabbergasted, is another expression, you have shown us well and you know, the next
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one, but in case, yeah, it was photo shopped by someone a birdie in the family but in case anyone knows if their son every gets their attitude, here's poor little michael getting cranky but i think the most important thing i have learn from sean sitting here in the board of supervisors someone also who has children is as many of us do is really keeping family first and seeing you with michael and me with madison and jack and cane but really being a how you handle that and your job here with the board of supervisor and is is incredible and even some of the pictures of mike in your chair and i have some of mike and madison in my chair and i think that attribute to who you are as a person and i'll remember you not only as a
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mentor and personal friend, someone to look up to for what you have accomplished on the board but also someone to really respect as a father and as a husband and how you dealt with that on the board of supervisor and is so sean we are going to miss you a ton and i know that we are going to work a lot together in your new role with senior feinstein and welcome back anytime. >> thank you supervisor farrell supervisor cohen? i first met sean elsburnd when i was -- somewhere in 2004 also ironically the same asylum time i met carmen chu. but we began to quoth watch sean's career unfollowed as the
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board board laze horizon [spelling?] and so, just how it man nested and this is a guy that started off as a legislative aid, to a supervisor to the supervisor the district seven. become to board liaison and then get approved to board supervisor and ran in his own right and it's been remarkable to stand by the shrines and watch you. personally when i first ran -- when i first got the idea to run for office, sean elsburnd was not the first, actually i think fee i don't evenna may have been one of the first thank i have reached out to talk to and he brought me
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into his office and it was around september of 2009 and i said, sean i'm thinking about running for supervisor and he said mal lea are you sure? and then he showed me his bar of scotch. and is this not public information -- i'm sorry -- my apologizes and he sat me down for a couple of hours and walked neither through the ins and outs of what to did and he said get out there and when you come out you come out strong and i took his advise and definitely credit that advise for helping me for becoming a member of the boards of supervisor and is so i want
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to say thank you and now one of the thing that happened after the election and i said, sean i did it and he said yes you did and then he walked me from his office into the champ better -- sorry and he turned on the lights, and it was empty and i remember this profound sense washed over me and it was a sense to serve san francisco but it was a sense that to share with sean somebody i looked up to -- sorry you know how difficult this is going to be for me and i was going to try to kef my exposure because one of
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the thing that i admire most about sean is that he has a demand and respect for board rules. he stands up every single time he speaks. and that is something that he doesn't even tell anyone to do and no one telling us you to do it, its something that is modeled and he has demonstrated it even when he was upset and tossing the mike around he still stood up when he had a rebuttal he stood up when he disagreed he stood up and when he agreed he stood up and i think that is really quintessential because sean stands up. when he was the only one on that ten-one vote he still stands up. he respected this chamber and respects this pull. pick up and you don't see that very often
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