tv [untitled] December 23, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
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evolving and organ and i can need continued input to whatever surveys and approaches we take are reflective of those issues and the other issue raised is san franciscans should be doing outreach in this support and i can't support that more than enough because it's always my experience that sometimes we bring in outside forces -- not that we have here, but outside forces that don't know the community, communities of color and speak other languages and in addition to english and those are sensitive issues i think the staff has taken into consideration and that's an important statement to make. i appreciate your comments and i read your letter and i appreciate the comments but i think it's important to keep within the context of how the staff and commission has operated and quite frankly how members of the board of
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supervisors has operated with the best of intentions because at the end of the day we're accountable to the tax payers and the rate payers of city and county of san francisco. >> thank you president torres. just a clarification on the action item before us if there is one or for the later meet something. >> the sfpuc commission agenda provides for them to discuss and take action, so our understanding is that the commission secretary would call the roll for the sfpuc so that they could vote on this agenda item for lafco it was just a discussion item. >> thank you. commissioner vietor. >> yes and i appreciate all the public comments that have been made and the comments too from this body and all of the work that the puc has done. i have
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been on the public utilities commission for four years plus and i know this cleanpower sf issue -- i think it's been eight years, nine years in the coming, and when i came on there was really this sort of sense that the puc wasn't stepping up, that the city didn't care that we weren't moving quickly enough and he we are at this opportunity to really move things forward. i think it's really remarkable and i think we all now recognize with hurricane sandy, with the inclement weather and the winter we're having now that climate change and renewable power and local energy provision is paramount and we need to main ain and amplify that commitment as a city. i also continue to have my eye on the prize of the local build out and the promise of that because i think not only is the job opportunity great, and
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all kinds of implications around work force training and at the local level and diversify that source and needs to be local and hurricane sandy has shown us that. that if there were nor localized power 4,000 people wouldn't be out of power right now so i am supportive of moving forward as quickly as possible with the education and outreach that needs to happen. i also concur with president torres and this is organic and evolving and this financing piece is really an important discussion to have and i would welcome having that with the lafco to talk about if the possibility of local build out over this four year contract could reduce the rates and the question of the bond and
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$4 million bond and i would love for the cfo at the puc look at that and give a briefing on that, so i am wondering in short order we're . -- we couldn't have this presentation and understanding we're going door to door and putting numbers out there into the community but i think that needs to happen. this program needs to move forward. it's been a long time. not just with this program, but as we heard from the installation of the first solar power in the 70's it's time to take action and move forward so thank you very much. >> thank you. commissioner mo ran. >> thank you, just a couple quick comments. first is that when the item comes before the commission at our next meeting
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in order to lift the funding cap i think that is an appropriate time for staff or davis and associates to respond to some of the issues raised today and specific outreach to communities of color. secondly, i do understand that the local power has submitted at least a first major draft of their proposal that that's being reviewed by puc staff. i have seen some of the initial work, both the submission and the staff response on that. i think that's important that it proceed and proceed quickly. i am in favor of moving forward with this program as proposed in part to keep the pressure on that activity and not shelfd and ignored and that it's addressed and responded to completely, so when we have a presentation it be one frankly not just by local power but also by local power
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and staff. hopefully having come to some agreement as to what those numbers are and what they mean for us that we can have a complete discussion about that, so i think it is organic and moving and we need to keep the pressure on moving it quickly. >> okay. thank you. colleagues any other comments or questions? okay. i think so the puc commissioners do have an action item and i will hand over the gavel to the president of the commission to carry out their decision. >> commissioner moran. >> thank you mr. president. i would like to move the resolution of this in front of us. >> is there a second? >> second. >> moved and seconded. any opposition? any discussion? any public comment? called roll. >> president torres.
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>> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. commissioner. >> aye. >> motion carries. i think we're adjourned. >> okay. very good. thank you very much. i am very excited to see that go forward. thank you commissioners. let's go to our next item. >> item number six public comment. >> this is a chance to comment on any item not on the agenda, any item before us. >> the lafco committee that has been established all over california have an very important role to play, and there is a channel 108 that shows the deliberations of the lafco and what happens in sacramento. here in san francisco we just take it for
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granted when we get our hydro electricity and when we get our hetch hetchy water delivered to our taps, and i think it's high time because how the rich folks at one time went to congress and dammed hetch hetchy to get the water here that we pay attention to the poor folks, the farmers who today most of them have to drink contaminated water and if they have money they have to drink bottled water. this is in california. now, we in san francisco we just take things for granted, so when we talk about clean energy, when we talk about water, when we talk about
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anything where the taxpayer pays money let's not take things for granted without having empirical data we have this habit that we can just spend the tax payers money. i know farmers in the mid-west who are paid not to till the land while half the land they grow corn which when the final product comes out costs $74 a gallon. tank clean energy. so we need to go deeper into it. it's not to say that the deliberation here favors that we do the right thing. we really need to do the right hing with empirical data, not with fluff, and as one who is a
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philosopher and i go really deep into things and read stuff i will not tolerate fluff. i will expose it. i will shine light where there is darkness. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other members of the public would like to comment? seeing none. we will close public comment. and madam clerk do we have any other items before us? >> no mr. chr app
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>> greetings, san franciscans. here with a weekly thought. the last week of december and the holidays. before you celebrate with the folks in your life, take a minute and celebrate with me as i countdown the top three places to be. this tuesday, december 25th, join us live for the annual christmas party to celebrate and donate some of your time and serve dinner to thousands of needy families. volunteers are also encouraged monday night to help prepare dinner for the celebration. after your good deeds have fun at fort mason at the music and arts festival. this friday, december 29th, the pavilion plays host to the first winter festival.
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travis barker, t.j. shadow, including various artists from the bay area. like a good bargain? this saturday december 29th, wing side treasure island for the treasure island complete, monthly open air flea market with hundreds of veriedvers. collectors and makers and more will be on-site including outdoor exhibits, scavenger hunts. and that's the weekly buzz. for more information about any of these events, visit us at sf grouch >> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean
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and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco
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2012 -- i'm sorry december 7, 2012 meeting of the local agency formation commission. my name is david campos and i am the chair of the commission. we are joined by the clerk linda wong and i want to thank the san francisco gtv staff for the coverage of this meeting. madam clerk, if you can please call item number two, roll call. >> supervisor avalos, absent. supervisor olague. >> here. >> supervisor -- i'm sorry, commissioner schmeltzer. >> here. >> commissioner mar. >> commissioner pimentel absent. chairperson campos. >> present. >> mr. chair, there is a quorum. item two approval from the
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minutes from the regular meeting and november 30 joint meeting with the san francisco public utilities commission. >> great. before we take action on this item i would like to open it up for public comment. if there is any member of the public that would like to speak on item number two please come forward. seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues this is an action item. can we have a motion to approve the minutes? we have a motion for commissioner schmeltzer. second by commissioner olague. if we can take that without objection. madam clerk you can call item three. >> item three is review of the renewable energy task force. >> we will have fried. >> i'm going to turn it over to
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danielle and give a presentation of the report and we are available for questions after that. >> great. thank you. >> thanks jason. i will return through this fairly quickly, especially the background which you are all familiar with, but if you questions please stop me. awz know san francisco has a long history of climate action and a lot of the work that we have done over the last couple years is guided by our climate change ordinances and our plan to be updated and the sf puc plan and the city set forth aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets. san francisco emissions come from a variety of sources, but electricity is about 25% of that, so it's one of the largest areas for reduction in the
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city. san francisco's electricity supply is actually quite clean to the national average. we are 41% renewable if you include hydro electric power and hetch hetchy and pg&e hydro generation, but the goal as set out by mayor newsom is to become 100% renewable and we have a task force comprised of leaders and community and stakeholders, environmental ngo's and the local utilities and relevant city departments. the task force met for 18 months monthly to discuss issues with renewable energy development for the city and the was to do this goal within 10 years so we looked at barriers and technical
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opportunities, financial aspects and of course public education and awareness, and ultimately outlined recommendations around three areas, energy efficiency and utility generation and the course identified five prong strategy to help achieve this goal and the first is shrink the pay. of course by reducing the amount of lktd the city demands it's easier to get to the 100% so there are a number of recommendations want a few of them are highlighted here and strengthening the retrofit rules, promoting energy audits, and through the real estate which we did a couple we go with the lead ratings and the assessors data basis and data for local governments and property owners so it's hard for the city to do smart energy and policy if we don't know where
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we're starting from so we need to benchmark as a city and need property owners to know what their energy use and patterns are within their own property. the second one is to encourage local renewable energy and dg distributed generation and don't need to build new transition needs and local security and keep the dollars in the local economy and to help with us there are a number of recommendations and they're tinkering around the edge of our regulatory process and rules but ultimately we want to work together to drive comprehensive energy policy to support renewables and continue to take the lead on streamlining the processes and working with neighboring jurisdictions to do that as well so we have a standard system bay area wide and include this for local
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renewals and work with pg&e and we have a robust electric grid downtown and precludes installing renewable energy there and work with the homeowners so they know the options and how to finance it -- >> chair campos. >> commissioner mab. >> can i ask danielle? can you say more about explore and fee and tariff for local renewables. >> sure. we will talk about that in a second, but this is one of the opportunities that we have for community choice aggregation. it's a toil that has been used in other countries and japan and germany and basically assure the renewable energy community there is a guaranteed off taker and price paid for electricity generated from a renewable energy project. it's normally 10 or 20 years
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and set higher than the going rate for gas or electricity generation so it provides a sole developer to say i have this contract for this off taker whether the caa or whoever toy bathe power and. >> >> and guaranteed to buy it from me and i can go to the bank i have this stream of income if you give me a loan. >> please continue. >> thanks, so one of the areas -- also that is applicable to efficiency is addressing barriers for 10 -- tenants and may be are tenants in their spaces and critical to reduce this for efficiency and new due to incentives or they don't have access to physical resources like their roof so expanding energy to renewable energy is one opportunity that would help the renewable energy space.
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right now all ratepayers pay into -- for example the state fund that goes towards the solar incentive but across the state only a quarter of houses can take advantage of on their roof and we're looking to expand that to others so there are fixes under the rent control rules. there is a list of passthroughs that haven't been adopted by the board of supervisors that we would like to see clarification on the rules and for the tenants and expanding metering and enable customers in multi-families or tenant buildings credited for the portion from the roof top system -- this has been recently expanding but doing it more so at the state regulation level so more customers can take advantage and supporting
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renewable energy legislation and we have been pushing for this at the state level and invest in a system not located on their house or multi-property or in the community or the state even and own a portion of that state and get the generation of the system to their own utility bill like they would if it's on their own roof, and next and one of the more important ones in terms of reaching this 100% goal is providing a renewable energy option. we have limited resources in the city in terms of roof top space or open space for wind turbines and we need to have some option to import to get to the 100% target so one is to implement community choice aggregation and the 100% renewable as planned by at sf
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puc and the more people that take in part of we will get to the goal and working with pg&e on programs if they choose to roll out a similar program and expand local delivery of clean power and when sf puc has power to the wholesale market we would love that sold to customers in san francisco rather than outside of here and we have cleaner power coming to san francisco and reduce our climate footprint in the city. so that could include different areas in the city and bart and cal train and help reduce the emissions on the transportation side this way and not just our environment and lastly we looked how can we encourage private sector investment and new and the city can't do this on its own. we need to work with the private
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sector and leverage this and that could be look at programs to reduce the cost of and expand clean energy financing and with pace and other mechanisms, pursuing third party ownerships and partnerships to develop more renewable energy. levering caa and and to the fee and tariff and having this set of customers under cca and guaranteed off takers the renewable power for years to come you can assure to the developers there is the market to sell into and thereby help them to get financing and get projects on the ground and supporting clean investments. for example by working with the pension and retirement funds to use some portion of the portfolios to go towards these programs and demonstrations on public property and that's been
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started already on clean power sf. we have almost 40 members in total and it's a fantastic group and we're lucky to have knowledgeable folks and universities in the area and active community members so a very big thank you to all those that worked on this for a year and a half and that's it. >> thank you very much for the presentation. why don't we open it up to comments or questions from the commission. commissioner olague. >> i was wondering how much time was given specifically to your conversations to the clean power sf? >> we -- basically we had a different topic each month. one month puc came in and one month others came in and talked about
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hetch hetchy and cca and in most meetings it touched on various topics and we were talking about investments or renewables locally so it came up frequently. >> i thought it was going to be emphasized more. >> that was sort of my question. can you talk a little bit about how -- what's the role of clean power sf in achieving these objectives? do you have a number of goals and recommendations here and how critical is community choice aggregation in helping us to get to where we need to be? >> it could play a significant role and if it's rolled out as 100% any power provided will help us meet the goal and there are a couple opportunities to leverage that in the ra
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