tv [untitled] December 24, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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chair camp chair campos. just two things and how important the municipal bank is. i think that needs to be in the top three priorities list and i mentioned this many times and i wanted as an individual grass-roots organizer and coalesce a team and show you there are leverage with this and we're getting to the point in the next year i would be surprised if we don't have to deal with the broad band network and i don't know what you have experienced but a month ago comcox raised my rate 15 bucks a month and just like we need public power, we need public communications. we need to be competing with a public
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infrastructure with compast, comcast and at&t and you name it and i urge that we do something in the next year and do a new study around broad band and 110 years ago now. we need. >> >> update it and lay the ground for a communication system in san francisco and if you look at what happens with the public access channel it's obvious that we need it and comcast isn't going to give us the access content and opportunities for the community that we really need so please do. i know you have a long list but please add that to the list. thanks. >> thank you. anyone else? okay. seeing none public comment is closed, so what i would say -- i would direct staff to work with me and
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drafting a res diewgz that we would bring to the commission at our next meeting that outlines all of these issues and makes some suggestion for how to proceed with respect to them. commissioner avalos. >> yes. i would like to just kind of tap into that process as well. i mean you can take the lead but i want -- >> and in fact i'm -- i know that my staff would appreciate this. i am happy if you want to take the lead commissioner. >> let's do that, so germ me pollack in my office will be staffing on that and we will work together in putting a resolution together. i do want to look at what was done in the past around fiber and communications and so i think that would be important to have as part of -- at least for
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consideration, what has been done in the past and what we have done as a lafco towards that end. i know that we probably have something in your office that might be there and i see hope is ready to weigh in on this. >> commissioner schmeltzer. >> it was a lot more recent than 10 years ago and when it happened it was in the context of the google proposal to provide free wi-fi so that's when laugh. >> i remember it around 2006 or seven, yeah. >> >> yes. >> it's on the lafco website and you will see there is a report in there but i'm happy to get you a print out if you need one. >> thanks. >> one thing i would ask as we are putting this together is one thing that we know happens in
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city government is issues come up unexpectantedly and there are some other thing that comes up, so whatever we adopt of course hopefully is subject to some modification and i would simply encourage all of the commissioners to make sure that if there is anything else that you would like to include in this that you let our staff know and that you let vice chair avalos' staff know and we don't want to leave any of that out. so again i appreciate the discussion and we will be working on this and come back to these two items at the next commission meeting. madam clerk if you could please call item number seven. >> item number seven executive's officer's report. >> miss miller. >> we have election of officers in january -- i really don't
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have a report unless you want to talk about the joint hearing that we had with the sf puc. we are looking for dates in february for the next one but other than that that concludes my reports. >> commissioners, any comments or questions? >> any member of the public what would like to speak? seeing none public comment is closed and i'm not sure when to make this throat, but as i. >> >> understand it this is our last lafco meeting of calendar year and because of that it probably is the last meeting that we will have commissioner olague sitting in as a member of lafco for at least for the time being, and so i just -- on a very personal note i want to
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take this opportunity to thank commissioner olague for her service on the local agency formation commission. it really has been an honor and you have provided a tremendous contribution. i think it's definitely the case that community choice aggregation would not be where it is today without your support and involvement, and it's really -- it's been an honor and a pleasure and you know it is my hope that you continue to be involved in lafco, and i just want to say i'm very grateful to you. it really has been an honor for me to serve with you so i wanted to take the
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opportunity to note that. commissioner avalos. >> commissioner schmeltzer. >> actually commissioner schmeltzer, did you want to say anything? >> i wanted to concur and thank commissioner olague for her work on lafco and other matters. we have one more board meeting together as well, and it's been great. i am actually really proud of the work of passing clean power sf. i think it's one of the hallmark legislation that came out in recent years and just want to thank you for being part of it. >> commissioner mar. >> i was going to say i know that commissioner olague's going to be out there organizing seniors, environmental justice around issues and so many things she has already done so we will continue to see you in city hall i know. >> yeah and i was grateful to be part of the clean power sf
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conversation because i kind of harp how i was following this issue around sustainability and clean power and just really kind of handing that issue back to consumers rather than allowing certain corporations to continue to monopolize it and promote type of energy use that isn't sustainable so whether it's clean power sf or the ideas from germany and free berg i am proud to you part of that conversation and vote for it on the board level and one thing i regret not being part of the municipal bank conversation and i think that will be interesting and from a nerdy perspective. it's not exciting to most people -- or at least i hope it isn't. >> commissioner schmeltzer. >>i hope you come talk to us
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about it anyway. >> yeah. >> i do believe that for me that the vote on community choice aggregation was one of the most important votes that i cast as a member of the board of supervisors. i think in the scheme of thing what is is happening with the environmental needs of our city, country, world, that that's one of the most important votes and i think history will show that would not have happened without your involvement so i think it's very, very exciting and i'm very proud of you, and what is amazing about supervisor olague when it comes to these kinds of issues she's always gotten it. it's never been difficult. it was an easy sell, so thank you very much. why don't we pick up items eight and nine together. >> item eight public comment.
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item nine future agenda items. >> so this is the opportunity for the public to comment on the jurisdiction of lafco not on the agenda and any future agenda items. >> eric brooks local green party and local grass-roots organization our city. since the love fest began i would like to continue it. especially on clean power sf members of the advocacy community we were looking at -- felt like down a barrel of the gun when we got to the september vote on this and we weren't sure what was going to happen and supervisor olague stepped in and we went to her on clean power sf we did not have to do any convincing. we were meeting with a supervisor that knew the issue well before we walked into her office and understood the issue of
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renewables and efficiency and all of it in detail and what that did it freed up the advocates to go to supervisors that had concerns and focus on them because we had you supervisor olague and others as strong anchors so we didn't need to worry about our base and that enabled us to get eight strong supportive votes this measure which was absolutely critical and i usually don't join in love fests like this, but i think it's important because during the last election a lot of mud was thrown around especially in d-five, some of it funded by enemies of clean power sf, and i think that a lot of criticism was raised about progressism and et cetera that was not valid, and the public needs to see the few -- i don't know how many
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people are watching this on tv. i do it all the time but the handful of people need to see that supervisor olague as a supervisor and commissioner on this body is a progressive and gets it, and on this last point i can't speak for the green party before anytime in the future that it makes a decision so i'm just speaking for myself and hopefully i'm hypothetical enough that i'm not stepping on any laws. if you were to run for a city office again i certainly as a rafid radical progressive would be behind supporting you in that effort, so hopefully for anybody that is watching we have all established that supervisor olague is a excellent major asset to the city and t progressives and i hope that you continue. thanks.
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>> next speaker. >> hi. paul kangis again. before the ross mirkarimi vote i didn't know who supervisor olague was and it takes that courage and supervisor that with stood the attack and it's the whole idea being able to speak freely in this city in spite of what the rich think, being able to act freely within this city which makes san francisco a city that the whole world looks at and follows and listens to and so even though i'm a critic of cca, simply for scientific
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reasons, i appreciate the fact that the supervisors did the thinking they did and came to the conclusion they came to because even though the environmental crisis is going to bring huge storms this year beyond the political storms. in fact the environmental storms are probably going to be more powerful than the political storms we will face this year. this city with this free thinking attitude is capable of providing leadership to the whole world, but there needs to be all sides involved and this city does that and i thank you supervisor olague for your leadership. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> i would like to thank supervisor olague for her leadership as well and call on
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the hearing on education and as well as housing. those are two issues that affect african-american community across the country as well as san francisco. i'm -- you know what i do for a living. i'm a homeless advocate. i advocate for homeless people and clifford hoosier has been coming to my center for two years now and a immigrant from sierra leon. if he returns to his home he will be killed. he is requesting asylum here in san francisco. he hasn't gotten s he is not here illegal. he's a harvard graduate as well. next year january 31 and i just been coming to city hall to try to get support for him as well, and that's pretty much all i have to sai. i would like him to speak
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for himself. >> i want to thank the commission for its work. this is my second time appearing at city hall. the first time i had the opportunity again to witness a session like this, and i want to thank everybody. i want to thank supervisor olague. i have read much about the commission work from the examiner, the san francisco examiner. like jamal and my case manager. i see supervisor mar and supervisor campos and i have been reading about san francisco and all about its developments on the san francisco examiner which as you know is a free newspaper, and i have been seeing all the work you are doing in my
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district where i live, bay district and bringing things there and cleaning up the navy yard and affordable housing and like jamal said i am trying to get asylum. i moved into this country in 1996 at harvard university and he is my case manager and through his leadership and graciousous and kindness and getting me to places and where i can get some help and so i told jamal. i
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showed him all my papers and he knew i have a court date on january 31, and i have been living in this country for 16 years. i don't have any criminal record, and will be grateful for your support and i want to say thank you very much and look forward to your support and anything, questions -- thank you very much. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. and i am sure that all of our offices will be happy to help in anyway we can. i appreciate it. any other member of the public wish to speak? seeing none public comment is closed. i guess madam clerk if we could call item 10. >> item 10 is adjournment. >> so this adjourns the
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>> in january everything changes. all of san francisco's parking meters will now be enforced 7 days a week. feeding the meter 7 days a week reduces parking demand in commercial corridors and for most faster turn over of the parking spaces. the muni system has improved for sunday. learn more about 7 day meters at >> my name is phil ginsburg and the general manager of the san francisco parks and rec department and i want to welcome everybody to the 83rd annual holiday tree lighting. happy holidays to you all.
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fisherman's wharf, meg's wharf which was the place in san francisco to enjoy yourself. eventually fisherman's wharf moved into youctionv to where the explore or yum is and it moved back up here. but in the 1950s, the port was coming out of world war ii, was trying to understand what container station was going to look like, and they commissioned a study that looked at the economic impact of the port to the city. * that sounds familiar, does continue, mr. mayor? and particularly to how the port could participate in the city's tour and commercial industries as well as their cargo industry, and specifically that report found that this area, since we were moving into containerization, were no longer really needed for cargo, that cargo would be better off being in the southern waterfront. and we would have this area devoted to more commercial activities, entertainment, dining, et cetera. and, so, in the early 1950s, the port moved forward and had
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the franciscan restaurant built. as part of that. and this area we are standing on was an old timber wharf that supported parking for the fisherman's wharf area, of course, all the other restaurants developed over time. * and this old wonderful car ferry slip used to move railcars on and off of the pier over to tiberon and to richmond and other parts of the bay. so, for the last 50 years or 60 years if you're really doing the math, the port has been trying to keep regenerating our area and making it more of a great magnet, not just for tourism which is our core industry, but for locals alike. so, we really believe this promenade which, by the way, is a seawall. and you'll be happy to know that the old wooden seawall underneath has been repaired after over 100 years. so, all of you who own property across the street have another 100 years of safety to go. and all the rest of us get to enjoy that. and we truly are coming to
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where the land and the water's edge meet and enjoying it in a great new way with vistas of alcatraz, new year's eve and america's cup. it is my great honor to welcome all of you and to introduce our wonderful mayor who has been such a catalyst for projects such as this. mayor ed lee. (applause) >> thank you, monique. thank you for being such a great historian of all the space here. that's wonderful. well, welcome to $10 million of great public investment. [laughter] >> even, even the skies parted a little bit for us. but i'm glad to see port president david chiu here to join us, our rec and park commission, mark and phil ginsburg from rec and park, doreen, thank you very much, rodney from the planning commission, thank you, rodney for your leadership as well.
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to present and past commissioners of our port as well, you've all been part of this legacy of history building down here. and i also want to say thank you to vortex, the contractors who are here. they represent all the powell drivers who have been working really hard. and the great personal thank you to public works and he's the city engineer. he kept everybody together working with monique and the rec and park and everybody else to make sure that the workers, all 75 of them, working hard to get this done, along with our local contractors, matt hughey, thank you, mh for being part of this wonderful work as well. it's been long in coming. it's another example of how we use and how we have responsibly used our recreation and park open space bond from 2008. our clean and safe bond program. i know phil is delighted because we got another one passed this past november. it's a great part of our history. (applause)
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>> but this was one of those early projects that we started out. we wanted to reconnect. we saw the very piers and the underlying part of it decaying. as moe meek so eloquently said, we have to nourish it, we have to reinvest in it. we got a good look at what we needed to do when the bcdc came out with the planning part of this, their contribution to this $10 million of investment. when we started planning with them, the bcdc, we honored that with, again, completing this wonderful project. so, i'm here not only as a cheer leader, but to thank all of the different elements that come together that are required to come together for successful project. and even as a few months ago, i know monique was saying, god, we've got to keep pushing, keep pushing on this. and we did. everybody came together and we pushed for it. we're grateful that the
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contractors worked with us to do so and they stepped in to make sure things got done. even frankenstein is here to help celebrate this. (applause) >> our street performers, and i've been talking with monique, i've got a new invested role with our street performers that we're going to have working with public works and all of our great san francisco agencies. everybody is here today. i know what it means to really complete these projects, to keep them going. and this is, while it sounds like a lot of money, it's actually a small part of our whole capital planning that goes on and continues to go on. we honor all of our public because they do allow the city to invest their money properly, get these things done, honor them with completed projects. this is $10 million which released from general obligation bonds to go on to another great, another capital
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planning that we're doing. and now i know the port is going to celebrate because they got $35 million invested in -- 195 million in the next bond that we have to create even better and more own spaces that we have. right around the corner is jefferson public realm. we're going to get that done as well. we're going to honor what rod has been reminding me about it, all of the great institutions we have in the fisherman's wharf. we get to recreate a new vibrant street that blends vehicle traffic with pedestrian and bicyclists. all on the eve of welcoming america's cup, continued every year with fleet week. it's wonderful, wonderful time to be part of this great city. i want to thank all of you for coming and joining in this great celebration. it's wonderful to be in san francisco, to be a part of it, and to create more excitement for future generations, and to lead the city in much better shape than when we fit
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