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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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>> wong from the excelier. >> and also a member of the mcclarin park collaborativive and i would like to read a letter that i was authorized to present from take back our parks which is an alliance of san francisco ans across the city dedicated to keeping our open space and recreation facilities open and accessible to all people. >> take back our parks supports the collaboration between the public works and recreation parks on the project, a new multimodule thorough fair would better service the users who currently find the high speed traffic threatening. for example we support improvements such as lane reductions, pedal pathways, better bus stop access and traffic calming and dark sky and lighting fixture and crosswalk protection, we expect it to be accomplished by
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preserving the natural beauty, for those who are not familiar, please come to the parking lot and see what the elks squad has done to the tree in the middle. thank you. >> thank you. very much. >> next speaker, please >> good afternoon, my name is niel, the planning commissioner, i want to support this list of projects before you today we. recognize that there is a far greater need in all of the communities and districts in san francisco than there are projects before you today. we want to especially support the school projects and the safety and privilege for masonic avenue and second street. we have had the pleasure of working with community groups, schools and many of you for five years. on those streets and improving pedestrian and bike safety. people are dying, because they are going to the grocery store or trying to get about their daily business. >> we look forward to working with you and the staff over the
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coming month to refine this lift, thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please? >> >> i would like to add a very important factor. there is a huge stretch of line going towards the mission. and in the direction towards city college. and that has no lighting. whatsoever. and whereby, we have two huge tanks olding tanks that belong to the san francisco public utilities commission. and they can help us somehow with the lighting factors that are no order. they can work with pg&e. it is very important to note that you can have some
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beautiful parks and you can have amenities, but you also need to have the lighting fixtures so that you have safety. safety is important. we can improve the roads and if you don't have, good lighting, that adversely impacts whatever improvements are done, thank you very much. >> and any other member of the public who would like to speak on this item? >> seeing none, the public comment is closed. unless we have an objection, colleagues the same house and call? the same house and call. >> could you please call the next item? >> 13,al locate, $419,672 in prop kfuns with the conditions to the san francisco muse pal transportation agency for four requests subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules and amend the ref lant 5-year
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priorityization programs. >> anyone who would like to speak? >> none, seeing none it is closed >> come forward members >> could we get some more information on this item. we are talking about a lot of money here, do we have any more information on what is going to be allocated for? >> the prop k funds? >> this is an item that came before the plans and program committee where there was a hearing and there is information attached to documentation about the proposal to the agenda. so, i don't know if you have the opportunity to attend the transit programs but that is where that information is. >> okay. >> thank you. >> is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues? could we take the same house and call? >> same house and call. >> as you could call item 14. >> program up to $2557,of 2 one in cycle 3 life line
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transportation program state transit assistance funds to the three san francisco municipal transportation agency projects and concur with the sfmtas and revised >> is there any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? seeing none. it is closed. >> if we could have a roll call? >> the same house? unless there is an objection, the same house and same call? >> same call. item passes. >> 15, update on the city wide muni transit project and this is an information. and in the last few months we have had discusses about individual projects at the various districts and now we are talking about city wide. >> thank you. >> i am going to present this item with louis and i am quite away of the hour, you have before you a powerpoint presentation in your desk and
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in your packet was a lot more detail and as the share said this is the very last set that the chair has requested. and these are the city-wide muni project and mostly state of good repair projects a lot of them are behind the scenes and not as intuitive that you have presenting and so we are not going to focus on delivery issue but we are going to highlight the benefits to the public and the current status and we do have staff here in case you have any questions. i do want to under score, this is not an insignificant part of the sales tax program, just the active projects before you on the list, 165 million in sales tax dollars that are leveraging the projects for the total costs with just the active phases of $440 million, with that i will have her come
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forward. good afternoon. like she said we will be talking about this from the muni, the first three projects, are related to the central controlling communications facility, and this is a series of projects that i designed to upgrade and bring up to the 21st century. and a lot of nerve center systems that are used for running the day-to-day operations. at muni some of the systems are 40 years old and in this day and age, in which technology advances on a daily basis, you can just imagine how out dated the systems are. and the first project in this group is the central control interum facility. and this is going to have a lot of operations that are scattered throughout the city
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in one location. and the control itself will be there and the dpt, and the traffic and sfo, the security division dispatch and the management center and so on, and that project has been designed and has been designed. and it is about to start construction as soon as the current tenant of the facility moves out. and unfortunately they have been slow to manufacture out so the project has been delayed. and the fiber, and the systems,
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and as well as the uninterruptable power supply. but, in this case, right now, and in the process of evaluating the bids that we received for it. the schedule performance and cctv and so it is a very large project, and this project was awarded a few months ago, and muni and we have encountered some difficulties and the negotiations took a lot longer than expected. and now they are on board and
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it is moving swiftly. and so, they expect completing in october of 2015. and now, we move on to the next four projects which are related to the vehicle fleet. the first one in front of you is the acquisition procurement of 59, 40-foot hybrid buses. this was a very recent allocation, in october. and as the authority has been in existence, we have been observed as one of the best ways to maintain good level of service and actually have the good vehicles, and muni in this particular case, they took advantage, of the cooperative purchasing venture, which basically was put together in minnesota. and they were able to piggy back on that group and therefore, save about 9 months
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of the prokurment process and save enough money to buy a few additional vehicles. we have street cars and this has been necessitated by the success of the line. and it is basically taken 16 vehicles to acquire some while back and put them into service and so this will increase the fleet by 16 vehicles and 14 of those have been completed and the other two will be completed by the end of the year. >> and the rebuild and as the main and it is basically to extend the life of thoroughly existing fliers and we have confidence so far and the expectation is that this build will extend the life by 6 years for this vehicle. and the last one of the vehicle
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projects is the restoration of the 8 vehicles and it is the vehicles that were badly damages in accidents. and and with the prop k allocation and the vehicles are now 7 of them are back into service, and the other one is expected by the end of or the middle of next year moving on to facilities. and this is a occasion for mta and this is the first rubber tire fa tillty that mta has built in the last 6 years and it is of course, a state of the art facility.
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in the discussions with the authority, they agreed that was a good idea that they would be able to service all kinds of vehicles and this is significant because it provides an opportunity to service the fleet. which are 60 footers. s and they face one,. the fuel wash facility on the site and the maintenance building itself will be built next year. the next project is the placement of the rail facility,
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this has been in the works for a lot of years, unfortunately, that facility, was over crowded, and therefore it was difficult to replace that track with the over capacity. and now that it has taken some of the load off they have been able to make room so to speak to be able to replace the track. now, the construct of this also includes, the construction of the east side collection project. funded for the allocation and also coordination of the other district improvements for the balboa station area. and a key aspect of this project which will be done within 150 days for the project
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to proceed. recognizing the safety and improvements for workers and more lists, can support more efficient and faster maintenance, and therefore, benefiting passengers, and muni has embarked on replacing the it was a program to have 14 lift and we have been informed yesterday that it looks like they will be able to install a significantly, at least 3 more maybe more, due to lower than anticipated bids. and so, by 2014, all of these lifts will be in place. separate the transition to cliper, right now, mta staff is
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putting together a package of the scope and budget and schedule, to have a pilot program in which they will be able to select different, methodology of the different types that they will use because this is the muni will be open to the weather and so they will be able to put together a pilot program to test them and so that is going to be ready for that in january. yes, january, 2013. yes. >> the other project that has come up in a category by isself is a management system and this is a system that intended to help mta obtain its facilities and assets in the state of good repair.
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and basically, it would provide information on all of the assets basically, that they will have an inventory of all of the assets that mta has and with the estimated life with the maintenance schedules with so that they can plan ahead many years in advance what the maintenance needs will be to maintain the facilitis in good repair. and finally, in conclusion, i would like to mention, the para transit project. and i mentioned this project because it is the only significant prop k funded operations program. and all of the rest of the plans are just capitol and so, prop k has funded close to 48 percent of the annual transit costs since its probably... it
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was precurseor for the prop k and with that, concludes my presentation, i can answer your questions and there is also mta staff here. >> thank you very much. >> we appreciate staff's presentation on this and again the purpose of these presentations is to make sure that not only the commission but the members of the public know how prop k funds are being used. and the kinds of projects that are being funded through the moneys. colleagues any comments or questions? when we open up to public comment? any member of the public that would like to speak on this item please come forward. >> you have heard a very technical presentation. so, this is for some of those of you who when we want to set aside some moneys for our
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youth, you make a big... about it and you can spend millions upon millions of dollars as a side for this debt and the other. just a few days ago, and this was not explained today about the software how it failed and the legacy software and i believe that another software that is linked to the occ, was some flooding because of the rains, and everything came to a grinding halt for about four or five hours. so, and in this explanation, there is millions, upon millions of dollars are being put so that things are upgraded. we also need an explanation of how we have a system that come to a grinding halt and that is not a fault of the san francisco county transportation
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authority. and maybe it is not the fault of the mta, but we have some union members here and i saw vince harris here, and they ought to know that when the san francisco county transportation authority meets, they used to be in the past a representative from the union. who know exactly how the moneys are spent and because you had union president come here and ask you how was all of this money spent and you ought to know it and the public ought to know it and the only way that it can know it is by having transparency and representation and here we have million and upon millions of moneys spent and not going to say wasted but a not a lot of how the maintenance building was built and the change that was done on that and i know that the change out is done on this facility and i know that change order is done on many of the operations
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and i have got, i have got the documentation. and so, bottom line, we need representation from the union, we need the representation from people who really know how the money is spent, so that we the taxpayers, because even if the money comes from the federal government, it is tax payer money. >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is bernard secretary of treasure. >> the presentation about the dollars ta is going to be spent in the future on muni, we would love to see more of those dollars going to more new coaches. because it has been over 15 years, since this fleet has been turned over. and since the passage of proposition of k, and 2003 and 2004, we feel that the entire
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fleet could have already been turned over. we could have put all of these other things in place, but our biggest problem right now on the streets for the residents of san francisco is they deserve better equipment to ride on. and that should be the focus of this board. is putting reliable equipment out on the streets for the residents of san francisco. and i see up there, the 60 new coaches that is coming in, that is great. but that is not enough. we have one of the oldest fleets in the country. and rehabing some of these 60-foot coaches is not the answer, it is not a long-term solution for the residents of san francisco. for the last decade and a half, the residents of san francisco have been riding on equipment that they do not deserve and one of the most beautiful metropolitan cities in the country and you talk out of this beautiful room and building and you walk to the streets and see the equipment
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that the residents and visitors of san francisco is riding on, it is almost shameful and it needs to be addressed in a big way and all of the plans up there for the future of the railway, none of them include rest room facilitis for our members and our operators, we have over 50 locations that have no rest rooms and a lot of this funding should be addressing those issues as well. because, once again, you could put together all of these plans, in a blueprint, but if you don't have the equipment and you don't have the operators to move the residents, the riders and the visitors of san francisco then you have nothing at all. thank you. >> thank you. >> very much. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak, please come forward? >> good afternoon, executive vice president of the transport union, local 258. just to go off a little of what my colleague just mentioned the rest room facilities, we have over 40 percent of the terminal
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stations that would be the end of the line of each line and it does not have a rest room for our operators and i just want to speak briefly on the perspective of the increased workers cost and i sit on the wellness committee as the union representative and what we see is ongoing budgeting medical costs secondary to operators to, you know, first, the stress level of the job is very, very, intense, and second of all, when you get in a situation where you work on some routes that are three hours one way, that would be between 29 sunset to the southeastern portion of the town. the folks don't have a place to use the rest room. we have gone and gone in the last year to try to get the uta to move on this project and one of the things that they continually come back to us is that there is a lack of funding and so the reason that i approached this board today, is to try to put out a general call, not only to the transportation authority but to
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the board of supervisors in general that this is a health issue for employees of the city and county of san francisco. and it is an issue for us as union representatives to hear the complaints from our members that they have nowhere to go. we have had media coverage on this, we have spoken on it several times and we are trying to get some movement because it is an emergency situation for our people. and we just don't want our members, or the employees of san francisco, or this railway, to be continued to be treated as second or third class citizens without the ability to have clean, functioning facilitis that they can use while they serve the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> good afternoon, board, members. chairman, eric williams, president for the transport workers union. >> about two years, the media, put it in the papers, about the rest room issue, for the
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operators. and they were made it was made a joke even by some members of the board. this is not a joke. we sit here representing our members with the particular issues surrounding your district. at the end of the day when there is no service on the streets, part of that reason is because operators particularly women are pulling the coaches in so that they can get a clean respectful rest room. this is a serious issue, all do report to the team we have been working on a few plans to get some rest rooms in place. we have identified seven locations. four were hopeful to break ground within by march this year that is fine, but it plays
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a huge role and we are going to be back to the board and ed's team and my team, we have plans for all of the rest rooms that we would like to see in place. we are going through the procedures of the arts commission and so on and we are doing all of the things above and we are going to submit all of these plans to this committee. in which it says that we must submit it first. we are looking for a dedicated, resource of plans for the rest rooms. all of the rest look good and looks fine, but what about the operators, who are out there working hard every day?
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just shot over the heads of millions, i am blown away by the millions and millions of dollars but what is actually going to help the agency and the efficiency of this system today you cannot tell me now, one item that was presented today is going to help the system today. and this man is actually right. there should be some funds allocated to the church tunnel so when there is a melt down at market those lrvs can come out of the tunnel and keep it running, none of this was brought up and the citizens need to be aware that have and there is a plan to deal with the service melt downs, but no one wants to put money at it. thank you very much. >> thank you, very much. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. this is an informational item, we want to make sure that
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members of the public and all of our partners know how prop k funding money is being spent and we certainly appreciate hearing from all of our partners including our labor partners. i wonder if you could just share some thoughts about some of the things that we have been doing. >> mr. chairman, first of all i would echo your words. i welcome the comments that we just heard from unions. i would share with you that it has not been a secret that the single most important thing that can be done to improve the performance of the system is to get a new fleet and i would point out that the last time that this happened, around 1999, when prop k leveraged a billion dollar replacement of the fleet, the performance went up 70 percent in 18 months, clear