tv [untitled] December 31, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PST
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bring huge storms this year beyond the political storms. in fact the environmental storms are probably going to be more powerful than the political storms we will face this year. this city with this free thinking attitude is capable of providing leadership to the whole world, but there needs to be all sides involved and this city does that and i thank you supervisor olague for your leadership. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> i would like to thank supervisor olague for her leadership as well and call on the hearing on education and as well as housing. those are two issues that affect african-american community across the country as well as san francisco. i'm -- you know what i do for a living. i'm a
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homeless advocate. i advocate for homeless people and clifford hoosier has been coming to my center for two years now and a immigrant from sierra leon. if he returns to his home he will be killed. he is requesting asylum here in san francisco. he hasn't gotten s he is not here illegal. he's a harvard graduate as well. next year january 31 and i just been coming to city hall to try to get support for him as well, and that's pretty much all i have to sai. i would like him to speak for himself. >> i want to thank the commission for its work. this is my second time appearing at city hall. the first time i had the opportunity again to witness
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a session like this, and i want to thank everybody. i want to thank supervisor olague. i have read much about the commission work from the examiner, the san francisco examiner. like jamal and my case manager. i see supervisor mar and supervisor campos and i have been reading about san francisco and all about its developments on the san francisco examiner which as you know is a free newspaper, and i have been seeing all the work you are doing in my district where i live, bay district and bringing things there and cleaning up the navy
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yard and affordable housing and like jamal said i am trying to get asylum. i moved into this country in 1996 at harvard university and he is my case manager and through his leadership and graciousous and kindness and getting me to places and where i can get some help and so i told jamal. i showed him all my papers and he knew i have a court date on january 31, and i have been living in this country for 16 years. i don't have any
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criminal record, and will be grateful for your support and i want to say thank you very much and look forward to your support and anything, questions -- thank you very much. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. and i am sure that all of our offices will be happy to help in anyway we can. i appreciate it. any other member of the public wish to speak? seeing none public comment is closed. i guess madam clerk if we could call item 10. >> item 10 is adjournment. >> so this adjourns the meeting and i want to wish our staff and everyone here a safe and happy holiday season and i want to thank again the commission and our staff for
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i'm robert chief and i'm the park's supervisor in the parks in the sunset district. i've been working here for 3 years. we are 60-70 street below street level. the 64 acre park. the park is divided into 2 sections we are in the stern area. when you get over to pine lake meadow and pine lake, pine lake is considered a natural area. in 1847, the green family came out here, back then this was kind of an empty canyon and sand dun area. they claimed this property. in 1892.
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george green who's a second generation built the truckdaro club house. there was a hotel then. it was said this was the place to go if you were weary of the dirty city and the police. there were a couple of gun fights the front door has bullet holes. i don't ever repair them. 1931 stig mond bought the property from the green family. she donated it to the city of san francisco and had a specification, i'm giving it to the city that will be used forever for the enjoyment forever of the people of the city of san francisco. it has ever since. every summer the stern grove association in san francisco rec and parks put on 10 free concerts. usually people come out at 10 in
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the morning it's a family affair. everybody is on the lawn with picnics and it's free. anybody can come out. it's a great way to spend a sunday. >> goes to 1-2 in the afternoon and runs until 5. [music]. thanks to the stern grove association they renovated the concert meadow. it used to be a rolling grafsy area. put in a new stage and stage building. they put in terraces. we get from 8,000 to 12,000 people. and the meadow next to the concert meadow is full of people even though they can't see the music they hear it. i walked into the meadow several times and they don't even care. we do have literally events going on day and night.
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the concert association has kids days during the week. the performers come out for hundred 200 kids. now, the truckadero truck house gets rented out for weddings and retirement. the croquet clubs and horse shoes. 2 play grounds, tennis courts. we have from 25 to a hundred dogs here. it's like bisons going across the mid west. there are so many dogs they are covering the ground cht it's a get together. all the dog walkers know each other. if you go to pine lake day camp now, you will see 50 kids there. the r directors are wonder.
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>> the pine lake is natural. they take of the area around the lake. they plant natives that are drought tolerant. one that stands the dry summers here. the whole park is under going quite a bit of reconstruction. they will renovate the trails around the lake. and the big project is the capital project for pine lake meadow. they are going to returf the dog run and the meadow by the day camp. we are looking for a very busy fall. by the spring of next year should have major renovations to the mark thal make it an outstanding park. i don't ever refer to it as my
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the end of discrimination against women. we have an exciting afternoon for you including a thought-provoking video and an awards ceremony honoring some special women and a fund raising appeal. i'm going tor your mitt stress of ceremonies and make sure we're all enthusiastickd about going back to work on this great monday afternoon. but it's a great afternoon outside, right, we live in california. i'd like to welcome merry lee maupb today an who is president of the commission on the status of women. marilyn. >> oh, i feel so tall. good afternoon, everyone, thank you for being here. my name is marilyn maupb today har, i'm the president of the friends of the san francisco commission of the status of women. and it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2012 ceda
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awards luncheon and thank you for mcing our event this year. this luncheon celebrates the advancement of women's human rights and we are so glad to see you all here. this is our fourth event and many of you have come back and we thank you for being a regular fun. the friends was founded in 1976. we support the work of the san francisco commission and department on the status of women. we organize events in the community and work to increase public awareness about issues affecting the lives of women and girls. so we're all about, we're all focused on improving the lives and well-being of women and girls socially, politically and economically and we strive to ensure an equal future for all. so first i would like to
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acknowledge the members of the friends. how many of you are members of the friends, may i see a raise of hands? oh, that's great. so at the end of the luncheon we want to make sure everyone is a friend, a friend to the san francisco commission on the status of women. so thank you for your membership and contribution. we do invite you to volunteer for many of our projects and activities. so now i'd like it acknowledge my board. these board members have tirelessly given their time and resources and today would not have been possible without their help. so may i have the board members of the friends please stand up, hold your applause as i recognize each one of them. so we have meg mccallister, kathy campbell, who is just walking to her table, una
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martai with common welt club of california, stephanie block, our social media girl, patricia bovan with sumantec, patricia lynn with merrill lynch, barbara mark with -- barbara mark and her friends, over there, yeah, waving, her friend's friends table. please help me applaud these wonderful women. esther caldwell with delloyd
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could not be here, she is expecting twins and is on bed rest. i also want to say that today really the details of today, as you know, those of you who do event planning, would not have been possible without our event chairs. i want to acknowledge the 4 co-chairs, it takes a group of friends to put things together. help me acknowledge meg mccallister, cinta lynn really paid attention to all the details of this luncheon today. just like the script, i'm not used to having a script but i have it keep on time here. so i also would like to recognize our honor area event chair, first lady neat ta lee. she could not join us this
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afternoon but sends her thanks for your support. but i have the privilege of welcoming and introducing someone you all know, a very special guest with us today, our much-esteemed mayor, mayor ed lee. join me in welcoming mayor lee. (applause). >> so, mayor, this is about women power, not (inaudible) power. >> certainly not hanoi power. thank you again for mcing today's event. i wanted to come by and welcome everybody. i was ordered by anita to make sure i was here. it is my pleasure to join all of you today and in, again, lovely, beautiful ballroom. thank you for getting us here. janet,
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this is a beautiful place we have in this building. it is apropos that cedal, the commission and the friends have this event here. it's one of the most beautiful rooms this city has to offer. it is reflective of the tribute that we pay for all the honorees. but as i just wanted to address you today, i wanted to thank everyone here in this room for coming together on this event every year to honor those in different walks of life that are contributing to improving our chances of being full equality for women. we still have a ways to go. there is so much to do but we have accomplished quite a bit. i know former mayor brown, who is not here yet, but he will be dashing in, let him know i said this. if he were the president of the united states we would
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be the 186th country it ratify cdal i say that because i know he and his history was the very first to sign up our city, it pass the ordinance when he was the mayor, to make sure we were on the road by abiding by those principles and then when i had a chance as director of public works i took up the helm for that department. you know, those years, they were really blue collar attitudes in public works, but we found the women leaders that we could acknowledge and promote and it became an even better agency for that very reason. so i want to again acknowledge that history. we still have a lot to do since our country has yet to ratify these principles. i hope that we will get closer and closer to do that or if not do it now, it is something that
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i think we've really been embarrassed about as a country not to do this on a national level. but i join you today in acknowledging as well the great work that we have locally. i know that not only do we want to be models for the rest of the country but we also are working very hard at home and we produced some tremendous results. just 10 years ago, you would have seen statistics that we were quite concerned about. some 10 domestic violence homicides each year just 10 years ago that was happening. due to the fact that our commission on the status of women and thank you for your great leadership, emily and julie for the presidency this year and the friends, 10 years later we have reduced that by 80 percent in this city. it's a wonderful, wonderful tribute.
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we've done this with a great unity between the board and the mayor's office and i want to thank and recognize all the supervisors that are here. i saw scott wiener and the short guy in the elevator. supervisor cohen, i saw her a few minutes ago, thank you for being here. if i missed the other supervisors, my apologies, i know many of them are on their way and coming. i have striven to work really hard with our supervisors to make sure that we agree as much as we can on things that are important and certainly the agenda for the commission on the status of women, the fact they can hand out some $3 million dollars in grants every year to community-based organizations to keep that work up, to keep the issues in front of us, to make sure we never accept not even one domestic violence case in this case, is
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something that we would be willing to accept. and i'm sure you agree with that. (applause). just an hour ago i swore in the new, the newest department head of our city, jennifer johnston, who is now the executive officer for the civil service commission. she joins in a line for some fantastic women leaders of our city. they include naomi kelly, our city administrator, thank you for being here. i haven't seen her yet but i know joe an hayes white, vickky hennesy, our interim sheriff. >> doing a great job, too, vicky
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including our diega skoepb is here as well, other elected officials, i know we have an official from the justice department, thank you for being here and other elected officials join me in acknowledging. i know diego gascon has another reason for being here. brenda yee, chinese hospital, we just broke ground on chinese hospital, thank you for your leadership and all the health field. christine bronstein, band of wives, thank you for your wonderful leadership, wonderful acknowledgement today. delloyd, our corporate partner, a hundred years in san francisco, thank you for your
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wonderful leadership. esther solar, where would we be without you? thank you. futures without violence, thank you very much, esther. fabiola kronsky, thank you for your work on univision, thank you for your constant encouragement and we hope you stay in san francisco. janet riley, clinic by the bay, your wonderful work in our community, thank you very much, janet. dr. jean bolen, a millionth circle, thank you and congratulations. very much for being here. and misha, thank you charles schwab and misha, thank you very much for your leadership. waley dye, you show up on
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these tech companies, i'm the only woman here, thank you for your leadership in technology and helping us lead this whole bay area to a wonderful success, thank you and congratulations. of course if willie brown isn't here today i'm going to continue thanking the honorable willie brown for his wonderful leadership. as you know he and i continue to be partners in crime but he often says keep treating the board of supervisors like your misstresses. i keep telling him, not ever having had a mistres, i don't know what that means. he means in a very playful way. you can remind him about that. anyway, it's again my honor to be here today to welcome all of you to acknowledge the wonderful work that you all do
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and of course to give my support to the commission on the status of women. emily, you and the commission have done wonderful work. keep doing that job, keep reminding us what we have to do, keep the agenda in front of us and keep educating our public. you know, our public sometimes in the enjoyment of success and our city is becoming more and more successful, we sometimes might have those moments that we forget how we got here. one of the things i just want to make sure you know, we would not be a successful city if we did not invest in our community-based organizations. that's the real secret in how we've been becoming successful in making sure we increase the numbers of women that are served or end the violent homicides or reduce the number of domestic violence cases or increase the number of women that serve on our commissions and our departments. it's working in the community
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