tv [untitled] January 3, 2013 9:00am-9:30am PST
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i feel like a broken record, i feel it is a model, the benefit of being both a city and county, in some respects it is easier to bring all partner agencies together by choice or by hook. but i would urge us to continue to look at regional partnerships and for ways to support this beyond our boundaries. the crimes are not just within our boundaries. >> a want to make this comment before we go into public comment, more question than anything else. in the spirit of how i do business.
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this is the part of tonight's agenda. i'm not saying it should have been. but tonight looking at the response of domestic violence, the prosecution rates, the query reporting module, and the other things i'm curious about the status of women. at some point i would like to hear about any progress in prevention of any of these crimes. what we really want to do is go out of business. i never looked at the department as a prevention agency; some people do. they do the practice of police officers. i don't want to leave people feeling that this is inevitable. i am curious.
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they have conversations with folks about best practices or inroads? i am in the business of stopping young people from doing what adults do. they have meetings on, because obviously we don't want these things happening the first place. >> we do talk about this doctor marshall. integrating this into the public school curriculum, prevention, what is appropriate behavior, junior high dating, what are the boundaries for young women to set. behavioral models for young men. one thing i wanted to do more about is economic empowerment for women. as you can realize, the department has a small staff. at one time there were as many
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as 8-10 staff members. now we have 4.5 we sort of move our agenda as is necessary. the prevention -- intervention particularly -- is important to us particularly empowering women. it is even more difficult when there are financial issues and be able to be gainfully employed. >> this is not a criticism. i don't think - ideal of the same thing with the kids - i am saying, any opportunity that you hear about things progressing? when i talk to kids in school,
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is it really working? i want to leave it for me since i've had some success with young people i would be willing to offer to help in that area because like i said i don't like the in result. that so they want to stop. >> >> if anybody has a right to ask a question, that's dr. joe marshall. i am very dedicated and certainly this commission is
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very dedicated to doing the prevention work and we do need to have a broader conversation about that. i think that as we started out with the discussion, executive director dr. -- indicated that this year so far we have had 0, we have so many days left in this calendar year, talking calendar year not fiscal year. we have had zero homicides as a result of domestic violence. that is really something to take note of. i don't think that that has occurred by happenstance; it is not a statistical anomaly. i think it is because we are gearing our work more as preventative. preventative - the collaborative effort that we are working with, the various departments, the police
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department, the various partner agencies is in and of itself becoming more defined preventative. a lot we heard this evening is interventive; as we go forward the fruits of that labor become more definitively preventative. nonetheless i think that you are absolutely correct and that is correct question that we have to keep asking ourselves day-to-day. how do we behave? how do we make sure that we are moving our resources and directing our resources towards more preventative measures? if anything at all, i think in this particular year and i'll
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be the one to say it, is this: we have moved the conversation in the city from the idea that one, domestic violence is specifically a woman's issue. is not. that's why i asked the captain in terms of this issue of integration. it is not a women's issue solely, wholly, or inevitably. it is a community issue. is a social issue. it is a health issue. it is a multidimensional issue. it is not as we know, a private issue. is a community issue and so as we are thinking along that continuum from preventative to intervention to actually ending hopefully our domestic
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violence, we have to certainly acknowledge the fact that the needle is moving. and that the conversation is broadening and i think we are getting more specific and more expert amongst all the various departments. around the issue of domestic valiance. i'm very glad that we are having this meeting this evening. that is another milestone in terms of the conversation around how do we view and what are our values not only about intervening but presenting domestic violence in our community and understanding that he cannot, will not, i should not exist in any particular silo. it is not just an ideological issue. it does not belong to a
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particular class of women or minority; it is everyone's issue and everyone has a role to play. we need to make sure we presented and hopefully and it. prevention is very key. and a driving force in the work that we're doing through -- the department, and the work that we continue to do in this collaborative and comprehensive partnership. so every department, the police department, the public defenders office, the district attorney, department of public health -- other departments involved, the sheriffs department, all must be involved so we can become more preventative. >> thank you. any further questions for captain flaherty or lieutenant --?
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we will now move into the public comments section. it says five minutes total. the city attorney suggests that we give 2 minutes per person without a five-minute limit. >> speaker shall address remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners, or department or occ personnel. neither police or occ personnel or commissioners are required to respond to questions, but may provide a brief response. occ personnel and police shall refrain from entering into a debate with speakers. limit your comments to two minutes. >> as any public comment
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regarding tonight presentations? there is no comment. before we move to the last item, we will like to adjourn in memory of some folks. i want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for tonight's presentation. a lot of work went into this from the commission staff, members of the commission and this was very important in light of recent events. our goal tonight was to let the public know that the san francisco police department, attorney's office, occ, the commission, we want to assure women and men dickens of domestic violence that we are here to help you.
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this is the community matter. we want to help break the cycle of violence. the presentations tonight were excellent. the message is very clear. the city and discounting takes domestic violence extreme we seriously. we have a police chief to support it and everyone in the room to support it. i cannot thank you enough. it was a great presentation. >> it was an honor to have this joint meeting. i hope it away 10 years to do it, particularly surrounded by the men and women in blue. i feel safer everyday. it is great to see you on the street but more importantly to have interaction with you and know that we have common goals. also to our immigrant communities, we are here to serve you and language barrier should not be an obstacle to seeking help nor your immigration status. we work hard.
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i am a fourth-generation san francisco. i'm taking cantonese and mandarin classes to reach out. i hope that for members of the community this was an enlightening experience to learn more. i thank everyone for participating, and the organizational aspects by the respective staff. >> vice president marshall: i like when the commission joins meetings, some more than others. there is more of a nexus. we should do it again. much sooner than never. and that we stay on top of this. there are times when just
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because things happen, there is a focus on it. partly what is happening the city and elsewhere, it will stay on this, reconvene, we can really do something about not only domestic violence but the triage that we have been talking about. a bit strong support that and i know my fellow commissioners would also. >> is there anything further? we would like to adjourn in honor of -- >> i defer to commissioner -- >> if you allow me a personal moment to adjourn in memory of my mother-in-law. is rather appropriate because she was the mother of the san francisco police officer. she immigrated to this
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country, strong armenian woman, and had to go back to school to be reregistered as a nurse. she went back to state college later in life and completed courses where she received a teaching certificate to teach preschool at west porta in the early days of preschool days. she was small in stature, but i stood tall on her shoulders and women like her. >> i would also like to express condolences to mike nevans' family; he was a police inspector. i got to know him when he was state legislature. he is also the late uncle of someone who has been in the city -- pj johnston. >> also we would adjourn in honor of spector mike nevin.
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>> i'd like to call roll please. (roll call) also with us this evening we have chief of police gregory piecer and you have a quorum. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wednesday, december 19, 2012 police commission meeting. we have a light agenda at the front end but a lot of disciplinary and personnel matter we'll be
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dealing with in closed item. without further ado, please call line item 1, the consent calendar. >> also we have miss franko. >> i spoke with miss hicks and she asked that the item on the agenda be taken off. >> item 1, request of officer mike mitchell to accept gifts of a ball cap and hooded sweat dts shirt from the san francisco spc for his assistance with the recovery of a stolen dog. >> members, you have the affidavit of officer mitchell. he helped the spca recover a stolen dog. any public comment? >> move to grant the request. >> all in favor say aye. >> no. 2, general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the
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commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners, department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order during public comment neither police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. please limit your comments to 3 minutes. >> good evening, welcome back. >> hi, jackie brison here and i'm happy to be here. i did my nomo rain dance, i'm part xhapb khee and i had to do my rain dance in order to get nomo rain but it only holds until friday.
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>> i am here once again to bear glad tidings apparently you really miss me and needed some good tidings, so here i am. first thing i wanted to let you know is that i did battle with pg&e over a missing, as in the light wasn't on, it was out, and i did battle with pg&e and i won. so the offensive light shall be replaced tomorrow, that's in front of 54 dore street and it was a battle but i won. police department's worth it. the second item i wanted to let you know in regards to light, i have done battle with the folsom dore apartment, 75
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dore, no. 6, i had to file not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5 but 6 complainting regarding inadequate lighting and they finally saw the light and the lights were on when i left. no. 3 has to do with the baldwin house hotel. i don't know if you've opened your substation there yet, but be sure and check and make sure that the boiler system for the hotel proper has been inspected. if you were to check with the department of building inspection you will find that it was the early part of 2004, i filed a complaint regarding the boiler system. it turned out there had been a notice of violation which had been issued against that hotel which went languishing for, like, 6 years and there was a changing of the guard. well, i found out about it and i let pg&e know that they had a water
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heater, not a boiler there, i spoke to pg&e, spoke to the little guy there, they refused to let the inspector inspect because there was nothing to inspect. i took them to director's hearing and they were required to put a boiler in place so make sure that, a, there's a boiler and b it's current and i want to give a shoutout to my long lost phone spouse. i miss him. once again, i'm in mourning. he's done a good job. >> thank you, miss brison. any further public comment? please come forward. >> my name is robert davis, i live in the bayview, 92124. i am here for 3 things. the first thing is to show you a
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petition that some of my neighbors and i put together for lieutenant robert oh sullivan to be promoted as the permanent captain at the bayview station. we got a hundred signatures very quickly. >> (inaudible) on that? >> mr. davis and i discussed that that has happened. >> granted. thank you, chief, and thank you, mr. davis. >> the second thing that now captain o sullivan is the permanent captain at the station, we'd like him to stay for a while. i know with paramilitary organizations it's up and out but we think that would be counter productive in this case, he's been there two years, we work very well with him and we'd like him to stay. if that's possible we'd like that to happen. the third thing i'd like to mention is some calls for service data that i got from the turk street department of what are they called, you know, the custodian of records. first little packet here is
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about what we call mendell plaza, that would be between oakdail and palou and the 1300 block and 1400 block of mendell. in 10 months this year there have been over 2600 calls for service to that one block which we think is very high, considering the density of the neighborhood and for comparison in the second set of data here, i have calls for 6th street between market and mission. there were fewer calls, it's 3 times as dense and yes, we have gangs, they don't have gangs they don't have, et cetera, et cetera, but the reason i'm here is to bring this to your attention. we'd like some city services that doesn't involve the police. the police are doing a very good job. we have 3 bicycle officers, we have calls, we have people up and down. we
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like having police. we'd like to have some city services to take care of some of what we call the antisocial behavior in the plaza -- drinking, public urination, public other stuff that people do in the middle of the day. the city already sends somebody out for two hours in the morning from 4:00 to 6:00 or 5:00 to 7 klak to power wash the plaza every day. we're spending a lot of money as taxpayers. we think we can do better. we appreciate the police, they're doing a great job, but what we'd like you to do and the reason i'm here is i'm asking you to make some calls, get other agencies involved, a multi tier, multi level approach, we just need some help. the other thing, just out of interest, i got all this from the department of records also. this is about 24th and mission and 16th and mission and the calls for service there are fewer than 20 in a year, which
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i found very interesting, considering the bad pr for that neighborhood and for those two blocks in general. anyway, thank you. >> thank you very much. and thank you for your petition. any further public comment? come on, sir. >> my name (inaudible) i believe that one of your officer from sunset was very undisciplined to me, very, very. i'd like to citizen complaint but they didn't want to hear this. i'd like the chief of police, nothing can help. what can i do? i still very strongly believe this officer dermani was very in his
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behavior even how he looked at me, everything, was so antisemitic to russian jew was unbelievable. i don't believe i am in united states. and, again, this case was for two months in officer citizen complaint and they did not want to hear this. they did everything not to bring these two officer who was there on the case on the place when it happened and i really don't know what i have to do. thank you. >> thank you. any further public comment? >> inspector hallor ran.
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>> thank you for this opportunity. i stand before you tonight on two issues, first of all to introduce myself or reintroduce myself to some of the commissioners. last month i was swoerp in as vice president of the san francisco police officers association, having served 9 years as the treasurer i'm familiar with the process of the commission and the discipline but secondly and more importantly, i want to announce if you haven't already known, the retirement of vice president kevin martin and the retirement of our paralegal, steve johnson. that most recently happened two weeks ago. we are definitely going to fill the void that steve has left, i hope to fill the void and fill the shoes of kevin martin. we know it's a lot to ask but i can assure you that president delanus and i will make every effort to work with the chief as we have done since being on the executive board of the poa for the last 9 years.
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but before i do i want to acknowledge kevin martin who has 28 years of service not just with the san francisco police department but the san francisco sheriff's department and especially acknowledge steve johnson, who joined the san francisco police department in 1971, served 30 years and since that time has worked tirelessly along with kevin for the rights of our members and he has worked with every commissioner here. he's going to be a big loss to the poa, he wanted to be here tonight, he could not make it. he is in good health and spirits but i do have letters to each one of the commissioners on behalf of steve. so i am available, i certainly am behind the learning curve but considering the statement from one of the last speakers i hope the chief grants everything that the poa requests as you did the previous speaker. i can answer any questions if you have them, but thank you for your time. >> an
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