tv [untitled] January 4, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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them. >> there is a bit of schizophrenia there. >> the $100, who sets that limit is that state or city? >> that was set in the original law passed in the 1980's? >> do we have any flexibility? >> no, i'm pretu sure that is established in statute, but it could be changed. >> i am thinking that instead of paying $100, we could base on the sales volume of the size of their business. >> right. i think if you started to change it, that the oppositions would be quite broad. for instance the supermarket would pay a different rate than the beverage dealers, based on volume, something like that. >> thank you. >> do you want to take this to committee? >> i would like to read through them and we can go through them rear view relatively quickly and see if any other recommendations that might have.
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>> the sbc encourages the department of the environment to pursue mobile redemption sisters, mobile redemption centers rotating basis could be a potential solution for the coming up next the city should resalute the geographic distribution of centers with the goal of expending them to parts of city underserve. additionally the geography of san francisco and density should provide policy rationale to increase the size of convenience zones in the city of san francisco. the sbc asks that the department of environment in coordination with others work with retailers so seek exemptions for small businesses. >> so can we just stop right here for the local? are there any comments, suggestions or modifications.
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>> we're is good. >> you have been extensive background, but the fee of $500 should be considered and the sbc encountryings courages the department of environment to bring that. >> we should do a little more investigation of the tiers of how much people would have to pay. >> i think that is a really good idea. >> right, because i definitely hear commissioner ortiz-cartagena's concern that we could raise the fee, but rest of the policy doesn't change. >> right. >> and we have just increased a situation for our small businesses. i have one other sort of question for you, is would the commission want to have a
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consideration for that we work at the state late to exempt our small businesses from the crv policy all together? >> yes. >> yes. >> so then perhaps this is another direction? >> or maybe even a population density matrix. i'm from san francisco and that is all i know and maybe in stockton there needs to be that center. >> finally under the direction of the department of the environment the implementation of mobile recycling programs may require state legislation to be brought forward. the sbc supports the introduction of any next state legislation to accomplish the implementation of a mobile
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re[sao-eublt/]ing program. >> i like that one a lot. >> we will finalize this with the detailed findings for the january 14th meeting. >> great. thank you. >> thank you commissioners. >> commissioners, just in your binders is something additional meeting you may find interesting leading up to the next meeting. there is some information on just the bottle bill in general along with the exemption process, so just some food for thought for your next meeting. >> i'm from michigan and i'm used to the dime and you have a party at your house and collect
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the recyclables. that is how i made it for college. >> there is a value. >> next item, please. >> you are saying if you drink enough, you can afford breakfast? >> [ laughter ] >> in college, we used to have parties and everybody had to leave their bottles worth a dime in michigan. if you have a case of beer, it's $2.40 and we had several and we would go to the grocery store and get $20 for breakfast. >> if you could get up in the morning [ laughter ] >> commissioners item 5 discussion on sunday park meter scheduled to take effect january 6th, 2013. director, did you want me to give the summary? >> yes, please lead us through this. >> commissioners, i will just summarize, a pretty brief, but
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informative faq in your package and for members of public online is a web link for sunday meter information. as of january 6th, 2013 all sunday parking meters will be enforced on sunday from noon to 6:00 p.m. with four-hour time limits and note that fisherman's wharf and other areas have different times. parking has been traditional free on sundays since meters were installed in the '40s and noted that most businesss were closed on sundays. operating meters on sunday is common many other cities and the mta points out los angeles, portland, toronto, chicago, tampa as some large cities that have sunday meter parking polices. the rationale for the sunday meter parking policy includes reduced frustration for all motorists. more successful neighborhood commercial district, which rely
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on parking available for customers. reduces congestion and all revenue returned to to mta. there is a question about how the meters operate if you have to run out there at noon to feed the meter and the answer is that the meters will accept pre-payment beginning at 4:00 a.m. and so you can make a pre-payment and then starting at noon, the payment that you make will take effect. and then there is the parking meter rates will be the sames on sunday. i included in your binders, there is -- i will put it on the overhead -- -- the sfmta
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is undertaking a public outreach program providing the form that i just put on the overhead. they are going to be printing tens of thousands of those. and have them available for local businesses to hand out to customers. there is also very similar design for 11x17 posters along with cash register-type signage that they can put up. in addition, they are going to do media outreach, radio outreach. they are going to be putting bus ads out. and they are going to be doing additional newspaper and other means to get the word out.
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>> commissioner comments? >> i attended the meeting that we had with the sfmta about the metering changes. the om only comment that i have to make and i totally understand why four-hour meters if you are going to a woreship service, but in the business corridors, frankly allowing people to park for four hours is not going to encourage turnover, which is what they are saying that they want. on a sunday most businesses are open 12-5, which is almost the entire business day. i don't know if there is any way to resolve that, but i think there is kind of a conflict with that, just because if you want people to go in and out and turnover and go shopping, if they are going to park for four hours, they
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weren't turning over. even the worship people feel four hours is not long enough and have service and meals and lots of other things that take them virtual will you through the day. i'm curious what other commissioners' thoughts are on that? >> well, i understand why they do it, like on clement street and some area where's they need the turnover, i agree with you on the hours. personally i'm not a big fan of the sundays. in my neighborhood, castro and upper market the merchants are not in favor, but you talk to the clement merchants and geary street merchants they are for it, because they are open
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longer hours, especially the restaurants. it is four hours? >> four hours. dinner time -- >> then you don't have to pay after that. >> i know. >> i understand why the city is doing it. i didn't know we had four-hour meters. the only one that i know of two -hours is in the castro district. >> i just think it would have been better to possibly make them two-hours. it just seems like that is a long time to have someone at that meter, if you want turnover. >> commissioners, i did fail to mention as part of the transition to sunday meters,
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they are also removing all the one-hour meters and changing those times to two-hours. and all current meters that have the ability to have two hours one day and four hours on a sunday for instance. >> okay. >> they are taking credit cards? >> credit cards through the phone and in terms of the new meters where you can actually pay by credit card they are currently working on transitioning out the old meters and eventually the goal over the next 2-3 years, all meters would have credit card capabilities. >> okay. >> any other commissioner comments? do we have public comment on item no. 5? seeing none, public comment is closed on sunday meter parking. any other commissioner comments?
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>> thank you, chris. >> i will address it in my director's report. >> next item. >> commissioners all right 6, director's report update and report on the office of small business and small business assistance center, update on the department programs and updates on legislative matters and make announcements regarding small business activities. >> commisioners, so i don't think that i mentioned at our last commission meeting, but we have launched an enterprise zone web application. so this is one step that we're taking in terms of making technology available for businesses to utilize. so this will help expedite the processing of businesses enterprise tax forms for their employee tax credits. so the processing and administration and it should be making it easier for businesses in terms of even filling out their own forms. so this is
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now live, and available, and it's on the oewd website, when you go to the tax credit information on their oewd website. license 123, we're still targeting for our mid-january site to go live. we're still on track for that. >> great. >> and we should have for you -- we'll have a presentation for you at the january meeting. the small business net payroll exclusion, chrised forwarded you the press release that the tax and treasurer put out about it. there is no new form, but deals with it on the tax filing form. and and i think it should be pretty easy. small business saturday was a
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great success. san francisco did very well in terms of number of businesses participating, but we had a mayoral proclamation. the board of supervisors did a resolution. we had the mayor tweeting. there is also an official letter from the white house to acknowledge small business saturday, and hopefully you saw president obama out shopping with his family. and he did personal tweeting. so that was great and very exciting. >> i would like to comment and i want to thank regina, you and everybody in your office for promoting small business saturday. i was out in some of the neighbors and they were very pleased how your office was out there helping promote this. and i know several businesses said that, especially in the noe valley and upper market and costa, everybody is downtown shopping and that saturday they
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had a definite increase in business. 24th street i was down there and talking to some folks down there and they were saying that was one of their best after-thanksgiving distal saturday and i know on castro it was the same. so thank you to you and your office for promoting it. >> you are welcome. so this year we worked with women impacting public policy and wipp and sf travel came on and the chamber of commerce. so we want to make it bigger for next year. so we're starting our planning meeting in january. so we're going to be coming together. so we'll be a little more ahead of the curve and be able to get more activity out for small business saturday. small business week is well underway. and again, it's may 13th through the 18th. we have already sent out
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safety save the dates to the merchant organizations and letting them know that save the dates to the merchant organizations and i attended the council of district merchant meeting and our office will still continue to do. and then we have started to organize the events for that week. it looks like we might be leaning towards having our awards ceremony thursday morning. >> thursday morning. >> thursday morning. and i will let you speak to the theme and all of that, because commissioner adams as our co-chair will be providing the information in his vice president's report.
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and then all of these weeks are going by so fast. we did as part of the invest in neighborhoods program launch the ada outreach. it's a pilot program that is associated with our invest in neighborhoods program. the funds were -- we're doing a pilot project in district 4. and the four areas -- well, district 4 and then we will be adding geary street in district 1, but we're first starting out in the three areas of district 4. so any business that is in that area that is interested in having an assessment done, we will be able -- we have the funds to provide a free assessment. and if there is work to be done, then they can apply for a grant and they may be able to qualify for a grant to do the
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work. so there are details here about that. so form is -- the applications are available. if a business residents between noriega, irving street and terrville, et cetera, so asian neighborhood design is managing the program. and doing the inspections and helping with the outreach to the businesses. we did have a press conference with the mayor to announce this and it was very nice. supervisor carmen chu after the press conference went and
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walked along the corridor to start to inform the businesses. are there any questions about that? >> how was the merchants in that area reacting to that? were they receptive? >> yes. we have one business who has filed an application. but others, the asian neighborhood design did an assessment right there on-site. so some of them it was just a few things, like clearing off the counter, that you have your ada counter built and just clearing it off. or removing the garbage can, or changing the table. so they were able do some on-site assessments that were very simple and really readily achievable things that a business can do. so that was very well received. >> that is great. thanks >> and then just a few
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december 24-28th and the office is not available for walk-in, but we'll schedule appointments and take phone calls and do email. and then monday the 17th is the council district merchant's holiday party and you should have received an invitation for that. so that concludes my report. unless have you any questions? >> any questions? great job, regina, thank you. next item. >> commissioners item 7, discussion and action to approve the sbc's 2013 meeting calendar. that is in your binder under tab no. 7. the only change that was made since this was distributed to you at the previous meeting is that date for the retreat, we sent out four dates and based on your feedback and response, we were able to find that
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february 28th worked for commissioners. all other items are unchanged. we kept the consistency of the second and fourth mondays when possible in may due to small business week and memorial day, we had to change the meetings and columbus day and veteran's day that necessitated a change? >> when is mlk day? >> the 21st. >> okay. >> so this looks good to me. do we have a motion to approve it calendar? >> just for the record we should take public comment? >> yes, do we have public comment on the small business commission calendar for 2013? seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion?
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>> i move. >> second. >> roll call. >> commissioners on that motion, commissioner adams? >> yes. >> commissioner dooley? >> yes. >> commissioner dwight? >> yes. >> commissioner o'brien? >> yes. >> commissioner white is absent. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena? >> yes. >> commissioner yee riley? >> yes. >> i will send the copy with calendar invites for the next year. >> thank you. and i will ask that sometimes between the systems using lotus notes and translating to g mail or to outlook there could be some issues. so if you could please let me know if there are any issues with you accepting the invitations and there are,
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i could send those individually to you directly? >> okay. >> next item. >> item 8, legislation and policy committee report. >> i will report. it wasn't a very long meeting. we discussed the sf ct, san francisco's transportation plan and we'll be evaluating various projects and making recommends. we'll also be making a policy statement and general comments regarding funding for construction related mitigation for impacts to small businesses for the projects. the director also provided an update on the small business saturday and discussed mobile retail at the meeting that you have reported. that is it. thank you. >> thank you, outreach committee. >> item 9, outreach committee? >> most of our meeting was revolving around the recycling issue and since we have already heard that, there is nothing
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more. >> and that is a tough one. so thank you. >> it was interesting. >> next item. >> commissioners, item 10 president's report? >> i would like first to talk about small business week. we are ahead of your fundraising goal from last year. can i talk about that? >> in general terms. >> so we are reaching our fundraising goals, which is going to allow us to do other things this year. we still plan on having flavors on monday night and we still plan on having the workshops on wednesday afternoons or wednesday all-day. with the board of supervisors recognition on tuesday and the other addition is having a separate awards ceremony on thursday morning, so we're not doing it all-in-one day and get more elected officials to our
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events that week. and then also i would like to talk about small business saturday. he was out and about and shopping on small business saturday purposely and i would like to thank regina. we had involvement from sf travel and the chamber of commerce, and a lot of people come to san francisco to shop and this is where san francisco travel did really well with hotel rooms and brochures and from the merchants that i talked to, that went over very well and with the years to come we'll be partnered with the chamber of commerce and sf travel. that is it. >> commissioners, item 11, vice president's report? >> no report this month. >> commissioners item 12, commissioner reports >> any commissioner reports? >> i have one. i was invited by the chinese
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radio station am1400 to talk sbac bac and office of small business and thank you to the director for providing me the information that i needed over the weekend, because the show was on monday. so a quick study and i think it will air tomorrow. at 5:00. >> great. >> am1400 in chinese. >> are you speaking in chinese? >> yes. >> good for you. >> it's a chinese radio station. >> that is good. i they that -- i think that is important. >> a lot of people don't know about the center and there is also confusion about the sbac and the office of small business, so we did a little clarification about that. >> next item. >> item 13, general public comment. >> do we have any member of public who would like to comment on any future item for this commission? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> commissioners, item 14 new
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business. >> are we going to -- i would like to bring up something and i know we talked about this at the last commission meeting about the mobile food trucks. the one thing i would like to do is mobile retailers. >> we can provide a presentation on that and update. >> i know you have been doing some stuff and it's funny, since the mobile food trucks have been out, i have been hear more about mobile retailers. i saw something on tv and it wasn't in san francisco, but it's in other cities and my gut feeling was a few years ago when mobile food trucks came out, oh, that won't affect us here, but guess what, that is affecting us here. you are starting to see them pop up
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