tv [untitled] January 8, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PST
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people comply and i think not compiling that and publicizing that makes it feel people can get away with stuff and if they ride out the statute of limitations long enough, there won't be any penalty? >> how long is that list? >> non-filers? >> i don't think we know. there are different people that or on the list? >> you are talking about [kpao-eupbg/] combining three or four different lists? >> correct. >> i think that is worth putting on our list on the website. >> and if i could conclude my last comment for the evening hopefully. is the commission intending to meet in december or is that meeting going to get canceled?
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>> it's going to get canceled. >> excellent. happy holidays to everybody. >> happy holidays to you. >> next item on the agenda is discussion of items for future meetings. hearing none, is there a motion to adjourn the meeting? >> so moved. >> second. >> do we need public comment? is that what you are saying? is there any more public ghent? no public comment. >> he said he wasn't going to make anymore. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? none. the meeting is adjourned.
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>> good morning and welcome to the regularly scheduled meeting of the city operations and neighborhood services committee. i am sean elsbernd and i am joined by christina olague and we will be shortly joined by ms. carmen chu. mr. clerk, can you read item one. >> item one is issuance of on sale beer and wine license for mikhail brodsky for pectopah, llc located at 748 innes avenue. >> thank you mr. clerk. to the department. >> [inaudible] >> hold on one second. turn
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your mic on. >> thank you. >> testing. good morning supervisor supervisors. i am from the san francisco police department. they have filed an application with the city and on cite beer premseses for 748 innes avenue. for the purpose of this hearing the california department of alcohol and beverage control seeks determination from the board of supervisors as to the approval or denial of this license. from the period of july 2011 through january 2012 there were no police calls for service, nor
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any police reports. the plat information located in here and 354 police actions for the calendar year 2010. the pemz premises is located in a high crime area and sensus track listed here. applicant premises is not located in undue concentration area. there are no record protests with the california department of alcohol and beverage control and also no records of support with the department of the california alcohol and beverage control. department of recreation. there is no opposition from the station. alu recommends approval and recommended to the california alcohol and beverage control. number one, sales, service and consumption of alcohol beveraging shall be
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permitted between 10:00 a.m. and 12 midnight and off cite sales are strictly prohibited and have to maintain the area over the upon premises they have control. loitering is defined to stand idle about without lawful business is prohibited to any property with the licensees as depicted on the form. number five. debris shall be removed from the premises within 74 hours of the application. if the graffiti happens on a holiday they shall remove it within 72 hours of the next weekday. the exterior of the premises shall have lighting and
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sufficient power to illuminate and make apparent the persons on the premises. additionally the position of the lighting shall not disturb the neighboring residents. number seven. no noise audible between the area of the licensee as defined on the abc form. number eight, the interior lighting is sufficient to make easily discernible and conduct of all persons and patrons in that portion of the premises where the alcohol beverages are sold and consumed. thank you. >> no issues with the eight months of operation at this place since they have been going beyond the issues here? >> everything has been fine? >> yes. >> it's a very interesting business model. is the owner
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or the applicant here? no. any comment on this item? >> mr. yep -- >> yeah, i'm just waiting for the timer. i am used to waiting for it. i am mr. yep and lived in san francisco for 50 plus years. this is a neighborhood i am familiar with especially at night and i am questioning since the city is on record for supporting small businesses why we're still issuing new beer and wine licenses? if i remember correct leeann earlier discussions here. >> >> at city hall there was going to be emphasis on trying to slow down the spread of these licenses, so if we're serious
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about supporting small businesses, especially in this area, maybe not issue it and this way give existing businesses, and also i think in the future when we have these liquor license statements i would also like to hear from the district supervisor in the area where the license is being considered so this way we have some sort of district input from city government rather than just the police and the planning department, so i think if we're going to support small business in san francisco we should try to limit new issuances of beer and wine licenses so this way the existing businesses could -- in a certain sense flourish, and it also sends a message to the potential crime breakers that they don't have another place
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to hang out. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public? >> excuse me for being late. >> it's okay. come up. are you the applicant? >> yeah, i represent -- [inaudible] >> just a quick question. are you comfortable with all the recommendations made by the police department? >> i didn't hear it, but i will hear it previous gentleman and i will tell you like specific type of our facility if you allow me. >> we read through the pack get we have a good sense of the operation that you run, and we heard you have no record and it's operating just fine. >> so this is closed facility. it's russian german center and only for members and we have kind of up scale client which is is not connected with the local crime, and other issues with hunter's point area, so we're
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trying to bring kind of different type of people to hunter's point and this, so -- yeah, and this is like our part of our tradition to have a beer with a spa, so is there any question i need to answer here? >> i don't think so. >> all right. >> any other public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. then unless i hear otherwise we will send this forward with recommendation with the attached conditions and can the department just make sure the gentleman gets a copy of the conditions he was unaware of, and that will be the order mr. clerk. can you please read item number two? >> to the board of supervisors to be considered a week from tuesday, next tuesday. >> [inaudible] >> you don't need to be here.
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next item please. >> item two is a hearing to consider the transfer of a type 57 on cite special license from 2100 market street to 550 montgomery street for ami arad for wingtip. >> good morning supervisors. i am with the san francisco police department. the applicant filed an application with the california alcohol beverage control, abc, and seeking a general license for 550 montgomery street, tenth and 11th floors on the northeast corner of montgomery and clay street. this up scale private club will have a full service restaurant and operating on the 10 and 11th floors and currently open monday through saturday. for the purposes of this hearing the california department of alcohol beverage control seeks
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a determination from the board of supervisors as to the approval or denial of this license. this premise is located in plot one five zero. this plot had 355 police reports recorded for 2010. applicant premises is located in a high crime area. this premise is located in census track listed here. applicant is currently located in an undue concentration area. there are no -- there is no record of protest with the california department of alcohol beverage control, and there is one letter of support with the california department of alcohol beverage control. no opposition from central police station. the alu recommends approval. no conditions have been requested from abc. thank you. >> thank you. is the applicant
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here on this one? sir. >> (inaudible). >> only if you have something you would like to share with us. >> it all sounds good to me. i did receive a call from ken on friday explaining the license. we currently have a club right around the corner where we had a beer and wine license for the half two years. no issues there and we had a number of conditions on that one so we're used to that and my understanding this one is no conditions and just asking for your support. >> thank you very much. any public comment on this one? seeing none public comment is closed. colleague any questions? seeing none we will move forward with recommendation. mr. clerk item number three please. >> item three is a hearing to consider the transfer of 64 type on site theater license from 533
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sutter street to 450 post street. susi damilano for the san francisco playhouse. >> good morning supervisors. i am mr. cole from the san francisco police department. the applicant filed with the california department of alcohol beverage control. this is general theater for license for 450 post street, second floor. this license is transferred from 533 sutter street second floor where the business previously operated. it has capacity of 211 patrons and 6:00 p.m. to -- for the purposes of the hearing the california department of california beverage control seeks determination as approval or denial of this license. from the time period of october 2011 to october 201256 police calls for service. from the same
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time period there were approximately four police reports generated. this premise is located in plot 166 and 67 police reports for the area. it's located in an high crime area and in the census track listed. it's in an undue concentration area. there are no records of protest with the california department of alcohol beverage control and there are no record of letters of support with the california department of alcoholic beverage control and as well as the liaison unit recommends approval and the following conditions have been recommended. first one, sales, service and consumption of alcoholic
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beverages between 2:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. daily. number two, the sale of these beverages limited to ticket holders only during and two hours prior to a bonified theater performance of the theater company. it's define that the licensee must operate a troop of actors for the purpose of putting on a performance. number three, the sales of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises is strictly probabilitied and served in containers clearly distinguishable from non alcoholic containers and limited to the sale of no more than two per person per sale. number six, an employee or security guard shall ensure the beverages are within the permitted area when the abc license is being exercised. number seven, laterring and defined to stand
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idling about and linger without lawful business and prohibited on any sidewalks or property adjacent to the licensed premise under the control of the licensee on the abc form 257. number eight, the petitioners are responsible for freeing of litter and with sufficient power and emlum nate and easily discernible of all personos the premises. no noise shall be audible beyond the area and control of the licensee as defined on the abc form 257. finally number 11, no one under 21 serve furnish or sell alcoholic beverages. thank you. >> thank you very much. is the applicant here? any public comment on this item? mr. yep.
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>> good morning supervisors. i notice on today's agenda there are actually three items dealing with liquor license so if i was a tourist of san francisco i would say that in san francisco, at least in relation to this committee there is nothing going on in san francisco except liquor licenses and we all know that is definitely not true. i would like to make a recommendation on two subject matters which in my opinion the city and county of san francisco has not done enough. number one, the obvious one, child pornography. the federal government has been cracking down on california but i don't see too much activity in san francisco and number two, the obvious one, which most people don't want to talk about is the sex slave trade. san francisco is one of the cities along the
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main routes in the west coast, so i would like to see a discussion because in my opinion it does operate in a certain sense within san francisco, so i think it falls within city operations, and i think having three liquor licenses on a monday morning -- i don't think if the taxpayers are getting our monies worth, but i want to say one thing for sure. i would like to thank supervisor olague for her independence. thank you. >> thank you. any further comment? public comment is closed. can we send this forward with recommendations? that will be the order. mr. clerk, anymore items before the committee? >> that concludes the agenda. >> thank you very much. we are adjourned.
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>> good morning everyone. and welcome to the tuesday, december 11th, 2012, meeting of the san francisco county transportation authority. my name is david campos and i am the chair of the authority. the clerk is cheng and we want to thank the following members of sfgtv staff for covering the meeting. madam clerk, could call roll call? >> camposes? >> present. >> chiu. >> present. >> chu. >> present. >> cohen? >> fer ill absent. >> mar? >> mar, present. >> kim, absent. >> olague. >> we are absolutely a quorum. >> and i did hear that
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commissioner cohen and commissioner weiner as well. if you could call item two. >> approval of minutes of the november 20, 2012 this is an action item. >> colleagues this is an action item, before we take action, i want to open it up to public comment, any people of the public who would like to speak on the minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. if we could have the roll call. >> avos. >> aye. >> chiu >> aye. >> chu. >> aye. >> cohen. >> elsbernd? >> fer ill? >> aye. >> kim, absent. >> mar, olague? >> aye. weiner? >> aye. and item passes. >> thank you very much. item passes if you could call item number three. three, chair's report, information item. >> thank you very much. first of all i want to wish every one a happy holiday
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season. and i also want to acknowledge that today is a very significant day for many of us here at the county transportation authority for a couple of our commissioners it will be the last county transportation authority meeting, commissioners elsbernd and commissioner olague. and as chair of the authority i want to take this opportunity to thank them for their service. for their contributions, their many, many ways in which each one of them has contributed in terms of not only the individual projects that have taken place in their district, but city-wide, and i know that we will miss them and the authority will not be the same without their presence. so i just want to take the opportunity to thank them for their service. and we hope that they continued
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to be involved. i also note that as many of you have heard, or read in the press, we have been informed by current executive director that he will be retiring, effective at the end of this year. and one of the items that we have on the agenda today is a discussion about the transition in light of that retirement. and we look forward to hearing from members of this commission as to their thoughts in terms of what process the authority should follow. but i do want to take this opportunity as chair of the authority to thank him for his service for his many years of service. to the county, transportation authority, it is really hard to imagine, the ta without him but i also have been guaranteed that is still available as issues come up.
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and the one thing that i want to say, as chair of the authority is that one of the most important attributes that this agency has, is that the caliber of the people that are there. and couple with its independence and i think that those two things are in any way a reflection of moskovich and the authority of this agency are committed to committed to insurancing that independence and the caliber of the people who are there is protected and so we look forward to a very smooth transition. so, with that, i simply wanted to thank everyone for the work that has been done this past year and many accomplishments that we have had. and so, with that, i will open it to public comment. >> seeing, no public comment, matter of public comment is os
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