tv [untitled] January 10, 2013 2:00am-2:30am PST
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has been doing. with the youth. having spoken to the youth in the polling locations and the opportunities they had. it was an interesting process for them to go through. and for them to watch and observe and learn at the actual polling place. and i think just the registration in the colleges was tremendous. and i am sure that many of our newly and reelected colleagues appreciate that as well. what is your term? >> my term expired january 1. but before we go to the term thing. i wanted to emphasize the work of the department. john arnston and his team have tremendous resources. the guy runs a great shop. it's a machine. and he improves the process every time. he does postpomortum and tries figure out what we can do and to
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figure out the outreach. my term has expired on january 1, i am in the hold-over phase and that expires on march 1. >> in march 1 we have the opportunity to ask you to stay on? >> correct, i would be honored if that is possible. >> we will talk about that. commissioner maufas. >> thank you, and i apologize that i wasn't here, catalina, but i was listening in the back. and i want to comment on what commissioner wynns said, we haven't had a report like this, and you set the standard. were you able to share this with your other colleagues? >> yes, and i attached the annual report at the time president matthews put together. current president, gleason
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hasn't been able to put together an annual report. but this is a report and my help in department. >> again, it's great. and it's so thorough and helpful for us to understand. usually we put someone in this space and they leave us. and next we know that we get's letter from the commission that we need to appoint someone. and there has been a life change in that spot. again thrilled it's you. and this is amazing work. and i talked to you in the interim. i am thrilled about all the outreach that you participate in. and i really am glad that commission has indicated and suggested meeting with the student advisory council, and i know that the student council has a meeting and if your schedule allows. that particular meeting with a
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combination would be amazing and beneficial. >> thank you. >> okay. anyone else? no. i will get better at this, everyone. i am making sure i don't miss anyone. i want to take the suggestion that we put your reappointment on a future rules committee agenda. so that the rules committee can make a recommendation. i will spit ball here and think there would be significant support for your reappointment, but we will discuss it. >> and that will apropos as catalina is getting married next month, in number. >> who knew. >> yeah. >> i meant it. >> thank you very much for the report. i want to echo what everyone else said. it's wonderful and very in-depth.
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thank you for the work. >> thank you. >> okay. we are on item l. special order of business. the instructional calendar for the 2013-14 school year. i need a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. a reading of the recommendation by superintendent designee. >> thank you, president norton. this is an annual item that comes before the board. and i am happy to say that we are on schedule for the first board meeting in january. and i want to thank all of our labor partners and the pac organizations and the community group and all the district departments. and the assistant superintendents that provided input and feedback from the calendar that all calendars are
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based. the requested action is that the board adopt the 2013-14 instruct instructional calendar. >> okay, any questions or comments. >> i have a question, can you tell me if this includes forced closure days? >> commissioner murase. if you look at the january -- sorry, the june first day in june, june 2. we have reached an agreement with united educators for a two-year agreement. and both years have one-and-a-half of forced closure days. the half closure day is on the last day of school, noted on may 30. and then june 2 is the professional development day which also is a forced closure for our teachers.
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that's a furlough day. so we are pleased that in the school year is 179.5 days for the 13-14 year. and again those forced closure days may be revisited in the course based on the district and finances. >> okay. it's very timely as i got an e-mail today from someone asking me when the first day of school was in august. thank you for being so timely. >> thank you, madam president, this it will be the district website tomorrow. >> great, assuming we pass it. roll call please. >> ly. >> yes. >> wong. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas,>> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> wynns. >> yes. >> unanimous. >> thank you.
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next item is -- let's see, informational items. initial proposals. i announce the signing of the following two proposals. 2012-13 initial proposal for a successor collective bargaining agreement from the san francisco unified school district, and 2013-13 initial proposal for a successor collective bargain agreement, both will be held on january 22, 2013. discussion of other educational, issues none. and item n, none. item o, we will vote on the
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calendar for one item that was severed. roll call. >> ly. >> yes. >> wong. >> yes. >> fewer. yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> wynns. >> aye. >> item p, consent calendar resolutions, this our audit, 2-c, and our auditor is in the audience. >> i first want to congratulate president norton and vice
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president fewer, on your new titles. we have with us tonight leonard dana, to give you a short presentation on our 2011-12 audit. the company has done our audits for six or seven years now. and mr. dana has been a partner on this for three years now i think. >> i am on my second go around. >> exactly. >> usually when we present the audit reports, we usually have a lot to talk about. because of the findings. but i went back and looked at prior reports. and i didn't find one that didn't have one comment in them. and some comments if you go back in time, they are more than
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ticky-tack items, they were fairly serious items. and it shows from my perspective where the district has been and where it is now. and this leads up to the basic issue and comment, for those of you that are astute at looking at district audit reports. you look at the back of the report first, because that's where the findings are. and this year i am happy to report, we have no findings. and the prior year findings that we are required to checkup on. to make sure that the recommendations have been implemented. have been so implemented. again just want to bring that to everyone's attention. and the other reports, the audit reports that we issue on the financial statements state and federal compliance are unqualified and we have no issue on that. and we made no audit adjustments
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as well. the unaudit actuals you use for first interim report, those are valid numbers. and no changes to those numbers as well. i wanted to bring that forward to you. it's appropriate. it's good, not that we didn't try to find things. but this year we had no findings. if any questions -- [applause] if any questions. >> no speaker cards on this item. why is my phone ringing -- oh, my god. embarrassing. we had a question on the audit, they were calling in. any questions or comments from the board? vice president fewer. >> i want to say congratulations, good job, joe. very good, thanks. >> i have to add that i have a wonderful team to work with. and not only working with a financial team. but our people in the different
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programs. and we had problems over the last few years, as you might note. as it relates to time and effort. and also in our after-school program. and they worked very hard on that this year. and along with our finance group. and that's the reason why we are at where we are today. >> okay, i am just curious, when was the last time there was an audit without a finding? commissioner wynns. >> i never seen one. and not only in this school district or any other organization that i have been associated. and i have never heard of another school district. >> yes, i went back as far as i could, and didn't find one. >> double congratulations, joe and yung. >> yes, it's a testament to your work. that's incredible.
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thank you. >> but we can't rest on our laurels. we have to do this again. we need a repeat next year. >> yes. >> and mr. superintendent, you want it make a comment? >> yes, i wanted to thank all the staff for their tremendous work. and i appreciate mr. grazoly in recognizing. as you remember there were significant issues with timing and paperwork. and everyone doubled down and did a great job. and not only this is the first time i have never seen an audit without a finding. and that's significant. and i never recall an auditor getting an applause. that's significant. >> we are not supposed to get applause by the way. that's not our job. >> does that mean you are not doing your job? come on, take the credit. roll call please. >> ly. >> yes. >> wong.
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>> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> wynns. >> yes. >> seven ayes. >> norton. >> while yewe're on the good jo and there were no retro actives. i want that thank the staff for that, i appreciate it. >> and i want to mention we have two more audits in the near fut -- future. one is on partial tax, and the elustrous bond program. >> great. and thank you, commissioner mendoza pointing that out. okay. item q.
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superintendent's proposals for first reading. we have item 131-8 sp 1, approval of a public education enrichment fund expenditure plan for the school year, 2013-14, that will be moved to the meeting on the whole. >> you need a motion? i am sorry, yes i do. >> so moved. >> second. >> now it's referred to the committee as a whole on january 15. item r, board members' proposals for first reading none. item s, board members' reports, standing committees. i am sorry, do i do committees first or read it off. standing committees. we have a report from the buildings and ground committee. >> yes, the buildings and ground committee met on december 17th on two informational items. the first was an update on the
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current technology initiatives in sfsud. and i want to thank matt kensey and his team, we just have been able to advance by leaps and bounds. all of our schools are wired for the internet. there is still some last mile connectivity issues. but i want to acknowledge our previous superintendent, carlos garcia that made sure that was money in the qta dedicated to infrastructure. and some of you know in a previous life i worked in high-tech. and when i came to san francisco and saw some of the antiquated systems we use in the city and the school system, it was appalling. but in a short time they have brought our schools up to the 21st century, and it was good to hear a reporting on that. and we secondly took up a
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pathway to community contracting and hiring a resolution on local hire. and we discussed the proposed resolution, suggested some language changes. there will be further discussions in january and february. we were talking about having stakeholder meetings during this time to really flush out that resolution. staff is hoping to put together a first draft in february for folks to review before the building and grounds meeting in march. there will be a meeting this month of building and grounds, the third monday is a holiday. so it would fall on january 28. and i have been asked to take up the issue of project labor agreement. that's one of the agenda items.
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so that's going to be held later this month. thank you. >> commissioner mendoza. >> thank you. i will making a new appointment to the prop-h committee. because my appointee is now on the board. i will replace commissioner haney, thank you for that. right -- right. budget and business is not going to have a january meeting. so we are moving it to february. did we secure the sixth? >> the commissioner, the standing date of the committee through 2012 was the first wednesday of the month. that would be february 6. and that's what we will plan on. unless the committee assignments turn-over between now and then and the dates change. we understand that is a possibility because of the timing of the committee. but in the meantime plan on february 6.
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>> and then i want to make one brief announcement. i wanted to congratulate the mission promise neighborhoods. we are the proud recipients of a $6 million grant that we anticipate getting every year for the next five years. there was a tremendous amount of work put in guadalupe and kevin and the team out in mission. and we couldn't have done it without you. and the schools that will benefit from mission promise neighborhood is chavez and bryant and oc, so connor will be part of that. we will focus on those four schools with the expectation to expand what we want to start in those four schools. it will focus on academic achievement and family stability and early childhood education and technology. we are looking to build strong, sustainable, healthy families in
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the mission. and it will piggyback on the sig work we are doing, and it's a nice consideration since sig is going away. i want to congratulate everyone for that tremendous work done. and we were one of seven cities in the entire nation that received the implementation grant. and we are one of a handful of cities that actually received a planning grant the first year and applied the following year and six months later -- really, and received the implementation grant. i think it speaks to the strength of the work happening in the mission. congratulations. >> if i could add to what commissioner mendoza said, of the grantees nationally we are one of two cities in the nation that received the highest award.
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the full amount. thank you for mentioning that. >> do we have any other reports from board members? none this evening. okay, we will move ahead then -- just one last on committees. vice president fewer and i will be go over the committee assignments. please get us your preferences so we know what they are. and the goal will be to get that all done well before the beginning of february. so we don't disrupt the work of the board. i believe like curriculum is going to meet this month as well; right? >> i have not pulled the members yet. but i will. >> okay, moving along. >> commissioner norton, we haven't planned about whether or not we will have a rules committee meeting in january either. so we should discuss that, which i think is mainly dependent upon
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the legislative, so maybe we will just talk to our legislative advocate and make a decision about whether or not we will have a rules committee meeting. >> keep us posted. item t, report of closed section actions of january 8, 2012, the board approved the appointment of one supervisor. and also the expulsion of one middle school student. and in the matter of the il and unified school district, no case number, by vote of 6 ayes and one absent. the attempt to negotiate settlement on specified terms. for this evenings closed session, i had something, we
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have it again -- here it is, the board of education by a vote of 5 ayes and two absent approved the expulsion of one middle school student. item u, other informational items posted in the agenda, the staff report on the notice of classified personnel transactions. and that being concluded. item v is adjournment. thank you very much everyone, meeting adjourned.
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