tv [untitled] January 14, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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folks of district 11, district 7, we need improvements in that area. i think it is really a great day in san francisco when you have three leaders the very wreck nice for doing great community work here in san francisco, i know david and jane closely; i don't know malia as closely. i see you out in the community. i am happy that you three have risen to the top. it is time for san francisco to stop playing this whole rhetoric game of how we are this panacea; we have gone 25 years without female leadership is a bit off for a city like san francisco. i would like to throw my support to jane kim whom i met working on her school board campaign and working on a
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number of organizations throughout san francisco, on issues for groups like those i represent. it is important that we have a leader that is able to reach our community and interact with not just her district but throughout. i support jane kim today. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> >> it is always wonderful for me, two years ago i remember jane, i remember malia getting into those seats and look at them today.
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it is hard for me because i know both jane and i know malia so when it gets down to them nomination i wish i could do both. i can't. my nomination at this time is going to be for jane kim. i also live in her district. i have seen some of the things that jane has been doing for the last couple of years; it is wonderful to see her growth, coming form where she was to where she is now. i nominate jane kim, and i wish everybody else the best of luck. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. recently we had 12 people, maybe 10 who were hanging out
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naked at castro, and only 20 complaining about it. and 700,000 people who liked it or didn't but did not think it rose to the level of passing a law about it. nevertheless supervisor wiener did. when i first arrived in san francisco, 38 years ago, the 11 members were paid less than 10,000 a year. no fringe benefits, no expense accounts, no staff. all were expected to be part of supervisors with real-time jobs. when -- quinton cob maintain his law firm.
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that is how it should be. the same thing at the state legislature. but that's a different discussion. career politicians are killing us. thank you very much. >> neck speaker. >> next speaker. >> [indiscernible] i hope i don't put my foot in my mouth. supervisors here, many coach operators have important jobs, we move 700,000 people each day. i want to remind supervisors and citizens of san francisco that we do have a job to do. most people appreciate what we do. i met london breed the san francisco firefighters toy drive. a nice person.
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i do know much about supervisors. one of my coahces out of flynn, after giants won, -- [indiscernible] we do an important job, i drive the 38 during the week and -- on the weekends. as a coach operator, i love the city. thank you for riding my bus. >> my name is anna conda, i hope that jane kim will be voted in as board president because of her leadership on
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the board. thank you. >> president: next speaker. >> good afternoon, julie fisher. i have lived in the street one, thank you eric. happy new year. i can see all the talent here along with muny workers who said we have a lot of work in front of us this year once the dust settles on today's decisions, i hope to see you in your offices and out in the community. thank you to each of you. bye. >> president: neck speaker. >> good afternoon peter warfield. congratulations. good luck to all of you including the new supervisors. i hope all of you and particularly the new ones
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listen to the public and pay particular attention to what your public has to say. with respect to the president of the board position i would urge change. with the hope that a new president will have a greater respect for the public and the law. the sunshine ordinance provides for up to 3 minutes of public comment. unfortunately the board for some years provided a maximum of two minutes in what i believe is contradiction of the law. and innovation but the current president of the board provided on that score was to pull the plug on this speaker instead of doing something more humane and diplomatic as done in most
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of the places. there was also the unfortunate incident of having an library advocate who has been one of the most gentlemanly of gentlemen, removed when -- well, it's an unfortunate story that is in litigation. i wish all of you the best of luck. i hope that all of you will as i said listen to the public and that urge the board to get a fresh start with a new president. thank you very much. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon happy new year to all of you. it is so great to see our leaders here. i am a native san francisco, district 10. all the candidates are qualified. i have the up this respect and support for all of them. san francisco is known for its
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diversity and pioneer spirit of first. in commemoration of martin luther king's birthday this month, i second supervisor campos words, they were beautiful. we have never had a woman of color as board president. and i think it is time for san francisco, in this diversity and pioneer spirit to address this and make this happen. congratulations to all of the new supervisors. welcome. i look forward to working with all of you. god bless. >> thank you. next speaker. >> mr. president, ladies and gentlemen. this is a new year. and the board
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of supervisors should set off on a new footing to do something tangible for those who cannot help themselves. for the past year, let bygones be bygones. but now, you have come into a new year, 2013. i urge you, i beseech you, to do something for the unfortunate, especially seniors. [indiscernible] -- a great number of us cannot do anything to help themselves. [indiscernible] please help them. all other [indiscernible]
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mr. president. i sincerely hope, pledge, beseech that that individual will [indiscernible] and do the right thing. thank you. >> president: thank you very much. let's hear from this next speaker. if there are any of the members of the public who wish to speak please sign up on the right-hand side. >> ladies and gentlemen, san francisco and the world. i'm here to congratulate a great friend of mine; we have agreed and disagreed; ms. london breed, supervisor breed. queen b.
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she is here in the city. we are getting ready to bring history. we have a new breed of black leadership, i'm sure to let you know as a self-proclaimed czar of outmigration. we are going to make it happen. years ago i had some doubts. i also want to thank ross the boss, we are going to try to wring some stability back. right now it is still silly.
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the no i am the only african american media head. i don't know who to go to to record my history? my name is ace. i am on this case. don't get mad at me. ladies and gentlemen, my name is ace. congratulations queen bee, you made history. i don't know how you did it but god be with you. >> and the reverend jorge garcia. i represent the voice of thousands of latinos in the united states, we are 30 million mexicans, 6 million in
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california, 1 million in san francisco. david campos for example. john avalos. another personalidades like milt -- the sheriff. they show us how to work together. they come to us in peace. [indiscernible] how do you make new rules. [indiscernible] thank you very much for the example for thousands of young people in this country. gracias por permitir que alli donde terminan sus derechos comienzan los nuestros.
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god bless this board. >> president: public comment is closed. madam clerk could you please read the next item. >> members will proceed with election of the office of president of the board of supervisors. >> president: on january 8, the board of supervisors is required to select the president from its members with a majority vote under city charter. madam clerk can you describe the principles. >> boys requirements state that there are no extensions; all supervisors must vote; lowest vote getter is not obligated to withdraw the name and will continue to be included in subsequent ballots. nominated name can withdraw their name anytime. as the president stated in the event that no nominee receives
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a majority vote the shelby additional roll calls until the nominee receives the majority and president is elected. the names of the supervisors who have been nominated for the election to the office a board president are: supervisor david chiu, supervisor cohen supervisor kim. board rule 5/20 states that the roll call vote will take place enough of a quarter. supervisor avalos will begin with you. please indicate your preference from among the money stated. >> president: we have a little bit of discussion. supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: i want to thank my colleagues for the nomination and also thank numbers of the public who came out in support. i feel like i have home turf
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advantage but i did not ask anyone to come and vote. we cannot let this moment go by without some excitement. many of us walked into the room knowing what would be occurring today. and perhaps that vote will be historic in another way. malia and i did want to push the conversation about what leadership means and what it means to look at women leaders in the future. we have had meaningful conversations over the last couple of days about what it means to serve and be a woman in politics. and also some of the strength that we can showcase, whether bringing our heart and our emotions everyday to this job. the day that i spoke with malia there was a tragedy in her district and i watched as she uncomfortably struggled with how she can be a leader in her community with some of the violence occurred almost on a
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daily basis and it was heartwarming watching her struggle with that emotion trying to figure out how she can take a difference for the city and county. i want to appreciate that. i also know that many members of the public that also want to come and speak about supporting a woman of color, and we wanted to allow the dialogue to occur in public comment today but putting forth our nominations. in two years i hope our colleagues will consider what different leadership could look like. we may not be able to get there today. but i wanted to express my willingness to reach across the aisle. malia and i don't always agree but we share a common agenda. we want to show that women can work together; sometimes have heard that we cannot. there is that willingness to work there. i want to share supervisors
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campos's comments and what supervisor breed said. many of us share those goals. i would like to withdraw my nomination. i do want to thank many of the members here that are supportive. i'm happy to support another leader on the board of supervisors, one of the nominated two years ago who has shown leadership and has showed that he is able to collaborate and bring together an agenda. i look forward to supporting him today. thank you. >> president: thank you supervisor kim. supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: the beautiful thing about leadership is that you don't need to position, right? you don't need a title? you don't need a soapbox. all you need is a vision.
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i was moved today listening to public comments. listening to our attorney general speak. listening to supervisor campos and avalos. as well as the new members on the board. it really frames who we are as a people, as the city and as a country. we stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. i would not be here if it were not for president abraham lincoln who demonstrated outstanding leadership. put his own political career on the line; by signing the emancipation proclamation. 120 years ago. leadership - does not belong to one gender.
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does not belong to one class. does not belong to one race. leadership -- lives and breathes inside all of us. whether you're a member of the clergy, labor, and advocate, nonprofit organization, staff, we are all leaders and we have a social responsibility to each other. to live together peacefully, to ensure that in a democratic society that we are living and honoring our democratic principles. to be fair to all persons. all ethnicities, all sexual orientations, and religions. an african-american, a woman.
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don't lose sight of the purpose of the conversation today. today jane and i want to make a statement that oftentimes foreshadowed when you don't have the pulpit. today we successfully have demonstrated that even the sidelines, even the corner, you can raise your voice, have another opportunity, another option, viable, strong, that has integrity, is thoughtful, filled with love and compassion. that is what leadership is about. stepping forth outside of your comfort zone and doing things sometimes when people to the left and to the right, no pun
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intended, are not able to do at that particular moment. so - as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the emancipation proclamation, the 50th anniversary of the march in washington, the commemoration of the first time in history san francisco mayor has been led by an asian american, five board of supervisors; we are leaving the country. they are watching and paying attention. every person that can hear my voice, every person here, has a leadership quality, has a leadership in them. i challenge you in 2013 to go out and make the light shine. be a leader no matter where you are, in your neighborhood organizing a park, a dog walk, organizing labor. it is irrelevant.
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the point is that collectively we are stronger and that is what leadership is about. mr. president i want to respectfully withdraw my nomination. i would like to thank the people that came out unsolicited to show their support. it feels good to know that people recognize you. and i have to tell you, i believe that in working across the aisle, that will not this new leadership. i'm going to speak of this chamber. you will see new style in 2013 and moving forward, of a board of supervisors that is not going to be afraid of each other but will work together collectively with the best interest of every single san franciscan. thank you very much. >> thank you supervisor cohen.
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i'm clerk i turned election back to you. >> supervisor v avalos, the name on the floor is david chiu. >> breed for chiu. >> supervisor chiu: david chiu. >> chiu fo chiu. >> >> supervisor cohen: chiu. >> >> supervisor kim: >> kim for chiu. >> mar for chiu. >> yee for chiu. >> congratulations mr. president. you are the board president. (applause)
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i want to recognize our chiefs, police chief greg surr [sounds like], fire chief -- chief of probation bill -- city administrator, nta director, head of rec department. our port director. our director of dbi. office of civic engagement, immigrant affairs. i believe i saw the mayor's chief of staff. i want to thank our city controller ben rosenfield. i want to thank our citywide elected officials, city attorney dennis guerrera, city
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treasurer, public defender, sheriff. we have a number of former members of this body who are here. i want to take a moment to welcome back of the chamber former board of supervisors conroy, silver, i know i saw mable tang here [sounds like] and former supervisor chris daly i believe is out in the hallway and understand that we have been joined by a member of our board of education, -- mendoza. with that, mr. mayor, would like to join us? (applause) >> i would like to give our
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mayor the opportunity to say a few words on today's occasion. >> thank you everybody. happy new year! i wanted to be here the congratulate the supervisors who have been reelected, as well as the new elected supervisors and to welcome those families and friends who have come along way i'm sure, whether working with the newly elected, or alongside all of us for many years. i want to acknowledge the public officials that have been identified in the commissioners and department heads, for being here today. a sincere congratulations to board president chiu for you nomination in your reelection as board president. i look forward to working with you and with the whole board to continue the success of our city and to make sure that the dialogue but we have just
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