tv [untitled] January 14, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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nomination of the office of president. >> president: could you please describe the principal of making nominations. >> a member may nominate themselves. second nomination is welcome but not required. members do not accept nominations and can withdraw their name anytime without a second. members and nominate one person in there is one seat to fill. to reopen it may be done with a majority vote. public comment can be taken on the new nominations. >> president: with that we will proceed with making a nominations for the office of president of the board supervisors; i will call supervisors as i see their name on the roster. supervisor yee.
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>> i would like to be able to do this first order of business as a supervisor and nominate david chiu as the president for the new term. and do this with a lot of happiness to see that what we have seen in the city's movement of improvement of services and life for our residents in san francisco, that i want to see this continue with a strong leader that can and is willing to be able to work with everybody in this room. it is very important for me whoever the president is that he or she should reach out to all the other 10 members of the board of supervisors. and i feel very confident that david chiu,you are capable of doing this.
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that is my nomination. >> president: supervisor yee has nominated me for the office of president. any other nominations? supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you and good afternoon to the members of the public here today. today i would like to nominate malia cohen for the position of the presidency of the board of supervisors. as many of you know, it's been 13 years since we have been able to nominate a woman. malia and i both came on this position at the same time if you years ago, and i know how hard malia work to get here and how hard she worked in the field. she has demonstrated a lot of leadership in the last two years. i want to say that this process has been very heartwarming for
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me to go through over the last three days. i've had a lot of great conversations with many of my colleagues and what i have learned in this time is that we have a lot of great leaders on this board and a lot of great individuals that could be president for this board and so this nomination is not set in the way that takes that away from anyone else. i think that given the historic nature of not having had a woman lead this board i want to put forth malia today. i want to say couple of things about malia. should represent a district that we talk a lot about. she leads and represents a portion of the city that faces some of the most intractable issues in san francisco, whether violence, unemployment, lowest performing schools. many of the issues that we on top of that, and i will say that leadership
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from that portion of the city and work with all of the members of the board to solve some of those issues. in many ways, i want to put that out there to have a greater discussion and dialogue about what we have seen in terms of leadership. thank you. >> president: supervisor kim has nominated supervisor cohen. i would like to acknowledge supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: it is nice to see everyone on a historic day; not only have we been sworn in, norman breed,
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(correction) norman yee london breed. i would like to nominate -- in terms of leadership that transcends race and class, the kind of leadership that we need when we think about the direction san francisco should be going out. i enthusiastically put forth her naked be and i hope that you will consider it. >> supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: congratulations to my new colleagues and returning colleagues. i would like to congratulate supervisor yee for knocking me off as the last on the roll
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call. i'm still the tallest. i want to thank my colleagues who were willing to support me as a potential board member and i want to thank the many, many people in the community over the past number of months who have approached me. i am deeply appreciative and humbled by those and by that support. i have asked not to be nominated for the board presidency and i would like to second the nomination of david chiu for reelection as president of the board of
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supervisors. over the past two years that i have been on the board i have seen president chiu - we don't agree on everything - and we have had significant disagreements, president chiu has done extraordinary job putting his own opinions aside and being a fair president of the board. and someone who has done an exemplary job. i will be supporting president chiu today. >> supervisor avalos. >> supervisor avalos: i'm standing in support for the nomination of jane kim. we have not had a woman serve as board president for many years and the time has come. i also feel that it is generally in good faith that we have turnover in the board presidency; we have had many people who can show leadership and can do
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the work of working with each other, making legislation stronger, better, making sure that we can build coalitions. i have been impressed with jane kim and her work on the board. she came in at a challenging time and showed great independence and puts her mind, body and soul to her work. the way she speaks with her heart and represents people in her district informs colleagues about what she's thinking and where she wants to go i want support in the board president and i want to see if we can actually electric today. >> president: supervisor campos. >> supervisor campos: again i want to take the opportunity to congratulate my colleagues who have been reelected the newly elected. it is a special occasion to be here today. i wanted
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take this opportunity to second the nomination of supervisor cohen. let me begin by thanking president chiu for his service, for the work that he has done in the last four years. i think that it is a very critical task to be president; it certainly is not an easy challenge the deal with 11 very strong personalities on the board of supervisors. i do believe that each and every one of us was elected to this body for a reason. i think that each one of us brings a certain set of experiences and talents, and i think that each one of us has something to offer. and i do believe that it is important to provide different people an opportunity to serve in leadership roles. it is for that reason that i am seconding the nomination of supervisor cohen.
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i could stand here and second the nomination of supervisor kim. being a person of color gives you a certain perspective and being a man also gives you a certain perspective. i think it is quite telling that it has been 25 years to my knowledge since we last had a woman of color serving in this position. and just like i think there is something to be said about the fact that we have the first african-american president in the united states, symbolism the comes to that, i do think that there is a certain symbolism of having a woman of color and that position and i believe remember on this has the ability to lead and to serve in that role. it's been a long time that we have had a woman, particularly a woman of color for that role.
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i think it is only appropriate for us to give one of these women an opportunity to lead. as a man, i certainly want to see my sisters be given opportunities the same way that i think that one of these women should be given this opportunity. as an openly gay man, i take great deal of pride that at some point someone like harry breed was able to leave this board; that someone like tom [indiscernible] was able to leave this board. supervisor breed, i was moved by your comments today. you said that even though you and i come from different backgrounds - this kid who was born in guatemala - our experiences very similar in many perspectives. we have followed a path that many have followed on this
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board, not a traditional path. people who come from where we come from are not expected to end up in these paths. one of the things that make this possible for people like us to be in these positions is to look up at that chair and see someone like me being in that role. that is why for me it is important that we collectively as the body recognize the symbolism of the female, of a woman of color, playing that role. it is in that spirit that i am proud to second supervisor cohen's nomination. >> president: thank you supervisor campos. are there any additional nominations? there being no further nominations, nominations are closed. madam clerk could you go to public comments. >> the next item on the agenda is the opportunity for the
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public to address the board for two minutes under the purview of the board, particularly for the nomination of president of the board. a person using a translation system will be allowed twice the time. total testimony may be limited to 30 minutes. please make your way to the chamber door now; a by majority vote the board chooses to reopen nominations additional public comment would be in order but specific to the nominations at the time. >> thank you madam clerk. if there are members of the public watching these proceedings from other venues within city hall and you wish to speak in public comment make your way up to the chamber. will provide youth with opportunity. two minutes per speaker. two minutes. >> [indiscernible]
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you very much for what you did to my city. for the new people, coming to replace -- district 5 and 7, welcome and thank you very much that you have the courage to care each one of our residents and your district. ladies and gentlemen, i'm here to open your eyes for anyone who our new president -- [indiscernible] stop the people come here to dance. this is our city. we have come here to make it law. [indiscernible] after one second, -- [indiscernible] give us respect and give our brethren power. again, after 28 years i come
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with -- two canes. i come at eight o'clock in the morning. i would like to tell to anyone who is becoming president, welcome and thank you. we have work --inds [indiscernible] [indiscernible] -- god bless you. and god protect our sheriff, our fire department, our chief of police. thank you for helping me and supporting me. >> president: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning supervisors, my name is [indiscernible] proud member of the district 6. , saying that i woke up this
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morning and i was saying, wow, we have not had two african american people, women, since the wonderful supervisors kennedy. and mrs. ward. i do not get a chance to see her. i was very happy and involved in politics back then. i'm glad to see supervisor breed. and just say that both women, supervisor kim, when i started here when she was first elected i called her ms. kim. she got my respect on the finishes are brought to her and she would make a wonderful board president. and supervisor cohen, she's a great woman, always smiling, and i like that. we need a woman. it's time for a woman president to sit up there.
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and see what she can do. i'm hoping that she will consider, supervisor kim, and my second choice would be supervisor cohen. i would like to see by district supervisor become board president. take that into consideration, two great nominations. >> president: next speaker. >> my name is francisco dacosta. is not too often in these chambers that we have city department heads, other people that really love the city gathered together. the constitution of this great nation if you have read the constitution, the first pages call for morals,
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call for standards, and compassion. now some of us come over here from time to time to address the board of supervisors. in this election, to choose a president of the board of supervisors or even to be a supervisor that represents you have to serve the people. and in the last year, it's very sad to day that we are seeing every time people come here to speak with the people. we have been deprived to speak to the representatives; we have been deprived to tell you that we the people on the front line, we the people who feel the pain of the people,
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some of you have deprived us from speaking the truth. whoever is elected the president, our hope is that you will represent - i hope is that you will be a leader, a good definition of a good leader is a leader who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way. thank you very much. >> president: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon my name is tina [indiscernible] and having spent 16 years in women education i applaud women going forward. i don't look like a person of color but if you look at my freckles i consider myself a person of color too.
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i have worked in district 3, closely with many supervisors. welcome to supervisor yee and breed, welcome aboard. this is a great group. in this me very proud to be a san franciscan, and to call him my supervisor. thank you very much. >> president: next speaker. >> good afternoon and happy new year to you all. it is a pleasure to be here. my name is mattie scott, the founder of healing for our families and our nation,
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working hard in san francisco over the last 16 years to stop senseless violence. i lost my youngest son to gun violence in 1996, july 17th. we have been ever since trying to educate the leaders, our children, law enforcement, the board of supervisors and everyone present so that we do have one of the situation. i am happy that my district supervisor, london breed, who grew up where my son was killed 16 years ago, is my supervisor for district 5. welcome london. i appreciate the work that you have done supervisor cohen -- and all the work that we have
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done. you're both qualified to be the president of the board of supervisors. it would be wonderful to have a female to represent the position. not being biased of the others, because i love you all. but it would be wonderful to have a female in that position. thank you for line this opportunity i'm looking forward to a better year to reduce violence in our city. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i am virginia marshall. to president chiu, board of supervisors. ladies and gentlemen. what a wonderful day. i'm talking about london breed. public schools today are pleased, so very happy. london, --
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i'm here representing not galileo anymore, but -- galileo academy of science and technology. we are so very proud of you today. wherever you go, let the young people know from -- to city hall, that you have arrived today. let them know where you went to school today so they can have hope. my younger sisters, cohen, kim, you're always there. where's the opera house? we thank you. hbcu. that makes my heart happy. this commissioners would not be sitting here today, former commissioner mar, former commissioner jane kim, now
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supervisor. former commissioner norman yee. no supervisor. you give our people hope. i will say that malia cohen, would be the next president of the board of supervisors. supervisor kennedy and doris ward, they showed you what to do. good luck and god bless each of you. >> my name is michael -- i want to say welcome to the class of 2013. congratulations for making yourself available and here at city hall. second, i want to point out that two of the nominees need to have a
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legislative aide if they will be board president, if malia cohen and jane jim would need a third legislative aide. second, all three of the candidates are excellent leaders. i encourage them to two continue their leadership roles. i also encouraged i feel it's important the public process, people need to be included in the community process whether it's the various board committees. it is important to have committee chairs that allow the committee process to happen. this is an important part of city government to include public discussion
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and allowing people to talk. welcome class of 2013. thank you. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is ernestine wise [sounds like]. i want to congratulate all members of the board and welcome london breed and norman yee. congratulations. [indiscernible] the best one when whoever it is, a woman or black. for a woman there is a lot of anger about -- on the waterfront. a lot of people have voted for
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the unjustly, 31,000 signatures offer to put it on the ballot for the people to vote. remember, you are here to represent the people not the developers. furthermore we don't need high-rise condo, 136 feet. we don't need a park. i presided ferry park, along the waterfront. we don't need another little park on the waterfront. don't be convinced by this developer that he's doing the right thing, by breaking through jackson street and all that hogwash. vote the will of the people. that's what you are here to represent. thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> thank you president chiu. members of the board of supervisors. i want to welcome everybody here. first day of school.
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happy new year and welcome to all. i'm here to represent the league of pissed off voters. we put out a voter guide and kicked some rear. the last time i spoke was really not for the league; it was just as a normal, everyday citizen the district 5, a longtime resident of district 5. i want to welcome our newest leader. what i want to say here today is that we would like to support a woman of color for the board president position. and specifically, we would like to support supervisor jane kim. if you could reach down, think about the conversations that you have had among yourselves. and then think about how your district wants you to vote. think about how the people wanted to vote.
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