tv [untitled] January 16, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PST
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wherever you go, let the young people know from -- to city hall, that you have arrived today. let them know where you went to school today so they can have hope. my younger sisters, cohen, kim, you're always there. where's the opera house? we thank you. hbcu. that makes my heart happy. this commissioners would not be sitting here today, former commissioner mar, former commissioner jane kim, now supervisor. former commissioner norman yee. no supervisor. you give our people hope. i will say that malia cohen,
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would be the next president of the board of supervisors. supervisor kennedy and doris ward, they showed you what to do. good luck and god bless each of you. >> my name is michael -- i want to say welcome to the class of 2013. congratulations for making yourself available and here at city hall. second, i want to point out that two of the nominees need to have a legislative aide if they will be board president, if malia cohen and jane jim
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would need a third legislative aide. second, all three of the candidates are excellent leaders. i encourage them to two continue their leadership roles. i also encouraged i feel it's important the public process, people need to be included in the community process whether it's the various board committees. it is important to have committee chairs that allow the committee process to happen. this is an important part of city government to include public discussion and allowing people to talk. welcome class of 2013. thank you. >> president: thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon. my name is ernestine wise [sounds like]. i want to congratulate all members of the board and welcome london breed and norman yee. congratulations. [indiscernible] the best one when whoever it is, a woman or black. for a woman there is a lot of anger about -- on the waterfront. a lot of people have voted for the unjustly, 31,000 signatures offer to put it on the ballot for the people to vote. remember, you are here to represent the
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people not the developers. furthermore we don't need high-rise condo, 136 feet. we don't need a park. i presided ferry park, along the waterfront. we don't need another little park on the waterfront. don't be convinced by this developer that he's doing the right thing, by breaking through jackson street and all that hogwash. vote the will of the people. that's what you are here to represent. thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> thank you president chiu. members of the board of supervisors. i want to welcome everybody here. first day of school. happy new year and welcome to all. i'm here to represent the league of pissed off voters.
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we put out a voter guide and kicked some rear. the last time i spoke was really not for the league; it was just as a normal, everyday citizen the district 5, a longtime resident of district 5. i want to welcome our newest leader. what i want to say here today is that we would like to support a woman of color for the board president position. and specifically, we would like to support supervisor jane kim. if you could reach down, think about the conversations that you have had among yourselves. and then think about how your district wants you to vote. think about how the people wanted to vote. and really think about whether you can change your mind right now. you have that independence to change your mind right now? thank you so much and we hope to see supervisor kim and that
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board presidency. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. stop the corporate rape of our library by the friends of the library. the clerk of the board and the sheriff deputies tried to prevent me from making a public comment for no other reason than to send a message that the new sheriff was in town. and a tolerance for the principles of democracy that existed would not be continued. we got that message, really got that message, and it's been downhill ever since. there was a piece in yesterday's new york times about the challenges of present-day greece, "democracy is like a bicycle. if you don't keep pedaling, you fall."
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that is exactly right. democracy is a very fragile thing and it depends on respect for the people on social values of the community that we all share. those who make public comment are heroes of the democracy who confront tremendous social and institutional obstacles to protect you from hearing the truth. many of those obstacles you see, some you don't. so called leaders who think they are the new aristocrats and don't need to listen to people. that is not only never true, in fact it is very dangerous and never more example 5 then in the deterioration of the democratic principles under david chiu. democracy takes constant vigilance, constant attention to principles of justice, a equality , truth and open government. it cannot prevent president
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chiu from being president we deserve to be slaves. don't forget the lies cost more than the money. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon and congratulations to the class of 2013. i'm here task san francisco to help us in a noble cause. it is known as the -- career initiatives of 2014. learn about it. it will save our environment by using a viable renewable resource it will create jobs for millions of californians. it will be reforest our trees, seal, expunge, destroy any
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felony, misemeanor, present or prior. it will allow those 21 and over responsible adults to use cannabis responsibly like they do in other nations. it will tax the recreation industry like tomatoes and the money will go to the social infrastructure. we will go nationwide with this. plan ongoing worldwide with this. we will end the war on cannabis. using a medicine that comes from god, genesis 2:9, crack open your bibles. san francisco is a city of love. congratulations. it is the interest of my life work since 1976.
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god bless you all. >> next speaker. >> president chiu, supervisors, elected officials and public. i stand to be in a great deal of excitement because within our african-american tradition we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the emancipation proclamation. i congratulate those who have been elected on this most auspicious occasion. i want to say that i think it is very good that supervisor cohen was selected as the person to be president. and i want to offer my own support of that cause.
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supervisor breed, you stated something about doctor king. i thought i might leave this quote with you. for doctor king said, "change does not roll in on the wheels of ineligibility, but comes through continuous struggle. men cannot ride you unless your back is bent." i hope you see this time of change of having a woman of color as a president of this board. >> president: next speaker. >> good day board. president chiu and other board members here. my name is ross rhodes, as part of the organization call ace.
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i'm here speaking on behalf of my other fellow brothers and sisters in the organizations about foreclosures and evictions in all of our districts going on now. we hear these banks talk to us, the good things that they're doing now. number one predator is wells fargo. we are looking for the support of the board elected here to come and support us in the struggles and fight to keep our neighbors and communities together. keep us in our homes. we are looking at evictions being put on disabled people, seniors, minorities. we look for support from this board; we have had the support from david campos, maria cohen, john avalos and others who have stepped up; we look for the
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rest of the board to step up, fight with us, save our communities. our communities are dying and getting these mixed messages on tv that we are doing this and that for the community. the damage that you have done you have left behind and it is up to us to fight and struggle and keep our people in their homes. we have a serious issue going on and we need to address it. thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is [indiscernible]. scott wiener needs to be recalled; he is a puppet and a shadow government. he called for a resource purposely so that it would never show that.
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david chiu needs to be brought to justice. think about the future. ask yourselves, what kind of the future would like for yourselves, for your children, for your grandchildren? do you want our city implanted to turn into corporate hell? a world pollution, exploitation, tyranny, misery? every time you use your power to advance the corporate agenda you bring the world closer and closer to the dark future. if instead you wish to live in a healthy environment where human dignity is respected, a whirl of cooperation, sharing, celebration, user power accordingly. do you think such a world is impossible? impossible only for those who have given up their power and free will.
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i encourage you to remember that your valuable and that you matter. when you cast your vote today, boat from the heart, not fear. vote for progressive supervisor. you have the courage to be honest and progressive, be honest and progressive. if you don't have the courage, vote for someone else who does. please vote for supervisor jane kim to be president of the board. thank you. >> president: next speaker. >> my name is clinton -- a photographer and writer. i would like to address supervisor wiener, and request that you do better job in making yourself accessible to people who like to speak to you, who feel that they have concerns that are not being addressed. we can all agree that people
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use methodologies that are not necessarily the best way to reach you. i think that it is a reflection of the fact that you are accessibility isn't really there. i implore that you make yourself more accessible to your constituents. thank you. >> president: speaker. next speaker. >> by name is kathy lint [sounds like] san francisco resident, and 59 year resident of - her support of tenants, residents, people from the middle class who are beginning
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to disappear in seven cisco in the name of greed and richness. the project merced was a very contentious project. as commissioner catherine morris, this project has no hindsight, insight or foresight by the agenda of the self-serving developer. please select jane kim. thank you very much. >> president: next speaker. >> hello my name is larry -- former [indiscernible] [indiscernible] i want to know that when i arrived in san francisco the mayor was [indiscernible] that day the board of
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supervisor -- doris ward was he acting mayor. women's role is very important. as president obama said, women's role is often overlooked in our society. -- the white lady, brought us from sros on the -- the beautiful -- [indiscernible] woman. i think it is time for san francisco to have change. ms. cohen and ms. kim would be great. there will be other jobs and positions for those who have served. today san francisco is calling for somebody to wear the righ t
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heels correctly. i'm here to cheer you on to take san francisco ahead; let's get on with this new year. bye. female president of the board of supervisors. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon board and everyone assembled. -- student trustee at city college of san francisco [indiscernible] and the advisory committee that starts tomorrow. folks of district 11, district 7, we need improvements in that area. i think it is really a great day in san francisco when you have three leaders the very wreck nice for doing great
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community work here in san francisco, i know david and jane closely; i don't know malia as closely. i see you out in the community. i am happy that you three have risen to the top. it is time for san francisco to stop playing this whole rhetoric game of how we are this panacea; we have gone 25 years without female leadership is a bit off for a city like san francisco. i would like to throw my support to jane kim whom i met working on her school board campaign and working on a number of organizations throughout san francisco, on issues for groups like those i represent. it is important that we have a leader that is able to reach our community and interact
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with not just her district but throughout. i support jane kim today. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> >> it is always wonderful for me, two years ago i remember jane, i remember malia getting into those seats and look at them today. it is hard for me because i know both jane and i know malia so when it gets down to them nomination i wish i could do both. i can't. my nomination at this time is going to be for jane kim.
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i also live in her district. i have seen some of the things that jane has been doing for the last couple of years; it is wonderful to see her growth, coming form where she was to where she is now. i nominate jane kim, and i wish everybody else the best of luck. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. recently we had 12 people, maybe 10 who were hanging out naked at castro, and only 20 complaining about it. and 700,000 people who liked it or didn't but did not think it
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rose to the level of passing a law about it. nevertheless supervisor wiener did. when i first arrived in san francisco, 38 years ago, the 11 members were paid less than 10,000 a year. no fringe benefits, no expense accounts, no staff. all were expected to be part of supervisors with real-time jobs. when -- quinton cob maintain his law firm. that is how it should be. the same thing at the state legislature. but that's a different discussion. career politicians are killing us. thank you very much. >> neck speaker.
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>> next speaker. >> [indiscernible] i hope i don't put my foot in my mouth. supervisors here, many coach operators have important jobs, we move 700,000 people each day. i want to remind supervisors and citizens of san francisco that we do have a job to do. most people appreciate what we do. i met london breed the san francisco firefighters toy drive. a nice person. i do know much about supervisors. one of my coahces out of flynn,
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after giants won, -- [indiscernible] we do an important job, i drive the 38 during the week and -- on the weekends. as a coach operator, i love the city. thank you for riding my bus. >> my name is anna conda, i hope that jane kim will be voted in as board president because of her leadership on the board. thank you. >> president: next speaker. >> good afternoon, julie fisher. i have lived in the street one, thank you eric. happy new year. i can see all the talent here along with muny workers who
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said we have a lot of work in front of us this year once the dust settles on today's decisions, i hope to see you in your offices and out in the community. thank you to each of you. bye. >> president: neck speaker. >> good afternoon peter warfield. congratulations. good luck to all of you including the new supervisors. i hope all of you and particularly the new ones listen to the public and pay particular attention to what your public has to say. with respect to the president of the board position i would urge change. with the hope that a new
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president will have a greater respect for the public and the law. the sunshine ordinance provides for up to 3 minutes of public comment. unfortunately the board for some years provided a maximum of two minutes in what i believe is contradiction of the law. and innovation but the current president of the board provided on that score was to pull the plug on this speaker instead of doing something more humane and diplomatic as done in most of the places. there was also the unfortunate incident of having an library advocate who has been one of the most gentlemanly of gentlemen, removed when --
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well, it's an unfortunate story that is in litigation. i wish all of you the best of luck. i hope that all of you will as i said listen to the public and that urge the board to get a fresh start with a new president. thank you very much. >> president: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon happy new year to all of you. it is so great to see our leaders here. i am a native san francisco, district 10. all the candidates are qualified. i have the up this respect and support for all of them. san francisco is known for its diversity and pioneer spirit of first. in commemoration of martin luther king's birthday this month, i second supervisor campos words, they were beautiful.
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we have never had a woman of color as board president. and i think it is time for san francisco, in this diversity and pioneer spirit to address this and make this happen. congratulations to all of the new supervisors. welcome. i look forward to working with all of you. god bless. >> thank you. next speaker. >> mr. president, ladies and gentlemen. this is a new year. and the board of supervisors should set off on a new footing to do something tangible for those who cannot help themselves.
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