tv [untitled] January 18, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
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a slight reduction in fte counts and that has to do with one time funding that the division got for some specific projects. again, we are working on some different requests that will increase that position count in our revised fiscal 13-14 presentation which i will deliver in a few weeks. with expected conclusion of activities including japantown and western soma this will enable division staff to focus more on the general plan and citywide planning programs as the director mentioned before. and it will also concentrate on activities and planning efforts such as the healthcare services master plan, the invest in neighborhoods initiatives, and master plans on publicly owned sites. now, moving on to the environmental planning division, the environmental planning staff has recently completed eirs for a variety of different
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projects, including the transit center district plan, pier 27 cruise ship terminal for america's cup, noma and western soma. cpmc five campuses has remained on appeal at the board of supervisors as the hospital program is being redefined at this time. some other ongoing major eirs include the warrior's arena, central corridor plan,mta a transit effectiveness project, academy of art project and mexican museum, just to note a few. moving on to the zoning administration and compliance division, this division has the zoning administrator and his support staff, as well as the code enforcement function and the general advertising and sign program staff. and there are no notable position changes in this division to speak of at this
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time. and then finally the administration division, this has directors office, finance and accounting, i. t., legislation, staff in this division, there's quite a few staff focusing on the permit and project tracking system project which is noteworthy to note. as well as focusing on some of those i. initiatives that i spoke about earlier. so now i just want to show a few slides and talk about the department's performance measures. on at least on a semi-abl semi-l basis the department reports on update on how we are performing on our performance measures both to the controller's office and to the mayor's office. and department management review this information to make sure that we are meeting our targets, or striving to meet our targets, and identifying where we have areas of improvement to make those adjustments accordingly. so i just want to provide an overview of what those publicly
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reported performance measures are and describe to you what the targets are. for current planning division, current measures have to do with how efficiently staff are able to review various application types in a timely manner. for example building permit review within 90 days or conditional use authorization within 180 days. you will see historically we've been unable to meet those targets but we have shown some slow and steady progress over the first six months of this current year, which is promising. planning division performance measures, there are two, how efficient we are in processing general plan referrals, and the programming of the development impact fees. again, which general plan referrals are within our targets but we have made improvements within the last six months of this current fiscal year. moving on to environmental
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review, you'll see many of the documents take a very long time to process. an eir on average could take about two years to process from start to finish. with some of the categorical exemption reviews we have been successful in reviewing those cad ex documents within a 45 day target period. moving on to zoning administration and compliance we do track how efficiently we have been able to initiative enforcement proceedings on code enforcement actions within 30 days and we have been successful in doing that historically and hope to continue to do that as well. and then finally with administration, we track our review of ordinances from the elected office -- from elected offices. we've also been tracking the success of the implementation of the permit and tacking system which is on schedule and on
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budget. and we make sure that our i.t. infrastructure is up and running at all times. so that concludes my presentation. i'd be happy to answer any questions you have. thank you very much. >> president fong: thank you. is there any public comment on this item? >> i'm much shorter than he is. sue hestor. i don't know where it's appropriate, so it may as well be the budget. i think the department has to think through whether the -- system works anymore. what was -- what i really would like is a map of the city that had, on the map, all of the planning areas broken down.
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planning areas broken down. you will find -- i knk3 the southeast quadrant is in a formal planning area. and you have people in the audience, working, waiting for market octavia. there is a sense in the community that you go through a large exercise to plan an area. and it's passed on to a planner who may have no experience in the planning of the area, or the years of discussion that went on about what are the important policies for development in that area, and they are just looking at the planning code, and -- pardon me, area plans are put on a shelf. they're not looked at. the people who do the plans have left the department. they've gone off to the mayor's office of economic development, or they are in private practice,
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or they've gone on their assignment with the department. and why do we have the same structure, decades after we have gone through area plans, why are we not thinking through some kind of continuity in planning, and implementation, and not just -- how many -- can you tell me how many area plans are in the northwest quadrant, how many are in the southwest quadrant, how many are in the northeast quadrant, in the southeast. you should. you're the planning commission. so where is the map that should be a focus of everything. what are we doing -- we're generating a lot of paper in an area plan. but i'm not sure how much of it
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is real. and a secondary thing, which is specific unto me. you have let the warriors go through the entire process. there is not an application in, other than an environmental review, and there is no money in the department because there is no application. i have a public records act request for how much you have generated in cost, and i know that the billing -- that the receipts and funds for non-environmental is zero dollars because they haven't filed them. thank you. >> president fong: is there any additional public comment? commissioners? commissioner moore. >> commissioner moore: could you perhaps, on page 5, under division program -- work program administrative division, explain to me why there is a drop in personnel assigned to the commissions. you're going from four in 2013,
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to three in 14-15. >> commissioner, last -- in the current fiscal year, when we found out that linda was going to retire, we had -- we double budgeted that position. there was a second position in there that was 0923, manager two for those of you on the recruitment committee which is a topic of discussion. so there was a two and a four in there. and so this now reflects, with linda's retirement, the other position going away, and the staffing level going back to three. >> commissioner moore: thank you. appreciate that. for the director, and it's not as much budget, you mentioned -- do you see expression master plans for public owned sites, would you give us an example. that's kind of scary, actually. >> yeah, that word is probably not correct terminology. i apologize.
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the idea as i mentioned earlier we're working on these very large sites with public agencies. we wanted to devote some resources to getting in front of those projects with the property owner whether it's creating master plans or guidelines, because those projects are so big we find it important to have early conversations before any applications are filed. >> commissioner moore: that's great. >> director rahaim: that's what that is about. >> commissioner moore: while you are there, ucsf laurel heights is that -- fund? >> director rahaim: yes. they put out an rfq for redeveloping that site a couple of months ago. it's 11 acres. >> president fong: commissioner wu. >> vice president wu: i have some questions that that director you will want to answer. there are performance measures where there is room for improvement and i think our talk about the supplemental was about of related. so i just wanted to get a sense
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from you about what the strategy is for keeping up, or for improving actually these measures. it seems like this report talks a bit about the number of staff but i think there are probably other factors, supervision, training, other factors i'd like to hear about. >> director rahaim: yeah. there's a number of things like that. that's a great question, actually. obviously staffing numbers, just a sheer number of project has gone up so it makes those numbers hard to meet. i think to be frank some of those target numbers aren't necessarily realistic on the other end of the equation so we should maybe look at those 80% for example on the drs isn't realistic but anyway, i think training is one, for example, one of the things that we now have a full time training coordinator in the department which we did not have before this year. diana is looking at a number of training programs like project management, even though these aren't projects in the typical sense of the word in the way we do them, it's those skills we want to bring to the projects so that staff understands how to
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move projects forward. the other thing we're implementing this year that we had not -- that we had started last year but kind of fell through the cracks is a case manager approach that there's a single staff person who is the primary point of contact on any project in the office. that might change from environmental planning to current planning but a single point of contact is responsible for owning that project and carrying it through. those are kinds of things we're looking at as well as other improvements as well. >> vice president wu: thanks. those sound promising i think. i'd love to see that happen. my other question is also somewhat unanswerable. i see that there's actually a lot of staff dedicated to the general fund -- i mean general plan and that's also all the different elements. >> director rahaim: right. >> vice president wu: i was curious about your thoughts about making the general plan for relevant maybe to the public about using it as an education or engagement tool. i feel like even as a commissioner, when i get all of the different elements, not sure
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exactly how it relates to everyday life to projects to the way we experience the city. >> director rahaim: that's a very good question. unfortunately, because of the nature of the way that plan has evolved over the years our general plan reads like code and frankly it's so big that it's hard to get your hands around it. so what we are working on this year is kind of a summary document. and that will be very graphically oriented. that will help kind of make it a lot more accessible. and i think one of those things that we are proposing in the supplemental for next year, or i should say not in the supplemental that you just reviewed but using some of the funds for this year next year is a community outreach position that would be able to kind of go out to the community, not based on projects or plans, but kind of talking about planning, what we do, how we do it, and getting ahead of some of this stuff. so the general plan obviously is something that guides our work,
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supposed to guide the work of a lot of city departments but i >> vice president wu: thanks. >> president fong: commissioner antonini. >> commissioner antonini: just as a clarification, originally when we talked about firemen's fund ucsf you said a sale but i'm hearing it may be a redevelopment of the area with a different built environment. is that what -- >> director rahaim: yeah. i believe as a state agency, they're not allowed to -- state university, they can't sell outright because that would be lease but the idea is it would be redeveloped and ucsf would move out. >> commissioner antonini: but there could be a difficult built environment but you're not sure what they have in mind. >> director rahaim: the assumption there would be a whole new different buildings there, new development, yes angetd thank you. >> president fong: commissioner sugaya. >> commissioner sugaya: just on sue hestor's point about an org chart there is one but it doesn't have staff so you can put people on here.
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>> director rahaim: we have a work chart that shows the staff names and we've happy to put that on the website. >> commissioner sugaya: that would help because i've wondered where people are and stuff like that. then in terms of -- thank you for answering my question right off the bat that's clear. so i think the numbers will change as you come back. >> director rahaim: exactly. only other suggestion i have is on the performance measures for example on dr, in order to get the 80% you can just change 90 days to 180. >> director rahaim: well, i really do think we should look at that time line. it's just so many times they are -- you continue them for good reasons and that's not really captured in there. >> commissioner sugaya: just the last thing prompted by commissioner wu's question on general plans, the historic preservation commission ever raise the issue of the preservation element? because basically there's been one written now for about 20 years or 30 years.
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>> director rahaim: it hasn't come up recently. has it come up yesterday? >> commissioner sugaya: there's been one cigging around ever since who knows when and there's been intermittent something happens. so i think as far as the format and the goals and policies and objectives, and all of that business, i think it's maybe things have changed, in terms of how elements are being -- now but at least back then it still seemed to be plausible. >> director rahaim: i think we'll look at that. i don't remember. there might be a -- was a -- i don't think we've conducted environmental review on it and that's one we'll have to tackle. >> commissioner sugaya: that's for sure. >> commissioner moore: zoning administration compliance and enforcement as -- continues we're asking how are you going to enforce. i hope you would at least have some contingency planning there, talking about bicycle parking, which comes up, talking about
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car share, and we've all looking towards your group to basically enforce some of the conditions we're imposing here, so a good -- probably would be a good idea to have some contingency, additional people, rather carrying of constant as you're going through these fiscal years you're planning for. >> director rahaim: i think we are proposing, and if we can use some of the money that's supplemental we are proposing an additional position there so that's great. thank you. >> president fong: any further questions, comments? okay. thank you very much. >> director rahaim: thank you. we will be back in two weeks with more detail on this. >> president fong: thank you. >> commissioner, item 12, sustainable doesn't program and ecodistricts. this is also just an informational presentation.
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>> good afternoon, president fongs, members of the commission, my name is kate mcgee, planning department staff, citywide division. i'm here today to introduce the department's sustainable development program. the primary focus of the program is to meet state and city environmental goals and requirements while accommodating the growth we've planned for over the last decade or so. and also to ecodistricts. they've emerged as an important tool to help implement this wo work. so is the presentation today will be about 10 or 15 minutes. i'm going to talk about the two
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drivers that are behind this program, which is really the environmental goals and growth, jt that much of this interdepartmental team was established a year ago that brought our work together and collectively we established three objectives of this work, to create a clean energy city and -- water solutions, to strengthen the city's economic base, and to establish a clear path of sustainable growth. and lastly i'll introduce ecodistricts to help accomplish these goals. a program driver, environmental goals and regulations, on the power side, there's been some city goals that have been established, one of which is to create a greenhouse citywide -- by 2030. we have goals from the state to
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achieve 12,000 megawatts of local renewable distributed generation by 2020. 12,000 megawatts translates to powering about nine million homes. with these goals we see a shift toward local generated renewable power. the city and state will continue to grapple with water. are we have city goals to look to reducing water demands to capturing and treating rain fall and increasing water we use. there's been a number of guidelines and ordinances that have been developed to help us do that. waste, the city has a strong goal zero waste goal by 2020. we've done well on that with our recycling program, partnering recol ji. so we're looking at how we can
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get the remaining -- get to our remaining 20%, how are we going to do that, and what are the larger systems to be addressed in order to meet that goal. so at more or less the same time that we were -- the city is crunching away on these goals we were accommodating growth for the city. our sustainable community strategies projections project that we will have 97,000 additional households by 2040, and 198,000 new jobs. so a lot of growth. but our work has not gone unrecognized. we currently have -- retain our -- the status, we're in the number one position for the greatest city in north america. you can see that competition is quite fierce. we want to retain our position as number one. vancouver is hot on our heels with about two points below.
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so recognizing this, a year ago, an interdepartmental team was form comprised of planning, san francisco environment, department of public works, capital planning committee, redevelopment successor agency. what we did is we meet monthly and bring all our existing work together, recommending -- or looking to implement much of the work that requires participation departments.[a so -- such as green building ordinance, stormwater design guidelines and non-potable ordinance, recommendations that were created in the electricity users plan. and also help to inform our future work such as the urban watershed system. but we know that we can't always just lead with the environment. we have to lead with the economy as well. and currently sustainability in our implementation programs is
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really falls under requirements or]xjp[tñ incentives. what we'd like to do is evaluate some financing mechanisms that bring that back into implementing sustainable development projects that strengthen the city's economic base, and as well as create good partnerships on the private sector side. and recognizing that growth in and of itself -- urban growth is good for the environment. we know that. indeed our adopted plans focus on growth in areas well served by transit and create density that fosters community development but growth in and of itself is no longer good enough and development has to help us meet these goals. so our final objective is to create a clear path toward sustainable development. we will -- in return we will help identify what the private sector will take with this work thereby opening opportunities
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for stronger public-private partnerships. so how are we going to make this work. we are looking at ecodistricts which is really a sustainable development strategy that looks on the neighborhood scale that improves self-reliance and reduces environmental impact. so much work has been done recently, with green buildings. indeed, a green building ordinance helps with that work. and what we were discovering is that there are greater economic and environmental efficiencies that can be captured when you look at the district scale. so ecodistricts really look at private buildings, public ground, and public infrastructure system, and look to connect those systems to capture those greater economic and environmental efficiencies. it's a strategy -- it's an old concept, there's a new -- it's a new term. the term was developed out of
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portland and it's a strategy that is diffusing nationally and abroad. we like ecodistricts because it's at the confluence of experimentation and expanding understanding, infrastructure and community investments, environmental and urban innovation. and the planning department is taking the lead in this work because it is place based. planners are place-makers and historically urban planners have looked at building form and use in the public realm. for the first time through ecodistricts we add another dimension to planning and that's a fiscal qualities of the place. we saw this with toper delaney's presentation which she said she wants to celebrate the invisible. as diverse as our neighborhoods
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are, the physical qualities of our city is equally diverse. ecodistrict allow for innovation opportunities big. this is a proposed recycled district facility within the central corridor area. the left is showing the high water table in the area. and small, recycling ceramic roof tiles to create -- to slow rain water. it's good for the economy. it offers opportunity to attract the type of growth we want for the tenants and our residents. there's operation maintenance savings and opens up opportunities for public-private partnerships. ecodistricts provide a new model for equitable development.
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starting early in the process the community works with the city to steer this work, to identify projects, and to select projects that reflect the neighborhood's character and its environmental priorities. it puts the neighborhood in charge of the neighborhood, and it creates a more resilient neighborhood which strengthens social networks and projects that can adapt to climate change. here in san francisco, we've created four different types of ecodistricts. the first type, type one, we characterize as a blank slate. it's characterized by large tracts of land, owned by own developer. they're the most common type of ecodistrict. typically campuses, hospitals. we're looking at a type one pilot at mission rock. our type two ecodistrict we call
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the patchwork quilt comprised of land, an area that will accommodate growth and is comprised of land that includes undeveloped, developed, and developed land. so different owners and different developmental time frames. essential corridor has been identified as a type two pilot. and our third ecodistrict, the living neighborhood, which is going into areas of the city that aren't necessarily accommodating growth, and through tactical urbanism, finding ways that will alter patterns of behavior to more sustainable ways. so if you live in a neighborhood and you typically drive your car to costco, what would make you reconsider, and cross the street and visit your local grocer. we haven't identified a neighborhood yet. we're in the process. we're working with the invest in
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it neighborhoods initiative, through the office of economic and workforce development, and the neighborhood empowerment network, also through the mayor's office, and we have a grant to help us do outreach into neighborhoods, and work with neighborhoods and finding what that would mean to them. lastly, our fourth ecodistrict type four type is the industrial network. this is actually happening already outside of -- in industrial parks, which is recognizing, looking at industrial land uses, and identifying the snergistic uses of two industries. one industry produces a lot of heat in making its product. can another industry nearby capture that heat and help use it to make its product. so we're looking at
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