tv [untitled] January 20, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm PST
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of san francisco. having a reliable muni is a critical aspect to call ourselves transit first. we have to put our money where our mouth is. muni for decades has been chronically underfunded . every single year muni needs that amount or more to deliver. 100 million. riders see this deficiency everyday, systematic meltdowns where the subway fails, late runs. occurs with more regularity. we want to make sure that the public - we all have our own experiences,
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we hear anecdotes, it is important to have actual hard data. import for the public to see that data, and for us to see that, and to hear from our constituents so that we can build local support to fix the system. we have had budget budget debates; muni has not won those budget debates. the public needs to know exactly what is going on. i am requesting is that we start with a hearing at the land use and economic development committee followed by michael reports, tracking among other things following the follwing: deferred maintenance, last number i heard was 420
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million dollars. i want to know that number is going up or down. i hope it is going down. the number of vehicles, light rail vehicles, coaches in the fleet versus the number of vehicles that it needs; the number of vehicles broken down that month and for each how long has the vehicle been out of service. we know that some railcars have been out of service for years or decades. how many missed runs occurred that month? how many significant service disruptions known as muni meltdowns have occurred? for each, what was the economic productivity lost as people are stuck on muni, late for work, missed appointments, don't get to school and don't
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get to carry on with their life because they are waiting, streaming to the street, walking downtown trying to get to work but unable to do so. also monthly report. finally muni progress on improving real-time communication with riders, whether social media or mass texting; you cannot avoid being caught up in the mess as it was no information provided. they're working on that but they have a lot of progress to make. this monthly tracking will be a dashboard of sorts. it will be helpful to the public, and to those making decisions
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in order to improve this critical transit system. this is not about beating up on muni. we have a lot of amazing operators and muni managers who do a very good job under difficult circumstances. the rest i submit. >> supervisor yee. >> supervisor yee: thank you. i would like to thank the rest of the members of the board of supervisors to allow me to be part of your efforts to improve the lives of the people in our city. colleagues, i am introducing a hearing on an issue, their personal to me and i
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care deeply about. i heard from many residents in district 7 that are also deeply concerned about, pedestrian safety. i would like to have mta, the planning department and the department of public health to report on the number of collisions and fatal collisions as well as the most dangerous intersections and district 7. i am a well aware that that is anecdotal. i will like to see the facts. i would like the transportation authority to present a priority of pedestrian safety district 7 and available funding. i look forward to constructive dialogue over the coming months and i will be working
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closely with committee members and city staff to continue to monitor this really important issue. i also would like to -- submit a resolution authorizing the department of public health, lagunda honda hospital and rehabilitation center to expend retroactively a gift of 500,000 dollars to the lagunda honda gift fund. the rest i submit. >> supervisor avalos. >> i am in the moment -- i get emotional thinking about my family being in the room, i forgot to mention i staff. my staff members don't expect that but i think the world of them.
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it is important that i acknowledge their great work and the great support they have given me over the years. first off jeremy pollock (sounds like) new staff member. he is great to have, working on policy in my office, a great friend of the years. last night his band the operators performed and we all went to see him. francis shay, raquel redonday (sounds like) three fourths of us live in district 11. jeremy pollock practices in district 11 as well. it is great that we have that focus on the ground. i want to acknowledge the
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support. i have a couple of items for introduction. before that i do want to thank supervisor campos for bringing forward charter amendment to allow the voters to decide on renaming san francisco airport, harvey milk international airport. for me harvey milk is in the air in this building and for me renaming the airport make sense. i have an in memoriam, mark anthony -- and member of the southwest community corporation, board member, he had an untimely death. he made great contributions to the lakeview neighborhood particularly spearheading the annual
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reunion picnic, for the past and present residents, people come from all over the country to join in the lakeview picnic. also part of the lakeview hall of fame. we had an event last july, carolyn tyler was there who was our keynote speaker. you don't see that very often in san francisco where you have a great part of the middle class black community coming together; i was honored to be part of that effort. mark was one of the persons who helped organize that event, gave a lot of his heart and soul to san francisco over the years. he left san francisco temporarily to go to howard
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university in the 1970s when she got degrees in psychology and was able to apply that in different places around the country. i want to make sure that you know that mark will be greatly missed. the next item i have is an ordinance, call the ordinance on conversion, demolition and merger of residential units. it's about protecting existing housing and preserving affordable housing, and rent control housing. the 2009 update to the housing element at a policies to retain existing housing and protect the affordability of the existing housing especially rental units. these updates discouraged demolition, conversion are merger of existing housing but the current .code criteria does not have
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preference for assisting housing or consider affordable housing. also will consider whether replacement units are provided, and whether they are of similar affordability. this ordinance does not change the requirements for mandatory discretionary review; this ordinance will not affect -- or any other project with a development agreement. little background, supervisors -- had considered a one-to-one replacement for the most housing but that is prohibited by the palmer versus rent control board.
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the planning department will soon have more current statistics as well. this language brings into conformity what our goals are around the housing element and how we can best preserved housing. that is important especially to lower income san franciscans. >> supervisor kim, yorequested to re refer. >> thank you for allow me to extend this meeting little bit. i have been fortunate to work with an amazing team for the last several years. and doing an amazing job of serving the residents. as many of you know,
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-- did a lot of our work particularly around the tenderloin neighborhood, including the bed bug. she has moved on to supervisor yee's office. instead we have ivy -- a former attorney. we are incredibly fortunate to have ivy league join our team, i was incredibly honored that she considered and accepted a position in our office. please introduce yourself to her. also many of you know that april veneracion has been getting bigger over the last few month as she is expecting her first son over the next
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week or two. we'll have a new addition to our team as well. she will be taking off on maternity leave. instead we will have -- recently when the campaigners for prop c. he has a degree from mit and we are excited and honored to welcome him on our team. of course -- will continue to remain in our office as many of you know she started as my campaign manager and she has been an astounding team member and supporter working on many community initiatives. i want to announce that and welcome --
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>> supervisor yee, you asked to be re referred. >> supervisor yee: i was remiss not to mention my staff members last weekend; even this week. one of them as you heard would be matias. i am fortunate to have three aides that are well seasoned and understand all of things that i don't understand. the other one would be olivia scanlan (sounds like) who i'm sure most of you know she is. she is a retainer from supervisor -- of eight years, a wealth of knowledge of city hall in district 7. the third person would be
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esther lee, variety of experiences including four years with senator -- as an aide. we have a well-rounded team to ensure the things that i want to accomplish in the next four years. >> mr. president nor the names on the roster. >> thank you colleagues. why do we go to general public comment. >> now is the opportunity to comment generally on items within the subject matter of the board. including the items on agenda comment is not allowed on items that already have public comments.
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the african-american center. i've been there. she said something else. i respect it and i liked it. she said to all of us that she wants to make it successful. she wants to make it successful like other people before her. she said if you want to support me, i can make everything possible to every one of my residence. i love her. take care for the people behind me.
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they are coming to give you ideas. and don't forget. we have supervisor who used to be here. today they're not here but they're still in the city. senator - (indiscernible) woman, lieutenant governor and the mayor and the sheriff. used to be in this room. -- (indiscernible) mr. president you asked me if you understand the english. i teach you arabian if you teach me english. nothing free in american. i love you. happy now year. i wish you would read my newspaper.
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>> president: i look forward to that joint education. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. it is significant that with the new position of the podium the speaker can a longer see the computer or stop the clock. this is the first meeting of the new year, close to the time when newspapers review the previous year. let's take this opportunity to summarize the san francisco public library during 2012. the president of the library commission has been found guilty of official misconduct. this year it is finally unavoidable that the friends of the library are crooks and the continuing defense is exposed as self-serving, willful blindness. that that there was any credibility to lose.
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the city library has been found guilty of violating the sunshine ordinance and refer to the board of supervisors. attendance of the library commission meetings is so low that several would have been removed under the mayors announced attendance policy in the final months of 2012, a library commission only managed six meetings when the schedule called for nine. the whole schedule is below the attendance policy. as if to emphasize the complete collapse the only politically ambitious commissioners resigned a full seven months ago and the mayor has not been able to find a seventh person to join the lottery commission. there is no apology for the lack of honesty because no honesty is expected. the crooks just admit that their groups and it makes no difference. this should finally exposed once and for all
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-- direct attack on public policy. does not solve society's problems. the law cost more than the money. next speaker. >> ray hart, director san francisco open government i would like. two items that i would like on the screen until i remove them both. mary lee why do you have a double standard -- actions fell below the standard appropriate for a public official. the ethics commission recommended the mayor remove ms. gomez. the ethics commission sent a
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follow-up letter advising the mayor as to the reasons why he declines to take any action relation to ms. gomez contact. he refused to even acknowledge the recommendations regarding one of his appointed officials. well, boys and girls, can you spell the word hypocrisy? one of the things that i noticed, i served as a field election deputy person in the -- district in the 2008 elections. the hunters point, bay view community is traditionally and
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historically underserved. in the branch library improvement program of the 26 libraries, who got the last library after 10 damned years? bayview hunters point. those people should not trust you as far as you throw a rock. >> getting supervisors my name is andre -- i stay in district 6. i want to mention that next month is african-american hiv awareness month. i mentioned to a couple of members of the board; we will have a little function in the front of city hall, on the seventh, i think it starts at 4:30 and then we will march. and hopefully my supervisor will speak at it.
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i would be happy about that. on to serious note, a lot of things are going to be slung across his room, talking about the warriors. i am supportive of the warriors. i'm quite sure that a lot of the unions are in your pockets or in somebody's pocket because when they had the press thing with the mayor and his office i am quite sure that he five percent of the people standing up behind there were unions. everybody is not a union member. everybody does not have the knowledge of how to get into the union. a lot of people want jobs. i do want to go into construction that is not my field. a lot of people go into the welfare rolls, or people who own properties
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would love to get one of those construction jobs. when you are making this little deals, people like me don't want a construction job, but people like me interested in having a job and fulfilling the american dream also. >> thank you next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors, peter warfield, executive director of library users association. what the folks don't see when they watch these proceedings on video is the most unfortunate and i'm sorry to see it getting off to a bad start distractions that the supervisors create for themselves in order to avoid apparently having to listen to public comment. right now, supervisor wiener and mr. farrell
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are having a conversation instead of listening to the public. various of the other supervisors were talking with each other or texting, i think that is very unfortunate. i think i said last week that i hoped supervisors will pay attention to the public which they presumably serve. i hope that particularly the new supervisors don't get off on this bastard. i see that there is no clock going. if you could correct that for the public it would help particularly when you have an illegal two-minute time limit for the public and yank the plug after two minutes. it is good to honor gay folks
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but when there is an opportunity for fund raising by folks that have an inside track the same folks concerned about making good pr about gay things don't really care about other things. in the -- heights branch library a gay artist created a mural which was not only allowed destroyed, but some of the folks here actively participated in getting rid of. a bisexual singer on it in that mural wiped out. nothing remains. and multiracial mural that also honored women working gone without a trace, resumable to give the fund raising opportunities
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to a group that keeps collecting 80 percent of what it has collected in fundraising. >> the last time i was here i requested the board of supervisors to give us our three minutes. talking about muni, this and that because they have the time but what can you do? now, in district 10, in a school named after doctor martin luther king we have a principal to punish a child the principal sat on this child.
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