tv [untitled] January 23, 2013 3:30am-4:00am PST
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and ensure that the residents have a say in how the developments will be constructed and operated in the future. and with that i'd like to introduce the newly elected president of the residence association, congratulations diva youngblood. (applause) >> hello to everyone here. this has been an exhausting journey. [laughter] >> it really has. but i actually see a number of people here that i really don't want to exclude urban strategy. they were here from the beginning for the residents good, bad, or indifferent. they went through some knocks with us, and i truly want to thank them and to whoever is here to represent them. i personally thank you, thank you, thank you. as well as to some of the faces set when i was not the
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president, i was the vice. and i do thank you, mr. dwayne, because it really has been a very taxing journey. and i truly hope that the y gina keeps that open door policy. i thank you for that. and to everyone that's here, thank you, thank you, thank you. (applause) >> all right. and again, thank you to the residents. we look forward to working with them on the subsequent phases and look forward to working with all the residents in all the developments as we move forward on this endeavor. at this point i'd like to introduce the president of the lead developer of this partnership, and that is jack gardner. without our developers, without our partnerships, we wouldn't
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be here because we need developers to design and create this and to secure all the financing. and i'd like to introduce jack gardner. (applause) >> thank you. thank you, olson. mr. mayor, i'm going to bring my kids to the next event because i want the mayor of san francisco to tell them to keep their rooms clean, too. [laughter] >> so, and these guys are like, that wasn't part of the deal. wait a second. anyway, after almost eight years of nonstop effort, i and my team are simply thrilled and overjoyed to deliver the first building in the first phase of the first hope sf development. it is truly a great day. it's taken the commitment, the hard work, the financial support, and the confidence of many people and agencies to get us to this point, many of whom have already been thanked. i need to quickly single out, of course, the city and county of san francisco, the state, the housing authority itself,
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hud, our private lenders and investors including enterprise, and most importantly the residents of hunters view themselves who have been with us in this journey. so, thank you to the residents and everyone who has helped us get here today. we are very honored to be playing a role in the fulfillment of the grand promise of hope sf, to transform the city's most troubled public housing complexes into vibrant and exciting new mixed income neighborhoods that better serve their current and future residents, their communities, and the city as a whole. bringing world class design, first-class amenities and construction quality, green building materials and systems, no involuntary re dent displacement, a guaranteed right to return to a new unit, and new job training, employment opportunities and comprehensive supportive services to hunters view, phase 1 delivers on the promise we made to the residents eight years ago, but this was not about -- this was about
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improving their quality of life and their prospects for the future, not about making a buck and not about taking the land away for market rate redevelopment purposes. * so, i am so proud to be delivering on that promise here today. with 25 units, the buildings that surround you represent just 3% of the total hunters view transformation to come. when we complete the two buildings up the hill, we will have gotten to 15% completion. when we start phase 2 next year, we'll be getting closer to a third. but one day, with the ongoing support and commitment of all of our partners, the residents, the community, we will stand in the center of an entirely new hunters view, a brand-new beautiful neighborhood on the hill that will meet all of our needs, all of our visions. wouldn't have been possible
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without the leadership of the mayor and the supervisor, without the commission at the housing authority, without the board of supervisors, a brand-new city on the hill that delivers on the grand promise and the vision of hope sf. so, special thanks to everyone who has been involved. and i think they've been capably and ably thanked already. i would just say special thanks to my partners at ridge point nonprofit housing corporation up here in bayview hunters point. (applause) >> thank you, larry. my partners at divine and gong incorporated, rick, divine and everyone who participated. to my team, from dan, to lawrence, john stewart, a special shout out to our very own margaret miller who has spent much of the last seven years of her life helping make this dream come true. (applause) >> so, thank you, thank you, and truly happy new year to all. thanks. (applause) >> thank you, jeff.
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so, this is, again, one of those san francisco moments, right? we don't do things easy and we want to do things that are pushing the envelope. and one of the things that we're pushing the envelope on is trying to look at how we provide for the services for the families. and one of the things that this unique to this development is that we have the campaign for hope sf. and this is a campaign which is -- whose goal is to raise $25 million for funding of what they would call transformative or disruptive social services for the residents. the goal is to help the city overall do thing better, to find new things, to new
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services to provide, and to really transform the lives of the residents of today and tomorrow. as the mayor said, it's not about the bricks and mortars. it's about the lives of the people and the foundations are going to be a big part of that along with trent rohrer and hsa and the other city departments going forward. so, i'd like to introduce rich gross. (applause) >> thank you very much. that was a great description of the campaign. i can save half of what i was going to say. and thank you all for shivering out here for a few more minutes. [laughter] >> a number of you have heard me say before that i think this is the singlemost important urban initiative in the country. and i think that's true. and that makes this opening the single most important opening in the country. i think that what's really critical about this development is that it's working with the residents. we've heard that from all the speakers today. that's what makes a difference.
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and many communities across the country, when public housing is redeveloped, the residents are ignored or the residents are moved away or the residents -- or the new housing is enough. what's different about san francisco, what's different about hope sf is that's not enough. the campaign for hope sf is an initiative to raise $25 million for, as olson said, human services, to transform the neighborhood, the lives, working with the residents closely. it has brought in san francisco foundation enterprise, the city, and numerous other foundations, philanthropic organizations and corporations, all of whom are committed for the long term. and this will take a long time. hunters view will take a long time. there are seven other housing projects as part of hope sf. we are committed to sticking it through the long-term and i think that's really critical. one of the key aspects -- i
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work for a national organization that does nonprofit development and affordable housing. we know that the whole country is looking at what we're doing here, and that's really important. everyone thinks -- everyone thinks this is the right way to do it and can we do it here. and i think in san francisco we can. in san francisco we have corporations, we have a city government, we have residents. we have developers. we have a whole range of players in redevelopment public housing that will make this change. and that's really critical. so, i think the whole country is watching and we'll show them what san francisco can do. you all heard the phrase it takes a village. in san francisco it takes the entire city. we have the mayor totally committed to redeveloping public housing with the residents. we have developers like john stewart, divine and gong ridgeview who have sweat blood for years for this project. they should be incredibly proud
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of what they've done. lord knows they won't make much money at it. [laughter] >> we have, we have a board of supervisors supporting this for years. we have philanthropy i, we have corporations, we have hud, we have a whole range of people that are committed to this for the long term. * so, i just want to say this is one step. and there are many steps to go, but this is monumental. and congratulations to the residents and everyone involved in the project. thank you. (applause) >> so, at this time i'd like to sort of close the ceremony or presentation by thanking all those people that i didn't thank and didn't acknowledge who should have been acknowledged because there's just too many people to acknowledge. i know we have some commissioners here, both from the former redevelopment commission and the housing authority commission and some of the other commissions. there are just too many people to thank at this point.
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but i would love to just thank all of you for coming to share this moment with us. it's the start of something really, really big and it's nice for you all to be here in this very cold day to share this warm moment with us, a day that we will always remember. thank you very, very much. and we're going to have a little photo op right here. (applause) >> we have a key to present. ...
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>> the annual celebration of hardly strictly bluegrass is always a hit now completing itself 12 year of music in the incredible golden gate park. >> this is just the best park to come to. it's safe. it's wonderful and such a fun time of the year. there is every kind of music you can imagine and can wander around and go from one stage to another and just have fun. >> 81 bands and six stages and no admission. this is hardly strictly bluegrass. >> i love music and peace. >> i think it represents what
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is great about the bay area. >> everyone is here for the music and the experience. this is why i live here. >> the culture out here is amazing. it's san francisco. >> this is a legacy of the old warren hel ment and receive necessary funding for ten years after his death. >> there is a legacy that started and it's cool and he's done something wonderful for the city and we're all grateful. hopefully we will keep this thing going on for years and years to come.
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>> in january everything changes. all of san francisco's parking meters will now be enforced 7 days a week. feeding the meter 7 days a week reduces parking demand in commercial corridors and for most faster turn over of the parking spaces. the muni system has improved for sunday. learn more about 7 day meters at >> good morning and welcome to the regular transbay joint powers authority board of supervisors' meeting for thursday, december 13th and happy holidays to everybody. may we take roll call please. >> prior to taking roll i will note for the record that director sartipi has a
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scheduling conflict and will not be present today. director lloyd? >> present. >> director metcalf? >> present. >> director reiskin. >> present. >> vice-chair ortiz? >> present. >> and chair kim? >> present. >> madame chair you have a quorum. >> thank you. do you have any communications this morning? >> none that i'm aware of. >> is there any new or old business from the board of directors? seeing none let's move on to the executive director's report. >> good morning everyone. i would like to begin my report this morning on this last board meeting of the year by dedicating our board meeting in the memory of mike nevin, who recently left us. mike was one of our founding board members way back when we created the transbay joint powers authority and was very supportive over the years. he served as our first chairperson and was there with us in the initial years of moving the project forward. mike was a member of the
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caltrain board of directors and also a former san mateo county supervisor, mayor of daly city and san francisco police inspector and not only served on our board, but numerous other regional transportation boards and we'll always be appreciative to mike for all of his work in the area of transportation, as well as his commitment for those in need. we extend our sympathies to mike and his family. i would also like to thank director reiskin, because a few board meetings ago director reiskin suspected that suggested that we look into that and found it's viable and could save us money and we modeled after the department of public works and caltrans regulations, allowing for savings during the bid submission and bidders will be encouraged to submit their
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value engineering proposals that will decrease the bid price, construction cost and if a proposal is accepted the savings attributable to that value engineering proposed are subtracted from the bidder's bid price making their bid price more competitive and improving the likelihood of approval of the work. we'll realize 100% of the savings with the bidders value engineering proposal. during construction trade subcontractors will be encouraged to submit these proposals and after deducting costs incurred in the proposal, a trade subcontractor in the tjpa will share a 50/50 basis a shared savings. so thank you director for that suggestion and we'll implement that moving forward. >> great. >> now i would like to ask sarah to present our quarterly financial reports. >> good morning directors. these are your standard quarterly reports begining with
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a budget to actual report for the 1st quarter of this fiscal year. and indicating that everything is within budget so far. a contract status report showing dbe participation and amounts authorized and spent on each contract and at this point, we are at -- through the federal fiscal year period that we're in we're at 14% dbe awarded and 21% sbe actual. the third report is our investment and earnings interest report and we continue to earn interest in our participation in the city treasurer's pool. we have a small amount of u.s. treasury notes in our trust account with landfill proceeds and we continue to have an interest-free bank account, so that we don't pay fees for the most part on the bank account.
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the fourth report is the inception to-date. i am happy to answer questions from directors. >> any questions from directors? >> i just want to commend you all on the safety performance under this construction contract. it is pretty heavy, significant, complex work and the fact that you have continued to go through without issue. i don't know how much is attributable to being a jpla, but it's really phenomenal. it's a good model for everyone. one question on the financial report. where is the contingency for the overall project contingency tract and where would we be able to see that? >> we could start bringing you a report that shows the overall project budget. this is just the fiscal year
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budget. so it's just a slice of our best estimate of the overall capital budget that we anticipated to spend in this fiscal year. we don't budget for contingency. there is contingency built into each line item, so we have looked at our cash flow, what we plan to spend on engineering and design, for instance and built in a contingency amount to come up with the budget amount we brought to you for approval. but we don't have contingency as a separate line item in the fiscal budget. >> there is a small reserve item, but what i didn't see and i didn't see it, i don't think, in the project report that we're going to see later either. where that contingency is and relative to how it's been drawn-down. >> we can definitely bring a report that shows that, but again, that is overall project budget. so this inception to-date is showing expenditures and revenues and if we're using
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contingency, it would be -- it would have been converted into a particular expenditure. so it would be engineering and design or construction or what not. it wouldn't be -- we wouldn't spend it as contingency. >> right. >> we would have transfered it to another line item and spent it. >> if there is a way to get visibility on how it gets drawn-down, that would be helpful. >> no problem. >> thank you. >> great. and now directors, we have our last presentation of the year on our quarterly project labor agreement report by bob beck. >> thank you, board members. bob beck with tjpa to give an update on the pla progress in the last quarter. last month we had our quarterly meeting with the trade unions. so this represents now one full-year since we first
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approved the pla. and we had updates on upcoming trade packages to make sure that the unions are informed of work that is coming down the pipeline. sorry, wrong mic. as well as reports on the progress that webcor has made in working with the veterans organizations in the bay area and we'll have ted wang from webcor come up and speak to that in a few minutes. as well as the work as the unions have done with tech 21 and local schools. so there has been a lot of good progress made on that front and there continues to be no work shortage issues or other impediments to our project. and we had no reportable incidents in safety in the last month. in terms of trade packages as you know at the last board meeting or the october board
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meeting we awarded the substructure package. $120 million on that package and the slide says the bids are due january 10th. we do through the question from bidders process have requests to extend that bid date and we're evaluating those as we speak. so that is likely to be that -- that date is likely to be changed to give bidders additional time to prepare their submittals. >> how many prospective bidders are there? >> what is that? >> how many prospective bidders are there? >> five. >> that is great. >> in terms of working with the schools, we're having communication and preparation for this summer's program. there is a new coordinator, or new coordinators with the san francisco unified school district. and the school district is in
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the process of identifying potential candidates that they will refer to tjpa and other employers. i mentioned that our interns in the past have had a great deal of success working on our project and have been very positive experience for them, preparing for college and moving into other activities. and we were featured by the national academy foundation in two of their recent publications, and the brochure you see three of our interns from the summer of 2011 with their mentors from the tjpa and project control staff. so we had very positive feedback from national academy foundation looking to tjpa as a model for the internship programs that we have been participating with in san francisco unified.
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i will ask ted to come up and talk about his efforts on the veterans program. i'm sorry, one more slide on the efforts of the unions reported at our last board meetings with their efforts with san francisco unified. the carpenter's union is certifying the tech 21 program as a pre-apprenticeship program. and the building trades council is looking at other trades that may be able to certify pre-apprenticeship programs as well. so that is really good news and with that i will ask ted to come up. >> hi my name is ted wong with webcor obayashi. we had two engineers being guest lectures at the technology part of tech 21. so
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they already had their presentations earlier this month. i was going to give you an update on our collective veterans hiring effort. i'm happy to say that we have two of our founding members in the room with us, manny flores and paula ressa of the carpenter's union. back in april we commenced a veteran's hiring steering committee, if you will, to look at issues of veterans geting into the construction field. we subsequently had two working group meetings with alameda workforce investment board, representatives, the edd there, as well as the carpenters' union and city build, as well as mission hiring hall. and what we came up with was essentially we found out that you needed to connect the dots with veterans hiring and a lot
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of organizations are out there working to support veterans, but nobody is really talking to each other and they are trying to individually reach out to employers and not really in a cohesive fashion. with unions and companies and cbos we needed to develop a more cohesive hiring process and that is what we worked on. we had a success story working closely with the carpenter's union, where we have two returning veterans, i think from afghanistan, to essentially pre-screened through a community-based organization -- out of a group of 75 possible veterans through a craigslist ad and got them in for an interview. liked their attitude, their demeanor, their work ethic. they are both former marines and hired them into --
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actually sponsored them and they went into the carpenter training pre-apprenticeship program and they could have skipped that and gone right in as an apprentice, but they wanted to see if they really liked the carpenter program. so this is a replicable hiring program that we're going to try to push out and we have been pushing out to other employers, other subcontractors on this project, as well as the construction industry in general. i think it's important to note that it's not just about hiring veterans. it's about retention. and making sure that they succeed. and so on that note we have actually been looking at ways to ensure that they are going to succeed. just as a best practices note from all the research i have done, we found that veterans need each other once they are back from their tours of duties.
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they actually should retain a cohort, which they can find of hang out with and be together. that is what we're attempting to create with this whole construction hiring process as a way for them to still, like there are so many jobs in the city that are coming down the pike, we want to make sure that they have a network to stay connected with each other. so on that note we're working with san francisco unified school district, as well as integrating veterans pre-orientation programs there. as well as the sf state university veterans club to generate internship paths into construction employers like webcor, turner, dbs and other employers. we can start with the transbay project and then move forward from there. so it's kind of a multi-pronged approach and still a work in progress. working with the unions, as well as the building trades to make sure that we have got them all aligned and iti
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