tv [untitled] January 23, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PST
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first, followed by any possible new-hires and beating the bushs to make sure that we get veterans integrated. kind of a lot to swallow, but i have a handout that outlines everything that we have done to-date. webcor obayashi has hired nine direct hire positions within our company. turner at the recent u.s. hornet career fair hired one and i think the key is developing the one-on-one relationships with the sourcing agencies to find the veterans that are out there and get them into internships or apprenticeship programs so they can be hired. so that is my summary. thanks. >> thank you.
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>> the one other item on the veteran's report that i wanted to highlight was that enville buildings was awarded the hoisting contract for the project. so they are going to be providing the man lifts to bring personnel into the excavation and in future to the upper-levels of transit center construction and the personnel to operate those. and that is a disabled veteran-owned business. so both in the field as contractors we're making end roads. just a few words on our apprenticeship programs. i reported last month that webcor had developed two tracking reports that we have now been using over the last four months as both a means of reporting, but also feedback to the operators and the contractors, so that in
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realtime they can make the adjustments necessary in the number of apprentices that they have on-site. the two reporting mechanisms for all crafts to achieve a 1:5 or 1:6 ratio of all workers, as apprentices. and you can see now that the crafts are achieving that and that is based on total hours worked. and then for operating engineers and for laborers, it's on a daily basis that we want to have a 1:4 ratio of apprentices to journeymen laborers. you can see there at the last few months, we have finally reached that point where those red lines representing the apprentices in the field are
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exceeding the apprenticeship targets. so these tools that were developed have given us the ability to really monitor the payroll on a daily basis and make the adjustments necessary to make sure that we're having as many apprentices in the field as possible. that concludes my report on the pla. >> could you just ask bob, are we going to be able to start seeing trade by trade apprentice? >> we have that data now. >> at least for the bigger trades. i know for very small number it's hard to meet, but it would we good to get a sense of who is having more challenges. >> we can break that out, absolutely. >> thank you. >> good morning directors, steve with turner construction.
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another good period of work put in place these last -- this last month. let's see if question get we can get this going. 561,000 craft hours through the end of november/early december. a little more than 11,000 since we last spoke. the hours represent about 160-200 workers in the field on any given day across multiple shifts that we're running. and later in the report, there is a tally. that is over a thousand unique jobs during the transit center construction including utilities. so that is craft people, a thousand craft people having worked or touched this project as reported in the certified payroll system.
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the sc contractor made their milestone of 162 and actually completed 165 and is on track to finish on on-time. the excavation continues and the rains that we had a week or so ago slowed things down with a little mud at the bottom of the excavation, but it continues to move west to east and under fremont street is the next step. the access trestle was completed all the way to fremont street. so the contractors now have a construction roadway, so to speak all the way out to howard at the end of the west end of the project. the awss work continues on mission street. they were able to get an exemption from the holiday moratorium to allow them to continue that work. so we'll finish that early part of next
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if year as they work through the holidays on mission continuing to put in the new water line. coming up next, the below-grade structure contractor who now has the geothermal and grounding contracts within their package will start that work in january. the buttress work will continue and the micro pile production, they completed 70 in the total production piles and that will hopefully be completed in the next 90 days and move into zone 2. of course the excavation will continue to work from west to east of the timeline update still remains the same.we're starting the below-grade package and superstructure package is out to bid and we'll get the results in early february. parts of the exterior packages will be going out with the window wall in 1st quarter/2nd
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quarter of next year and beyond. so that is the timeline on the bse and the big thing is the excavation continuing from the west to the east. the final traffic bridges will now be done over a weekend in april, after needing a lot of space in the zone 4 area to put those bridges together. the contractor has chosen to wait until the buttress work -- a majority of the buttress work is completed. just an overhead, you can see that the trustle bridge is connected all the way to fremont street and the other areas continue to be under excavation and the buttress area at the east end. this gives you a breakdown of how the excavation is going. the dark photo, left side
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indicates making the final depth and they are continuing that dealing with the de-watering aspects from the rain and moves from west to east. so just some perspectives of how things have changed. you can see how the trest the bridge is now connected. hard to tell, but the ab and c levels are in place in zones 1 and 2 and at far end, all the way down to the d level. just a shot of some of the excavation and bracing going on and the conditions which the contractor is working under right now in zone 1. micro piles continue. they have 70 completed to-date, or by the end of november.
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installing bracing, under the 1st street bridge between zones 2 and 3. completing the trestle in zone 3. and excavation and bracing in zone 3 as it progresses along. the end section, the east end section, zone 4 buttress work continues. as i said they met the milestone of 162 and actually had 165 completed and continuing to get 2.5 a week. up-to-date progress chart and you can see on the chart kept by the program management folks, the team was right on target for the completion of the buttress work. a couple of the buttresses being worked on over of the last period. the contractor has elected to put in a sheet pile cutoff wall in the north-south division on division between zones 2 and 3 on eastside of the fremont street.
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this will allow them to start the excavation underneath the fremont street bridge and start moving into that zone 4 portion of that zone 4 excavation early before the completion of buttress work. so that shoring wall went in or that cutoff wall went in this last period and will allow them to start excavating under the bridge. the awss work continues. as i mentioned there is just a couple of shots of the work progressing on mission street and the integral work around the other utilitis in the streets. so next up is the substructure package as i mentioned. so we'll just walk through that real quick. the shoring walls are already completed. you might have seen the slides before, the water table. the next step is the micro piles and there are a total of close to 1800 of them, the length of the project, but as they are completed the contractor, who is starting with the grounding and geothermal in january, underneath this will be
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installing the 5' thick piece of concrete. then the below-grade structure and the walls and the foundation or structural walls and of course, eventually we'll get the steel out there to the superstructure. just the overall budget, which remains consistent for the construction work that has let. this is the overall construction budget of commitments to-date-560,000 craft hours. and you can see here that san francisco labor still continues to hold at 20% throughout the project. these are just counting the utility hours and transit center construction hours. and again, there is that number, over a thousand craft jobs over the course of the start of the transit center work and utility work. if i can answer any questions? all right. thank you.
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>> thank you, directors, that concludes my report. >> thank you. can we move on to the next item, please? >> yes item 6 is public comment, can which an opportunity for members of public to address the authority on matters that are not on today's calendar and gilbert deanza would like to address you. >> if there are any other members who wish to speak, if you could stand and speak after gilbert, thank you. >> good morning. madame chairman, board, maria, i am here to talk about the carpenters agreement with john o'connell. we recently signed an mou stating that the carpenter's union will hire students graduating from the john o'connell program. i am also a graduate of john
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o'connell and it's been a great career for me. i think it's a great thing for the relationship we have formed with the school district. we met with october and signed the agreement in which five graduating students from john o'connell will come into direct entry into the carpenter's program and two of them will be females, which is great. and we're very excited about going forward with this. paula will be getting together with the john o'connell school and providing the curriculum in which the students graduating have direct entry into the carpenter's join. i also want to say that we'll be having a college and career awareness day next thursday, december 19th. so that is the late update with the carpenters thank you. >> where will that take place? >> ida b. wells high school next thursday. >> thank you so much.
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>> thank you so much, have a great day. >> and if there are any other members of public that would like to speak, please do just line up. >> hi. i am jim patrick, patrick and company in san francisco. i want to go to the agreet agreement with heins. i would like to find out the bullet points. what are the responsibilities and deals made there? to the best of my knowledge is not a public record and wondering if it will be a public record ? thank you. >> thank you. if there are no other members of public that will like to speak, we'll close public comment at this time. [ gavel ] and we'll move on to the regular calendar. >> item no. 17 a presentation of the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended june 30 120 [#20*-/] 12 and the report to the board of directors. >> thank you. >> and director sarah will
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present this item. >> good morning again directors. you have been presented with our annual financial report and i am of course pleased that we have again received an unqualified clean opinion. i do want to acknowledge the other tjpa financial staff that you haven't met. they are not at our meetings, but they are instrumental in making sure that we maintain our financial symptom throughout the year and that we're able to produce these statements. and with, that i want to introduce our auditor ahmad >> i am the partner in charge of the audit. what you see here is the annual financial statement the tjpa. as required by government accounting standards board we are required to audit the financial statements and ensure that the financial statements are fairly presented. because you are a governmental agency as well, we do extra work as it relates to further
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compliance because you are major recipients of federal grants, as well as the fact that we have to report in a separate opinion, internal control deficiencies and we're reported to report these items on the financial statements that you see here. what you really see in the financial statements is just basically a mirror of the financial statements that the management had presented to you. there were no audit adjustments, we didn't change any of those numbers and vouched them back to what we call external documents or external evidence, verifying that the financial information is fairly stated. as a mentioned before we're required to also report to you in these financial statements if we noted any non-compliance with laws and regulations and we noted no find of non-compliance
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with laws and regulations. with the specific tests that we go into, we verify the compliance with the federal requirements so we know there are no exceptions. we look at the interrible controls internal controls and payroll internally and look the controls and we have noted no deficiencies in internal control. we are required to communicate to you whether we noted any difficultis in the performance of the audit or whether we noted a audit adjustments, which is the second letter in the package that you have. we noted -- we proposed no audit adjustments. management has been one step forward giving us all the financial information that we needed to complete our audit and for that we thank management staff. i would be happy to answer any questions? >> are there any questions? if not, thank you for the
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report and the presentation. seeing no questions, can we move to our next and last item? >> yes. item no. 8 is the approval of the minutes of november 19, 2012 meeting. >> i have to abstain. >> we have a motion and a second. >> we'll take a roll call vote. director lloyd? >> aye. >> director mett kav? metcalf? >> aye. >> we'll have to carry this forward. >> so we'll take a motion to continue this item to the next board meeting. >> so moved. >> we have a motion and i believe we can do that -- >> what will change next time? >> the two will always abstain because they weren't here. >> i wasn't able to attend the meeting. >> what will change?
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>> i apologize. >> so you may review the meeting minutes that are available online and confirm that the meeting minutes accurately reflect the activity. >> okay. >> >> so we have a motion to continue this item until january and we will do so without opposition. do we have any other items to review? >> that does conclude your agenda today. >> meeting adjourned and happy holidays to everybody. [ gavel ]
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theater. >> we are trying to figure out a way to make a space where theater and presentation of live work is something that you think of the same way that you think of going to the movies. of course, it has been complex in terms of economics, as it is for everyone now. artistically, we have done over 35 projects in four seasons, from producing dance, theater, presenting music, having a full- scale education program, and having more than 50,000 visitors in the building almost every year. a lot of our emerging artists to generate their first projects here, which is great. then we continue to try to support figuring out where those works can go. we have been blessed to have that work produced in new york, going on to the edinburgh
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festival, the warsaw theater festival. to me, those are great things when you can watch artists who think there is nowhere else that might be interested in you being a woman of color and telling your story and then getting excited about it. that is our biggest accomplishment. having artists have become better artists. what is. sheri coming back to brava, here you have this establish, amazing writer who has won a clue -- slew of awards. now she gets to director and work. even though she is this amazing, established writer, the truth is, she is being nurtured as a director and is being given some space to direct. >> the play is described as ceremony and -- where ceremony and theater me. in the indigenous tradition,
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when you turn 52, it is like the completion of an important era. the importance of the ceremony is to say, you are 52. whenever you have been caring for the first 52 years, it is time to let it go. really, here, they have given me carte blanche to do this. i think it is nice for me, in the sense of coming back 25 years later and seeing personally my own evolution as an artist and thinker. the whole effort to put the chicano or indigenous woman's experience on center stage is, in itself, for euro-american theaters, a radical position. because of the state of theater, it is a hard roll to hold up in institution. it is a hard road. i am looking at where we are 25
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years later in the bay area, looking at how hard it is for us to strive to keep our theater is going, etc. i like to think that i'm not struggling quite as hard, personally, but what i mean by that, the intention, the commitment. particularly, to produce works that would not be produced in other places, and also to really nurture women of color artists. i think that is something that has not shifted for me in those 25 years, and it is good to see that brava remains committed to that kind of work. ♪ >> when people talk about the reflection of the community, we can only go from what we have on can only go from what we have on our staff.
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