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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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the problems on sixth street. i think seriously the problems they're experiencing the solutions aren't in your purview. you can't imprison everybody. chances the people that are hanging around and that stuff they never been given an opportunity, a fair opportunity in life. honesty they have probably been attacked from the cradle to where they are now. lack of schools, lack of job. i mean if anything the city just has a major problem. i tried to get jobs. i couldn't get a job. i don't hang out there like that. i do other things but to me the real question is these people, these owners, these merchants do they employ anybody in the neighborhood? they're not talking about it. all right. now i'm going to move on to tazers. the police have
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been trained. they have been trained for i don't know a year or however long they have been trained, but i'm just wondering why do they need more weapons to subdue somebody? if they can't subdue somebody with all the training they had why do they have to elect cute somebody into submission? the united nations it's it's a torture device. where i came from in chicago the victim ruled a homicide they taized him seven times and this is the stuff you all could experience. the problems i had with the police. they come in. they come
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through. they don't respect black people. every time i have a problem a white person every excuse they can make up to slip it under the table. the last incident i had the officer took the perpetrator -- he put them in the front seat of the car and drove away. they didn't take a statement from nobody. they put them in the front seat and went down the town so this is the type of justice we have. so i'm just -- the tazer thing is not acceptable. you have to think about people are trained -- like samurais they are trained so they can defend against someone with a sword and the cavmar -- they're trained hand to hand combat to deal with people with guns, et cetera so they don't have to use any type of weapons
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and we just need more training for the police department. >> thank you sir. next speaker for general public comment. yes, sir. please come forward. >> good evening commissioners. excuse me. my name is tad corcell and own a night club in the area and i certainly wouldn't be -- i don't think i need to reiterate the situation on sixth street and what is going on there given the people that came up to speak. the things that i think are of greater importance and encouraging small businesses and giving them the opportunity to take over store fronts in the two block corridor is critical. the more businesses it's an avenue for people to want to come down which i think is very important, and secondly since we have been in there in terms of
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putting cameras and lights, and additionally with security on the outside trying at least where we are to be productive in trying to assist the sfpd in whatever way we can to try to be good neighbors. i know the gentleman came up and said we do need your help and it's true. a lot more police presence will go a long way down there, but i want to make it clear us as small business owners i will speak for myself -- will work if you however we need to work with you in order to make that happen so getting more businesses in there, more police presence, and we will be there to work with you guys the whole way. thank you. >> thank you. any further general public comment? yes, sir. please come forward. >> good evening president, vice president, fellow commissioners, fellow community members and business owners. i am moz [inaudible] and represent my
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family's business on 32 six ethstreet and i want to echo the concerns that the business owners and community members have asserted. i think -- it's obvious there is a problem. it's obvious businesses can't operate their businesses. it's jeopardizing the value of their businesses. it's hindering the way that they do business. mainly because of the safety concerns. like we're not here to point any fingers or tell you guys who to arrest or anything like that. we just want that increased presence of police or whatever kind of security or law enforcement there because i believe when there is official law enforcement there -- i can't think of a euphemism for this but the bums and crack heads won't be at our doors. we won't get threatened and harassed.
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there have been life-threatening comments. there have been fights right inside of the store. just mainly that safety concern that is getting in the way of doing our business and we have been there -- this march marks three years of our anniversary of doing business there. i want to give sfpd credit. we have seen a substantial improvement. we appreciate them coming down there a few times but we kind of want to see a consistent presence and maybe build some relationship with the businesses, like something on a first name business. it would be nice to have a police officer or whoever come down, introduce themselves, and let us know that they're there at least, and just so we can have that feeling that -- that comforting feeling because for businesses and people that come to the area it's not comforting taw. we had a customer last night staying
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at a hotel one block away and he was asking me if he was going to get shot or killed and that's not the only time. it's many times i had customers walking out with the box in their handshaking. it's not like something that we want to kind of -- that's encouraging taw. it's not encouraging and i just don't get why it's sixth street and like it's cursed with thugs. i just don't get it and if you could meet us halfway and i appreciate urban solutions to bring the concern between small business owners and everyone else and hopefully we can meet you halfway. >> thank you very much. any further general public comment?
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hearing none general public comment is closed. chief, when are we going to open the substation? >> the substation will be activated by the end of the month. i was talking to the mayor this afternoon. >> what are the hours and staffing? >> it won't have staffing. it's part of southern station which is the biggest station and the area and 60% of what they were because of the staffing. when we get the full staffing all of the foot beats will be increased and market street will be doubled and work exclusively out of that substation. >> do we have a foot beat in this area? now it's blighted and hearing from the people with new businesses. can we meet them halfway? >> the century differences.
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>> >> it's a 24/7 place so most commercial areas have pedestrian traffic during the day time hours, maybe as late as 10, 11:00 o'clock. sixth street goes 24 hours a day and people are out and change of walks like we do so again it's challenging with the staff shortage. there are as many officers working the area -- in fact the command staff and myself have worked the area several times as chief and we went in and said hello. it's not lost on me. captain redmond knows it's a priority. >> thank you commissioners. anything else on this issue? i want to thank you for coming from sixth street. it's unexpected and hearing what is happening is great and we appreciate it and here on the
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commission and we will do our best to meet you halfway and we appreciate it. thank you. commissioner. >> yeah. i just wanted to ask you a quick question and i don't want to put you on the spot but looks like it lacks a little curb appeal. >> would you like we to put a decorator's touch -- we will work with awr ban solutions. i know i was asked about the esthetics today. i'm not person but i know people. i know people who know people. >> okay. thank you chief. >> commissioner turman. >> the commissioner just covered what i wanted to say, but i do want to say i join the chief and this commission. we are committed to the revitalization of the area. it's important to
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san franciscans. it's important to the city. it's also important to encourage small businesses. i am looking down this list, and there are places that i have been in recently including a holiday function i went to at the monarch bar so i understand where you're coming from and i have walked the streets and we want the area improved in an effective and respectful way of the folks in the community so we hear what you're saying and we're going to do everything we can to give the resources that we can to this. you have to hundred right now we're stretched department when it comes to resources but we're committed and we will find a way to be more effective. >> thank you. commissioner king king. >> i just wanted to add my thanks and appreciation to all of you that appeared before us
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this evening. i think it was a well planned and organized -- at least that's the way it appeared -- appearance on your behalf and to hear your individual stories certainly made an impact on all of us, and just want to thank you again, and also add my support as a commissioner to your efforts in trying to get you the type of support you need from law enforcement. thank you . >> all right. without anything further on this issue we go to line item 3a, the chief's reports. >> line item 3a reports and announcements. chief's report, discussion. review of recent activities, presentation of the annual report regarding the department's work with the jttf and presentation on crime statistics reporting slash cjcj
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report. >> thank you very much. >> good evening commissioners, public. before we get into the two presentations director givein goes into the presentation i passed out last meeting how we addressed our statistics and are now accurate to the one hundreds of a percent regarding to the five ethnicities -- i mean the five races and the 19 ethnicities. very quickly we did suffer two homicides over the weekend. one was in the northern district where the vehicle crashed at fill more and japantown. the victim was transported and unfortunately passed a way. anyone with information please call our anonymous tip line. we protect everybody's identity. the second homicide was in the
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excelsior district. it was a double shooting and one of the victims passed away due to the injuries. our officers in the task force major crimes worked that up and had a weapon and person in custody by the next day. the officers do a spectacular job in solving the crimes and we can't do it without the community so we ask for that help. we had a football game this weekend. we will be playing in the super bowl. we had a robust celebration in some neighborhoods and was in the mission district and made nine drunk arrests. one person did commit an aggravated assault on someone but compared to
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celebrations in other cities after championship games it was a success and good plan. again i applaud the officers and the fans that showed the same class that our team showed on the field and everyone put it out far and wide and we expect everyone to be just as classy when we win next sunday and thank the 49ers which helped us as well and from dpw in picking up the garbage so if anyone wanted to burn anything. mta was doing a great job with facilitating the signals and cleaning the streets and the fire department on the stand by if we needed them and thankfully we didn't. we are gearing up for chinese new years. there
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will be a press conference kicking it off. all the commissioners are invited. director hicks as well at gateway to chinatown at grant and bush. we will be announcing a campaign to further impact the asian scams perpetrated around our seniors in the neighborhood, and i think we have a good thought to that. there will be a second press conference in the richmond district january 31 at 11:00 o'clock at 601 clemon street at the kung fu academy. you not need to know kung fu to attend the press conference want with regard to statistics. violent crime -- although it sounds lame in having two homicides last week and this is
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a jump off even though we had a tough new years day and one of the commissioners asked where we were relative to aggregate numbers in the police department. i asked to get the calls per service. the police department handled approximately 1.3 calls for service last year. that doesn't reconcile exactly with the 1.1 million that we got out of our data warehouse but we will figure out where the difference is come but it's between that range for calls of service that the department handled over the last six or seven years. arrests in the city. we made approximately 25,000 rawfts in the city and that does not involve any traffic citations. again that is down from highs in the mid-30's from 2005 to 2009. again all part of the restorative justice model where we have alternatives to incarceration now that
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basically reduced the arrests by whatever it is, 25%, so we will go to that, and then i will let the presenters speak to the rest of our statistical information and mander lowtus will start with the jttf compliance with the new ordinance. i'm sorry he's been the deputy chief for a week. >> i wasn't even coming up. >> good evening chief. i didn't know if you were demoted or not. >> good evening president
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mazzucco and commissioners and i'm going to hit on points, staffing, our governing policies, the over sight, our compliance, and the mou. at the beginning of 2012 we had officers assigned to the task force. in june 1 inspector was retired and wasn't replaced leaving us with two full time inspectors assigned. members of the san francisco police department assigned to the jttf are to require with the requirements of the order and administrative code section two
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8. 74. these policies are explicit and unequivocal. san francisco members and jttf supervisors are aware and familiar with these policies. with respect to oversight members of the san francisco police department assigned to the jttf work on a team managed by a special agent of the fbi. however they remain within the chain of command of the sfpd. the investigators report directly to the officer in charge of the special investigation division, lieutenant theresa gracie, and case review is conducted quarterly by a command level officer with the proper security clearance. the first quarterly review was in 2012 and the second was just two weeks ago. compliance. in 2012 sfpd
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members assigned to the jttf were in full compliance with the general order and operation's bureau order 2011 one-07 and with respect to the mou there were no issues relating to the mou in 2012. that concludes my annual report. do you have any questions? >> thank you chief. commissioners, any questions for the chief regarding the report? commissioner. >> yeah, i would just say we got positive feedback last night at the tazer meeting about the bureau order that the chief issued vis-a-vis making it clear that san francisco officers fall under the chain of the command of the chief and a reflection of san francisco values and i know you talked about the general and the bureau order but for people listening if you could explain a little bit what that means in
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terms their working with the fbi but following sfpd rules. >> the bureau order is as the chief said explicit. all san francisco police officers are held to the policy and procedures -- san francisco police department policies and procedures and the policies and laws of san francisco, whichever is more strict so depending on wherever they are their fall back if you will is whatever the policy procedures laws, ordinance ps et al of san francisco. >> maybe i could specifically explain when we had the hearings about this one of the key issues there was concern that the officers were involved in activities where there wasn't a reasonable suspicion or cause
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to conduct surveillance and work with the fbi or concern that our officers would go into secret places where people were worshiping or do surveillance without the proper legal predicate of probable cause or reasonable suspicion and it's clear whether the fbi does that -- assessments which we have heard before but our officers will not participate in an investigation unless there a predicate offense and part of the penal code or u.s., code and they're not involved in random assessments of people. their role is with the ongoing investigation and i wanted to make that clear to the community so the general orders made that clear but there was concern about the mou where that is not clear, so to clear it up this chief on his own issued an
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order and made it clear to the officers in the department if there is a conflict what they should do as san francisco police officers verse what they're told by the fbi they're told to do what they're supposed to do by the san francisco police officers and not special assistants to the fbi. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> just another point. i know we changed our practices a little bit with the review of the department general order log which is a law with basic details, not a lot of activities that and i want to thank lieutenant gracie that went out of her way to meet the commissioners and we get a chance to review it and i appreciate that and it's done regally and i want to recognize the department's work in doing that. also we received a letter about meetings with the
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community and wondered if the chief wanted to give some comment on that. looks like there was a meeting in june. >> i think these were the meetings that preceded the ordinance. >> okay thank you. >> any further questions? dr. marshall. >> just because i heard this come up before and i want to reiterate what you said and what commissioner mazzucco said regarding this issue the chief said a number of times in public. i don't know how many times you need to say it chief. he stated how officers are handled with this issue. i just want the public to be reassured when the chief says that's the way it is that's the way it is. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. oh public comment. >> we're still going on presentation now. >> sorry. i didn't mean to --
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>> next up is deputy chief tomeka and griffin. >> i will follow where the chief left off. i can't of want to give support to ms. griffin and her team. they have done an incredible job. i know the chief provided you supporting documents on the jttf report that we discussed -- cjcj report from last here but we have come so far with the statistics and reporting and ms. griffin will go when i finish. we are committed to improving this and includes the statistical reporting and we support the restorative justice model.
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there was a presentation the tenderloin a couple of weeks ago and i know some of you were there to be part of that. for the public restorative justice is a model where we look at the whole person, where we provide the services -- not only the police department but the partner agencies in the city, so we're looking at housing. we looking at mental health services and it runs the gamut. we have people out there with no money at all. they can't provide for their own needs so the city and agencies come together and we offer the services. we can't force them on the people but we have had a good success rate so far. the current trend is our adult and juvenile arrests are down. we want to continue that trend. we are going to continue to document that. i will the statistics we're providing you now are current and accurate.
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we want to move forward. we know we can do bmplt we know we have already done better but we want to move forward. we really don't have the resources to go back and compliel all of the statistics you want us to look at from 2005 on so we're doing the best we can. this is an exciting time for the police department. we have academy classes in and i think you all received your invitation for friday's night graduation. we have a new academy class starting february 4 so we're moving in the right direction but we still have budget concerns. our numbers are drastically low. when i say our numbers, our police members on the street, and we are 15% below what we would like to be at, but our officers on the street, especially the street officers do an incredible job. they are active and visible and i think
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they are serving the public. the budget is concerning but we do have moreen beganin who is the chief financial officer and i think she gives us very accurate information and tell uses the direction we need togo in. i know the chief and i have faith in her and it's well placed. we have made fewer arrests and i think that will continue to occur. again we are focusing our efforts on moving forward but if there is anything you would like me to address now i'm on the administration side of the police department please don't hesitant to let me know either face-to-face or by email you all have my email address. >> thank you chief. >> any questions for me?