tv [untitled] January 30, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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session and you have a forum. >> please call, and removing one of the agendas off the agenda for next week, and that is the officer involved shooting investigation, process. and that is being moved to next week's agenda, and without further adieu? >> yeah, again, just to i know that in the interest of time and i want to get to the presentations that are ahead. the department as we closed january, again, that i think, captain is here shs the numbers that i gave you last year that the department did handle somewhere between one million and a million and three calls for service, arrested about 25,000, or so which is dramatically down as i spoke to, you know, with the alternatives to incarceration and again, even though the staffing is reduced, 15 percent for the calls are still getting done and violent crime is still
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relatively flat, gun violence was down about 3 percent and we hope to build up on that again this year. the last couple of weeks, thank you to commissioner loftus. we did graduate last week and we have good reporteds of the first week on the streets and they will find out how the first, hopefully post super bowl celebration on sunday night come messing at about 7:00, we hope. planning on the super bowl is in earnest and we think that we have a good plan and we have been doing a lot of public messaging that everybody should celebrate uponsibly. i will say that there will be zero tolerance for the public consumption of alcohol, we have a class time and we will have
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another world champion and i think that we can demonstrate for the rest of the country how to do it right >> we did the chinese new year public safety kick off today. at the gates to china town and we will put out a campaign against the asian bag scams that we worked closely with the da's office, asian poa and project safe, chief beal was critical in putting that together, we got about 3,000 bags, that have, that reduced the bag scams in hong kong by about 80 percent. and we are hoping to have similar luck here so nobody else gets cheated. and very quickly, there has been a lot of press today about a search warrant that was issued and served yesterday, i am going over a cold case the kevin collins case from 84 and, the first one that was put on the milk car ton and we had
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good information that was developed and working with the f.b.i. we got a search warrant and the serve in alamena county allowed us to borrow two of the cadaver dogs, the dogs hit, both of them inside of the premise, and there was excavation done and bones found. and it appears that they are the bones of an animal. and the investigation goes and continues, there are more interviews to be done before we put out any picture id of a person of interest and we have strong suspicion to believe that we are on the right track as far as figuring this thing out. sadly, it may have been too late and the person of interest has been dead since 2008 but nonetheless it might get the family closure if we can figure it out. we will not quit and we will find out what happened. >> that is going to conclude my report and i am going to now
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>> excuse me. president mazzucco, commissioners, chief, sir. my name is sergeant john kuto and i am with the (inaudible) division, the officer-involved shooting team and i am here to present the fourth quarter 2012, officer-involved shooting investigations and the fdrb. >> fire discharge review board, the fdrb, the fourth quarter was convened on december 20th, 2012 at which time one case was presented and an officer-involved shooting 11-002. it consisted of the voting members deputy chief tom yoko was the member of the
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administration, and deputily chief dudly, scmit, and stint and other voting members. commissioner loftus represented the police commission and captain mcekern at the time the captain was present as was sergeant chan. >> the case reviewed was the oif that occurred at 65 beuna, vista east just to summarize quickly, in that instance plain clothes officers that had conducted prior surveillance of a vehicle associated with a couple of bank robberis in southern california, returned to the area after conducting some other investigations. when they returned to the area, they were, they met with the vehicle was occupied and they were met with an occupied
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vehicle and at which time they stopped the other car and engaged the vehicle. the suspect ignored the commands of the officers to stop to get out of his car to show his hands. he reversed the car and headed in the direction of the police vehicle. the officers there were three of them and they had split triangle and one officer became pinned sbaoen two vehicles and another officer retreated and backed up until his path was blocked. two of the officers at that point opened fire and the suspect was mortally injured. in that case, the finding was that it was in policy. the officers have acted in defense of themselves and in defense of others. so, the fourth quarter summary of officer-involved shooting investigations, as of this
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point there is 12 open investigations. 1102 is now closed having presented the fdrb, the summary letter that i believe that you have that was submitted. 1103 is still in the criminal investigation phase. that has not been closed and still awaiting the declination letter. 1104 we did receive the declination letter and that will be schedule some time in march. >> the remaining oises, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, are all awaiting a declination decision during that process. 12-001 which dates back to may of last year, 12-002, 003, 004, 005, 006 are still earlier in the criminal investigation phase. so those are all still open and active investigation on the
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criminal side. once they are closed we will be able to finalize it and present those to you. >> so, just the milestone and just kind of touched on these. the bigger milestones for the ois cases will be 1102 which was closed as a result of the final fdrb convention. and 1104, we did receive the letter from the da, declining to press charges with the officer and the homicide investigation has been closed and the report has been received and we will be able to present that to the next fdrb. and so again, 12 open cases and 11 in the criminal investigation phase and no new ioses since the last report. any questions? >> thank you, inspector prudo, sergeant, don't tell your brother that i do that. when i came to the commission there were three and four years backlog on the cases thank you for the hard work and your team's hard work. and we are going to have a
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presentation next week regarding the whole process of the investigation of the officer-involved shootings, the part of the process before it can actually be closed reported as you saw is that the da's office has to do a declination and the district attorney office investigates alongside of the police department and the occ whether or not there is proper conduct, or whether or not there is criminal conduct. and so, essentially you have to go and lock step and wait for that determination which actually holds up some of our final determinations. there is no fault of the department and it can be no fault of the district attorney's office because they do a very thorough investigation, so if there are any questions regarding i want to make that clear, commissioners? anything further? >> thank you for preparing this presentation and also for being willing to move the presentation involving the officer involved shooting process to next week, sorry to inconvenience you on two wednesday nights in a row. i want to ask you about 11-002 and i wanted to know if there is any indication that this
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individual, the suspect had mental health. the reason for that is that we star those for the records and i wonder if it needs a star by it. if there is any evidence? >> to my knowledge, inspector mcdonalds handled it. >> i don't believe so. there were no mental health issues identified with this subject. and the summary report, the summary of the different oises that you received with the fdrb packet i have put a asterisk on there and i think that those are up to date. >> i want to be sure that this one does not need a asterisk but you answered my question. >> great. >> and the last presentation will be on gun violence.
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>> okay, good evening, chief, commissioners and director hicks. i like to give the presentation of how the sfpd works to reduce violence in our city. assisting me in the presentation will be officer spagnoly and captain oleary and mcfaden of >> it is a five-part presentation, i would like to introduce spagnoly he is an fer that works in the range and he is an weapon's expert and he was a member of the tactical teams and he is going to give you an overview, a brief overview of the kind of weapons that the officers come in contact with in our city and explain, or define the meaning of an assault weapon.
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let's bring it up and we will begin from here. >> good evening, i am here to show you a few different types of weapons that you would normally see on the street and which officers may come in contact with. and then in others that are not quite as common. but i will show you both. they are all unloaded and safe, and no one else will be handling the weapons besides myself. >> i just want 300 of them. >> you probably have rendered them safe for being in a public
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setting. you have rendered them safe, why they look scary there is a tie to them. >> two are unoperatable and the others are tied and safe. >> i am sure that you did, i just wanted to make sure that we said that. push >> the first is a model ten, a smith and wesson ten and five it is a revolver, years ago the police officers would carry the revolvers and we went to semiauto, it can't be fired. when fired, the cylinder rotate its fires, it has six rounds and fires six rounds. the basic that you would see either a police officer in the past would use or you will see even the criminals out there with revolvers still. all right? hundreds and hundreds of
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thousands of revolvers in the country and they are not illegal in california. let me go to the semiauto that the officers carry, neck, any questions on the revolver. >> for each bullet have you to pull the trigger. >> that is correct, each time that you have to turn it and it fire and turns. >> if it is a semi, or a revolver you have to press the trigger every time for each round to come out. >> in 1994, 18 years ago jim galf was killed at pioneer franklin and we all did not have the same guns at the time, some still had revolvers and others had purchased semiauto mat semi auto mat ticks and where the suspect had a german ak 47 and held off 120 police officers for a half hour firing 500 rounds before the swat took him out and prompted the department to go to a
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standardized weapon just so that we would have a chance. >> that is correct. >> this is a semiauto. also inoperatable. it is one that the police department carries, it is semiauto. you have to pull the trigger every time to fire. thank you. >> it has a magazine, a magazine in the weapon. it holds 12 rounds, and actually the magazine itself for civilian use is not legal in california. only ten rounds are legal. what the officers carry, are a couple of rounds extra than to be legal in california >> a ten round magazine at this time are legal. these are the weapons that the officers carry today on duty, the p229 and 226 are the calibers, or the models. and again, semiauto, when this weapon is fired, these slide comes back and picks up a round out of the magazine, and subsequently fires more rounds but you have to press the trigger every time. any questions on this one?
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>> no? >> so the typical hunting rifle that you see is totally legal in california, or in any other state for that matter. it is a hunting rifle, it is a 300 minute chester mag num and it does not have a magazine which you will notice the difference between this and what i will show you next which are considered assault weapons. and so, it does not have a magazine, a detachable magazine, the rounds are set inside here which it does allow for several rounds, inside. but each time, in order to fire this weapon, you need to pull the bolt back and send it forward and fire and pull it back and fire. and it is a typical hunting rifle that you will see for a hunter, which a hunter will use. all right? >> okay, this is a copy of an
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ak 47. it is an actual weapon. this one is made in hungary but it is the same exact weapon made in russia. this is just a copy, as you can see it has a detachable weapon, i tied it back so it is not functioning at this time. this magazine, the banana type, it can accept 30 rounds, again this is a semiauto. a semiauto weapon, but it can hold and press it all the time. >> they come in full auto versions, where they press the trigger and you can press it 4, 5, 6, 10, whatever the person choses to fire. not legal, even though that it
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is semiin california, it is not legal. full auto versions are not legal at all either. this is a semiauto version. detachable magazine, some of them which determined, or the definition of an assault weapon is a detachable magazine, a flash suppresser. for the assault rifle and then we have the assault pistols as well. any questions on the assault rifle? at all? >> one quick question for you, >> yeah. >> how difficult is it to turn that semiautomatic rifle into a fully automatic? >> that is a good question, there are companies that sell parts that you can exchange and put into the weapon to make it a full auto weapon, they are not legal in california and so if the manufacturer were to send it to california, it is not, they are not allowed to do so. all right? it is possible to purchase it, but it is illegal.
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you may want to ask, you know, how can you make it in your garage? how can you get in there and start messing with it and make it full saw auto? >> it is not that easy, you have to have a lot of knowledge when it comes to weapons, gun smithing and armor and so on. i don't want to get into exactly how you would go to make it full auto, it is not the good idea, so i won't talk about that. but there are ways to do that. what happens when someone makes it a full auto weapon, it is not a controllable full auto, weapon, it means that someone that is just working in their garage or in a gun shop that wants to make it full auto, without the proper parts would make the gun not controllable. it would fire and the whole magazine would fire, instead of a controllable full auto, weapon that is what is more dangerous, because it is not an accurate weapon if you make it completely full auto. the fire would not be very accurate to begin with. >> i think that it is
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important, that there are 39 states in the united states, that allow privately owned machine guns and very, several states especially in the southeastern part of the country where for a fee, you can take it to a deal and her they can convert a semi, auto, and put what is called a stamp on it and guns travel. so 39 out of the 50 united states, you can privately hold a machine gun as long as it is registered with the atf, it is not easy and these guns can be taken in burglaries. >> those bordering states and those are the laws in nevada. >> until last tuesday, california had the strongest gun laws in the united states, arizona the weakest and we are next door >> so someone could go to a gun show across the board and board and border and do that weapon. >> i just have a question regarding the last firearm. on the pictures that we have here, there is rifles, semi,
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automatic and then there is the assault weapon. the magazine clip, on the semiautomatic, does that change the rifle into a it. >> if you take that banana magazine away that comes under the semiautomatic rifle. >> yes. >> once you put that banana magazine on you it falls down on a fully or modified? >> it would be an assault weapon, semi, auto assault weapon >> another category. >> we can spend a whole day talking about the different ways or the different types of assault weapons that there are. here is another as we speak, it is an assault pistol, which is a mack ten and a 45 caliber and
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this one is shoot very quickly and accept the magazines up to 30 rounds and the whole magazine could be fired and less than two seconds. and it is a very fast-shooting weapon. again, a controllable fast-shooting weapon, this one is semiauto, but they make versions of this in full auto. and the same thing is considered an assault pistol, just because it is smaller and it accepts an attachable magazine. normally, if there is a pistol grip in front, also, it is considered an assault weapon. so, the flash suppresser on it, an assault pistol, sometimes there is threading through the silencer, and that is not legal either. this is another assault pistol, a mac ten it is called. okay? >> another, assault-type of pistol the tech 9, all right the same thing and it has a detachable magazine not in the
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pistol grip, the forward of it, cap able of shooting many rounds, semiauto. and this can accept the magazine of 20 or 30 rounds as well. an assault pistol and some have make it so you can shoot it more accurately. we just have a few here this evening to show you, the difference between an assault weapon and a simple rifle that someone would use for hunting. any questions on this one? >> okay. there is also, asked to know just a few different if we have time, i am not sure that we have time to show the different ammunitions if we have time. there are a few different types of ammo i know that were in current times. we have been talking about hall low points and things like that that is kind of a hot topic right now. there are a lot of different
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types of ammunition that are very serious rounds here that are illegal. red tip 223 ammunition is illegal and it is a red tip and it is actually can it lights up when it fires. okay? so if you shot it in somewhere there is grass or you can catch that on fire. different colored tips have different colored fire as they fly through the area. and so that is not legal in california. or in most states, but in california, specifically, it is not. we have another one that is not legal. a 308, red tip, the same thing. and not legal in california. it is tracer round they call it a tracer because you can see it and trace it as it flies through the air and it actually is lit with different flammable material like phosphorus,
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magnesium and the different colors that designates the different types of material used in the actual bullet. and there is a green one and a green tip. this actually penetrates steel. and so this will go through steel, not only body armor but steel as well. so a very serious round that can penetrate the steel and go through your car door or a police officer's door and so on. not legal and have an x here, which makes that. and then, another one that is not legal, red tip, another tracer round, the same thing, phosphorus, and kind of flies through the air where you can see t mostly for the military use. and illegal round. and then the basic rounds that we do have that are legal for hunting is a 308 rifle basic
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hunting cartridge and it is different when it is fired and this is used for hunting and the police officers used that in the sniper rifles and just by looking at it you would not know the different. >> full metal jacket and the basic round, 7.2368 legal to own and, one more, not legal to own is the they called it the upper nickel round, jacketed, fully armor piercing, very serious round to go right through probably an inch thick of metal. pretty serious round. again, not legal. >> ak 47 round, a smaller round, 7.62 times 39. legal to purchase, for the ak 47. 223s, again some of the rounds that are used for hunting and also used for police work and the specialists team use the 223 caliber in their ar 15s or
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m4s for the swat team. and again, just another 223 for hunting. rifle round. so i mean just by looking at it you would not be able to tell a difference. but designating colors on them tells you, and if you don't know just by telling you you could be picking up a round that is illegal in california. any questions on the rounds or anything that i have covered so far? >> yes? >> the mayor proposed in december legislation to the board of supervisors proposing to out law in san francisco, particular type of bullet and i believe it was the first one you were talking about maybe, the hallow points. >> yes. >> and of those, why that one is there a lot of that in san francisco? or what we are seeing that or y
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