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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2013 2:30am-3:00am PST

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you. you have the budget i know march 2 but this time you take the time, one month. okay. the budget for the translation service for the parents. they will thank you -- thank you. >> commissioner murase. >> yes, i had a couple of questions. just this guide is so very useful and important because we take pride in the multitude of languages that our school offers but it gets very confusing. my first question is is it only available in english and my second question is where can people go to get this guide? >> that guide is in chinese as well as in spanish and it's epc has them and distributes them -- >> [inaudible] >> oh we do? yeah. do we have
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these? here we go. so we have them in arabic. >> spanish. >> spanish, korean and to gala. >> [inaudible] >> so it's available in english, chinese, spanish, vietnamese, and to gala and the way it's distributed in november it's the release day and distributed to all parents that go through the post counseling session after they do primary language assessment at the educationals placement center. we also send out one copy to every english learner in the district. >> and other questions? >> any other comments or questions from the board? mr. superintendent. >> thank you president norton. i want to take this opportunity to publicly thank them for
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their work. the san francisco unified school district as the commissioners know is parts of the great council of the city schools and the largest urban school systems in the country and i sit on the executive committee on the council and i am so proud when we get an opportunity to share what we're doing in san francisco around educating english language learners, what we're doing with the work of the pathways but most importantly when i share the work that the bcc does with my colleagues across the country. we tend to be prophets everywhere except our own land but i want you to know there is no other system doing what the bcc is doing and that is testament to the work they have done with us in a transparent manner so thank you for asking the hard questions. i think the
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bcc made a good point about the data and the data reflected in the pathway reflects the data gap in the school system and i'm going to be a broken record. the achievement gap, the opportunity gap persists whether it's english language arts, whether it's math and it's especially persists with students with disabilities so while we're very proud of the work that we have done and appreciate what the bcc said we have a lot of work to do still to close the achievement gap because it persists in every aspect of our educational system and you beautifully captured the work of the district and what we're committed to going forward. i'm going to publicly ask the bcc to work in the transparent manner they have worked with staff going forward. i think you have heard examples from the community perspective
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identifies holes in our communications structures, in our families or our systems of envelope sharing and that is communicated to staff. we know that we're going to respond to that immediately because they are our eyes and ears out in the frunt so we're appreciate that. i'm going to ask us to work even closer together because you know the work in front us is so monumental that we can't let the status quo to pull us away from where we go and for the commissioners we had a preliminary review of the data that was referenced here. we will do a more comprehensive report on the data and we will make sure it's clean and we will have a public discussion with what the data says and again thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i wanted to thank you again
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on behalf of the board and all the great questions that you ask so there you go. the superintendent said they might pretend they complain about you in private but they're grateful for the work that you do thank you. >> we really appreciate the fact that we're working more closely and as we did say we are really short and representatives in the bcc. unfortunately of the five meetings we had we had quorum for three so that really impacts the work that we do so we want to reiterate if you can please make sure to communicate with your representatives. we want a full house and we want to work as fast and hard as we do. >> [speaking spanish] >> i also want to thank the
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commissioners that appointed us to these positions. >> [speaking spanish] >> that trust us that we're going to work towards having a better bilingual education. >> [speaking spanish] >> so thank you. thank you very much, all of you for listening to this report. >> all right. we're going to move on to item l, special order of business. i'm now going to call the public hearing to order for the 2013-2014 initial proposal for a successor collective bargaining agreement from the san francisco unified school district to the united administrators of san francisco of san francisco and the 2013-2014 initial proposal for a successor collective bargaining agreement from the united administrators of san francisco to the san francisco unified school district. i have one
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speaker who filled out a card for this item. >> richard keshy president of the united administrators of san francisco. good evening president norton, commissioners, superintendent carranza. on behalf of the united administrators of san francisco and its negotiation team we look forward to negotiating with the district's negotiating team through interest based bargaining to come up with the best contract for our dedicated and talented members of the san francisco unified school district. thank you. >> thank you. all right. any other questions or comments from the board? no? okay. with that i'm going to close the public hearing and move onto the next agenda item, item m, discussion of other educational issues. the first item tonight i'm going to call on
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commissioner maufas. >> thank you president norton and it is that time again. february is black history month. please come right to the dais and we will again have the african-american read in and we have here today with us mr. steve cook from the sf ed fund and we will talk about their participation which is crucial to sfusd's success in this event, and we also have commissioner haney who will chime in with us as well, so i will let mr. cook take it away. >> good evening commissioners, superintendent. happy new year. i haven't gotten a chance to speak to many of you yet and congratulations on the recent election victors commissioners.
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we're back again to kickoff this incredible event. last year with the collection of a number of community partners we were able to mobilize over 300 volunteers to read in hundreds of classrooms across the city and this year we will be back february 4 at 9:00 a.m. we have hundreds of volunteers reading in elementary schools across the city. i believe you all got a list of participating schools. the list goes on and on and we have as of today have hit our mark, so every classroom at these schools will receive a reader. [applause] thank you last year for participating commissioner mendoza was out and all of you all that spread the word and
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helped out. we really appreciate it. we have a number of elected officials reading and supervisors and sait senator leno so we are incredibly excited to do this again this year, and i'm incredibly excited to be a part of it. i grew up in this city and i am actually a generation of people that grew up in the city and i am kind of stuck so i'm going to quote another alumni, mayue angelou that helps any book to form the habit of reading to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs is good for him and i am sure she would mean good for her as well, so with that i can answer any questions
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or just -- >> commissioner. >> this has been a flack back night for me because i was there doing what you were doing last year and last year it was 300 readers we had and such extraordinary feedback from the folks out there and i still run into folks now "when are we doing the reading again?" . february obviously so i hope most of the folks are connected with you and i'm going to be reading -- i'm going to cleveland elementary this year and i think we are still looking for folks -- no? okay. i thought we were doing publicity. >> of course we will make exceptions for any of you. >> l i feel sorry for all the people missing out on the opportunity because it really is incredible and thank you for all the work you have done and all the folks that organize around this and i imagine we're going to continue to do it every year
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so thank you. >> ms. mendoza. >> i want to thank you you too. this is a fun reading opportunity for all of us. although i didn't formally register because i seldom do it for anything you can do like you did with me last year and sign up for the ed fund and place me where you need me. sometimes we have people that drop off at the last minute and schools that want more readers so please sign me up for that list, on call emergency list. >> absolutely. commissioner mendoza did it last year and we weren't able to staff a lot of people so they were excited to have her come and helped us save face a little bit. >> vice mayor fewer. >> yes, last year i read at
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cleveland. it was fun. i brought someone with me. she read in spanish. it was great. i didn't sign up but if you have a slot for me i am happy to read this year too. >> thank you. >>i would -- mr. cook, hope that somehow you can find spots for our board members who i imagined would want to read especially upon your presentation today, and again there is the last empty where folks just can't make it, so if our board members are willing to be on call to go to a site that is in need of a reader i think that's the caveat this time because the ed fund has been so incredibly well organized that they are full as of today. every school that is on our list has a complete complement of readers which is again a testament to the work
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of mr. cook and ms. marr at the ed fund and school volunteers so i can't thank you enough for all of your forethought and work behind the scenes and even the last minute vip's that i have shoveled to you who caught me out in san francisco and "when is the read in happening and i want a school" so i appreciate the flexibility you managed with those folks who just had an epiphany oh yes african-american history month is coming and i want to do the reading and again the feedback is incredible. people that thought they were doing something perfurniture tory and wanted to read to another class and another class but they have school but they enjoy today and reflective of the experience. >> >> and what it's about and i want to remind folks we invite
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all cultures to come read to our students. it's wonderful and such a communing experience and just to read to children is amazing so i want to reiterate that we invite all cultures to participate in this event and thank you for taking lead mr. cook and laura marr and she's not here tonight but available and flexible as well and thanks for coming tonight we are having the african-american read in february 4. those schools will see an influx of adults ready to read to students and then we'll come with report backs and how they enjoyed it. commissioner murase. >> i am checking my calendar and i know that rosa parks, my daughter's school is celebrating rosa parks day on that day monday, so if there are dropouts, people that can't
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make it i will be there anyway. i would love to participate. >> and you have a special reader coming based on that anniversary. i will tell you later. >> just one more thank you to commissioner maufas for her leadership. it was a collaboration that she put together and event that happened nationally but fell off the radar in san francisco. it was happening in pockets. because of the great support last year it's got a lot of people -- people want to come back. it's crazy how fast the year kind of comes, so i really appreciate that, and somebody earlier mentioned marcos book store which we encourage people to get their books from that book store and considering donating to the school. a bunch of people are going out to el dorado, so it
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is a large effort that involves a lot of corporations and community members so we appreciate you all being involved and your support. thank you. >> thank you very much and thanks also to the ed fund for the support and logistics for pull this off because i know it's a big effort. all right. thank you very much. okay our next item. mr. matt martin from kalw 91.7fm, our annual report. nice to see you. thank you for waiting. >> thank you and good to see you all, superintendent carranza, commissioners and welcome commissioner haney. good to meet you in this situation. so -- >> [inaudible] >> we will take it now. so i just wanted to -- i am sending
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around a packet of information, my usual station of the station report that includes recent program guides, our audit that we need to file for public broad casting and i am here to answer any questions you may have but this is my seventh report to nuthis capacity. >> [inaudible] >> thank you and i feel for the first time in my work at the station a sense that we're just starting to tap into the potential of what the station can do for and with the community, and part of that has to do with the fact we had great improvement in our financial situation. two years ago i was here asking you approve a short line of credit for the station and since that time that can you see on the second page of the station to station report we
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went from zero to this and great improvement and puts in a position we're not in the hand to mouth mode and can think about the future which is very exciting, but beyond just the financial situation i really feel like in this past year we started to realize what to me is the potential of a local radio station which is not just be a community service but to be a community creative enterprise. i think having a public radio station based in this community in the bay area the resources available in terms of the talents, the voices, the experience, the intelligence that we can draw from this community and make into radio that is compel to people here and around the world. now that we're online people listen from all over. i feel that we
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started to see in my mind what that could be. there are many things in the report. i want to go over three examples that show the potential of the community resource that we're fortunate to held on to for over 70 years at kalw. we had the biggest event and tavis smiley and cornell west and on a program we broadcast and said we're interested in coming to the bay area. they were talking about the importance of fighting priority a national this and we made it open to the public. commissioner mendoza, a lot of other community leaders were there to hear that message and what was important to me about it not that we brought in the incredibly articulate voices.
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people want to come hear cornell west and hear what we has to say in person and beyond that we partnered with a dozen local groups doing anti-poverty and economic justice work in the grass roots in the bay area to be part of this and bring their people and spend the message to the folks, the more than 2,000 that came that night. that group of partners continues to be a great resource to the station as we report on local and national issues doing with poverty and economic inquality. that to me is what we that make happen together. second, every time i come here i want to tell you we're taking steps forward working with students in the san francisco schools and every year we take small steps. this past summer we had three summer interns from burton high, three
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juniors going to senior year. two worked in the news room and a third that worked directly with me. we had two in the news room and ryan ramos worked with me directly. the program guide before the last one i talked how impressed i was with these students and what they brought to the station. that is to me where why i want to work with students and after the meeting i will forward you links to some of the stories that lupe hernandez reported for kalw news and what stean year olds can contribute to our understanding through public radio. we are working with three students. we are taking steps forward. it's incremental and takes resources and we're committed to it because i want a great radio station and i think students
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have a role in that. finally i want to point to our story telling project and supported by the public corporation of broadcasting and we had a couple of producers and that built partners with organizations and we realized that public libraries were the best place to do this and community members could tell stories from their lives. we had themes and talking about food, work and let people talk about common experiences and the stories that we heard and the potential were just so exciting and actually the funding for this project is going to be wrapping up but right now we're seeking additional funding to continue in the relationships with the public library and visitation valley which is down the hill from us at burton hill and east 81st avenue in oakland where we built a good relationship and just one quick story, a story
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out of east 81st avenue branch in oakland to give you a sense why radio can help with building brings so we a little girl that came with her family and they were talking about food and she talked about how she loved to cook. she talked about her first experience cooking an egg. they asked what is your dream? what would you like to do? "well, i would like to be a chef and a pharmacists" so on the nightly program we have a community story telling project and 10 year old in oakland. she tells the story and her voice. we get a phone call from a dean at ussf and i am a pharmacist and a enthusiastic chef and i would like to meet the girl in the story. she went there and
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was shown around and they made a connection that is independent of kalw. i hope that's what we can be part of. they're small things but i think they're really powerful. i also have that sense for me i am excited about the developments at kalw it's a steady up swing of activity at the station and i invite you to come out -- just give me a day's notice and meet the people in the news room, meet the volunteers in it is station, get a sense how we workday to day and the welcome it and of course your ideas how we could use this resource, but i feel like even though there is a lot going on we're starting to see what could happen and actually now that i feel we're in a stronger position financially to look forward we are what i call the planning
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stage for the strategic plan for the station and i don't know if there was one but i haven't heard about one and convening stakeholders in the station and out to say let's talk about the priorities of the station and the steps to build the resources for what we know can happen happen. i am fortunate to have so many creative and smart people drawn to the station and listener who is were amazing and when the station was in financial difficulty came through to make sure the station stayed strong but i want you to know we are thinking forward and as we get beyond the planning stage and get to planning i definitely want to be consulting with you and make kalw more powerful as a district mission and a community resource and it goes beyond the district and that is what makes it valuable to the district. anyhow i am
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happy to take questions now, also later and i will send out links to these things so you can hear the sound and i want you to be able to hear those as well. >> commissioner murase. >> thank you very much for this report. i am just really amazed. your presentation was one of the first after i joined the board and to be honest you looked really tired. you looked really tired. >> it's the favorite night of the year. >> and i remember joe garcia lee arguing this was the right thing to do even though we were getting email messages that were angry from parents and extending the credit to the radio station and i think we understood the significance of kalw and i have to hand it to you and in the discussion i remember talking about a close relationship with students and the close proximity of marshall and other schools
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and i remember your response was no way. it's just me. how am i going to manage overseeing interns but you really have come a long way and i think the experiences the students have with the station are going to change the way they think about themselves, their careers, and i want to push you a little bit. two years ago we talked about you convening an advisory board, a board that can help you do the fundraising. it shouldn't be 100% on your shoulders. they think having a strategic plan is very important step, and i would encourage you to reach out to local foundations and other community resources to participate in that strategic plan because i think what you will find at the end you will find advisory board members that participated in that plan and even are more committed. i think it's difficult to invite people in. here's the plan. i need you to help implement it
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but if they're part of the planning process i think you will find greater success and i want to thank you. >> sure. just to let you know so at one time there were friends of mlkw and 501c that did some of the fundraising work that you're talking about and became defunct and it was a change of leadership when i took over. i was new to this gig. i came from producing radio and part of it was a learning curve in what to do with the organization. i had connection with the station from listeners who are people involved in strategic planning processes and worked at leaders of nonprofits and management who i brought together as a working group around this and part of what they said to me was give us a clear sense of what your shining vision is from the people withi