tv [untitled] January 31, 2013 8:00am-8:30am PST
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the magazine that has or can take more than ten rounds. so, it has the capacity to accept a magazine more than ten rounds. shot guns, are also assault weapons, if they are again, the foldings stocks, a pistol grip and to accept the detachable magazine or a shock with the revolving cylinder, that is what they called the street sweeper, it is a wicked looking magazine. and it can just put out round after round after round. so, i told you, about our gun laws, and about who can't have a gun, and what guns can't be possessed. thank you, is there any questions about that? >> thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> that is great presentation, thank you very much. captain. >> okay, so now we talked about weapons, and we talked about our gun laws and now, i am
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going to have captain joseph mcfaden is going to address you and show you number one how we track gun violence in our city and also how we respond to an act of violence involving a act of a weapon or a gun in our city. thank you. >> president mazzucco, commissioners, director hicks good to see you. i have been in front of these commissions just over the past several years for different reasons, mostly, that was a ois director that sergeant crudo now has. >> the first picture that i am showing you here is of our shooting victims' list, dating back to 2008. and upwards to 2012. and we have this steady decrease from 2008 of shooting victims. as you can see in the top chart there, out of the 147 victims, of 2012 that were shot in san francisco, we had 46 that died
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with the total of 193, however, there has been a slight decrease over the years since 2008 of shootings, that can be associated to whether sometimes people will point to sfgh or medical care that is provided directly upon the shootings, some of these victims walk in and are provided medical attention and a lot of them are surviving. some people say bad shots, whatever you might want to think, but that is our stats now for shooting victims for 2012, all wait from 2008. >> the next thing that i want to talk about is the tracking and cases and i am just going to show you something that i have here. here is a list, and it is 9 pages long with about 36 people on each page and these are just the arrests with firearms of people that we find in the city of san francisco and this is just for 2012. so out of this, there were 314
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guns seized in arrests in 2012 of the people on the streets and some of them gang members and others caught with weapons. and here is our, here is the break down in a pie chart basically of what we have. you can see the amount and the big part of the pie is our hand guns. accounting for 292 of them were hand guns at some point in our investigations. the small number of them, you can see the assault weapons, there were 9, shot guns, ten and rifles three, and i want to point out that our total went up, extremely in one day by at least one man's work that i can point to, dr. marshal had the gun buy back program and we got 296 weapons returned in one day, and a great work on his part with getting or helping us on that. and we had to go out and get more money to pay off the people that return these guns, which was a great effort to almost equal less than the arrest with just one day of
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work. and this is not, and this is just ones of the arrest that we are talking about and 314 and there are other weapons that are seized at different crime scenes or found, a lot of times these guns are found in abandoned vehicles and house and people report them in back yards when we find them and we try to track those and try to find out if we can associate them with a crime. >> excuse me. >> we also track them, there is a board at dc beal's office that tracks the homicides and shootings every day. and that goes back to 2008 and it is a big white chalkboard that each day updated daily, whether we have shootings, homicides and that way the chief and the deputy chief can look at our response in what we are doing. here is currently our system by which we are respond to the 217s. we call them, the shootings out on the streets on a daily basis. i know that it is a small chart and hard to see on this, but basically when an act of
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violence or gun use occurs, you have the initial officers that respond after the scene, and when the initial officers get there, they are going to administer aid to the victim and have one go to the hospital with them and if they make fire and they can get a dying declaration and be there for support and get a statement about who did this. >> as this happened, a notification gets made for the dispatch center and notified for our doc. our unit down there. and what happens is our doc will then notify, you are going to hear it on the radio and so we already have these vrt units in the third boxes, the responses and so the violent reduction team unit and the crime investigation units and our gang task force and homicide unit all respond depending on what the severity is. obviously if they died, the homicide will go out there.
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once the people get there and once the initial officers and the violence reduction teams get there, there is going to be an assessment made. they are going to try to acquire education or knowledge about what happened there and whether it was gang related. currently if that happens, and we have gone through this past weekend as soon as there is an assessment made of the situation, whereby we believed that it was gang related. we will do the redeployment and each week we sent out a schedule and it goes out to the violence reduction team and our swat team and our honda unit and it puts our trouble hot spots on the map and it is not only for gang involved shootings, but for robberies or different crimes that are occurring during the weekend so we want to sat rate these different areas and so i break it down across the board. a lot of times these lieutenants are the captains of the certain districts they
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called and needed help on the robbery issues. so we are going to sat rate that area, and things of that effect. we are going to be sat rating some of our areas with gang problems. what we found on this past week and we seen it several times and there is a retaliation. we broke down and redeployed to the double lock and the sunny dale thinking that there will be retaliation from other gangs and all of the units will be dispatched through and contact me directly after a shooting and i will notify the commander and up the chain all the way to the chief and direction that will come back down and the head of the brt unit or the crime investigations unit will contact me and i will call doc and tell them to redistribute the units where they are going and to notify the dispatch about where they are at. it is an immediate response to what is going on and hopefully
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it will take down any retaliation, and any more gunfire that happens immediately after one of these shootings. within the first 48 hours, the bottom box in the middle, that is when we have and we bought time but our ciu units or gang units or our homicide units that is when most of the investigation is happening. that is when csi evidence is gather and when we have the interviews done and that is when we have informants or any other evidence that we can gather to find out who was involved in the shooting and how to curtail it by getting a suspect in custody as soon as possible. that is also when we are meeting with the district attorney office to see if we can identify who did it and if they have any probation or parole status and also that might be the area that we most likely will involve the media, if we are looking for somebody. or if we are trying to find any witnesses to the crime that occurred over the weekend or within the past couple of days. as for prevention, the prevention part of it, which
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deputy chief deal will get into it a little bit. one of the things that we do we will have a sees fire meeting in two weeks, it is when we meet and we meet all of the under cover unit and probation and parole and we go over those areas and those people that were most looking for, whether they be gangs or suspects and robberies or shootings and homicides. so it is almost on this every two week basis looking at and reanalyzing where we need to put our resource and going after the people that we need to arrest. that is also when we might meet with the district attorney and that is when the community gets involved with the community resource network and that is when we are out reaching to them to let them know that this happens. it happens at the district meeting level that the captains are going to have within each district to kind of assess and give direction to the community to see if we can't get the witnesses through the community. we also work with atf on these
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trigger lock cases and things of that effect. are there any questions that you might have? >> just wanted to ask the chief, chief, you mentioned after the summer, with the shootings and the homicides, the string of those was in like 6 weeks, that you guys had deployed some different tactics and you talked about the zone. this might have been something that you were doing all along. i just want to be clear. was any part of this new and it has been very effective. >> so going back to pretty much the 80s. we used to deploy what was called area strategies with the pencil and counting and that became an area strategy in the early 2000s, mid 2000s and, then that was even heard more by deputy chief and commander murphy in right around 2009. and where we actually had that and started to get this piece
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dividend that we have been having since and in last july after we had the violent june in the vis valley and the violent weekend in july and the mayor convened a group and we came up with interrupt and predict and organize his ipo strategy and we took the whole zone strategy and married it to sort of a task force response and of course the tech piece which are the blackberris that we are all slaves to right now allows for rapid deployment and engagement for both the captain's major crimes unit folks as well as parole all at the same time and literally, you know, 24/7, 365 which netted us the first homicide free august in 30 years and had us about 40 percent our monthly average for the first seven months of the year was 40 percent higher than it was the last five months of the year. so we are hoping to carry that through, again, we have
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staffing challenges for 2013 that this body acting on the mayor's plan will, you know, be seriously addressed going forward into 2014. but it will still be on the down side in 2013. so all of these efficiencies and deployment strategies we can't have enough of them and the officers have been so terrific about changing hours and working more nights and weekends and all of the bosses kind of not with the ego and figured it out and it has really paid off. >> thank you, captain. >> thank you. >> excellent, presentation. >> >> so now moving on i am going to give the piece on prevention, our community engagement with the youth, and our education piece between the community and our office internally and externally. so let's begin with the prevention piece. obviously, the back bone of our
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or any department is our uniform patrol, we have 24/7, we have officers out there on patrol in the radio cars and walking foot beats. we have violence reduction teams and vrt teams and the ten officers and two sergeants, they respond rapidly to any situation, hot spots and they do the saturation for us and allow us to really be very mobile with what we are doing on a daily and nightly basis in a very quick deployment schedule. >> we also have gang injunctions as you know, we have the narcotics enforcement and we have plain clothed officers that are continuing to work plain cloth in all of our district stations. we have the sees fire meetings as the captain earlier alluded to and we also worked with the mayor's ipo process, that is always on the top of our level, right in the front and the
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heart of our violence reduction strategies. with that, we have officers that work with the atf to bring the gun cases. and we do all ballistic testing with all of the weapons that we recover and we enter them into a national data base called the international ballistic network or nibin and that is the information data base established by the atf and also now recently with the gun buy back, that is all part of the piece of the prevention piece. with the youth engagement, pal has been around for 50 or 60 years now, and all of us were in the pal at one time and as the police officers and the volunteers coaching kids and working with kids. we want to engage the youth at a critical time in their lives between the ages of 12 and 18, where they are vulnerable and we want to make sure that they build the relationships and the
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bridges at the police department and get to know the officers on a personal level and see the officers being just regular people like they can talk to and work with. we do that, through the wilderness program and we take the kids camping and the program will take the kids out fishing and i know that the chief is always going to all of the little schools and high school of the future program and encouraging the kids to graduate from school and explain to them the difference in their life that it is going to make and keep them safer and it is going to help them get better jobs and make them more fulfilled. so we always try to get kids to graduate from high school and move on to college and the chief has also worked with our sfpd foundation to create a summer jobs program and all of us have heard of operation dream. operation dream, we work with the 49ers and we gathered thousands of toys every year like christmas time we can bring christmas to a lot of kids that needy, and be able to fulfill some of their wishes and be a part of their families
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through operation dream. we have basketball, and i personally run a basketball jamboree for little schools and we have internships through the police department and we have school resource officers in every school. and always interacting with the kids and school faculty. through education, i will give you a little idea of what we do internally and externally. internally, our academy has 33, for 31 weeks for all of the recruit officers and there they are trained in a week, long training of officer, safety and field tactics, they get, active shooter training and continued professional training for all of our officers, every two years, they get a two hour, update in the classroom. on gun strategies and also safety strategies, we have the cit or crisis intervention training for the officers and so that is just a small piece of what we are doing internal sxli let alone not the piece
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that we do with the post. >> externally we have the citizens that work with the community and all of our district station captains attend the community meetings and regular community meetings and we have the cpads which is community, stands for community leasing advisory boards. we have our police forums, and we have community forums and we have public service announcements that the chief does through the radio, to educate people on being safe in the street. and it is something that is continual. and it is ongoing. and we will be working with all of these processes right now to not only provent violence right now but in the future. >> any questions on that? >> moving forward to wrap it all up i will have captain oleary come and give you a brief look into the future of the gun laws in our state. captain? >> >> we had a quick question.
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>> i can wait, until the end. >> okay, great. >> thank you. >> so, what the future holds for us? >> some of these things are technology, and some of these things are executive action and some of these things are legislation, the technology is in california, there is a law that says, that all guns manufactured in the state of california have to engage in microstamping, that is a method in which the gun itself leaves a mark on the casing from which the bullet is fired. it is the hammer that strikes the primer and the chamber that the bullets is in when it leaves the gun. it is not enacted at the moment, it is a law, it has to do with the patent and with the technology and so some people will argue about the pros and cons of that.
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but it just would create evidence that would assist in identifying what gunfired, what round. it would also apply to revolvers. as far as present obama's proposals, he made them this month. some are executive actions and some he is calling for legislation. but he too is requiring asking for criminal background checks for all gun sales and he was going to address that by removing some barriers in health laws that prevent some states from making the information available to people that need it. he would go about improving centers for states to share information within the system and making sure that all of the federal agencies are talking with each other. and he would also make sure that his ag would be talking with the federal law
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enforcement agencies. and it goes on where his plan, you know, goes into the assault weapon ban. and he called for it to be reinstated and to be strengthened. and the one that this nation had expired in 2004 and also, he directs some of his action toward us, toward the police. as far as getting rid of the armor piercing bullets and giving us tools to prevent and prosecute gun crimes he calls for more school resource officers and more counselors in the schools and he asks that the nation assure that youngsters that people that are 16 and 25 years old are the ones that where the mental illness appears in us. and also, that is the same age group that is less likely to ask for help. and he also wanted to insure that the healthcare, covers
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programs that would offer, you know, treatment for mental illness. >> senator finestien proposed an assault weapon ban and it kind of looks like the burdy law in california and it specifically calls for stopping the sale and transferring the importtation of more than 100 specifically names guns and it goes on as the law does in the state and it says that certain futures create and if a gun has a certain feature it is an assault weapon and therefore it is ban. and it also talks about addressing, the high capacity magazines. we want to stop at ten rounds. and here, at home, marelee is proposing a san francisco
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ordinance, that would prohibt certain ammunition and it goes on to fine the rounds that are exclusive for the law enforcement and the military and get that back in the hands of the police. and also, it would be held that somebody that sells, more than 500 rounds, of ammunition of one sale it must be reported to the police, so that is what the future holds, you know, microstamping is here and not in use, president obama presented his plan. the senator presented her weapon's ban and mareilee has proposed legislation. >> there were two other measures that are discussed that are provisions in the new york law, one of them requires that anybody that is in some sort of a counseling or, mental
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counseling, devujing that they want to use a gun in the commission of a crime or do anything criminal with a firearm that needs to be disclosed to law enforcement like when it is a direct threat and the investigation into that person could then be through the court and be their guns could be taken away and where they reside, there could be no guns in that premises which would have taken care of mr. lanza and there would not be any guns allowed in that house. >> the provision where the guy shot the buildings on fire in new york and shot the firefighters as they responded and it is additional enhancement for harming a first responder, those will be two more adds that the law enforcement would love to see. and the public trying to get a handle on who exactly gets to keep guns. >> commissioner kingsley? >> well, thank you, captain, for your really wonderful
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presentation, as well. most of my questions, i think, are directed towards deputy chief beal. and in first i just want to say that the presentation tonight was just really excellent across the board, on all ends. and to thank all four of you for it. and i know that you spearheaded this, deputy chief and thank you very much, very thorough informative. >> i really appreciate that on that note i just want to thank these officers because they put a lot of work into this and a lot of their own time and worked hard and we wanted to make sure that they were very thorough. >> thank you. just a couple of questions if i might please. on the prevention page, when you were talking about the violence reduction team of ten officers and then two officers plus two, that offer mobility. >> four teams of ten. >> four teams of ten. and that at any one time there
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is one team that is on active duty, is that how it works >> at all times there are at least two teams and on double days all four teams are working. >> and how are they, are these officers in their respective district and if they were called to respond, they would have to leave the respective districts or are they independent of one of the ten stations. >> they all work together as part of the major crimes unit under the captain, they are one single team, they are called the vrt and all work together and they stay together. >> so, vrt is separate? >> they are not tied to any district station. they are died to whatever the pattern is at the time. and they are predeployed in anticipation of violence and then redeployed if it pops up somewhere they were not, and hopefully it will not happen where we think that it will happen and when it happens
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somewhere else we move. >> really what you are pointing out is that if there is any large scale mass shooting or something of that nature, these folks, this team, that is on duty at that time, are really freed up immediately, to go there and then you can get additional... >> well, in the event of an active shooter, it is always going to be patrol first, they are always going to be the first ones there and that has always been the case and if they can lock down and define the perimeter and then the swat would be the group to take them out. >> many are specialist and they are sniper and they will take out an outer perimeters if they are the first person there they are equipped to answer, but ideally it would be a set perimeter, these guys are more for gang violence, shot spots, and anticipation of
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retaliation, verses an active shooter would actually be a critical incident. >> thank you for distinction. >> the other question, has to do with the youth engagement, which is very impressive, the list of programs that the department is involved in. and there is a lot of mentoring that goes on there. are there any formal education components to it around gun safety, so they find a gun in their home or in the community? you know, what to do, about it? in terms of keeping themselves safe? and anything having to do with if you hear your friends you know, knowledge about where guns are or threats that they are going to, you know, commit an act in their class or in
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another setting, are there youth oriented, or gun violence prevention programs in any of these youth projects? >> well, when our school resource officers? the school are always continually engaging with the kids. the kids are always being told to call the police, just in case they need the police were here to help. and if they find something that they feel is dangerous, or if they don't want to touch the weapon, a needle, anything they are always welcome and encouraged to call us, we work with the schools and the parents. we don't have a formal, let's say a classroom-type of program set up but we work with them on a continuing basis through pal and all of the other programs and engaging with us through the wilderness program and the cops are with the kids and talking about various things, life in general. how to become an adult, teach them how to grow up to a man or a woman and to be respectful and to get themselves to a
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position in their lives where they are in control of their own destiny >> we don't want any kids touching guns, they can call 911 if they think that it could happen in a hurry, they don't have to say who they are just tell us where to go and we have a tip line, 575-4444. and that is 24/7, if someone knows the where abouts of a gun and don't want anything to do it and want us to go and scoop it up so something does not happen. call and let us know, we don't need an arrest we just want the gun. >> and that is for everybody. >> everybody that wants to call >> on that note, if anybody wants to turn in the guns they are welcome to turn in the guns at any police station will take their guns, no questions asked. we will render them safe and if anybody finds a weapon call the police and we will be out there to pick the weapon up. >> thank you, deputy, chief, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we appreciate. dejesus. >> i had a question on
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