tv [untitled] February 2, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
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world and there has been an impact to many municipallalities around the united states and ballot more is actually secretary a settlement with the banks to be able to recover funds that were lost and there were municipals in the bay area and san jose that are looking to recover a possible fund as well and this hearing is asking our financial advisers in the city to assess what the impact is to san francisco and later, we could decide whether we want to join other cities and counties around the country and any kind of senilitiment we could find but most of all, it's important know that many municipallalities were effected and many are imposing austerity in how they do their service and is carry out services and thankfully we are not doing that in san francisco but it's important to
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look at our own finance and is work with other cities around the country in order to find some recompetence if it's necessary. my last item to action is introducing an ordinance to create the outer mission commercial district will extend along mission street from 280 down to the san matt at a yo county line in daily city and this will allow the city to customized begun control and meet specific neighborhood needs needs and we have residential use and on the ground floor and limits none residential use that we want to apply in this area and we have actually in our district alcohol restricted use district and it's actually expiring and we are going to incorporate new alcohol steenings of that to the
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future, commercial and the n m.d., and so other things that we are going to be applying as well to this legislation will be looking at how to prevent clustering of medical cannabis dispense res and upwe have go right now and one is in existence already and some are in the same black block of our district and to me while i'm supportive of medical cannabis dispense res i'm not sure it makes sen to have them clustering up within two store fronts of one another and so this will carry out in a discussion in the community about what is best in cannabis dispense re and is alcohol as well. >> thank you supervisor breed? and thank you and president chiu? >> first of all, i want to
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thank supervisor martha into the bike thetsz because like supervisor mar i have had two bikes pistollen and i do not spend very much buying bikes and so for that i look forward to working with you and i look forward to finding solutions for that and colleagues i'm looking at california to be the first state in the country to cap and state in the country to aggressively reduce in-house tax voters of california passed proposition nine for energy efficiency and alternative energy project the process of allocating these funds is now at the state legislature which will be making specific allocation to their specific process and many strategies regular recommended by the state fall under the responsibility of local government and is's and this is
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why a number of local countieses and legislation around the state are provide asking to provide additional funds to support greenhouse production programs and so my request is to support that. and i have a memoryium to recognize the passing of a long-time residental in our area who lived in chinatown. lucile chen and she raced three children including gordon which when who you know was a fopper and significant leader in the chinatown community center. she was a loving and spirited woman often referred to as the lucile ball of chima town and i want to express my condolences to the family i know shell be greatly
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miss the. >> the rest i submit. >> thank you mr. president and that o'clocked role call for introduction. >> colleagues why don't we go to our 230 accommodations i would like to start with supervisor wiener. thank you mr. president. today, i am honoring a really a maiding community group in my district in in any way valley the residental n o i valley town square. if you guys can come up. so this the proposed n o i valley town square is just one of the ultimate community based neighborhood projects some of you might know there is a parking lot on one 24th street
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near sanchez street where the n o i valley farmers market happens every saturday american. the farmers market was founded by gableel and crawford who are here and it's a key asset in gathering space in the community any saturday morning it's an absolute community hub a really a town square this is one of the few farmers market in the city that is run by people in the neighborhood often farmers markets bring capable outside vendors to come in and this is a farmers market that was created in the neighborhood and day in and out by the people in the neighborhood and the parking lot is owned by n o i ministries and that needs to tellcele the parking lot in order to finances it is earthquake retrofit and there is a strong and widespread desire in the neighborhood to make sure that the parking lot
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and farmers market remains community open space, and doesn't get sold off for development but there really is no open space in the core of n o i valley other than this area. so, for a few years now, the residents for n o i up to square and the neighborhood have been looking to see how we can purchase this parking lot and turn it into permanent neighborhood open space not just a farmers market although that is a real anchor but have a real open space this the neighborhood. the last thing that we want to do is loose the farmers market and this opportunity: so so far residents for n o i town square amazingly have been able to raise $475,000 towards the project in the neighborhood with contribution raise ranging from $5 to $55,000 it has been a
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great grassroots fundraising effort. we have been working closely with the recreation and parks department which, is very supportive of the project in terms of how we can acquire thispoupt through a combination of neighborhood fundraising and open space acquisition fund financing to ton this into open space for the city not just the neighborhood because there are whether or not of people who come and use this who do not live in the makes and it's one of the exciting project around and it's the little train that could, these folks have kept going against all odds and won't give up and i'm in you a of their work all the time. so, we have with us, today. peter gable, today david, chris keen and lezly crawford and indicate share wood who are the core of
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this organization. and i'm just really proud of all of you and i just wanted to bring you here and honor and you colleagues if you have not been to the farmers market please go saturday morning from 9:00 a.m., to one p.m.. 8:00 a.m. to one p.m. sorry. and anyway, yeah, you will not want to go in the middle of the night. so, yeah, thank you for awful your great work and we are proud to honor you today.
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(applause) thank you supervisor wiener and my name is today david and i'm the president for n o i valley square and this is an exciting trip that we have all taken together. we kind-of formed a group in 2010 to see if it was possible for us to poshly save this last bit of open space in the heart of the valley and at the time, current community college trustee introduced us to meredith thomas, neighborhood parks counsel and we started to work with meredith and started
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exploring different option on different ways do this and former supervisor bev industity got really excited about the project and then when supervisor wine wiener came in he was incredible supportive and in my of 2012 we asked the neighborhood to see if they would be willing to make pledges towards the project and we have raised $475,000 in problems in just the neighborhood which has really been amazing it's basically a table at the farmers market that we man every saturday and since then senior -- has contacted us and told us about at the state level and we have had fashion partners and this is really an exciting public private partnership in our opinion and we have actually
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been contacted by different parkgrams in your districts to have how we have done our project and so we are really excited that this model that we have kind-of you know, strapped together is gaining mommentum in some other districts also and so as scott said, we invite you all to please come and see the market on saturday on 24th street from 8:00 a.m., to one prime minister and it's an amazing sense of community that the farmers market has created so thanks again. (applause) . >> thank you supervisor wiener and thank you to your honoree and our next accommodation will be a dominate dated by supervisor chu. >> thank you very much
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president chu. if i could ask any person i may have missed on the n jutted it beautifulcation process to come up. colleagues i'm happy to honor these individuals around their great effort in the area. if any of you have done gone to visit the beach and stopped by on guda you will know that we have an n guda there and it basically stops and sits in the middle of the roadway and it's a vibrant community that the community has transformed. they turn the distribution around in that area or the community efforts to be able to create a neighborhood parks in the area out of the median space that we have out there creatively and it's really an area right for improvement and groundwork from the citizen
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and is so today, i'm here to honor these individuals because of a really great recent effort that we have put together. this is really an initiative led by the citizens to improve the area around the neighborhood and it again it really is combining the grassroots of the folks who live there and using technology do it and so but think about all of the townhall meetings in the past where we try to engage citizen for meetings a lot of time they are sparsely attainable tended people have commits to work on whether it's working or taking kids to soccer but this project is a revolutionary idea in that it's combining the meetings on the ground with people there and engaging technology so people are putting their feedback online and real-time with the community members that are not in attendance might be thinkings and after meetings we are able to have people see and improve their ideas on neighborhood in
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addition, to having big posters directly on site in a location and it has been a tremendous effort to watch the community come together on it and a lot of times, people think of the sunset and how quiet and sleepy the evident is and i have to say this effort has rejuvenated the area and gotten a lot of people involved in it and so we are pleased po to be here and honor the people in it and so daniel is homesick so he is not here to say how proud he is on this project but as you know he is one of the biggest champions in saying that organized communities lead to resilient communities and so we have a few folks that we want to honor. general is not here to but she has been leading the effort with f f s f state student and we have focus that we want to recognize from neighbor land and at crowd bright we have darn
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incidence moore and we want to thank the city hall fellows here and angelica and lindsay and rachel as put together a key role in pulling this off and they put together workshops in the middle of our holiday season and so in the middle of december we had a ton of people come out and over 16 neighborhood residents come together approximate come up with wonderful ideas and volunteer professionle architects to look what the we can do in the area and looked at 529 other ideas come out of that workshop and so i want to thank you all for the work that you have done and so colleagues we have put together an additional $15,000 from our district pot of money to help implement the ideas that come out of this community led event and so if you could put your hand together and help me thank these wonderful folks. (applause)
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. there are a number of people who are here but i think dianaa is going to say a few words on behalf of the group. >> well thank you very much. i'll speak for the whole group in the sunset, there are a number of citizens who started this project a number of year ago and it was the dream of steve ward, he carries the dream with him. and he has brought this group together. it's been a fantastic journey for all of us, especially for me since i was born and raised in the neighborhood and i continue to live there and it has also been wonderful to be a part of this lovely group and their technology was amazing to us. we made a promise at the end of november that we would get it finished by the pd of christmas and we kept that props. so,
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. >> that concludes our accommodations for today madame clerk why don't we go to general public comment. >> now is the opportunity for the public to comment generally within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including those at some times on the media dopings calendar please note that public comment have not allowed on those comment which have already been subject to comment in a public committee and speakers needing translation will be allowed twice the time to testify and remove the document when the screen returns to the live
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cognitive rage raj of the meeting. >> thank you let's hear from the first speaker i want to welcome a new supervisors. you will find that being sworn in it only takes a moment for you to become encumbent politicians and folks that were citizens no longer make sense to you the citizens in u.n. the mainly city scandal of the san francisco public library it's an indictment of city how the city work in the city more than that it's an indictment of public assets are converted and distorted by public fund racing and corporate interest. the president of the library commission has been found guilty of misconduct and yet re-elected and reewe recently believe that the library than guilty of the
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violated the sunshine ordinance and the most notorious -- in the past the library brairch library includement program has raised over 40 quadrillion and accident happened over 38 million and during that period under the sunshine ordinance reveals that they only attached 4.9 million for any purpose benefitling the public library even indirectly. now, the friends of the library are trying to claim that the required contemporary reporting is all wrong with know documents to back it up. the public library is cooperating with them because lack of accountability is what they get for their money the privatization that we have in the public library is a direct attack on democracy money is so powerful that lack of accountability is what it buys even when the money is
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pistollen. having me arrested does not solve societies problem please and the lies cost more than money. thank you. >> thank you next speaker. members of the board and supervisors ray hart. sprocket in san francisco and open government i have something on the overhead and i would like to have up while i read. this is from the citizens general obligation bond over site committee minutes of september 2012. " there was must be comment from james chafe fee ray hearts and party war field regarding branch library improvemnt program and the friends of the library their reference material are a den dams to the material and there was also a significant exchange between committee members and library staff regarding this issue as well. with particular
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inquiry and concern over how the braver pretend financials suggesting that moneys spend by the friend were included in the program totals. there were legitimate questions as to whether the city ever actually actually controlled these funds. the answer up here to be no which was not clear from the documents. the committee gave direction to staff, that the document should be revised and provided to the committee and public again. going forward, more rigorous account standards should be used in presenting city financials," now the previous speakers spoke about this same issue i have been coming here a long time about this interstated between 2,000 and 2011, the group raised over 40 million-dollar and now, we find out that the library or the library commission neither has any documents to support the claims of the friends as to what made it through to the public
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library. they spend all the money on themselves and their own operations. it's like that united states navy guy who raised millions for veteran and is ended up giving them one%. this is an official government report. you should pay attention to it.. >> hello supervisors, my name is m o n e t i had the pleasure of sitting in on a meeting with barbara garcia last night. it was real good and i got to ask her a question because this is something that i am working on i'm not just bringing it up to the board of supervisors i'm actually acting on it as you know san francisco is a very harm reduction city which, is very good. i like that. and with me living in sr o in the harm reduction sr o, that have i
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guess a contract with the department of health, and one thing that i'm working on is making sure that hiv testing and s ti testing is conin those buildings that are being contracted with the department of healthed because, of one push-back would probably be is that a lot of the agencies that are working with hiv and aids, will lose money. but, if we really look at the bigger picture, what better way to help people make sure that they get hiv testing s ti testing is starting those h r o's that the department of health is contracting with and so i hope you look at this very seriously and take seriously that if people don't woman come to these different agencies to get help,
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may be going to those places that people live live in start testings and get the s ti testing done and get help. me being an out gay african america man take this very seriously because there is a lot of issues going on -- and all of these other issues that we can help stop spread the 'em demic and so really look deep in your hearts and think about this and i'll have that information for you tomorrow. >> thank you next speaker? good afternoon supervisors, especially the new supervisors, i would like to welcometoux you it's nice to see you all here in the center of chamber surrounded by this beautiful man chairian oak in the chamber here. incidentally the man choirian okay was used in this champ better because it
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was softer and they could carve it better. and it reflects what the city's about. it's more about the finer details rear than the rough objectives that you are focusing on i see you folksing on bike theft and don't worry about the equestrian horse theft stolen right from under the city and not one supervisor did anything about it. that is theft of a magsive scale and for the president of this board of supervisors to get up and say that this type of activity is going to be transferred to the state and to the rest of the united states well, we are in for a lot of big trouble. because my culture just doesn't disappear. it doesn't disappear from san francisco it doesn't
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disappear from california it doesn't disappear from the united states you folks may disappear but my culture doesn't. thank you. >>. >> thank you next speaker? my name is eugene gordon jr. and we dress for democratic party leadership for over two centuries over constitutional law gave states right so they would not be confused with federal law and in the next amendment which i would like to address the being we the people be the legislation and use of a social and cultural and political economy and education schooling and worket igand based upon the rank divide given as birth right and invention. obliged by law and protei
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toposition and forged in death. the -- [inaudible] said use language come together, this is our democracy not public ownership of the means of production. again, we just expose public party and is leadership as racial chawive in this and pro vacuum tour and is -- surrounding planet earth with military bases and media advertisement and stwaiment and exercising in a tetrakefort of terror and recent forgement about owned and within 17 suffix victory of so many african america slave owners to the declaration of independent and amendments and constitution for the fictions of the nations this
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