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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2013 6:00am-6:30am PST

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commissioner. the project was done complete on time and on schedule with the group and in fact the grand opening of the installation, and i think commissioner wynns was due to be one of the keynote speakers happened to fall on the day of the connecticut tragedy and it was canceled so that is still to happen so i can't speak to the particulars commissioner. can i get you the information. i can tell you that first one was done over the summer. it went smoothly. the school is delighted and we're hoping to move forward. we think thurgood marshall that has a great flat roof and downtown high school obviously in a place with a lot of sun and we scheduled ortega to be third and we need to do
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modernization and need a new roof and target certain places in the city and high profile. so far so good and as with all things we need to stay on top of it. >> yes thank you. so i agree that it's a really good deal. it's great. we have a great partnership with the puc. i think my question is how are we addressing the confusion who will do the work and do we know in terms of the contract who is actually installing the solar panels? >> actual name -- our contract is with the san francisco puc so they have taken on the contract. they have taken on the liability and they have taken on the job of providing the contractor and getting their bond and insuring that work is done on time. we monitor that what we get works for us, can be intaughted on
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the building the way it should be and force them to go to the architect and get it approved. we can get you that information but i personally don't have it at hand. >> thank you. >> roll call please. >> on 10, 11, 12. >> yes. >> yes. >> >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> aye. >> thank you and ms. norton. >> yes. >> seven aye's. >> thank you. okay. we will move on to item q, superintendent's proposals first reading. can i hear a motion and a second for guiding principles regarding practices for the san francisco unified school district. item listed here. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. this item will be referred to the rules committee
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for consideration, and i believe that is it for item q. item r board member proproposals and there are none tonight. next item i will read the stapding committee and read them into the record so for the year business service will be chaird by commissioner wynns and commissioner haney and mendoza will be members. buildings grounds and service be chaired by commissioner mendoza and vice mayor fewer and president norton will be members of that committee. curriculum and program will be chaired by commissioner murase and vice mayor fewer and commissioner maufas will be members of the that committee. rules and policy and legislation chaired by commissioner haney and
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president norton will be members and ad hoc will be chaired by commissioner murase and commissioner haney and wynns will be members. ad hoc committee on personnel matters i chaired by vice mayor fewer and commissioner mendoza will also be a member. the school select submit is comprised of norton, wynns and mendoza and the joint committee ad hoc the co-chair will be commissioner haney, commissioner race and myself will also be members. at this point could everybody tell me if you have determine the the dates for your committee and times? yes commissioner haney why don't we start with you. >> yes rules and policy and legislation meeting third
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wednesdays at 630. >> [inaudible] >> commissioner haney have you scheduled your first meeting? yes, i think it's february 20, whatever that third wednesday is, so yeah. >> you will have another shot to announce it. commissioner murase. >> the curriculum committee will remain on the first monday at 6:00 p.m. and planning to meet on february 4. the ad hoc committee on student assignment -- i requested the third wednesday at 6:00 p.m.. i'm not sure if there is a conflict but that's what i requested. >> okay. that is building and grounds. commissioner mendoza have you determined a date for buildings and groupeds?
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>> our plan was to keep it on the same monday but i believe we were having challenges with it this month because of the holiday, so but it will be the -- we want to try and keep it scheduled for the third monday of the month. >> okay. so would that conflict with student assignments? >> yeah. >> okay. but you don't necessarily intend to have a meeting every month of student assignments or do you? >> i do but i will poll my committee members for another night. >> okay. okay. so we're -- so then buildings and grounds will remain as is. commissioner fewer. >> that's fine. personal labor will meet on a as needed basis . the chief of human resources requested that perhaps we have a meeting after march when he i think his staff is able to gather more information about
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his report on the diversity of our staff. thank you. >> okay. do you have all the information that you need? okay. thank you very much. >> can i make -- >> yes, one orthoon the city school district i am meeting with supervisor kim tomorrow and she wants to just have one meeting a month and not the two. >> [inaudible] >> right. she just wants -- it's been twice a month but one gets canceled so she only wants to -- she is going to say i'm only doing one per month. >> [inaudible] >> yeah and they will stay on thursdays at 330 and i believe it's the third thursday. i actually think she wanted that but i will confirm that tomorrow with her. >> okay thank you everybody. commissioner wynns. >> i couldn't hear any of you it except it's about the select
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committee which i am a member of. >> we'll have ms. cast codistribute this to the board but the information was supervisor kim, former commissioner kim will only have selected committee once a month and the plan is the third thursday at 3:00 p.m. >> thank you. >> okay. now, other board delegates to membership organizations. miss casco i was going to name commissioner haney to that. do i do that now? >> you can. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i was waiting until you left the room but you didn't leave the room. any other reports by board members? >> can i ask on the council
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great city schools former president yee had appointed me as the delegate for the council. is that going to remain? >> i had assumed if had ain't broke don't fix it. >> if i may -- >> feel free. >> thank you. >> yes. >> i have some brief announcements. i just want to really acknowledge common sense media and merv lapis for their great collaboration on january 18 for our district wide internet safety instruction day. it's been a really wonderful partnership and they have brought over $100,000 in resources to the district to make sure that our kids understand media literacy, internet safety. i want to congratulate the five keys charter high school winter class of 2013 who graduated today.
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[inaudible] celebration and celebrate chinese new years on the second and the commissioners are invited to the celebration of rosa parks birtd day at rosa parks. chinese new years celebration is also that day at 1030 and wanted to congratulate the winners of the richmond district spelling bee that included elementary schools in the richmond district. thank you. >> i would like to wish everybody because the next meeting is february 12 i happy chinese new year. >> okay. yes commissioner mendoza. >> really quickly i want just to share with everyone the wonderful experience during the mlk celebration. they do an annual event at the theater which is always sold out and always amazing and filled with
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youth who express yourself in ways that you can't imagine unless you experience it so i encourage you all to support youth speaks and the great work they're doing. i want to congratulate ucsf mission bay campus for their 10 year anniversary which was exciting to have and then lastly i think we already acknowledged this but i wanted to thank mayor lee for the proposal he's putting forward to not pull the trigger for this and the first time since the city has been allowed to pull the trigger it's not being pulled by the mayor and that is exciting so thank you mayor lee. >> thank you. thank you for the applause. okay. item t, report
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of closed session action. there are nothing to report. the next one is posted in the agenda. next item is adjournment. meeting adjourned. we were going to recess to closed session.
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