tv [untitled] February 7, 2013 3:30am-4:00am PST
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>> but project speaks for itself and it is what we envisioned and has my full support. >> a bit of reason that we have not had the impact youth come in because of the referal program. and so if it is remembered from our budget discussion today there was a big jump next year that we are expecting in the impact fees because of the backlog, if you will, from the (inaudible) program and the new projects coming in. so we should see a big jump in the impact fee money in the next year or two. >> to approve with conditions. >> commissioner antonini, aye. >> borden, aye. >> moore. >> aye. >> sugaya. >> aye. >> wu. >> aye. >> fong. >> aye. >> that motion passes 7-0, voting administrator. on the close of the public hearing, we grant the asked variances for the standard conditions. >> commissioners, it will place
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you on your final calendared item, public comment i have this speaker cards. >> is there any public comment? >> seeing none, i would like to i can't believe that the commissioner antonini did not do this, but i wish the 49ers good luck this weekend in the super bowl. and on nbc tomorrow morning, they are going to do a live shot from the ferry building, with al roker and yours truly will be the one who is giving al an explanation of how san francisco tailgates. >> what time? >> 6:00 a.m.. >> >> yeah. >> all right. meeting adjourned. thank you.
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>> superintendent carranza. >> thank you president norton. good evening ladies and gentlemen and by the way you're rolling your r's better and better every meeting. i am very impressed so ladies and gentlemen welcome this evening. i would like to share a few thoughts and they're some letters that parents and students have receiving at home. as you're aware the graduation requirements are more rigorous. due to the changes many of the students are missing one or more classes to graduate.
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while we have every confidence the students will make up the classes we through the support of the city of san francisco have received credit for earning options for the affected students which includes offering evening school for the first time in four years and online courses. to make sure that the families are available of the options we sent automatic robeo dialer calls to contact families and as well as a letter that families should have received from me. we encourage all students and families to review the transcripts and discuss the progress with their counselor. many have met with the counselor at high school and created a plan at krawgz and we want to thank you for your efforts. i also want to advise our parents just because you received a letter doesn't mean that your
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child is goofing off and not doing what they need to do, so let's make sure we're supportive and students are on track. if you received the letter feel free to visit your counselor to ensure that the records we have on file are accurate. please keep in mind when you sent the letters we measured credits in core subjects as of october 2012 so many things could have happened since then so be sure to check. during the meeting with the counselor we're going to ask that you have a review of the completion record that you create individualized graduation plan if it's necessary for up-to-date information on credit earning options please visit our website and be sure to make plans to visit with a
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counselor. i would also like to address a recent article that was in the news regarding a program that we have implemented in the school district to help increase our efforts in providing the best support to all of our students. our teachers have been receiving professional development in response to intervention which is rti. now the goal is provide schools and teachers for strategies for better meeting the needs of students with specific goals and general education and our diverse learners that benefit as you can understand from teachers with a repertoire of strategies. in gathering this general data we have contracted with pearson's review 360 and a screening tool that makes it easier to input aggregate behavioral student
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trends. i want to emphasize for the community that this universal screening is not a test or evaluation of students or pupils, but rather it's a teacher survey to collect teacher's observations of people's behavior. all of the information that is collected has been directly observed by families doing their daily responsibilities to manage student behavior. the survey doesn't require teachers to do psychological testing or any mental health assessments as stated in the letter. please note above that the universal screening data would be used to determine if there are enhancements needed to support students in school or what supplemental or methods are necessary. i also want to call everyone's attention this is mendoza and we have joining our
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president and celebrating january as national mentoring month and yes let's have a round of applause. [applause] this even we will honor two of our organizations, peer resources that will be transitioning to the san francisco unified school district and the mentor program in our department. both of the departments use the school based social workers and mentors to pair them and come from the community and our current staff at sfusd. we hope you consider serving as a mentor and supporting a program like this and last but not least to our mighty san francisco 49ers we want to join -- [applause] we want to -- >> superintendent. >> there we go. there we go. >> we have some faithful in the
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house. we want to join our mighty san francisco 49ers and our great city wishing our football players great success as in your quft for number six and we are proud of you and what you accomplished and look forward to celebrating on your return with the super bowl trophy so we wanted to wish you congratulations and i made a friendly bet with the superintendent in baltimore. >> what is he going to give us? >> he can't compete with our sour bow bread and chocolates so we are still negotiating but i will let you know how that turns out and to all of our school communities we want to wish everyone 100th day of school. yay. [applause] thank you all very much. >> thank you superintendent for
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that very news filled presentation. now, we have a number of recognitions and accommodations tonight. superintendent carranza would you present the rave awards please. >> yes president norton. we would like to present the rave distinguished service award this evening to a teacher and i would like to call to the podium principal carol fong who will make the presentation. [applause] >> good evening commissioners and superintendent carranza. thank you for building in an opportunity in our infrastructure to really truly recognize outstanding staff in district. i am carol fong principal at aloha elementary street and it's my pleasure to introduce you to this person. it takes a great person to be a
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great teacher so beyond effective academic delivery, a great teacher inspires and motivates learning and ms. quan is a great teacher. she not only inspires her students to learn. she has the same effect on her colleagues. her love of learning pushes us to stay on top of our game and integrity holds us accountable to our work. you can't get better for this. we want to recognize her for leadership and exemplary work with our students and it's my pleasure to present anna quan with the rave award. congratulations. [applause] >> just a few words. first and foremost i thank god for his
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unlimited grace and strength each day to teach children for the past 25 years at oloha school elementary. i can't believe i get paid for something that i love to do. you know it isn't the pay. it is the internal warm fuzzies they get everyday. i hum believey and gracefully accept this award on behalf of our community. last year under principal carol fong, her leadership, the school was awarded the blue ribbon the california distinguished and the title i. that's a triple crown in one year. [applause] now, that's just a glimpse of
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the school community. i am the one honored to be part of that school community. my service award reflects the outstanding driven leadership of principal carol fong that dedicated team of teachers, the parents who are -- who is the support glue between the child and the teachers, and the energetic students who make each educational day a fun, challenging, heart warming, a "yes you've got it day". thank you sfusd for giving me a third grade classroom where i can teach, nurse, parent, play, and serve the children of our future. it is a great honor and a heavy responsibility to educate them to read, write,
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communicate, problem solve, think critically, and make positive choices. lastly i especially want to thank my husband over there. horace and my two children matt and christina who is away at college for their endless support and dinners and the long evenings of events that i'm not home. i love you very much. you're all my support glue. thank you board of education members, superintendent carranza, principal carol fong, the teachers who are here and the great community for this great honor and award and recognition. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much. we also like to call to the podium our
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president fewer and board commissioners. it gives me great honor to talk about the wonderful history of the program now known as the early education department. the program has been in the district for 70 years serving family children from low income and high risk communities. we would like to take time in our day to actually celebrate those 70 years by actually doing besides the resolution two events. one is that we're going to have a dinner that will actually bring back former administrators, former site administrators, former ed's to come and just let everyone know the history of the program and the great work they have done, and also talk about the work we are going to do. the second thing we're going to do is also have a carnival for our families saying thank you. just thank you for bearing with us and helping us to grow and
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become a better program. to do this we have an amazing committee and there is a rolling joke about me is that i never come alone and i work with a team who allows me to work with them, and that team as you see them -- they're up here. i wanted to take time to say just thank you. they have -- they're busy people, and in their business lives they have taken time to actually put this celebration together so i want to publicly say thank you to candace lee, rebecca ya and iviling -- she's not here but thank you. marshy rukman and christie cook and sarah chew so these are site administrators, clerks, former teacher who is all weigh in about what they think the celebration should look like. to read the resolution i want to turn to our fearless leader over here,
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candace lee who has lead this committee in developing the resolution and the two events. >> good evening. in celebration of sfusd's early education department's 70th anniversary whereas sfusd early education department's preschool programs were established in 1943 by president franklin eleanor roosevelt work projects administration to provide the city's families with care and education for preschool age children during world war ii. whereas eed began with four sites. today eed has grown to 43 sites that serve over 4,000 students including infants, toddlers, preschool opportunities, transitional kindergarten, other students and tk as well as fifth grade students during non school hours. over 90% receive
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completely free or subsidized care based on their family income and more than 75% of families served a language other than english at home. whereas sfusd's strategic plan contains three main goals: access and equity, student achievement and accountability, and calls out the achievement gap as one of the greatest civil rights issues facing the district. whereas decades of research has shown that providing children with early education opportunities can have significant positive impact on their growth and academic achievement. in addition for students from families who face economic linguistic and other opportunity barriers the need for and impact of this early education investment is paramount. whereas sfusd is one of the few school districts throughout california that continues to invest in early education. therefore be it resolved that
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the board of education of the san francisco unified school district celebrates the 70th anniversary of our early education department and our 70 year history of investment in preschool. [applause] i should have done this before the reading of the resolution so i apologize for the protocol. i need a motion and a second to hear the resolution. >> i move. >> second. >> thank you. with that taken care of are there any comments from the board or from the superintendent? vice president fewer. >> i think this is a wonderful celebration and it marks our commitment to early education and actually we are the largest provider of early education in san francisco, and so congratulations to all, and again could you tell us the dates of the celebrations so
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the public maybe available to participate. >> yes. the dinner is february 8 at 6:30 p.m. and the saturday event for the families is the next day, february 9. they like to get it done. >> and the location of the february 9. >> the ninth is at 20 cook street. >> from 10 to three. >> from 10 to three. >> well, i just want to congratulate you on all your good work thus far and it sounds like the celebrations, the twin celebrations are going to be a great way of celebrating the department. particularly i love that you're including the families in the celebration. i think that is wonderful. thank you. much deserved and here is to 70 more years. oh yes did you have more comments? >> yes, i wanted to thank ms. bryant for your hard work. there have been a lot of changes
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in the early education department. i know it's been a heavy left and thank your staff and recognize the classroom teachers in the program. i remember when my kids were that age it's a handful to manage kids at that age and express my appreciation and congratulations. >> thank you. now i believe we were going to have translated some of the details about the celebration. >> okay. the dates for the celebration. okay. [speaking spanish]
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this information on the school district website so that all families can access it in multiple languages. >> okay. roll call please ms. cast co. >> ms. lee, ms. wong. >> yes. >> ms. fewer. >> yes. >> ms. haney. >> yes. >> ms. maufas. >> yes. >> ms. mendoza. >> yes. >> ms. wynns. >> thank you. >> ms. northon. >> yes. >> six aye's.
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>> all right. next we have a commendation on peer resources on national mentoring month. may i hear a motion and a second. >> so moved. >> i second. >> thank you. now commissioners murase or haney may read the commendation. >> yes, i would ask the commissioner to read the commendation for peer review. >> i would be happy to. whereas this has been national mentoring month and the school of health and program launched the program to highlight the mentoring and the development of young people and has gained the support of u.s. presidents and congress and such luminaries as myue angelou and peer resources offer a variety of programs for our
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students including retortive mediation on a peer to peer basis to promote academic achievement with student and prevent conflict and mitigations and healthy liching habits and empower students as agencies of change and whereas after participating in peer resources students reported statistically significant increases in school engagement, connectedness to school, school as a community, leadership, self efficacy, optimism, ability to make a difference in the community and relationships with peers and these are outlined with the strategic plan and the score card and whereas peer resources operate in 13 schools and and
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the schools listed and in 1112 touchedded fives of peer leaders who served sfusd students. therefore be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district on the occasion to the 2013 national mentoring month has student resources and participants and its dedicated staff and mentoring committee for advancing this in san francisco and effective use of a peer model to create positive out comes for students throughout the school district. >> thank you commissioner. are there any public speakers on this item? no. >> [inaudible] >> okay. doesn't matter. hold on. all right. so ms.
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anderson please say a few words on behalf of the superintendent. >> good evening commissioners, superintendent. commissioner haney thank you so much because you said everything i was going to say and this is great and moves us around so at this point what i would like to do is call forward the director of peer resources, ms. tam. [applause] i would also like to call forward a student speaker who will speak in a few minutes and that is dominique sanchez and i would like those in the audience tonight who are now or who have ever been associated with peer resources to please stand. [applause] thank you so much and so i turn it over now to ms. tam to say a few words. >> hi. once again i am ms. tam director of peer resources. thank you. we are honored by
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this commendation and excited to be here. we especially while i have the chance i want to thank you all for your support at peer resources especially at this critical time of transition and as the superintendent mentioned we are now independent and a project of community initiative, so moving forward peer resources' mission is to create justice change in our schools and communities through the leadership of young people engaging, training and advocating for young people, and with that i'm going to turn the podium over to dominique sanchez. [applause] >> all right. so i am dominique sanchez and i want to thank the school board and the superintendent for this honor and having me here and peer resource program is a program that allows the youth to educate their peers and we cover topics
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such as peer pressure, self esteem, sexiel decision making and my class is working in racism and we work on how to combat interpersonal and racism and we get to pick the topics that we want to learn about, but personally pier resources is not just a program to do extra circular activities and i can open up. i surround myself with people from different backgrounds. i feel i'm a leader and can compete in the top ton ivy league schools and i can take on everything and i want to thank her for her help and i never thought i would be up here speaking and i am thankful for being here and
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