tv [untitled] February 8, 2013 2:30am-3:00am PST
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commissioners, members of the public, interested individuals, listening to the manager's report, i found it hollow, empty and kind of disrespectful due to the fact that it just comes off like a dictatorship, you really have nothing as far as a relationship with the city and county of san francisco's residents, and that is so clear with the way you operate in this city. it's almost exclusively to the detriment of traditional san franciscans, and clearly it's a sign that our community as a victorian community was much better equipped to preserve itself, its community and its
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culture and something happened after the victorian community whereby we started to divest interest in our culture in our community and you folks really manifest that by eroding our constitutional rights, violating our city and civic rights at every turn and you've done that in a very efficient and effective manner, master manipulators would be a good name to call you. i've never seen our parks and our city in such a depressing, dilapidated and disinterested condition as they are right now. you might as well hang a sign saying don't come to san francisco, make a turn elsewhere because they're so pathetic when you see people driving atv's in a park that you're supposed to go to, to
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get away from traffic and you see the rec and park department driving around in cars and atv's in the very areas that we go to try to get away from that activity. you know that the rec and park system is being run by morons. it's being run by people that have absolutely no respect for the community. thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment under the general manager's report? okay, seeing none, this item is closed. we are now on item 4 which is general public comment up to 15 minutes. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on ie steps of interest to the public, i need all of you to please sit down. we have cards that we are going to go through first so if you could take a seat. >> thank you very much. >> at this time, members of the
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public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and that do not appear on the agenda with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. i have two cards to start with, richard fong and then paul manning. there were cards on the table. if not,, if you just want to get in line as we have two cards. richard, come on up. >> good morning, commissioners, commissioner fong speaking again, i had the pleasure of attending the palace of fine art community meeting on the 12th and i thought they were going to do pretty good work,
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so in retrospect, i look at it and i don't quite agree with the layout, so i don't know what that's going to do, so through the chair, commissioner, allan low, i think you're on the committee as such, i would like to see if i can bring in some recommendations that might enhance the development. we had a list of different people, jan was there, she's the executive director, there was a lot of people there, very high dignitary people, even jim lazarus was there, when i took a look at what they had planned out, they had architects where the explore tor yum is going to leave, so the planning that would be looked at, they want to open up the middle of that
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building, it's like a part of a hanger, so they were thinking about opening it up in the middle and making a difference, right away, i wanted to [inaudible] to take a good look at what's being looked at there, there's the building on the outside which went through retrofit during 1993. the building structure, they want to possibly build the palace on the north end of the properties, that's something that might be later on used on the marina greens area, i'm not sure, and they can also look at that, but the building itself, it has retrofit and as they're tearing at all the pieces, i would have liked to propose that there be external facade which mimics or by the columns,
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the external of the building where they want to open up that part would be pentagonal and you can build on top of it, an upper altar with that type of architect and you can have a walkway over the top, but the porn part -- important part is sto have the external structures stabilize to the seismic retrofit. if you look at it that way, you retain the elegance of the high [inaudible] and you also keep the work that's already in progress. i'd like to see it more incorporated into it and if they want to do a palace, that's what the marina green is for. >> thank you. >> paul? >> good morning, my name is paul manning, i'm a vice chairman of the harbor tenant's association and i was also part of the advisory commitment with
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the early stages of getting the renovation completed or planned and moving forward, i'm happy to see it has come forward in quite a good way, i'm getting close to the point where it's almost done, we're about to declare it complete, however, there are a number of security issues that are not addressed in the internal plan allowing people to basically freely walk about the docks, tripping, getting in with a pocket knife, you can get in within the gates in five minutes, we have an asset that is not accurately protected, we have a building or a facility that's not adequately protected, it has the ability to have anyone walk in and do personal destruction as well as personal property the depth, there are basically some issues with dredging, they had indication that were going to be a problem that was not addressed and those issues have
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renovation maybe being declared complete maybe in january that have three feet of water at low tide, that renders them inusable, the city will do a rent increase of 35% and essentially allow that facility to be useless to a majority of boat owners that would pay an excessive amount of rent, it's needed a lot of work, it's been modernized, that's an excessive amount of rent to be paying for something that effectively is unusable, there are a lot of berths at low tide, that needs to be addressed and taken care of. the second item i'm going to bring is in regards to park and rec taking money and in some respects jumping the gun and not being good about returning money and specifically in
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moving boats out of berths out of renovation or the gas house cove, there was a decision made that those boats should not be playing the longer berth fee and that money should be returned to the berth holders, park and rec has not acknowledged credit for that or handled it, i sent a letter to you regarding the premature increase of rent for west space and berth holders dated august 1, park and rec is in violation of their own park code 12-20 in terms of how they applied cpi without meeting the dead -- deadlines by your own code. i think a response needs to be made. would you like the letter?
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>> yes, i would. >> next. >> next speaker. >> testing, 1, 2, 3, testing, 1, 2, 3, thank you. frank, seiu1021 with members and staff here speaking in an official capacity before the commission, good morning and happy holidays. we rise today to inform the commission of some deep concerns regarding fiscal matters, the lack of fiscal accountability, it's one thing to raise funds, it's quite another question to be accountable and responsible with those funds, that's the subject we're raising, and we prior to coming here, we filed grievances, we spoke to the
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department, we met with h.r., we left many messages with mr. ginsburg, the h.r. replied in letters, we received no response to date from mr. ginsburg, we regret that but that's why we're here. when the department doesn't want to work with the union and its members, we know what we have to do. what i would like to submit to the commission, what i would like to submit to the commission are documents and then walk right through them, they're important documents, we think they're self-explanatory, they don't need to be characterized by the union but we think those who are familiar with the labor liabilities, these are -- we are having grievances that have quite a bit of financial claims against this department and the city, so if we go through the package, the first item is a
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grievance sent by the union, it is a settlement by the rec and park back in the summer, i believe, this was due to problems to settle an eeoc lawsuit emanating from the rangers trailer of overtime, the document behind that is the overtime report, we ask you to take a close look, especially the labor representatives, we're informing you that our contract provides mandatory, that it must be distributed evenly, equally to all employees . do representatives have the same limit as evils -- individuals on the public comment? >> that is a warning.
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>> thank you so much. alright. now, the last document is the employer's response. department response to this information, if you take a look at this, they say that the union mentions the 250 thousand dollar settlement comes out of the same section, that's not correct. we submitted the document so they're mischaracterizing this document and essentially enabling and condoning the misuse of public funds. these funds are being distributed in such a way. the union has not seen any effort whatsoever, any concern whatsoever on the part of the department's h.r. or the department. we've raised all of these issues to the general manager, nothing going on. we're asking you to exercise
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your proper fiscal responsibilities and oversight and to look into these matters, we also have targeted employees with excessive discipline who are also more legal liabilities to the department and to the city, we ask you to exercise your proper duties and we respectfully believe that you will be able to do so and we can get back in track. now, if that doesn't happen, -- >> let's take it from there, thank you, your time is up but we will look at them and we'll -- >> [inaudible] focus groups are also available and we hope to resolve it within the department. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning, my name is richard rothmans and i'm back again talking about the mother's building at the zoo and i think since last time i've been here, i've been
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hearing that things have been move ining the right direction and i want to thank everybody. i did get a chance to go into the building the end of november and i was really in a state of shock. while i know it's going to take a long time to come up with a plan, i think while i'm not an architect or a professional preservationist, i think we need between rec and park and the art commission needs to go in and look at the west wall to make sure there's no more damage, it's really -- it really upset me when i saw the damage to the west wall of the mural there, so while the city's developing a long-term plan, i think there needs to be a short-term plan to make sure
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that there's no more damage to the murals, and also that rec and park will support the landmarks stat to make the mother's building a city landmark, although it was a national landmark, and we also need to look at the long-term goals so we make sure that what happens at the mother's building in coy tower doesn't have again and that we set up -- i've been talking to david chu's office for setting up a citizen's advisory committee or some type of committee that can work with the art commission at rec and park to help manage these issues so that there is communications between the two departments and that we don't let our heritage fall in disrepair like what has happened, and since i've been talking to a lot of people, not
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many people have been inside the building and want to see inside the building, so maybe either rec and park or the zoo can have a little mini open house so that people can go in and see for themselves the current condition of the mother's building, and i think it's all more important to what happened to the zoo house, and thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. >> okay, we have time for one more under this part of the general public comment, it will be continued again near the end of the calendar, so this is our last speaker. >> how many speakers do we have. we're going to extend it, we have one more person at this. >> are you going to be speaking? >> then let's wait, there's only two items on the agenda so hopefully we'll get to it. >> these are basically things we're not getting a department
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response on. we have to come down here. when oracle staged their acclaimed event on the city front, they gave rec and park money to repair the damage to little marina green, but the repair is terrible. we have a concave marina green flood and it is not going to be ready for the springtime volleyball, we asked them to take a look at that because they didn't spend the money they got, it's a mess, it's just not appropriate and we hope you will take a close look at that. >> thank you. >> okay. so, for now, that is the end of general public comment. item number 4. we're on item number 5 which is the consent calendar. is there any public comment on the consent calendar? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? >> mows on the consent calendar? >> moved and seconded. all those in favor? >> aye. >> thank you. >> we are now on item 6, the
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san francisco zoo. >> good morning, tanya peterson with the san francisco zoo, i'm sorry i'm so casual but we're hanging light this morning, and we'll start with november attendance, as you saw in the report, we had 45 thousand 680 visitors during the month of november versus our 41 thousand budget so we had a positive increase by over 4600 visitors, that's the good news because this december thus far, rain seems to have come on every weekend day which is with we have our highest periods of attendance and it looks like it's going to rain this weekend, december is running behind budget by about 17%, thankfully year to date balances 4% ahead, but we're hoping with some holiday programming, we will make up
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the delta these next two week, as you know, four reindeer came in to visit us for the holiday period, you can also adopt a reindeer and adopt and conserve north american species and also we're doing something very new for us, we're keeping the zoo open until 8:00 through the holidays and we are going to have some zoo life thanks to pg and e and our sponsors and we thought we could do a little preview of that if we could move to the video, please. (music playing).
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>> thanks to the ad agencies for doing that pro bono add for us, like i mentioned, we will be open until 8:00 through the holiday period except for the 24th and 25th, this is free for our members, it's reduced admission, otherwise 5 dollars, we also have a 520 foot tree that we will light tomorrow, we have various vip's, they include nula and sumba from the lion king, from the grateful dead and more, each night, a vip, we have a sneak preview night for our members as well, please, i hope you can join us and then lastly, i wanted to announce that our bat exhibit will be closing on january 6,
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this is in the interior of the pachyderm building and was highlighted some of the conservation crisis facing our bats but that will be replaced by a dinosaur exhibit on valentine's day, so treat your sweetheart with a dinosaur or two on february 14th and that will be running until the summer, and with that, i finish my report. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, this was discussion only. >> thank you. >> we are now on item 7, a gift acceptance from the san francisco parks alliance. >> good morning, commissioners and happy holidays, bob palacio, san francisco recreation services.
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the item before you is a possible action item to retroactively accept a gift from the san francisco parks alliance in the amount of 65 thousand 205 dollars and 36 cents for the basketball program, just some background on the program, the association of basketball programs, anblp serves character treats ages 18 to 30, organized athletic activities, in this case basketball, educational and employment workshops and ancillary services and they work community responsibility and redirect energies towards positive goal setting and social goals, realization of these goals have stronger communities, they were led by
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the san francisco park and rec department, there were four divisions that were held this summer, we had a jr. division which is basically made up of teens and we have a young adults division and those both took place at both sites, we have a championship game as well, this is the current funder of this program or main funder of the program, that's how the 65 thousand dollars basically got to parks alliance so we want to make we understand their financial support is crucial to the program, not only now but moving forward. there are a number of program objectives that you can see in your packet on page 2 and the reason for those objectives and why they're so important for us to measure them is we don't want to hold another basketball
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league, there's plenty of them out there, the participants are required to show up to the classes that are held each week prior to the games, if you don't show, you don't play, they're figuring out ways to get their license back, figuring out how they're going to pay for child support, those are common problems with the participants so it's important they attend those things and that's the goal of the program. another goal of the program is for us to track how successful this program is in their lives moving forward, you know, are they committing crimes in the coming year, are they gainfully employed, things like that that will track to see what the true value of the program is, it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to go and spend a lot of money and put a lot of resources into another basketball program, this is for something else, so i think the
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participants recognize that, they're involved in something that's bigger than just an athletic program, that they're doing something that will potentially help them change their lives in a positive direction. with that, if you have any questions. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? >> i'll entertain a motion. >> second. >> commissioner low had a question, i beg your pardon. >> i was going to make the motion to move but also say, you know, if you've ever gone to these games to watch the kids play, there's some really talented players out there, it's a great program, i like what you do for the kids out there and i was going to make the motion to approve. >> so, it's been moved. >> second. >> seconded, all those in favor. aye. thank you. >> we are now on item 8, the san francisco marina west harbor.
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>> good morning, commissioners, i'm mary hobson, project manager of the recreation and parks department capital, i in the p.m. are in charge of seeing the ren vaetion of the marina west harbor, this is a request to approve an increase in contract value for our consultants, construction management firm four leaf, four leaf has been on site overseeing the construction of the project since may of 2011, during that time, they have been responsible for the day-to-day oversight inspection tracking of the schedule and budget processing change orders and essentially keeping our contractor in line. over the course of the project, also, there have been some changes that we have come to 4 leaf to help us that we're not under their original scope of
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services and the results fees for those additional services have resulted in a contract increase above 10%, that is why i'm here today to ask for your approval. the original contract value for this project was 799 thousand 990 dollars. we are asking to increase the contract up to 980 thousand 800 dollars 25 cents, the additional services being provided by 4 leaf and their sub consultants essentially revolve around two ie tep, the first and the majority which is related to monitoring and permitting oversight for the contaminated sediments that were uncovered during the course of the project. we asked 4 leaf to bring on a sub consultant that specializes in this sort of permitting and
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oversight, baoud row and associates, as well as their sub consultants that perform specialized engineering services and surveying for that work. the other item which we've asked 4 leaf to do on our behalf is to be on-site for an additional 88 days, this is as a result of our contract that was approved by this commission. overall, with this amendment, the total contract value only represents 4.4% of the total contract value. this is extremely low. this is the effective the and efficient contract and we typically budget 10% for cm services so i think this is really reasonable and i want to thank 4 leaf on behalf of the department for their good work on this project. with that, i conclude my presentation and i'd be happy to answer any questions you may have for the renovation project overall. >> commissioner harrison? >> a
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