tv [untitled] February 9, 2013 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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together a mayor's bio tech committee with many of you who are assembled today. and we got aggressive to a problem beyond perception, the second p, the challenge of parking and change the parking ratios here to allow ease and access and the third thing was permitting and we put together a great team to deal with the public, private transactions, and the final one was payroll, the fourth p, we had a payroll tax problem, we were charging it, the folks in bay weren't and so they came to the border and did not want to cross that border. so we created this tax exemption which was at the time was historic to cut and not raise tax and we started to reconcile those four ps, and i know that the mayor is going to come up to celebrate all of the great work that he does done and the team has done to bring it back to its place of birth. we had 73 companies with that one and the partnerships with qb 3 and sharing the overhead
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and the network that reg put together with fibergen and the eco development folks and i think that those are wonderful things and examples and for me, wonderful memories and also a wonderful framework for expanding this model across the rest of the state. and we hope that because of your great work across the rest of the country, thank you. plus [ applause ] >> thank you, very much, lieutenant governor. i remember well that you give me a hard time about south san francisco and genetech and so we have come a long way. and so, i know and i am very happy to introduce, mayor esly who has become a passionate advocate for further developing san francisco as the city of innovation and a wonderful partner and friend to ucsf, mayor lee? >> thank you, just briefly the
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history is worth repeating, is what our lieutenant governor has always said. i need to remind people what i was doing at that time. i was the little dpw director when gaven became mayor and we were still doing that we brought it out to make sure that we did right, in addition to the payroll tax exemption, we are also creating infrastructure at that time. we are working with the developers to make sure that the infrastructure of mission bay was going to meet the standards that uc san francisco and the bio tech industry was saying in order to come here. it wasn't just one thing alone, it was a combination of many things. and investing in infrastructure at mission bay was an enormous task. something that we had to do, public, privately because we did not have all of the money and we had to get rid of one of my favorite institutions the golfing range. as i was talking with former
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governor gray davis it was worth giving up. it was something ha we did right in the city and something that i continue to do is invest in infrastructure so we can have that great foundation because as i recall the discussions up that very crowded pernasis campus was that people needed more space and guess what? we have got that space here. but it is isn't just for a fantastic 2500 ucsan francisco that are here, it is for the thousands of other people that are collaborating with them as they find these discoveries, whether it is the pharmaceutical companies, the other science companies. i just came back from another fantastic conference and mayers, that they allowed me to head up a panel discussion on science, technology, engineering and math. stem, is what we all call it these days. that is the jealousy of all of the other mayers that when they hear about stotterry of mission bay, they are trying to create
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their own mission bay in their cities and they are wanting to work with all of the universities and the talent because what we have done here, is not only the physical infrastructure, not only creating conditions for businesses to be successful, but we found that we should invest in the very talent that is here and expand on that talent and so it is the noble laurets and the post doctorate students that are here and they are working with people across all of other disciplines, start ups, technology, you hear these great stories and i have seen them myself and we walk in and people no longer using these small microscopes, but they are looking at 3 d technology from auto def and we are looking at cells in three different ways, four different ways, expanding, deepening, all of the science, this is the movement that we have, and this is our new economy and this is the collaboration that is going on and we have a lot to celebrate
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in our city, whether it is the giants hopefully the 9ers. i would say that it is the people but we keep having cake for very good reasons we, have the talent that is here and ucsan francisco is a great core to attract this and we are inviting others in the world to establish their headquarters here. we are no longer satisfied just being a regional leader here. it is world innovation talent that we are drawing here to san francisco and we are glad to do it and support it with uc san francisco. thank you very much and and congratulations to everybody. [ applause ] >> thank you, mayor, lee. you heard lieutenant governor mention qb 3. the quantitative biology work and the great work of reg kelley. so now i want to introduce
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former governor gray davis who is the man responsible for the funding that started qb 3, governor davis? [ applause ] >> thank you, chancler. thank you for bringing us together today and it is really a wonderful mild stone, ten years. i just wanted add my comments as a passionate golfer,dy not like to see the driving range give way. but i said the property has been put to its highest and best use, namely, a magnet for the life science industry. so, you have to go out of staoet to hit the golf balls but you have a lot of great golf courses here. >> let me thank the chancler again for her vision and bringing us together to celebrate the work and the vision of herself and bishop and kelley and the two mayors that have spoken here
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lieutenant governor and mayor brown, all of those folks are the reason that mission bay exists. and we said, this was either an unused rail road yard whatever it was it was not mission bay and it was not the epi center in the innovation of the life sciences which it has become in a very short period of time. how did that happen? >> it happened because of the visions of city hall, the visions of ucsf. it happened because a great university ucsf was a magnet to entrepreneurs, to venture capitalists and life sciences large and small. and their collective mission is to shorten the pipeline between academic innovation and market place solutions. if you can put a product in the market in two years rather than ten years, and come up with a medical break through that delays the on set of cancer, or
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allows people to live with prostate cancer, you will have changed lives, you will have changed the world. and i am convinced that mission bay in a very short period of time is going to have the same as silicon valley and all happened because of the people in this stage and the people in the audience and most of all the people at ucsf. i want to just say a work about qb 3 in 2000 in part because of the uc president then dick atkinesn and because of the head of the scripts research institute i proposed the creation of four institutes of science innovation, and one of them qb three, literally in footsteps of where we are right now. a door, we have a little tiny sign, could we get a little more attention to qb 3 which is right down the hall? 2009 started to do research on
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a now publicly created company, emerest and it is now a billion dollar company employing 300 people over across the bay, the city of emriville. that is what innovation can do for california. it can attract high paying jobs, it can power technological and scientific break through and keep us at the cutting edge of innovation, qb 3 also was the first part of the uc system to create a technical incubator, 280 million dollars raised and they were telling me earlier that a company from moscow wants to come and join and we are out of room and so we have to find more space for our incubator. so it is a small part of a great vision that all of california should be proud of. and i just want to end with a
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little word about the secret sauce. the secret sauce and life sciences at the university of california at san francisco. the secret sauce in innovation in the university of california and i was meeting with the fed share man in 2000 greenspan and he said governor you have something that no one else has, you have 14 research universities then 12 now 13. ten at the university of california a place that i went to called stanford which by the way was never in the top ten we lost every football game my first year, but thanks to the coach going pretty well know, thank you, go 9ers. >> but stanford, sc and cal tech and we have 14 universities that really can invent the future. and he said to me, just invest in your research universities, and you will create whole new economies that you can't even imagine.
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that is what mission bay will do in the life sciences, and that is what uc will continue to do, keeping us at the cutting edge of innovation. and trust me, in a world where everyone is outsourcing jobs, the best guarantee against outsourcing is to be in the innovation business because you can't outsource a job until it is created. and we do nothing in california but create job after job after job, i like to see if we could keep a few manufacturing jobs here, that is our next assignment lieutenant governor and mayor and at least we invent them and create them. feel good about what happened and i feel good about our small part and we put 145 million in the glad stone institute. and i am delighted that they have a noble lauret and we put 100 million into qb three and it is very easy, this is my last thought. it is very easy for the public official to focus on problems of the moment. it is much harder to make a
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case for a better future and, to argue for setting money aside to create that future. but when you see what happened with the collective vision with the people on this stage in mission bay and you see the global attention it is getting, you realize that preparing the next generation and investing in the future is really what california is about. so, everyone should give themselves a round of applause, this is a great day. thank every single member of ucsf for what you have done. you are the magnet that made this possible. [ applause ] >> thank you, governor. and now it is a particular pleasure for me to introduce mike bishop. mike is one of ucsf's great. go ahead and clap for mike, go for it. [ applause ] >> those of you who don't know, he was one of the co-winners of the noble prize in 1989 for his
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discovery of normal genes that can become cancerous. setting the stage for targeted therapies. and he went on to become chancler and my predecessor but it was mike's vision and his leadership that made the move to mission bay possible and so mike? [ applause ] >> well, i couldn't help but notice that i am the only male up here who is not in a suit. i think that reflects my return to the profosaurete. why did this all happen? >> well, frankly, ucsf mission bay was not born of specific vision. it was born out of stark necessity. in the late 1980s and early 90s it had become painfully clear to us from repeated strategic planning that ucsf was in dire need of additional research
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space, but we were landlocked at pernasis heights. the facilities were not on par with our esteemed counter parts and our ability to do things was severely compromised we had to take a pass on the human genome project because we did not have the space even though the two of the three technologies were invented at ucsf and so we were at risk of failing our mission and losing our hard run of steam. so the hunt was on, we looked at the procitdo before it came a national park we looked at brisban and we looked at what i thought was a runway for the airport but was actually a development of some sort and then we struck gold here with the help of the city government and the mayor, mayor brown and
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especially with bulsa to which helen referred a remarkable alliance of community leaders who worked in an private partnership with ucsf to acquire the land to get a master plan and to get this thing going. so, once the opportunity was here, then, we knew what to do with it. first of all, since this site was rather removed from the then nerve center of the campus, we knew that in one fell swoop we would have to create a critical mass science, featuring some of our most creative and adventuresome scientists and second, we would have to create the opportunity to do new things and in new ways. and i think that it is generally agreed that we have succeeded at both. within a year of opening the
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first building, genentech was filled with a cohesive community with creative scientists who organized themselves in ways that would create and facility new alliances across disciplinary boundaries. and second, we created the opportunity to do new things in new ways. and to mention just a few, so you can understand how the face of this place of ucsf has been enhanced by ucsf mission bay, it is of course, qb 3 which is of course my first example before i heard from my predecessors here. the mission of quantitative biology, with ourself and ucberkeley and uc santa cruise, to bring science, clinical
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science, bio, medical science together to solve the problems of human health. >> science and clinical reach in three areas, cardio vascular cancer and neurological disease. we have of course the new hospital which was beyond our wildest dreams when we first began planning mission bay, but now looks so obviously to be an essential part of the mix here. because this, it will complete the continuum of bench to bed side that we want so badly to foster. there have been diagnostic pioneers here, the sars virus was identified here with a technique in about six hours, and finally as you have heard we have created the ability to attract more effectively and to
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interact with more effectively, bio tech and big pharm a and simply put, mission bay has made it possible for ucsf never again to be behind the curve, in fact, if we use it well, we should remain consistently ahead of the curve which is exactly where we want to be. thank you, very much. [ applause ] thank you chancler bishop. i particularly am pleased that you pointed out that we have been talking about science, but increasingly, not only basic science, but translational science, focus on diagnostics and you even see the folks with the white coats around the campus, most recently and i also want to mention that we are bringing global health sciences to mission bay within the next two years. so i would like to introduce mike laret who is leading the
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next chapter in the history of mission bay the development of the ucsf medical center and the children's hospital at mission bay. mike? >> thank you, sue. late last week first grade girl was admitted to ucsf children's hospital on pernasis with a brain tumor, malignant as it turns out. that girl had section of the tumor but faces a very difficult course and a poor prognosis. that little girl is the reason just 100 yards from here across the street we are building a new children's and woman's cancer hospital so that future children, future adults, future
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individuals who face the scourge of these diseases have hope. what we are building across the street is spectacular, it will be the state of the art, children's and woman's cancer hospital. there will be spaces for families to stay in the rooms with their children. there will be a variety of entertainment and education options for families spending time in the facility. the safety futures that are built in are above anything else internationally. and of course, we have the most advanced electronic medical records system that will be part of that facility. but, again, the reason that we are building that 289-bed hospital is for that little girl and for all of the patients who will receive their care here. as chancler helman mentioned we are already establishing a clinical presence here at mission bay.
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we have our cardio vascular center to the north of us and a orthopedics institute that i have used myself. we have a growing presence for children and obstetrics and other service heres and in the next five years this will be a busling clinical environment. february first 2015, we will begin seeing patients in the new children's hospital and woman's hospital and cancer hospital across the street. i just want to make a comment about the building of that hospital. it took enormous courage to endorse proceeding with a billion and a half dollar project without the prospect of state funds. we undertook that project with the encouragement with many in our community who said dream big, go for something bigger than you think that you can afford and we are now seeing
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coming to life right before us, a project built with depth from the medical center, but mostly with philanthropic support from the xhupt. and it is a great testament and a vision in san francisco that they would be willing to support something at the magnitude that they have. and i guarantee to them, and i'm confident that that will pay off many-fold not only for the little girls for blatoma but for the other that come here over time. the hope of that hospital is that linked with the research on this side of the street, we will conquer it and other cancers, we will deal with cardio vascular disease, neurological disease and maybe we will do it even before a person is born, that is the hope. i will just end by quoting someone who has been very
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generous and important to us mark whose name is on our children's hospital. mark beneof said that people tend to over estimate what they can accomplish in one year, tend to under estimate what can be accomplished in ten. and when you look at this campus, including that hospital, it is incredible how far we have come just this last ten years, thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you, mark. i also want to mention that as lieutenant governor said it seemed amazing to think that we would attract the best of bio tech and pharm a and venture capitol to this neighborhood ten years ago but i wanted to recognize chris haskal who is on the stage and here from buyer, not only have they come to mission bay but they put an important site here at mission bay and so you are a great neighbor and thank you for
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being here, chris. [ applause ] >> would you like to say a few words about why you decided to come to mission bay? >> thanks, sue. >> first of all, i would like to wish a happy anniversary to ucsf on behalf of bayer and the rest of the mission bay community. this is an important milestone for ucsf and i think an important day for everyone that has been involved with developing mission bay into a life science innovation hub. if you look back over the last ten years it is remarkable to think what has hamed since the driving age and train yards etc., but as we just heard, i think more importantly is to look at the next ten years and think about as we expand the bench to bed side here, what types of innovations, therapies, treatments, will be able to put into play to impact human health over the next ten years. my first experience of mission bay was actually 13 years ago when i was finishing up a post
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dock down at hospital curve, their old site down at the general hospital and my advisor charo was taking the lead on planning the move of glad stone from general up here to mission bay. and he described this nurvana of interaction between ucsf and research institutions and start up companies, and i thought to myself, i want to get back there some day. some day my career path will take me back to mission bay, maybe for one of these little start ups that sort of came true. so a couple of years ago when bayer was opening the innovation center, this is our north american research headquarters we are looking around at where to place ourself and we ended up just a couple blocks away here in mission bay. and in the end the decision was really quite simple. mission bay has a really unique collection of places like the glad stone, other research institutes reg kelley and qb three were instrumental for us coming back here but really the
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anchor was ucsf and in fact our interaction with them was so important to us that at the time of moving in we had already signed a research master agreement with them with the intention of lowering the hurtle for our research scientist and their research scientist to work together and the fact that this interaction, i think, is a large part of why we see our work today being successful here. collaboration is really important to bayer research and i think that you have heard from all of us here that this collaboration is critical for developing life science research today. we have taken one more step recently in trying to expand our interaction with mission bay by opening up an incubator space for companies and sort of standing on the shoulders of giants of qb three and recognize thating this is a great opportunity to collaborate and hopefully we can support them and in turn become part of the mission bay
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community. i talk about the mission bay and you hear me using the term community, we do have a community here. and i think that maybe it was either luck or great vision from the people that put this idea in to play that they created an area where have amazing proximity and, they stay true to the ten-minute walk from my office, within ten minutes, i can be at any other scientist's office here in mission bay, hopefully having the discussion about another project and another great collaboration that we can have for another therapy. so i would like to close out by just congratulations ucsf on what they have done over the last ten years and how they have become the catalyst for creating an amazing environment and as i look forward for the next ten years i could not be more optimistic. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> thank you, so much. chris. and let me just end by acknowledging three groups of
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people, you just heard about the community of scientists but not yet mentioned is the local community, so in the city and county of san francisco, i really want to acknowledge and there are some community members with us here today. we are aspiring to be good neighbors in mission bay. and so i really want to acknowledge, community members who have partnered with ucsf and the city and county of san francisco as we have grown mission bay and thought about how this development could be an asset to the neighborhood. the second group of people that i want to acknowledge, again, looking up, i see a lot of faces, the faculty, the staff, and the trainees at ucsan francisco are the reason and the anchor tenant and i have not referred to as that before and we are pleased and i hope that we attract great things to the tee and county city and county of san francisco and so i want to acknowledge all of my colleagues who are here with us
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this morning and finally and most importantly the reason that all of us do this is to improve human health and so the patients who have been fitted from the work we do here at ucsan francisco, and even more importantly the patients who will not suffer as a consequence of the work that we have here the family and friends that we hope that we will help with all of our collective efforts i would like to end by acknowledging the patients by what goes on and the rest of the efforts here. i would like to thank all of you for joining us today. we will now have a ceremony.
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