tv [untitled] February 13, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PST
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just becoming like a playground for people that are coming here to work in high-tech and maybe to work in other industries, but we are making some of these decisions based on what we are seeing with the ab, and the singa and it is not responding to what is existing in the city right now. that said, i do think that this project has been developed in good faith. i think that the developer has done a good job of responding to community concerns and community needs. i actually really like the design at 801 brannan, i can't believe what it is, but it looks different than what we have been seeing, it responds to that rounded corner. it feels san franciscoan to me and i do like that. and i think that is my comments for now. >> thank you commissioner.
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>> gordon? >> i think that i share what some have shared the support for the project as we see today and the hope for the remaining very similar in the future and we ask that when this psych permit is issued that we are before the project you know gets its permit that we can have it back to us to see and we have done that in the past where the director shared with us the new designs and plans, and i think that it is innovative and the land dedication and the on site affordable and having a former board member and aware of the challenges that that organization has faced with the brick and mortar space and hope that it be a model. some of those merchants could actually live in that area. i am familiar with the concourse and i am doing a large gala, i was sad when we picked the space we didn't know
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what it was going to be demolished and i understand the point to that. not to say that we would not have used the concourse, but that could be a place that we could use it in the future, it is unfortunate that was a place to know if they were selecting that site this year or last year and this could be the final year and it is regrettable. it is a very large, kind of warehouse spait and it is not worth preserving but it is one of those spaces of the type and size in the city. but it is primarily used for a lot of big events because there are not a lot of big spaces for those sort of events. it is regrettable and it is not this project sponsor's fault for the concourse not letting people snow but what is regrettable. i am in support of property ject as well. i don't know if where you are in your talks are being bought
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out i actually got a text while you guys were asking me questions. we are going to build it as we designed it. >> great. >> so everybody can. >> so they are watching and they are paying attention. that is good. i mean for the future reference, and i don't know how they have in the pipeline in the immediate future, but if i were the buyers i would show up to talk about the plans because i think that it would help a lot of things >> commissioners. >> oh, i would say hi to the new owners there. >> any way, i guess that it is the sentiment of the commission that it is a good project. both of them and nobody has made a motion and i am going to go ahead and make a motion based on the comments so far.
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to approve the project with conditions. >> second. >> reference, thank you. >> and referencing both introduction paragraphs, and outlined in bold referencing the various conditions and exemptions and also that we have found the findings and the mid gaysing reports relating to the california environmental act. >> commissioner, and the project sponsor, i think that this is mentioned in the report, but although, many of the units are planned for initially for rental, everything is condo mapped and built to the standards that would allow it to be a condo because i think that these have to be built to different standards if i am not mistaken. >> thank you. >> on that motion,
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commissioners to approve projects 801 brannan. and adams. >> moore, aye. >> sugaya. >> wu. >> aye. commissioner antonini. >> aye. >> it passes 6 to 0. >> commissioners. >> do you want to take a very short break? >> yeah. >> we are going to commissioners are going to take a break and we will come back at 3:15, thank you. >> welcome back for the hearing, on january, 31, 2013, for the benefit of the public p at the beginning of the calendar, the beginning of today's hearing, we mentioned
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that we are moving item 12 to the end of the regular calendar. since then, there has been a change and i believe that the party's sponsor is requesting a continuance to february 28th. in light of that we will take up that matter of the continuance now. >> commissioner, i would move to continue the item to february 28th, i understand that the concerned parties and project sponsor have agreed. >> second. >> second. >> we will move to public comment. is there any public comment on this item proposed for continuance. only on the continuance n >> that is correct. >> not on the project itself. >> if you are ready sir.
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>> please remember that the public comment for this item is only to the continuance of the item not the project itself. >> so i apologize if i am confused, can i speak on this you, how does it work? >> well the project sponsor has proposed to continue the item. so it will be moved to february 28th. and so this portion of the public comment period is just peeking to the continuance, not the project itself. >> okay. >> so i can't speak right now. >> right. >> i understand, i am trying to clarify. >> speak to the project you need to come back on february 28th. >> thank you. >> other mic. >> my name is danny and i am the legislative aid to subpoena supervisor kim who was actually unable to make it to this
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meeting. she prepared a statement for me. it does talk about the projects but also the community process that we wanted to go through. as the extensive community has showed up in numbers in opposition to this project. we are optimistic given a one month continuance that we will be able to resolve a lot of the situations. the conversation has begun and there is a draft mlu in place. and we look forward to continuing the conversation with the project sponsor in order to further develop that mlu into something that the community can be proud of and look forward to having that development as their good neighbor. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners, dan fraten in behalf of the project sponsor, we are happy to continue working with the neighborhood
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and supervisor kim's office. the continuance to february 28th is acceptable and hopefully we will have fewer people here for public comment when we come back. >> thank you. >> any additional public comment on the continuance? >> >> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is angelica with the south market community action network. i thank you for continuing this project in terms of making sure that the community has adequate or enough time to really meet with the developer. i do request that the community is able to speak on this. a lot of the people here today took the time to be here. so even if you limit our speaking to even one minute, i ask of you to let our community speak on this issue and why we are here. as you know this is a development that is the single unit family zone and a lot of
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us concerned with the stability of the families including seniors in the neighborhood. so i please, i'm asking to please let us speak, thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> to that, last request, typically when there is a continuance, we don't bring m speak and hers when the item comes back on february 28th you will have an opportunity to speak. in between now and then if you want to submit anything in writing, via e-mail or letter to the commission secretary that would be fantastic. and welcomed. >> commissioners, on the motion to continue, items 12 aand b for case numbers 1211-0038 xvand x for 254th street and request for compliance to
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conditional use to february 28th. >> commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> borden. >> aye. >> hillis. >> aye. >> wu. >> aye. >> fong. >> aye. >> sugaya. >> aye. >> that passes. also to continue the variance to february 28th. >> thank you. >> and commissioners, a place under 13 a and b, for case numbers 2012.0083 ecv at grove street and known as parcel h and request for conditional use and request for variances. >>
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>> good afternoon, fong and the staff, before you is a project to construct a new mixed building, 34 residential units. >> it is hard to hear you. >> just wait one second until this group... >> thank you. >> before you today is a project that proposes to build a mixed building 34 residential unit, 12025 of ground floor retail and parking spaces on a site that is a surface parking lot. the xhis will be considering requests for a lot exceeding 10,000 square feet. the zone operator will be considering the variances for the usable open space and public ride of way and go into the exposure, the located on
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parcel h and it is also located in dtc zoning district. it will range from four to five stories and will be cshaped. the project sight has two straights (inaudible) uses and including the commercial retail space and residential lobby and entries. the units will be offered as condos and offices offered on site. >> the building from east to west to match the respect of the 50 foot projects on the site. the step down in height will allow it to be built in an environment and larger buildings will be along goff street while other s will be located on grove street to the west. the building articulating smaller masses by wave like facades that offer the bay
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window. and the claims also appear to reduce the apparent scale of the project and pick up on the rhythms in the environment. the (inaudible) estimate a letter of support for the project. the housing action coalition submitted a letter to circulate and i kirk late that for reference. it was in the residential building located to the project site at 525 gof street. that it will reception of light and air through the openings. (inaudible) the project too tall and the density too high and also have suggested that the community gardener make it preperable to the project. also that the project does not contain enough parking. the market and activity plan encouraging walking and biking and public transit and (inaudible) proposed 0.5 to 1 parking ratio. and the dense mixed used
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projects to the parcels. >> the city laws do not guarantee the light and air through the property line openings. and this analysis of the project the staff has found that the project would be respectful of the (inaudible) by proposing a five-story along the larger gof street built environment while putting the four stories adjacent to the smaller context. the c-shaped building has been situated so it has shared the property line walls are located adjacent to the buildings of the property would also mimic the development pattern that features large development of large court yards used for open space. because of the mass and the site of the building has been related to the surrounding development. it recommends that they approve a request for the development of a lot greater than 10,000 square feet. >> the department staff has found many other aspects of the project to be necessary and desirable. we recommend that you approve
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the project. the project will add 34 dwelling units and a walkable area suit for dense used mix. and will add the (inaudible) corner site and will improve the pedal realm and the project will provide all required bmr units on site in the project fulfills the market and activity plan to focus on the transit and serves the locations. and (inaudible) this concludes my presentation and i will be available for questions and i would like to turn it over to the project sponsor for further comment on the design. >> thank you. >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon, president fong, commissioners. my name is daniel, and i am a principle of (inaudible) development a local firm here in san francisco it is my pleasure to present to you 400 grove street in part of the
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(inaudible) neighborhood plan. with gdg partners who is co-developing the project with us, together we have a strong commitment to the (inaudible) neighborhood plan. in addition to the 400 grove street and we are developing 200 projects in the neighborhood and one of which is you approved last september. and all of which we believe will help to fulfill the vision of the neighborhood plan and revitalize the area. >> it is located in the haze valley just three blocks from the project site and our project manager lives in the neighborhood and managed the development of it at 55 page street. as you know 400 grove street was once part of the off-ramp that stretched through blieting the neighborhood and today it serves as a surface parking lot which is not the highest and best use for the urban prop. after purchasing this parcel, we hired (inaudible) of the san francisco based award winning (inaudible) architecture. she has worked with market
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activity plan to design an outstanding mixed use building and help to beautify a very busy stretch of the street. it will bring numerous (inaudible) and fulfill the goals. it will take a former freeway site and transform it into a beautiful new landmark building and bring the positive activity to the corners of goff and grove street doner the day and at night. it will boost the local economy and add 34 housing units with a good mix of studios, one and two units with over half suitable for families. it will add 4 bmr units on site to better housing into the community and will limit parking to 0.5 spaces per unit to promote public transportation over vehicles. it will have at least 25 bikes stall to promote modes of transportation and will add a
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dramatic restaurant space to a prominent corner to activate the pedestrian realm as well as close an empty stretch of retail. it will be environmentally sensitive by integrating the storm water capbility into the landscape feature of the building. it will create high density housing in a transit rich location that has more than a dozen cities and regional mass transit lines nearby. in terms of out reach, the project enjoys broad support. we have strong letters of support from the neighborhood association and the housing action coalition, and we have the support of our neighbors at 300 across the street. we ask for your support of this project today as recommended by the planning department. we believe that the city can be very proud of this project and the benefits that it will bring to this neighborhood and the elegant statement that it will make on the corner of goff and grove. thank you for your consideration, i am pleased to introduce the architect who
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will present the design, thank you. >> hello, president fong and commissioners, we are delighted to be presenting you here this project today. i will go through it kind of quickly, i think that you have gotten a lot of the facts. >> if you could state your name. >> an fugeron. >> any way, we are worked on other parcels actually on the market plan and actually worked on one of the first redevelopment agencies that was parcel a and so we are thrilled to be able to continue to work on goff street and helping to improve that environment. i think that you all know where the site is, this is parcel h, this is one of the last sites that is made available on goff street from the demolition of the freeway. so the important parcels were surrounded by the building by david baker and so we are
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trying hard to keep up with him. this is parcel h, it is a very funny, kind of site in the sense that it has a dog like here and i am not going a very good job, this 25 foot by 25 foot dog leg that used to be the rear yard and so we wind up with the funny conditions and because it is the last sight to be put on to this dense block we actually had to work pretty hard to figure out a way to site this building so it mid gated the site and try to safety as many of the problems created by a new infield project. there are as you can tell from this, just the different sort of heights, the limits are happening in the site. our site is bisected in two, facing goff and 60 feet in. and we have a 50 feet height limit and going down grove street by 100 feet we have the 40-foot height limit and so the building will step down as it goes towards grove street and we will use that as a way to
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sort of engage the buildings on grove which are smaller buildings and one and two stories and the taller buildings on goff street and so that was an important part of it. the other thing that was important was to figure out how to do a building to create the best open space possible. one of the excuses of the site as it, there are existing patterns that are different from a normal san francisco site because they are not in the middle of the block, but there is also the issue of the big wall along the property which is a blank wall and was built there as a property line wall and we will talk about how we chose to do that later on. so just a quick project facts that you have heard before, the project is between 5 and 4 stories, the height is between 45 and 55 feet, we took advantage of the 15-foot height for the base and we could create a really nice sort of retail space, right at the corner of goff and grove as well as walk up units on grove
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and goff street. the unit mix is there, we have 52 present two bedrooms and the rest of the mix is studios and one bedrooms and there are four on sight bmrs which 50 percent of them will be units. there are only 17 parking spaces as for the plan and there are 25-plus bike park and then about a 2,000 commercial space. this is very quickly the plan, there is a basement parking but we are only going down five feet to mitigate as much as possible, excavating too much and that is the parking as well as bike storage in the corner and what is important about the project for us was the site planning strategy on the ground floor, we put the commercial space right at the corner, the lobby entrance is here on grove street and you can see all the way across to the courtyard, the courtyard is five feet above grade but there is also a huge opening in here two stories, off of goff street which allows you to see in from
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the street all the way through the courtyard all the way across to the open space in the mid block. we tried to create in this project more of a sense of opening to the street to keep goff street being a canyon wall and to begin to relate the building more to the existing environment and we also then chose to build againsting the property line wall of 525 goff to be able to mitigate sort of that wall and also to get all of the units to face common courtyard, to maximize the southern exposure on all of the units and to avoid having a double loaded corner building but actually to do two single loaded buildings and thus improving the quality of light and air for all of the units on the site and allowing us to have all two bedroom unitwise double if not triple aspect windows which is important for the degree feature and the livebility of the units on that site. and then that is just typical floor plans, we have two
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bedrooms, always at the corners again, this is the big port tal that is opened on two floors, i am not doing a very good job of this thing which i will show you this in three dimensional later on. on the top floor, there say bunch of open space and some of them are private for some of the residences and there is also a nice two and communal open space that looks down on to grove street and that will be used by all of the residents in the building. there is the courtyard space in the middle of the building that we are trying to create as a space for everybody that lived in the building as well as the beautiful space to look at it. it will have seating and smaller courtyard spaces off the residential units and really be a place that we hope all of the residents can use. we will go now to this is the site as it is now, with no building in there. and then this is the building inside, really trying to sort of kind of match the urban wall created by the existing
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projects already on goff street. when you can see this idea of this wave action, this is the big portal, that we talked about, opening out on to goff where you can see directly into the courtyard and all the way across to the opening space beyond and there is also a transparent kind of piece here to the restaurant space, so you can see up the restaurant space and into the courtyard also as well as a lot of kind of planters that are in there to work for the storm management and water management system that is now part of the san francisco code. this is the building at the corner for an after. so really sort of a strong presence trying to create a dynamic new facade and quite open to the exterior and we are using the combination to the lattice to provide the shading and siding to mimic and play with the idea of the buildings that have the residential quality with the woodsiding th.
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is grove before and after, the building drops down to 45 feet on the lowest and 55 on the higher corner, we will have a residential lobby, and so this is the residential lobby where you can see the people, and you can see across the lobby and right next door to it is a single lane entrance for the park pag garage and then the big cafe we hope will activate the street and help sort of draw people in to the building. >> and then finally just in terms of how the building looks. we have worked a lot in san francisco and we are very cognasent of the building and kind of the mod lacing that they create in the street we wanted to think through a slightly before interpreted way and so we elongated the bay windows and we have them in the same way that san francisco bay
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windows are and we are working on a 25 foot module and so we are getting a lot of variation and so the waves come in and out on the different waves on the different floors, but between the horizontal and the vertical, we are able to achieve a building that does not get very big kind of articulated masses but is broken up into a series of one or two story composition which i think will help to mitigate the scale of the building in terms of goff down to grove and becomes a residential scale. and then there is the transparent, of course, ground floor and then we wanted to work in the tradition of woodsiding and the field rather than doing a more kind of what i say, industrial material, again, trying to sort of play with the existing fabric of san francisco. and so, we chose to do a cedar panels with a kind of a half round baten system that will be applied on the cedar panels and
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they will both sometimes be a lattice that will provide the sun shading for the windows as well as an extra layer on top of the flat panels to give you a modulation to create a fine grain environment and that just shows you the standard details and the building is set on the 30 floor and we will be able to get some sort of green space on the third floor to break up the mass of the building further. that is just a picture of the building, at night. >> thank you. >> any other speakers for the project sponsor? >> okay. seeing none, we will open it up for public comment. and i do have a few speaker cards, gary shilling?
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