tv [untitled] February 16, 2013 11:00am-11:30am PST
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prop k. we do a comprehensive update on this for traffic calming. you will see a much larger program that encompasses all the changes before you and the next action item is for the fiscal year 2013-2014 and to solidify the policy items for today. i believe that is it for me. >> thank you. >> good morning mr. chair and commissioners. thank you so much for having me today. i am marian [inaudible] and with the san francisco municipal transportation agency and it's an informational item but we are interested in your feedback because we will come back to recommendations which you have the opportunity to adopt ultimately in the five year -- in the next five year pyp. so
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first just to give you a little background about traffic calming. as was mentioned physical measures to reduce speedos our city streets. this has a benefit in livability in the neighborhood, making it a better place for people to walk and bike and live and shop but it does have a real impact on safety. we know vehicles traveling at 20 miles per hour versus 35 miles per hour are less likely to cause a severe injury when a collision takes place, so this is something we have through the traffic calming program is really focused on looking at reducing speeds. we have other categories we improve visibility and other pedestrian and bicycle and safety improvements but this is really -- we -- that's the easy way to explain what traffic calming is about. it's making the cars drive more slowly so the ind
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kinds are collisions are less severe. the revision process that we have been going through for the past months is looking at two main things, the efficiency of the program and balancing the priorities of the program. the efficiency piece is what we explored last october and it was looking at what is in your current local residential traffic calming base program and looking for ways to be more efficient in the program. we do a lot of project it's we receive applications from residents but we do a broad community wide plan which results in lot of different measure frs we're -- for the neighborhood and we can looking at ways to save money and direct that into arteal yars and schools and we think that the kind of improvements we can
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make through traffic calming can benefit more people and the higher of -- volumes and of course the children. this shows that the funds -- as i mentioned it's funded entirely by prop k and on the top row you can see that currently in the average year of the 2.5 million dollars that we're spending on the of traffic calming program and it's going into the local track but we have a three track approach and the proposal that we're going to go through today is really balancing between the local and the arterials and increasing the funding for schools so i will go through for each of the tracks what we're proposing to do programmatically. again for the local -- for the application base program we absolutely recognize we want to have a
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venue for residents to apply to have traffic calming improvements on their streets. we think it's really valuable and people want toking part of the process but we want to streamline that process and we're going to implement 20-25 devices a year -- meaning speed humps and traffic islands, and similar what we're currently doing but will focus on cost effective devices and we won't do the larger community processes that are open ended and take time and resources. so community members will be applying for these locations and our annual process will include once a year getting the applications, evaluating them, coming up with the top 25 locations we think we can do in the following year and the sfmta will recommend the traffic calming device and construct it
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about a year from getting the applications. we will prioritize the applications based on speed and volume and collisions and finding what the top locations are for each year. because we know that -- even with the prioritization within the application base track it still is the one applications that we receive from residents, so we want to reserve funding for doing -- sort of local pro-active efforts which we still achieving the benefits but focus on locations there is increased biking and walking and that might be partnering with another program and it might make it more comfortable and looking for those opportunities and
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improving geographic opportunity if there are areas that we receive more applications than others we want an opportunity to see if anything is missed through the application process, so the improvements we're recommending is about $500,000 a year and the other is $600,000 a year and for the school track we wanted to be more proactive and reduce speeds around schools and we match through the traffic calming projects and increase school area safety that include traffic calming as a component. a lot of funding will come from other areas like the pedestrian area and within the traffic calming use the funding more specifically on speed reduction
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and work with the coalition to identify the details of the program, but the idea is we identify the potential locations -- >> [inaudible] >> yes. >> commissioner kim has a question. >> i didn't mean to interrupt you midsentence. if you want to finish the slide i have a question. i was excited we were able to slow down the speed at our school sites. unfortunately the schools in district six we're not able to get that type of speed limit reduction because of the areas they're in. bessy carmichael and the tenderloin is another. i know they were able to slow it in the alleys but because we're on arteal yar corridors and i am wondering what we can do to
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improve it in those areas. >> we are using physical measures addition to the 15 miles per hour a sign. it's a policy and opportunity for enforcement but these are physical measures for a motorists to think i would be more comfortable driving more slowly, and within the school funding we can look at those locations and see if there are things that we can do to make physical changes for the areas that are more challenging. >> [inaudible] i'm not item. >> speed humps and medians are thing we are looking for and changes to the lane configuration to narrow
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the lanes or to have road [inaudible] and bike lanes and change the configuration a little bit and encourage slower driving so those are the kinds of things. >> okay. i'm very interested in all of these things and i am sure we're not -- bessy and tenderloin are not the only schools with these challenges. i am sure there are other schools. do we have a list of schools that weren't able to get speed reduction? >> i believe we have that data somewhere. >> it would be interesting at this point. thank you. >> thanks. thank you very much for the great comments. we have three more items of presentation coming up on the agenda. commissioner breed. >> does any of the traffic calming measures include eliminating one way streets? >> that's not a specific -- it's not specifically called out. although it could be the type
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of thing that could be looked at and changing one ways to two ways. i don't know if they're more operational, so i guess depending on the project it could be beyond the scope but it could be considered as part of the challenge. >> so this is -- i'm not sure if you know if you had anything to do with this, but i know specifically it's ellis street or in that area and changed from a one way to a two way street. did that have something to do with traffic calming or something else? >> i think reducing speeds on those streets was a component in coming up with the plans but they're not through this program. this program is a small piece of what we do and there are ing other things that we do with safety and traffic improvements and this is just one category we're talking
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about changing a little bit? >> thank you. >> commissioner kim. >> just one question and in the south of market i think we're seeing -- i guess more conflicts between large trucks and the pedestrians and it is cyclists and unfortunately the show case this weekend and had a construction truck hit and kill a bicyclist on king and 3rd street, and i'm not sure if that corridor is pr -- problematic and we will see that and good to get information on the issue and maybe not long-term but for the next years see that on going in the district. >> ms. lam bardo, i did want to ask a question. i know this is
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a significant shifting away from local projects to the bigger arterial ones and it makes sense because the most accidents seem to be occurring on the arteal yars, but there is a lot that occurs in the neighborhood that supervisor kim just mentioned. i have some concerns that the mta is maybe focusing on too much on the arterials when there isn't the cast capacity to do that. i would like to see the smaller projects and the rich mand traffic calming that has been delayed and i am corresponding if we have the. >> have the capacity to shift towards the funding here and kufting it in half and adding to this track. do we have the capacity in the mta to do that? >> yeah, one of the things that happened in the existing local
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program we have applications for a specific location and then we look at a broader area around that and that could include locations not necessarily the top most in need of traffic calming based on speeding and collisions but because we're looking at an area we will look at a broader area and in the past the locations didn't include the top locations where the collisions were taking place. the backlog results in this and the central richmond project which are ongoing we know we need to transition and clear out the backlog from the local program as we increase the funding for the arterial program but i think if we just look generally across the city at what are the locations with the most
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collisions? there are on the arterials and focusing on those locations and a residential street that has more collisions than another one and it's more benefit than a larger street in that area might be. i do have a few more slides -- >> and ms. lambardo. go ahead. >> i just to mention more about the arterial track because i know it's in the slides in front of you. and one last thing about schools. in addition to being more practical and look at at school elections the supervisor asked we would be dreation the ranking within the application program to make sure what residents are asking for if it's near schools it's elevated to the top of the list. we want to give it more of a weight.
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for the arterials and this is a little to your question mr. chairman what we can accomplish with the funding. something that we thought has been a little missing is the ability to look at lower cost arterial improvements so we have big street scape programs and like masonic and others that are long-term and complex and we want to make sure there is funding in this category to do quicker fixes on streets that have collision histories where we don't have the opportunity to do a major project but do the things i was describing a moment ago and changing the lanes and timing to help the vehicles on the street and this is what we're hoping to do even though there are rktd opportunities in the mta to look at that and we
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want to include funding specifically for those cost measures and we will prioritize the highest collision area and look at other resources identify what the top areas of need are in the city. we would also reserve funding for certain projects that of the big street scape projects if there are opportunities we think of traffic calming and reducing spending so on a big project like masonic which has improved bike lanes and landscaping and median and if there is an opportunity for a local match it and has a traffic calming component this can be used for that. also if there are locations scheduled for repaving and not at the top of the list we can gain efficiency by making striping changes while doing
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that -- >> we keep firing the questions at you. commissioner campos. >> if i can make a quick point. i think it would be helpful to have meetings with each supervisor that talk about the traffic calming projects happening in each of the 11 districts and i think that will hopefully provide an opportunity for the supervisor to raise issue bs projects that may not be on the radar of the agencies and i think that we can benefit from that. >> yeah. we will be happy to and as we move forward with more specifics and this is more general about the funding categories but when we go into that we will identify more specific projects. we would love to get your feedback in that format. this is just again showing the break down, so
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about half for arterials and half for local and a bigger piece for the school areas than we currently have. the next steps in the next couple of months we resume taking applications from the local tracks so for the past year we had that on hold and no doubt received questions from your constituents about this but we're getting ready with the forms to people to apply with the local track and we will let you know when the new application is available so you can let your constituents know and we will finalizing some of the recommendations for the high injury corridors. we have a separate project looking at this and test out the ideas on the arterial corridors and finally we will be going into more detail and the criteria for the programs that i mentioned and finalizing the transition plan and clearing out the backlog of
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the projects that had community meetings in the past years where we still haven't implemented all of the traffic calming plans and ultimately seeking your approval with the update. so if there are any more questions i am happy to answer them. >> thank you and thank you to ben as well. ms. lambardo. >> this is shortening up the next presentation. i would like to say thanks to them and one thing i think it is absolutely essential that mta meet with you
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and we have a backlog and we need to work that down and transition to the new program. the other piece of that dialogue this is right moving the money towards the arterials where the safety is. what it means on the local side is you and your constituents will get a must faster and predictable process which is good but also means if you divide it by district it's two speed humps a year and what we really need to have a dialogue with and you how we deal with these issues and this is where they come in handy and we can talk about those. >> thank you. let's open this up -- commissioner breed. >> i just want to add the elimination of one way streets to be looked at as a possibility
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for traffic calming measures. thank you. >> yeah. >> thank you. let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> good afternoon commissioners. i am jackie sax and on the commission for the transportation authority. i looked over this item and one thing you have to recommend regarding the speed limits for schools. in most cities there's signs posted -- first of all there are speed limits signed posted on the streets how fast you can go on the street, and in most cities -- for example
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cleveland ohio as an example. that's where i am from. they have signed posted saying "school ahead, speed limit 20 miles per hour". it's also in the driving test, this sort of thing when you take the written test, when they want to know the speed limits on different areas, this sort of thing. that's another thing you have to look into. post the spreed limit signs and have the schools post signs prior to coming to school saying "school ahead. speed limit 20 miles per hour" end of that and after they leave the school then they can go back to where they were before. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning everyone. my name is [inaudible]. i am aware that we're spending money again
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because just like the lady that was giving the presentation about traffic calming, which is good, so it brings to my point. we should have some traffic lights for bicycles because the bicycles are getting ridiculous. it's not the cars that i'm worried about. it's the bicyclists that don't obey the words. maybe if we give ticket it's oh i shouldn't say the bad word and giving tickets to the bicyclists. the money is there. the monseright here. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> [inaudible] chriswell and traffic calming is good. it's something that gets me excited as a pedestrian, and probably any of you commissioners that you walk around and try to cross the street, and so traffic
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calming sounds good, and i don't hear the outreach though. that's what i am getting from this presentation and from what was represented. i don't think you're -- i mean we have a gay community center and you're not using it for outreach to get to the people to tell you how to spend the money to calm the traffic down. i mean we have better streets. we have smart streets. i mean you can lump it into different programs, different names, different acronyms, but people are seeing the traffic calm and pedestrian safety for everybody, and you know if you're going to be spending this money i think that it should be looked at at market and guerrero. we need to slow the traffic down there especially in the morning when drivers are trying to get
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downtown so thank you. >> thank you. is there anyone else that would like to speak from the public? seeing none public comment is closed. i did want to make a comment that i think dr. -- [inaudible] from the department of public health and others can quantify when you have successful traffic calming projects or slow down 5 miles per hour around schools or key areas it saves lives and i think it's really important and makes sense to shift to the arterials strategically but i hope that we pay attention to the 25 projects locally based and clear up of the backlogs as well. if there any no other comments we don't need to continue this to the chair. it's just an informational item. thank you. let's go to the next item. >> item nine is update on the san francisco transportation plan. this is an information
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item. >> good afternoo the purpose of this is talk about the needs about the investment strategies so the they will include finally constrained investment strategy that will address state of good repair, maintenance and, pedestrian safety, signs and signals and all of those categories as well as expansion projects, and thinking about the long range needs of our system is underlying what our approach would be to that. this is the framework that we have used to
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identify how well we're doing with respect to the goal areas of the commission. we have perform measures that we look at, change between day and 2040 and measures for each goal area. for any of these we can also look at them through an equity lens. are there particular parts of our city, particular neighborhoods, that experience some of transportation issues disproportionately. we know we want to aspire to be a transit first city but we're not there yet in the sense this is a picture of all trips that touch san francisco, to, from and within today and more than half of the trips are network today are made by car, and we don't
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expect that pattern to change much in the future if we don't make any additional interventions in the system, so this is projected growth in trip making between now and 2040 and we are expecting a lot of growth in all modes, but without new interventions in the system we don't expect an overall trend to change. this map shows projected growth in transit trip making between now and 2040, percent growth. cal train is expected to grow significantly because we have committed to cal train electrification and the extension of cal train and you see this large expected percent increase in rider ship. in absolute terms it's about 13,000 new riders which is represented by the percentage. the growth
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on bart and that is about 50,000 new bart riders so it's a smaller percentage but many more riders. this map shows growth in auto trip making just within san francisco, so these are trips that both start and end in san francisco, and they're driving trips and we see significant driving in the southeast part of the city and the eastern part of the city where so much growth is expected. travel to and from sonoma, mission bay, to and from the polls, southeast quadrant of the city. >> wow. >> and this is showing similar information at auto trip growth, but where one trip is outside of san francisco, so they're regional t.
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