tv [untitled] February 21, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PST
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comment. >> no questions. >> any public comments? come on up. >> i'm in trouble now. >> you have two minutes, please indicate your support. >> thank you, thank you, chairman yee, supervisor cohen and supervisor breed, i'm cheryl, i'm the chair of the board of directors and i'm here to voice my support for tom nolan's appointment, he has amazing experience in regional politics and serving on boards, he has four board members right now, myself included, who have less than three years experience on that board, myself and director bridges were appointed about the same time, dr, ramos also has been on the board for a short time, so having someone with tom nolan's experience and to be able to use him as a role model with his interaction with the
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city is important to us and we do continue to face a lot of challenges at the mta, we know there still is a lot of work to be done, but like tom, i'm incredibly impressed with the agency, i'm impressed with the employees, i have also been impressed with the support from the board of supervisors with the -- so, i'm here to hope that you voice tom's nomination on to the full board and thank you very much. >> are there any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is closed now. colleagues, -- well, i'll give my thoughts. i think i'm very happy that tom's willing to extend his commitment to this commission. i just met him recently and just talking to him, i realize
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how much knowledge he has of the situation in san francisco under the mta hospices and that his commitment towards those issues are second to none, so i'll be supporting your nomination. colleagues? >> i too will be supporting the nomination, it was a pleasure working with him on jpb. >> supervisor breed? >> thank you, and i want to move this nomination, not just because commissioner nolan is a resident of district 5, but more importantly, he served on this commission for many, many years and has the support of groups like the bicycle coalition and other individuals who have sent letters to me about how fair you've been on the commission, your leadership and how you've worked with people throughout the years and that's really important bh we talk about transportation and how we deal with the issues of muni and parking meters and everything that exists in this city so to have someone open minded, practical and willing
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to build bridges i think is extremely important in serving, so thank you commissioner nolan, and i want to make sure i want to move this nomination. >> is there a second? >> second. >> seeing no objection, move to the full board. madam clerk, item number 3. >> item number 3, hearing to consider appointing two members, terns ending february 19, 2014 to the bicycle advisory committee, there are two seats and two applicants. >> yes, mr. nicolson, please come up and make your comments. >> for me, this would be a reappointment so greetings, i have served on the bicycle advisory committee for the last two years and we've reviewed a number of issues, i'm a bicycle commuter from the sunset district downtown three to five days a week, seen numerous
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changes over the last two years which are some good, some we need to keep working on so i want to continue my efforts to help the city improve its bicycle plan, my family is also avid bicyclists, i really don't have much else to add other than that, so i'm open to questions. >> thank you, any questions? >> thank you, i have a question, what are your thoughts about the conversation that's happened i think in the last two weeks about moving bike lane from market street to mission street? in two minutes or less. >> that's an interesting question, i find market street too dangerous for comments, like the comments say, there's pedestrians and buses, buses are very dangerous for bicyclists so i often shift over to mission, there's less thing going on, my biggest fear
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on market street with the way it's laid out, you have the buses stopping in the middle of the street and people disembarking from the buses, there's been a couple of cases where people have come out of the bus between the railings and they're hidden by a car and a bicycle may not see them and older people, that's very dangerous, my sense is that if we can reduce the number of different things that can collide on the street, it's better, so that's my personal opinion, not necessarily the committee's opinion, we haven't had a chance to discuss it yet on the committee. >> i look forward to that discussion, thank you, mr. chair, i have no further questions. >> thank you. is morgan fitzgibbons, come on up. >> hello, supervisors, thank you very much for your time today, i'd like to start off by introducing myself, morgan
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fitzgibbons, i would like to thank supervisor breed for nominating me for this position. a little bit about my xwal fi occasions, i am a co-founder of the wig party and we make the area around the wig more sustainable and resilient, you may not recognize me because i don't have my wig on today. in addition to the work that we do through the wig party which has a strong emphasis on bicycle advocacy as well as other things like local food and local economy projects, with regards to bicycle advocacy, we encourage safe riding, to promote bicycle use in general and i also am adjunct professor of environmental studies of the university of san francisco, so that's also, it's outside district 5, but also an important part of the growing bicycle culture through our neighborhood and inner city, you know, i'm excited about this opportunity, you know, i'm eager to help the board of
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supervisors achieve their state goal of creating 20% of trips by bicycle by 2020 as well as finally live up to that 40 year old declaration of transit first which i think we have some work to do here in the city, so i'm happy to answer any questions that you guys might have. >> are there any questions for mr. fitzgibbons? >> [inaudible]. so, i just wanted to say thank you for accepting the nomination. when i found out that i had the ability to appoint someone to this committee, you were the first person that i thought of because of your activity in the district and evenbacker everything that you do centers around the bicycle community, and so having someone who's so involved in not only riding a bicycle but also doing the kind
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of things that you've done to really change the culture of how we treat the bicycle community and how we look at it as a public safety issue more so than anything else is really important, talking about having conversations about bicyclists about being responsible, the wiggle appreciation day and showing respect for the transportation modes of the bicycle community and just really celebrating being a bicycle rider in san francisco is something that you have done and i think it's really important as someone who went to a school, uc davis, that was all about bicycles, i mean, to walk into a culture like that and have the ability to feel safe, ride around the community and everything, you can go anywhere and park your bike, you can go through any streets, mostly flat lands and get around with ease and also the pavement of the streets were really smooth and made it a lot
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easier for people to ride their bicycles without damaging them as much as people tend to damage them here is really important so i know you'll bring so much to the table in terms of your knowledge and experience in san francisco and i really appreciate your willingness to serve on this committee, so thank you. >> of course. >> thank you. >> and is there any public comment on this item? you have two minutes. please indicate of your support. >> hello, supervisors, when i saw this item coming before you on the website, i said, oh, good, because i've been hearing some things from the first gentleman about moving the bike lane off of market to mission because i've been saying for the last couple of months, the
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bicyclists are becoming the new automobile for the pedestrians at least because just like the gentleman was saying, on market street, it's so bad and i love living downtown because it's close to everything i need and i can cross market street at any given time and just like the gentleman said, the bus would be there, the bus would be here, and then the bicyclists will come screaming through, don't stop, don't stop, the light's red and we're paying all this attention to these bicyclists and it's very good, i walk and catch the bus myself, but it's good that we're getting all these bike lanes and stuff but we need to start educating the bicyclists to respect the pedestrians because somebody's going to get hit and it's not just because the bus -- i mean, the people are getting off the bus and just crossing the street and the bicyclists may run into them, the bicyclists are running the red lights, and
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maybe we should probably do some type of pilot program at some of the most deadliest accidents between a car and a bicycle and put some signs up there saying that the bicyclist have to stop at a red light, maybe that's what it will take, i don't know, because the funding is there, the lady was here, was it last week talking about the bumps in the road and the traffic congestion so we have the money, but we have to see if the bicycle coalition will let you all do it. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is douglas yep. when i looked up this item, i thought it was kind of interesting that district 4 supervisor nominated somebody that had already served, see in district 5, we have a new person, so i was kind of
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wondering, could we have a slight discussion here how there was a new person appointed from the district 4 supervisor, was there nobody else interested, maybe, maybe not, and then i would like a short discussion for the public record how these two candidates feel about mandatory bicycle lights at night and also mandatory reflectors on bikes. when i drive around at night, most of the bikes i see don't have either one, and also i would like a slight discussion here about why there isn't uniform enforcement of the traffic rules in regards to bicyclists. i live in the neighborhood with plenty of elderly people and we see bicyclists zooming by and i'm tempted to stop them one time but i'm not supposed to do
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that. thanks. >> any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisors, is there a motion? >> so moved. >> seeing no objection, moved to the full board. okay. madam clerk, can you please call item number 4. >> item number 4 is hearing to consider appointing four members, terms ending january 15, 2013 and january 15, 2015 to the san francisco health authority, there are four seats and four applicants. >> okay, so there's four of you. is susan currin here? come on up. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm susan currin, i'm the ceo at san francisco general hospital, i've been in that
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position for about three years. prior to that, i was the chief nursing officer and coo at the hospital, i've been on a health authority in the san francisco health plan board for the last three years and served as a chair for the last year. i'm very proud of the work that the health authority and the health plan does in providing access to some of the most vulnerable patient populations in san francisco, and especially proud of the designation of outstanding patient outcomes for those that we serve through the health plan, so i'm very happy to answer any questions you might have. >> any questions? supervisor cohen? >> thank you, i just wanted to raise an elevated issue, not an issue, that's not the correct
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way to frame it, bring something to the public's attention, there's a special residency waiver that's required for this specific appointment and as you know, the attorney has indicated to us via memo that there are certain very special requirements for the seat number 3 that ms. currin is interested in and there is a reappointment. the seat number 3 must be employed in the senior management position at management of san francisco general hospital and the reason why we have a resident requirement waiver is because you live outside of the city so i wanted to go on record to make sure that we as a city has done our due diligence and i don't know if there's anyone other than yourself from the city that can speak to this, it looks like there's not, but so this is a reappointment, i'm going to make the assumption that those persons performing on this body have vetted to you.
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i personally like you and enjoy continuing to work with you as we continue to do our work over at general hospital, but there is an underlying assumption that there are no other persons that meet the specific qualifications to satisfy this seat that live inside san francisco. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> perfect. i'm glad i got that out of the way. i would like to also just offer my support for ms. currin in this position. mr. chair, thank you. >> thank you. so, next person, allen meyer. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is allen meyer, i am the vice-president programs for the san francisco community clinic consortium, as you may know, the consortium is 11 primary clinic, non-profit health centers in san
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francisco, collectively they serve am 11 thousand patients annually and are the largest primary care provider, i have worked for the consortium for almost 25 years now, i am also a resident of san francisco and i have been nominated by the consortium board of directors, my position would be taking the place of our ceo john gressman who has been on the board of the health plan, health authority for several years but he is not a resident of san francisco, i'm happy to report that i've lived in san francisco for over 25 years. >> okay, thank you, any questions, supervisors? seeing none. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next person, eddie chan. yes. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is dr. eddie chan, i am
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the current president and ceo of northeast medical services, northeast medical services is a non-profit federally qualified community health center which serves the medically underserved population, we've been in business for about 45 years now, we operate 9 health centers, 7 of them are within san francisco, two are outside of the county and we currently serve 30% of the healthy san francisco population within our 7 clinics. any questions, i could talk about what's happened in the past few years. i am also in a reappointment seat. we've really been proud of what we've been able to serve in terms of expanding access within san francisco. the -- with healthy san francisco, with the seniors and persons of disabilities and also the
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transition of adult day health services into the sea bass program recently. quality, we've increased all our quality scores across the board. we're proud that we've gotten gold medals from medical for the past five years, you know, hitting 90% scores, compared to everybody else in the united states, so i'm very proud of that. >> thank you, and your seat is also a nomination from a community clinic consortium and you are going to be asked to be a residential waiver requirement. supervisor cohen? >> yes, thank you very much, hello, mr. chan, good to see you, i have also had the pleasure to work with you and we've got two facilities, now, i do have a couple of concerns, not about you as mr. eddie chan
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but more the residency waiver requirement, you also live outside of the city. i guess, colleagues, my question really is, has the due diligence been done to really find a person that lives in san francisco? i think that we as a body, that is our first obligation, and i don't know, mr. chan, if you have the ability to talk about how you were nominated by your colleagues. i know i put a phone call in to the consortium, i haven't had a chance to get a call back to find out what the process was. >> within the consortium, we had two seats, the first seat was with the ceo of the consortium, john gressman, so we were able since we had two seats and both of us were waivers because he also lived outside of the city. >> did he previously serve on this body? >> yes. >> so, we're rotating. >> that's why allen now is the other member within the san francisco consortium that is swapping out with the residency
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requirement. >> was it an internal vote between you or the executive leadership team? >> yes, within the consortium. >> i'm curious, does anyone live in san francisco on that team? >> it's getting harder and harder. >> okay, thank you very much. i have no further questions and i also would like to offer my support as we accept this nominee. >> okay. thank you. next person, elena tinloy. how are you? >> i'm good, how are you? good afternoon, supervisors, i am dr. elena tinloy, thank you for the opportunity to be krpd adds a board member of the san francisco health clan, i am a native san franciscan, i chose and live my family in san francisco, i come with close to 40 years of health care experience from a district hospital, a large hmo
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organization, a small ethnocentric hospital and pharmacy at san francisco general hospital, in addition, i have the privilege of sitting on building a healthier san francisco committee for six years and co-chaired with ann cronenb erg, it gives organizations goals to meet in terms of what health care projects or access or other projects that they may want to consider, i believe my experiences make me well qualified to make me a member of the board and i welcome any questions. >> thank you, any questions? >> yes, i would like to ask a question. >> supervisor cohen. >> what high school did you go to? >> lowell,. >> okay, i approve. >> any public comments on this
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matter? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues? >> i had a few questions. thank you. so, i just wanted clarity because the information around the residency waiver wasn't clear to me, it was my understanding that under state law in terms of this particular committee that working in san francisco counts towards a residency requirement and therefore not necessary for us to actually waive the residency requirement in this particular case, and i just want to understand, i'm seeing two different things here, so i want to understand if that's the case and there's no need for us as a body to waive the residency requirement. >> deputy city tern, andrew shan through the chair, you're correct, under state law, appointees to this body need to
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be residents of san francisco or work in the city, after consulting with the clerk's office, in addition to that, it's always been the practice with respect to health authority appointees to grant residency waivers where appropriate. so, that's why it's been noticed on the agenda as also additional requiring a residency waiver for those two residents who are working in the city, that satisfies the requirements but also for the committee to adopt residency waivers for those two individuals. >> it's not necessary, it's just something that's been done? >> it's been my understanding and it's long been the practice that for appointees to this health authority that additionally residency waivers were required >> practice and law, i want to make sure i'm clear, legally we're in the required to do that but it's just something that's always been done? >> it's -- you know, if you want me to get a [inaudible] on that, i can certainly do that,
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but i don't understand that it's been an issue before, but i'm happy to look into it further if you want me to. >> yes, i just as a policy maker, as someone who votes on these things, i don't want to be redundant in making decisions and i think if it's not necessary for us to waive any residency requirements in a particular instance, i would prefer not to do that at all, clearly if someone can serve as a resident or not, it's something we can talk about as a body but i don't see any reason for us to vote on a policy around residency if we're not required to do so in order to allow them to serve. i wanted to make sure i was clear about what the law requires so we're not doing something that we don't necessarily need to do. >> totally understood, supervisor. i'm not sure if you would
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prefer to have the matter put over while i get to the bottom of that issue. >> i don't want to hold up moving forward with this, i have reviewed -- i mean, to my colleague, i have reviewed information about the candidates, they're all excellent choices to serve on this body, and i want to do that. >> the point is well taken. if we could get some clarification and get it back to us. >> yeah, absolutely. >> whether this is going to be, you know, is a local city charter requirement or not. >> well, i just so happen to notice that we have the clerk of the board here in the chamber, ms. angela, i would like to put you on the spot if you could shed some light on supervisor breed's section as the law supersedes our county's practices. >> good afternoon, committee
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members, angela cavio, the clerk of the board, i would recommend that you ask andrew shen to further investigate so you know for sure going forward, and i have a recommendation that we take up the last three items on the agenda and continue this for that length of time if that would allow mr. shen enough time to check this out. >> i don't think that we're asking to continue this. >> yeah, because doesn't impact my decision, i'm happy to support the waiver regardless but i want to make sure that, you know, i just wanted to -- because i have information from the city attorney's office and i have information regarding this particular matter, so i just wanted clarity because i see two different things, however, i don't want this matter to be held up as a result of that. >> right, and it's definitely understood, i will follow up with all the members on this
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commission as soon as possible. >> it sounds like a good idea. >> so, can we have a motion for the nomination of susan currin for seat number 3, allen meyer for seat number 5, eddie chan for seat number 6 and elena tinloy for seat number 14. >> so moved. >> second. >> without any objection, move it to full board. >> did we have public comments on this yet? >> excuse me, before we take -- close this, is there any public comment on this issue. closed, so go ahead and move this to the full board with recommendation. item closed. item number 5, madam clerk? >> item number 5, hearing to consider appointing 7 members for indefinite terms to the food security task force.
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there are 7 seats and 7 applicants. >> okay. i'm going to be calling up the candidates in order. leo o'farrell and i guess the rest, you could line up, linda lau, mar yaoe ya leclair, paula jones, jessie mandle, mei ling hui. >> i have worked for the department of human services and worked for the cal fresh program for that amount of time, cal fresh was formerly known as food stamp program and is nationally known as snap, i'm currently the program director for the cal fresh
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