tv [untitled] February 21, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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in addition, i have been a member of the food security task force since its inception. before that, i worked for over ten years in alameda county as a welfare worker working with food stamps and general assistance programs in the east bay. i have also worked as a farm worker in pear and walnut orchards and planting grape vineyards while i was working my way through high school, during my tenure with cal fresh, it has one a 1 million dollars usd access and participation grant to establish a call center, build an online application portal and establish a network of community based organizations to help improve access to cal fresh. during the five years since the recession started, the cal fresh caseload in san francisco has grown by 86% from just under 15 thousand cases to 29
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thousand cases representing over 40 thousand san francisco residents served by this program. upwards of 7 million dollars in cal fresh benefits are issued each month in san francisco, mostly trance -- transacted by large retailers, now a third of our monthly applications come in online, during my tenure with cal fresh, we established a restaurant meal program where low-income, homeless or disabled individuals can eat hot meals, now 7 other california counties operate such a program. yet there's still significant work to do with cal fresh, notably the horizontal integration with medical for the affordable care act implementation allowing one application for both programs, and further expansion of the program is also required to serve very low-income san francisco residents who are
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eligible but not currently participating. the food security task force is an environment conducive to increasing collaboration and innovation in delivering cal fresh in san francisco so i appreciate your consideration of my nomination to the task force. thank you. >> thank you. any questions of mr. o'farrell? seeing none, linda lau. hi, linda. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is linda lau, i'm a registered dietitian and i'm working for the san francisco department of aging adult services, i've been working with them for -- this is my 29th year and prior to that, i worked in alameda county and san mateo county working with women and children program, currently my position, i primarily work with seniors and adults with disabilities, our
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department primarily offers funding to -- and work with a number of non-profit organizations to coordinate and deliver services to seniors and adults with disabilities and we are one of the 33 area agencies on aging in california and our mission is really to offer a diverse services to enable seniors and adults with disabilities to live independently in the community and my position as senior nutritionist for the department is to oversee these congregate program that is are programs that offers lunch and we have a few that offer dinner in the community in a dining setting so that seniors get to socialize and have other activities to keep them active and we also offer home delivery
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meals to seniors and adults who are unable to come to the senior centers to have lunch. in addition, we have health promotion programs and currently we offer two evidence based programs that really have been proven to help adults and seniors with disabilities to be able to better manage their health condition using exercise programs that have been proven to be effective and there's another program called healthier living which is stanford -- developed by stanford and a six week program, these are the programs that i oversee and work with the staff as well as providers in the community to offer these programs and we are -- and i'm really pleased and happy to be reconsidered and nominated to serve on the food security task force. as you may know, there's still a lot of unmet needs with the
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city with regard to providing meals to low-income seniors as well as adults with disabilities and being on the task force offers me opportunities to network with other groups, whether they are city government departments or non-profit organizations to be able to do our job a little bit better and think of ways that we can be more innovative and at the same time offer services more cost effectively. >> thank you, any questions of ms. lau? seeing none, thank you. and you're a resident of san francisco? >> yes. >> thank you. next, maria leclair. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm mapper raoe ya leclair, i've been in this position for 19 and a half years and i also supervise on the wic program
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director, wic is the women, infant and children supplemental nutrition program for low-income women, infants and children up to the age of 5. i have been a wic director for different agencies, i was in san mateo and i also worked in the central valley at a federally qualified health center for 35 years now, and my passion has always been nutrition and how to get food to those in need. here in san francisco, we have an outstanding program, we serve breastfeeding women, we have a peer counselor project by feeding promotion project that we are very, very proud. we are also committed to making or pushing or encouraging i guess i should say the birthing
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hospitals here in the city to become baby-friendly. so far, out of the only one that is baby-friendly is san francisco general hospital, so we're pushing the other ones along. i have a passion for working here in the city for low-income people and i'm very honored to be nominated again to serve on the food security task force. thank you. >> thank you, maria. any questions? okay. >> i just have a question. ms. leclair, thank you so much for your service. i wanted to ask you a question that might be separate from this particular issue, but you work with wic and i was wondering, was any information communicated to you about the ten cent bag fee and that if someone receives wic, that they don't have -- the bag fee is
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waived? >> no, they haven't. >> okay. >> i don't know anything about that. but i can find out. >> well, i just was told that the bag fee is supposed to be waived for those who receive -- >> who receive wic programs. >> and i wanted to make sure that information was getting to wic and explain that outreach to the folks there, but i just wanted to ask and i'm happy to follow up with you about the issue but i wanted to know if you knew about it. >> no, i don't know about that, no. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> paula jones. >> good afternoon, members of the rules committee and chairman yee, my name is paula jones, i work for the department of public health and i work on food system policy and planning, i'm the director, i've been working on food system issues in san francisco
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since 1998, i've lived in all of your neighborhoods at one time or another so i've lived all over the city for 21 years but currently do not. i wanted to sort of echo some of my colleagues sort of characterization of the food security task force and the fact that it's a very collaborative and functional group, we work very closely together and i wanted to give you some data around the need still that exists. and we're pulling all this together for you and for all of your -- actually districts so you'll know saltily all the food resources and the districts and your issues, we'll be tactbacker constringing you all to give you that data, but currently, we have over 100 thousand people in san francisco getting food from food pantries every week, so that is, you know, getting food from the food bank either at a community center, at a church or some place like that. we also have over 19 thousand
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housing units without cooking facilities, without kitchens in san francisco, this is a big problem for food security, and they looked at the food needs of residents in san francisco living at 185% of poverty or less, so the qualifications for a reduced price lunch and belore or wic envelope, and they looked at all the resources that are out there from cal fresh, from wic, from school meals, all of these and from community needs programs and they found there is still with all of those resources, there's still 145 thousand meals missing a day for that population, so this is why we come together as a group because we know this and because we are working closely at city agencies with each other and with community based organizations, so i love this group, i grew up on a farm so i'm from an agricultural background and worked on food system issues here in san
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francisco if many years and i would be honored to remain a member of the task force, thank you. >> thank you. >> a question for you, ms. jones, you mentioned 185 as a number, is that 185ami. percent of poverty, okay. thank you. >> any other questions? thank you. >> jessie mandle? >> hello, good afternoon. my name is jessie mandle and i am the senior program planner for the department of children, youth and their families and i manage our nutrition programs at dcwf and i manage the summer lunch and after school snacks program, the summer program is our biggest program and this is a program that provides lunches to children 18 and under when school is out because there's a
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big need, people don't have a place to get lunch during the summertime so we provide lunch at community based sites, to over 85 sites across the city and last year, we served around 200 thousand meals, over 200 thousand meals, we also collaborate with the school district to make sure that if they are able to take a place at a school site that we work closely with them so we're not duplicating service and that it's an effective program. i also present the food and fitness community, last year was my first year running the program and being on the food task force was a wonderful experience, not only did we start to think strategically how the program can include but collaborating with people like food runners and other agencies like the food bank to make sure we were avoiding waste as well and last year was my first year
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and i'm looking forward to continuing to run the program and i'm honored to be reappoint to the task force committee and i'm not a resident of san francisco currently although i have in the past, but during summertime, i may as well be here, thank you very much. >> thank you, have -- any questions? seeing none, thank you. mei ling hui. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i oversee the urban agriculture program and sf environment which is the city's environment department, i've been there for five and a half years and launched the urban agriculture program two years ago, it came out of a series of projects, supporting the zone coding changes which allow urban
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commercial farming now in san francisco, i currently participate in the urban sustainability director's network program working group which has representatives across north america, i've worked on many different aspects of several urban farm projects around this city, inside of sfe, we've run a study on the viability of commercial urban agriculture locally, we created a faoezabilities or strategy plan for urban farms to be more successful. i run the orchard's program where we plant fruit and nut trees through carbon fund dollars, i've been attending the task force meetings for about a year now, i've had the opportunity to work on a couple
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of different things with the task force, one of them was helping review and provide support for california cottage food, another one was a project where they're looking at including urban garden programs for food security issues, so i've been really appreciative, all the work that i've been able to do in this area and i'm honored to be considered to help move forward the food security task force for urban agriculture and i'm happy to answer any questions? >> any questions? seeing none, thank you very much. i have to say that we have a very well qualified group of people here to be on the food security task force and are there any public comments? seeing none, public comment is closed. is there any thought to -- can we move to nomination?
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>> i just wanted to make a few comments about the task force in general and thank you all so much for your service. this issue is really important to me. i worked in the western edition community with kids and oftentimes found myself spending a whole lot of money on buying food to make sure that our children are eating and so -- and also growing up, the program during the summer, the lunch program at the park and rec sites was the place we went to in order to have lunch, so these programs are so important and also reaching those kids who need food and nutrition and other things that you all are looking at as a task force, they are extremely important and one of the things that -- one of the challenges that we had as an organization, we were fortunate enough to have a van and the ability to pick up from the food bank, but not all programs and groups
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that serve this population have that same ability, and so i'd like to just ask that when looking at ways in which we provide support to communities that we're looking to serve, that we look at transportation issues, we look at application process and some organizations or individual's inability to maybe have the expertise to complete the application or make the application process. i know that was one of the biggest challenges of some of our public housing sites and not being able to meet the deadline in order to be a site, although it was extremely important they had food during the summer because there were issues around safety for some of these kids who could not necessarily go to other program sites, and so just looking at those sort of issues moving forward on the task force are things that i really care about and i definitely will be paying attention to and they're all
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things you care about which i know is why you're serving so with that, i would be happy to move this, the nomination and do i need to list out the names? >> if you don't mind. >> i don't mind, leo o'farrell for seat 8, linda lau for seat 9, maria leclair for seat 10, dr. paula jones for seat 11, jessie mandle for seat 12, and mei lig hui for seat 13, thank you. >> is there a second? >> second. >> okay, so move to the full board without objection. >> excuse me, supervisor, would you like to waive residency requirement for applicants maria leclair, paula jones and jessie mandle? >> so moved. >> is there a second? >> second. >> okay, without objection, so
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motion will go to full board. item number -- congratulations, i should say that. >> congratulations, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> item number 7, madam clerk >> madam number 7 is an ordinance amending the administrative code by repealing article viii to dissolve the neighborhood community justice task force. >> okay, hi. >> good afternoon, chair yee, members of the committee, may i also request that you read the last two items on the agenda and we can take these as a group. >> madam clerk? >> item number 8 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to dissolve the energy efficiency steering committee, and item 9 is a resolution repealing resolution number 432-10 to dissolve the
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area plan infrastructure finance committee. >> angela, the clerk of the board, every year the office of the clerk of the board prepares an appointment list consisting of all regular and ongoing subordinate bodyser board's commissions to be appointed by the board of supervisors, this list is known as the local appointment list or the matti act. in december, we finalized that report and submitted it to the board and to the public. the board's rules of order further requires the clerk of the board each year from that list to determine and identify every subordinate body that has not met consistently for four month and is to request the city attorney's office to prepare legislation to repeal the legislation or ordinance that established the body and those are the last four items before you today, and we would like to thank linda wong because she is the one who
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compromises the mighty act for us. the clerk's office has three items before you, the first is the area plan infrastructure committee, it was established in 2010 and sponsored by former supervisor soef fee maxwell, the response from the planning department indicated the committee has not yet in over one year, since this committee has not met in the last four years, it's fallen below the standard to continue and we're requesting you recommend the full board that we repeal this resolution, the next item is the neighborhood community justice task force established by ordinance in june, 2010, it was sponsored by supervisor david chu, since the passage of the ordinance, a vacancy notice has been put on the board's website, since july, 2010, however, no members of the public has shown interest during the last two and a half
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years and no applications have been received to serve on the bore, so this task force we feel has not met the required standard to continue, they haven't had their first meeting, there are no plans to do so and with the blessing, we recommend to the full board that this be dissolved. the final item is the energy efficiency steering committee, it was established by an ordinance in april of 2010 sponsored by supervisor mar, since the massage of this ordinance, a vacancy notice has been posted on the board's website since may 11, 2010, no members of the public has shown interest during the two and a half year period and no applications have been received, there's been no public interest to apply for this committee and it has not had its first meeting, it's fallen below the required standard to continue, i would normally request this committee recommend to the full board the
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repealing of the steering committee but we have a unique situation, with this particular issue, after the deadline, i heard from supervisor mar's office of their preference that this steering committee continue. i understand that perhaps nick pagalato is in the audience today and may be requesting this committee sever this item from this list and not move it forward to the board with the other two items. that concludes my presentation. i'm available for questions. >> sure. any questions? any public comment? >> good afternoon, supervisors, nick pagalatos representing supervisor mar. there suddenly is interest in maintaining this committee active, we have received contact from the bright line defense project, they have indicated they are committed to keeping this committee active and they will be working with
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us to find members for this committee, so respectfully, we ask that you sever it from the list and keep it active. thank you. >> thank you. do we need to have a motion to sever this from the list? >> [inaudible]. >> we're talking about item number 8, i believe. >> yeah. >> to the chair, angela, clerk of the board, you can just continue this item to the call of the chair, that would be specifically ms. wong, the item with the energy steering committee. >> so, i will ask this item be continued. then the other two item, items number 7 and number 9, are there any public comments on them? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, is there a motion? >> second. >> seeing no objection, we'll move it to the full board. madam clerk, is there anything
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bakery and is now the no. 1 producer of gourmet cookies in the biarea and thank you for joining us on quick bites. how do you feel? >> i feel great. >> so i want to get to the bottom of some very burning questions. why cookies? >> it was a recommendation from a friend. hard to believe that's how it all started. >> why not pies and cakes? what do you have against pies and cakes, anthony. >> i have nothing against pies and cakes. however, that was the recommendation. >> you were on the road to be an account apblt. >> actually, an engineer. >> even better. and it led to making cookies. >> in delicious ways. >> delicious ways.
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>> this is where the magic goes down and we're going to be getting to the truth behind cookies and cream. >> this is what is behind cookies and cream. >> where were you when the idea came to your mind. >> i was in my apartment eating ice cream, cookies and cream ice cream. how much fun, cookies and cream cookies. their cookies and cream is not even -- it took a lot of time, a lot of fun. >> a lot of butter. >> a lot, a lot, a lot. but it was on
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