tv [untitled] February 21, 2013 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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letters and we've got great responses back. particularly we do want to get the children involved and regarding your comments about other port and constituents we're working closely with not only the restaurants etc., but we're working with the exhibit in the coliseum and the various stakeholders that everyone is aware and has an opportunity to participate >> and my last comment is we're celebrating the rich past and they should know we're so busy today carving a new future and the 7 and a half miles whether it's the music or the open space
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of whether it's some of the major real estate projects and hopefully, this celebration we can portray the water front what it means to the city. and we're redeveloping the skyline so hopefully, we're con varying that exist of what we'll be doing over the next several years >> following up on chairmans comments. i can see in the future this city is going beyond san francisco. everybody this is going to be - we'll no longer be san francisco. everything in this water front
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will be in the bay area. what we have here in the bay area everybody will benefit. they don't have a crews terminal but it will be named after the president of our union and we have a great leader in the union and he's given back. and as the future we're creating mayor lee this will be a part of his legacy and our legacy and also the young kids legacy. thank you >> thank you. moving on >> we request china 13 caffeine
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and making the ports conference for the support staff. >> i'm sorry commissioner adams your recusing yourself from this. and you should make the motion to recuse >> i move that we recuse commissioner all these. >> now we go back to actually is there any public comment 1, 2, 3, 4. we go back to approve the commissioner to attend the china conference. >> so not.
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>> second. >> all in favor? resolution 1302 has passed. moving on >> item 10 a presentation on real estate and maritime revenues for the first quarter of 2012 and 13. >> good afternoon, commissioners aim nate with the real estate division i'm here with my colleagues to present the revenue that came 2012 and 13. without getting into all the details we'll just talking about some of the highlights.
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our vacancy rate is incredible low compared to our history as the market as a whole and it's due to the supply and demand side. the demand suicides has come up from the economy improving. and some tenants have been displaced who have taken up other places there's not layoff a lot on the port to lease. i should say those vacancy rates don't include the buildings we're in today or the vacant land. the other indicator we use is
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the annual revenues that has been hoover over 4 percent. the bigger story is we've got one account that repeals half of the out standing amount and once we're able to resolve that the delinquent rate will drop. now predictably we lost money in the industrial space storage facilities and parking lot this was due to the america's cup project as well as the displacement where the crews ship term is being built. we need the city to rehe bureaus
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us dues to some complications has not generated revenue for us however, we're expecting a revenue reimburse time. a lot of those costs have been offset by parking lot meter funds >> good afternoon commissioner this is marilyn i'm from the medical examiner division financial analysts. on the maritime does the revenue is up by 21.4 percent. and it's from two sectors cargo.
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and by construction projects. and a one time shift from payment from the economy and taxes increase. on ship repair activity is up assault of drudging the basin completed in 2011 it allows bigger ships to come into the yard for bigger projects. port wide revenue is 2.7 percent up in the first quarter compared to the same quarter last year. we expect the growth to continue in the fiscal year.
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>> is there any public comment? hearing commissioners. okay. i had a couple of questions. can you just remind us the toll footage of the real estate that is now accompanied right now is how much? >> let's see here. >> okay. i think it's 200 in your report 2000000.4 square feet? so this is what we manager directly. ; isn't that correct >> i believe - >> i think that's right. i
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think i answered my own question. i want to know since the city has adopted mrartd meter so the port is following that as well? what is the policy? >> the latter is we've also had sunday prargsz. >> i got a ticket for that. >> and i understand and i just want to know is it a quarterly timing issue? the revenue is down so this is a question of timing we expect to make up for the rest of the year or do we see other cruise ships going forward. >> for the first time quarter we have 3 paerdz left, however,
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we're going to have 65 cruise ships vs. 59 last year and we're going to have a total of more than the number of passengers we had last year. if it's beyond 24 hours we're going to charge additionally. >> i think it's positive we're seeing all the lines. >> presentation think the ports loading green with yellow tags
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manage. the program inspects categoryized and includes the projects of buildings under the ports jurisdiction. we have already completed the smishgs of the ports. this is to let you know that the facilities and this identifies the port structures - in approximately 5 year timeframe to void having to shut down this facilities. and it is an update of the facilities that was presented in 2009 at the ports meeting.
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for each facility the structure inspection finding are somewhat summarized in the report. this includes the structure meeting of the inspect facility shown on a map of the facility. the structure rating column scheme is green for upper restricted use good structural conditions. yellow is the color is used load sizes up and it's for future structural data. the red tags facilities are
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their restricted assess for poor condition. the map that i'm using for my presentation says the current structure ratings of the port facilities you can see the facilities are green some facilities are yellowing and some facilities are red. this staff report presents a stack port facilities. i'd like to address the structures that should be repaired as soon as possible. starting with the yellow and green tag facilities the following is a list of 9 loaded facilities that the port staff
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recommended in the future a 5 year timeframe to void being shut down for repairs - in the rarp repairs are not executed. the joining sea wall in fish man's waver this supports a roadway and the back part supports the fountains for a number of fish man's waivers buildings. as you can see the flags are deteriorated and the same thing can be said about the area by the piles.
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the area in the piles is neat. if we use a back file we'll experience segments of the structures. the facilities in the port sea wail and waver construction is the similar construction we're dealing with damage flagging and damaged piles. appear 35 substructure including south area. this is a concrete area that was built in 1913 extended to 1932. poor engineering were designed
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only the critical repairs that loud the continued function of the appear. as you can see the beams most of the beams are damaged. the same thing with the suffered of the deck. another facility appear 289 substructure including an american people iron. 14 g says all structure appears and damage be repaired at this time. and appear 39 to continue the function of this appear. america's cup is using right now peer 28, however, the loads
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imposed on the structure are reduced. one another facility - facilities that are close to pier one and it's a bad feature. i apologize. you can see that the structures on piles over the water. the parking block was demolished. and it needs repairs. with the completion of those repairs it should perform accurately for the next 10
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years. another building and the facilities is the culture building is south american people iron. repairs are not made and not allow vehicles to enter the south american peoplpeon and this is missing the falling of concrete. that's definitely not a definition of reinforced concrete. one other facility is the pier to superstructure and
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substructure. for prior agreement you can see the building will be demolished by 2015. one other facility is the pier 54 substructure. pier 54 has many damaged beams. as you can see here again, it is exposed and missing concrete damaged - damaged piers the estimated amount a very high to fix. the next facility i'd like to
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show you is the pier 9. and some of the piles as you can see have been wrapped up for purpose of protection and some of the piles are unwrapped. all wood piles have kurnld dry rot. we feel that repairs will make the facility function for the next 10 years without repairs. let me address yellow facilities
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treating for the 10 year lifespan. now the staff recommends we do in the future and these will be good for 10 years. the facilities which you have not seen in the report in 2009 are depredicted by the light shading. let me go to the red tagged facilities. they may collapse in the near future. also we're engineering a
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focusing and continuing to monitor those facilities and these o these needs to be included into our work. a port includes the use of facilities for repairs to be made or facilities to be demolished. and their depicted by light shading. let me please address the families for the facilities. when we speak to them the yellow facilities i would say we need to repair within 5 years. some of those are funded and some have no funding. the group is prioritizing the
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yellow area for fund. regarding the red facilities there is very little fund for these projects. the estimated fund for the structure of repairs i'm talking about the red repairs the capital fund total 1.5 to $4 million. in the coming years the capital plan shows the piers to be 4 bloidz. this concludes my presentation. my questions please? >> any public comment?
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commissioners? okay a lot of work to be done >> so i'm going to try to connect some dots and i appreciate this update. i understand there is some funding available. i'm trying to understand since we're going to have a capital report does this automatically mean if it's red or yellow it has to be go immediately on the if you happened? i'm trying to figure out how this is going to feed into the next presentation. i understand from the engineering side we understand those various are
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