tv [untitled] February 23, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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oppose it that you let them sell tobacco. so i say let's be consistent, let's not let politics, politics influence the decision today. so i say do it one way or the other, but consistent. and lastly i would like to thank this committee for holding this hearing because according to my recordkeeping, there has been far too many canceled committee hearings in city hall lately, so i would like to thank this committee for having this hearing because you are doing the people's work which is more than i can say for the committees that cancel it. i think they should dock the pay every time they get canceled. >> is there any other member of the public who would like to speak. >> good morning, i'm mike torres from the police station.
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we met with walgreen's and had several meetings with them and captain gart ee asked me to relate that he's in full support of this application and he's in favor. they were issued a liquor license back in 1959 and that liquor license was surrended in 2004. they have had a liquor license for many many years and we have not any significant problems with their liquor license when they had it back then. so that's all i have. thank you. >> thank you very much, officer. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is close. >> thank you, i would like to thank all of the members who spoke on walgreen's. let me address the issues around an
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allowing stores to sell alcohol. we decided in the city that drug stores should not sell tobacco. i'm open to a citywide policy that should also apply to liquor license. that being said we do not have that city policy and from my perspective it's important to treat our activity with drug stores consistently as i have said, from my perspective it's important to mitigate this, i asked colleagues to consider the decisions. i think it is a wortsd ee conversation that we ought to consider. whether it makes sense for this type of liquor license to be allowed in the neighborhood stores. i would like to thank those from the alliance for better
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district 6, the north market business associations. you helped to raise a number issues that i do think have been addressed with the mitigation whether it be square footage which i have heard, which alcohol sales not to be continue today midnight but for nights that have a lot of public safety and other neighborhood activities and thenen insuring there is a positive net impact. so with that colleagues i would like to ask two things so far that the letter provides by walgreen's be continued and the agreements be continued in the matter
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approved. >> thank you. supervisor mark. >> thank you. i'm strongly in support of our president chew's works and supervisor as well that make sure we are protecting the area and really conscious of the over abundance of alcohol permits especially in higher concentrated of crime. i think these i am improvements address many of the concerns raised by residents. i see this as a compromise. i also support broader level thinking about how we protect the public from over consumption of alcohol as well. i know the area well because h and m is a favorite of my daughter so coming out of h and m we've witnessed purse snatching and other crimes. i think the came race cameras will help this. i think the addition of the flagship will
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increase that area of that squarement i want to focus on the areas of tenderloin. the alcohol license to allow within nine months of purchase of a second one is an important measure to protect the safety as well. i want to thank mr. alg knee that jobs will be created and there is a lot of benefits to the neighborhood hopefully legally, licensed and will focus on other areas as well. thank you. >> just want to again thank every member of the public who has come out and again thank especially the members of the community from both district 6 and 3 to share their thoughts. the thing about alcohol and the role it can blah play and
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should play, i think the conversation should be very specific. i know i represent district 9 and we have an alcohol special use district that has been in place for a number of years that creates restriction on what kind of business can go in there. anytime you place limitations there are unintended consequences. we are dealing with tweaking that as well, the point is that what works in one neighborhood may not necessarily work in another and whatever you come up with something that should be reflecting have what the neighborhood needs and what the community wants. what i see here is a compromise that strikes i think a good balance among the various interest with something like this i think a good deal of deferens should be given to the supervisor and the community who understand the ground to represent that
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district w that i -- and by the way, a couple points i know that i would expect walgreen's to continue to work with the community. this is approved to continue with the district of supervisor and it's great to see there will be 30 union jobs created and i'm sure walgreen's will make sure we have a diverse population of the work force and would encourage that and kudos to the community groups and alliance for better district 6 and my hope is that as some of the these items come forward p people will do the work of reaching out on the front end and not the back end because i think it moves it a lot more quickly and it's in better results. if with a, that, if i can have a motion the letter to president choo
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included in the record and part of the approval, if we can have that motion. we have a motion by supervisor mark. if we can take that wow objection. again i want to acknowledge the work of the san francisco police department, officers, thank you very much for your work and thank you to the community members who are here and thank you walgreen's. >> is there any further business before this committee? there is no further business. >> the meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you
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see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪ please beware that the
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commission [inaudible] any mobile devices that may sound off during the proceedings. if you'd like to speak on an agendized item, please fill out a speaker card and when speaking to the commission speak into the microphone and do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll at this time. commission president fong? >> here. >> commission vice president wu? >> here. >> commissioner antonini? >> present. >> commissioner borden? >> here. >> commissioner moore? >> here. >> commissioner sugaya? >> here. >> first up, commissioners, on your calendar, consideration of items proposed for continuance, item 1, case no. 2012.1442c for 795 folsom street, request for conditional use authorization is being proposed for continuance to february 28th, 2013. i have no other items proposed for continuance and i have no speaker cards. >> is there any public comment on the one item proposed for continuance? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? commissioner sugaya. >> move to continue item number
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1 to february 28th. >> second. >> on that motion to continue 795 folsom to february 28th, commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commissioner borden? >> aye. >> commissioner hillis? excuse me, commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner sugaya? >> here -- i mean, yes, aye. [laughter] >> commissioner wu? >> aye. >> and commission president fong? >> aye. >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to 0 and placed you under your consent calendar. all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar, are considered to be routine by the planning commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. items 2a and 2b for case no. 2012.0391d for 524 vienna street, mandatory discretionary review.
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item 3, consideration of adoption, draft minutes of special meeting of october 11, 2012 and draft minutes of regular meeting of october 18, 2012. that's all i have under consent. >> is there any public comment? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. >> move to approve. >> second. >> on that motion to approve items 2a and 3, commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commissioner borden? >> aye. >> commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner sugaya? >> aye. >> commissioner wu? >> aye. >> and commission president fong? >> aye. >> so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously 6 to 0. it places you under commission questions and matters. item number 4, review and approval of combined commission secretary position announcement and recruitment process4. * >> commissioner moore. >> may i ask that you call a and b? >> i did indeed. >> i didn't hear that. thank you very much. >> is there any public comment on minutes?
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commissioner comments? commissioner wu. >> move to approve minutes from february 7th. >> second. >> on that motion to adopt minutes for february 7th, 2013, commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commissioner borden? >> aye. >> commissioner moore? >> aye. >> commissioner sugaya? >> aye. >> commissioner wu? >> aye. >> and commission president fong? >> aye. >> so moved, commissioners that motion passes unanimously and places you under item 5, commission comments and questions. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah, i'd like to ask that we adjourn today in memory of lou spadia. i'd like to say a few words about mr. spadia because i think there are some great life lessons here for those of you who did not know who he was or did not see the obituary in the chronicle or examiner. lou was a native san franciscan, raised in potrero hill. and like was the case with my
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father, didn't learn english till he went to elementary school. i'm not sure which school it was but it was somewhere in san francisco. i'm not sure if it was the case for lou also, but my father got to do the first grade twice because the nunns wanted to make sure he was fluent in english before he advanced. i think it served him well through the rest of his life. in fact, he gave them a considerable sum when he passed way. he felt they were successful because of their insistence on his fluency in english. anyway more on mr. spadia. he advanced through high school. he was so fluent and so well liked that he became student body president in mission high school. and then right after he -- after the war he got out of the service and was probably the first employee of the san francisco 49ers when they were formed by the morabito brothers in 1946 as part of the all-american football conference. and his early jobs included things like being the equipment man, making travel arrangements
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and having to do bed checks on players to see that they were in bed. but i think the lesson here is he worked really hard and worked his way up through the organization, becoming business manager in '57 and becoming ceo after the second of the morabitos passed away in the mid 1960s. and he also was influential with the nfl in persuading pete rozell another product of usf to start putting national ads in nfl programs and it was the beginning of the growth of the league. but what's even more important, mr. spadia went on as ceo until the team was sold to the dibartolo's. it was the sports hall of fame. it was the hall without a hall. the money we raised on this
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event we don't want to build a structure to house the plaques of the players. we want to give it to children to help in their sports and education. so, that's really important. and i think the lessons, as i mentioned, is even today if you'll work hard and persevere, you can advance in an organization. and i know of situations in today's world where people will begin at the bottom and rise to the top of organizations by hard work. and secondly, of course, it's very important to be fluent in the language that -- of your country, in this case english. and third you've got to give back to the community for the things that were given to you. so, i think lou is a great example and that's why i want to adjourn in his honor. >> thank you. commissioner sugaya. >> yes. i had the privilege of meeting mr. spadia when i was a little kid. and he was a member of st. pious church where one of my
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very good friend's mother was secretary. so, we had occasion to meet him. i don't remember exactly, but anyway, like to thank director ram for the railroad boulevard i-8 0 -- i-2 80 project memorandum. and i assume at some point in the future we'll actually have some presentation or something when it gets along far enough. * and then we also, courtesy of our secretary and i believe the mayor's office received a list of current -- this week's agenda item for various commissions and boards. and i'd just like to note that under entertainment, on the 19th, they had an issue which was town music studio at 1660 geary boulevard, place of entertainment permit. and that is in the japan
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center. so, could staff look into that a little bit and give it -- maybe just give us a short, like a memo or something on what's going on with that. given that other entertainment seems to have caused some issues. and then under the building inspection, there was discussion and possible action -- i'm just reading this -- on a proposed ordinance amending the building code to establish mandatory seismic retrofit for wood frame buildings of three or more stories and containing five or more dwellings. could we also get some information -- okay, all right. >> in fact, on your advance calendar as a future presentation -- >> all right, okay, great. thank you. >> commissioner borden. >> yes, i would also -- i also got to know lou spadia. i went to the chamber in his
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years he would actually still come in. it was always such a delightful person to have around. people don't know what the bay area sports all of fame is, when you're in the united terminal at san francisco international airport, it has the plaques of the athletes. it's a great idea and a way to make our airport terminal very local and interesting. the other thing i wanted to announce is the red cross has moved into their new offices at 1663 market at goff and this friday they're having an opening blessing. so, if you're around at the building [speaker not understood], will be going in at some point. you can come see a great adaptive reuse project of a great old building that is being inhabited and what they will have at some point in the future is the disaster operations center for san francisco for when there is a major seismic event and they're going build a state-of-the-art
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operation center because we actually don't have one. >> thank you. commissioner moore. >> commissioner borden, could you send out a quick e-mail to us so that we kind of know the time and date and repeating the location one more time. thank you. >> any additional commissioner comments, questions? >> commissioners, that will place you under director's report, item 6, director's announcements. >> thank you. good afternoon, commission. just a couple of quick announcements. we have had the green connections plan that we've been working on with a number of city and nonprofit agencies including the parks alliance, lock san francisco and nature in the city. there has been a survey that has been online for a number of weeks that closes at the end of the month. so, just to offer -- want to get their last thoughts in on that. that survey will close. it's on the planning department website. that survey does close on february 28th. i wanted to let you know that the japantown plan, which the
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community has now changed the name of to the japantown cultural economic and sustainability strategy is now available online * on the department's website. or through the japantown task force as well. that community has completed its work on that plan and the draft is out for public comment. and there is a public meeting on that plan on next tuesday, the 26th, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the japanese cultural and community center at 1840 sutter street. so, that is to talk about the draft of the whole plan that the community has completed. finally, i just wanted to let you know that we are on track with the academy of arts and the violations, the conditions of the notices of violations. they have met their first two rounds of deadlines. so, they have met the requirements that we asked them to meet to date, and we are working with them on a series of -- we are scheduling a series of meetings to go over
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the details of our long-term plans. and also, of course, on any of the conditions in the enforcement actions, but we are on track as of right now with the academy. that concludes my report. the zoning administrator tells me that there was a board of appeals hearing last night, but there wasn't anything on commission action. he will be here next week to give you a full report on the board of appeals as well. >> commissioners, there is no report from the board of supervisors either. so, item 7 will be a review of last week's events or yesterday's events at the historic preservation commission. >> good afternoon, commissioners. tim frye, department staff here to report to you on yesterday's historic preservation commission hearing. it was a very short hearing, so, there's only a couple item to share with you. the commission continued its decision on who to appoint to the historic preservation fund committee. as you know, this is a committee that was made up of
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variety of stakeholders from the preservation community and various city agencies as a result of the emporium settlement a number of years ago. the historic preservation commission has one appointment to that committee and has decided to postpone that decision until all members of the commission are appointed. the commission also received a update from commissioner haase on 900 innes. this is the ship right cottage down at 900 innes in the bayview neighborhood. there are some outstanding dbi violations on the landmark property. commissioner haase was appointed to work with the community and randy shaw, the property owner, in finding ways to raise the money for a new roof on the structure and to secure the structure and to address the outstanding violations. and he gave a report on the estimates that are currently
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being procured via several contractors and will report back to you once the community and the property owner have a better idea of what direction they're going to take to address the violations. commissioner haase will also be present at the dbi hearing in early march to represent the historic preservation commission along with the planning department and the property owner. that concludes my report unless you have any questions. thank you. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes, mr. frye. was there -- on this advance notice there's 206th street, there was some 106 issue. >> 206th street was on their agenda. it wasn't an issue per se. it's a standard practice for certain size projects that require section 106 review by our historic preservation commission. they provided review and comment on the m.o.a. that has been prepared between the mayor's office, hud, and the
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property owner. they had a few comments about the public display, interpretive display on the site. but other than that, just a couple clarifications. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. >> moving forward, commissioners, that will place you under general public comment. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. i have no speaker cards. >> is there any general public comment on items that are not on today's agenda? seeing none, general comment -- public comment is closed. >> commissioners, that will take you to your regular calendar. and i just received a request from supervisor wiener's office to move item 8 to the end of the calendar in order to afford persons who would like to speak an opportunity to arrive.
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>> okay. >> if that's agreeable, then we will take items 9 and 10 out of order. item 9, case no. 2012.0077t, amendments to the planning code, modifying controls for medical service uses in the sacramento neighborhood commercial district [board file no. 13-0042]. * case no. 2012.0077t, amendments to the planning code, modifying controls for medical service uses in the sacramento neighborhood commercial district [board file no. 13-0042]. >> good afternoon, commissioners. amy rodgers, planning department staff. i've just been contacted by supervisor farrell that [speaker not understood] is in route. in fact, there she is. so, i will allow her to make some opening remarks to the commission and then i will run through our department's recommendation on this proposed ordinance. >> thank you. >> i'd like to think i'm not out of breath, but i am. good afternoon, commissioners. kathrin stephanie, legislative aid appearing on behalf of supervisor mark farrell. just wanted to take a brief moment to describe the genesis of the legislation you have before you.
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several months ago our office received a call from the owner of 32 39-32 41 sacramento street. mr. steve mitchell, who is expected to be here today, i think is going to be here around 1:00, though. i apologize he's not here now. at that time he described the unique nature of his property and how the controls of sacramento street and ncd were making it extremely difficult to utilize the ground level space of the old victorian. the victorian built in 1883 is designated as a potential historic resources -- resource and the ground level space is not visible from the street. i have a picture here for your reference. so, you can see here, i don't know, i've never done this before, so, is it on there? it's face up.
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