tv [untitled] February 24, 2013 12:00am-12:30am PST
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is generally pretty slow and february we see more of an up-tick in business and venues and that is not really happening. what we are seeing is that january was not that slow, and it was actually pretty yus and february is also pretty busy but not as busy as normally this time of year. i am going to cut it short. so if anyone has any questions at this time on information handed to them please go ahead. >> vaj, do you know if the promoter was on our list of promoters? >> they were not. >> do you know what the ramifications are to the permit holders promoters are not on the list? >> they have a possibility of a citation. >> thank you. >> commissioner hyde? >> i was just wondering, what kind of qualifications you are looking for that other position? do they need like police training? >> for the other inspect or position? >> no, we are not looking for
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police training we are asking for some kind of experience in the industry. you know, it would be preferable and we are looking for someone that we are defining as some kind of law experience. meaning, you know, whether it be law school or working even as a legal aid or something like that. this job as the commissioners know entails a fair amount of code and law working with the city attorney and other agencies, so, having someone come in who has some basic understanding of that it would be helpful. >> and then, everyone who has some kind of security, or code enforcement or law enforcement background is going to get pushed to the front of the line just because of the nature of the work. >> okay. >> any other questions commissioners? >> is there public comment on the executive director's report? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item number four, police department comments and questions?
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officer, methias. >> a quite et reporting session and we will go over a few incidents that happened on broad way and columbus, there was an aggravated assault and the victim was stabbed six times at a parking lot across from the seller. looking into it, as far as what we know so far, there is a verbal altercation in the club and it did not amount, as far as we know into a yelling match or anything like that. much, less of a fight. but the victim, left the club, went across the street and was attacked by about 8 people. he was kicked, punched and went down to the ground and then he was stabbed three times in the chest and two times in the
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stomach. so when things like this happen, you are trying to think, is there anything that the club could have done differently. at this point, i don't know. if there was a small, if there is an argument, you know, who knows whether or how verbal that was or whether it ruled out i don't know yet. so i am going to reserve judgment. but i do want you to know that that did happen. we are also dealing with the parking garage and maybe improving lighting or they did not have an attendant there. >> these are the things that effect the entertainment industry on a pretty large scale but these are the issues. we are looking with the bureau and the lighting situation to see if those things can be improved. >> on february 13th, the victim was in route to center fold to meet with friends and he was robbed at samson and belao and was beaten by three to four
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suspects they are looking for them. >> last that i heard he was in a coma having surgery, regarding, i guess reliefing pressure on the brain and that was the latest i guess on monday. >> february ninth at the rec room, there was a petty theft and then on february 6th at 219, the hungry eye, 554 broad way they were operating after 2 a.m. without an extended permit. sergeant gains talked with them and made a police report and they have been told that they need to go for an after hours permit in order to them to operate after 2:00 a.m.. >> as far as what happened on broad way and columbus this happened at 1:55 when the call came out. as far as the cab, there were up to 200 people fighting in the street in the sidewalk and the major fights were happening in the parking lot.
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due to the large scale of the fights and the crowd an all city response was called where the officers responded from all over san francisco to come in. there were five arrests ranging from aggravated assault with another weapon that was a victim that was kicked in the head. and so they caught that suspect to several assaults on police officers and everything from an officer dealing with the situation and being hit from behind to someone trying to free the prisoners and so there were a total of five arrests that night. looking at it, there was a party at fame, which is at 435 broad way. and it was a memorial event/fund-raiser. talking with the owner, he said that there were absolutely no incidents inside of the club, no fights or arguments. he was actually real surprised when all of a sudden there was a large group fighting in front in the parking lot. and so one thing we do know is
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that there were people in the club that were fighting in the street with various different groups on the broad way area. a lot of times a situation like this is you have people from you know the clubs that might get involved in the fight and you also have people that just hang out and maybe they never went into a club but hanging out on broad way and now we have an opportunity where we have a large scale fight so a lot of people are jumping in. we are working with the parking lot attendants to see how we can make that better. they have significantly improved the lighting it used to be a dim lit area and now it is really bright. there is some surveillance cameras there, we are going to be talking with them as far as what kind of staffing they had and then also one of the problems we were dealing with is the cars being able to leave in a timely manner and it is kind of a rubix cube if you have all of these cars tucked in there where you have to get one and there is one in the back and you have to move all
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of these cars and that could create an issue. that is one thing that we are going to deal with the permit bureau and the loss to see the best fit for everybody. any questions or comments? >> i have a couple of questions. >> so, with regard to the parking lot, the loitering ordinance, the parking lot attendance in that lot are not security. they are parking lot attendants? >> correct. >> if someone is loitering they don't call the police? >> it would not come under the legislation as far as loitering near a nightclub however what they will be able to do it is private property and so if they had something that had business there usually if you are going to go into a parking lot you are going to go there and drop off your car and go into the club. i don't think that it is unreasonable that if someone is hanging out that does not have business there that the parking attendant says can i help you, no we need you to leave this area. >> there are enough officers if
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there were an issue they will be able to come over. >> no one from the parking lot contacted the officers and said that there is an issue in the lot prior to 2 a.m. or 1:55? >> that i don't know, i talked to officer omera from the sfbd permits and he said that the people from the lot did call, whether it was in response to the large-scale fight or calls before, i'm not sure. >> okay. and then those... i have a different question, but i will see if anybody has questions first. >> i had a question about the seller. i think that over the last six months, on and off i just noticed them pop up for different incidents. is there any sort of a trend there or an issue of security. i have not heard of an assault the way that you just described in the past, but i am curious if you are noticing? >> i have found them to be spuradic and i am being aproefd by the officers saying hey,
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what is going on here? we have all of these problems here. and i have met with the commission, and we brought them in, and spoken with them. usually we see an improvement, and then, you know, kind of comes back. so there is a back and forthwith that. >> you have a leeway to enforce that they have to security, in order to... >> that is where we are going to be looking at. if you look at number one, just having the security person that can go through the parking lot, can take away a lot of the problems. and you are talking about the people that are drinking or doing drugs, if there is a security guard that can go through and alert to something like that. they are not going to feel comfortable doing that in that setting. they have improved the lighting
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which is done and it is very, very helpful. but, i think that we are going to be looking at this to see where we need to tighten it up or work with the lot. >> i couldn't say when they have brought them in, and dealing with the sfpd permits they have been receptive towards improving on what we have needed them to do whenever we asked them. >> does it say that the parking lots are supposed to have security? >> the chief has the final say. >> the chief of police? >> yeah the small business commission wanted to give the operators a chance to correct their problems before they actually have security personnel there. but it is up to the chief and the permit officer to put that on the calendar. >> usually when they say the chief, they need the chief or one of the agents? >> or at a district level. >> right. >> it is important to remember,
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that this is just as the officer said, this is a parking lot that in the past was really badly lit. it would be overflowing with cars and would have two people on staff, right? >> or one, sometimes? >> you know, we had had fights in the past in this parking lot when we found the parking attendant and he had locked himself in the booth. so on this particular evening, i think that they had as many as eight. >> eight attendants on duty. we are seeing that improvement. this particular altercation should not have happened but we are in a situation where they have done a lot so far but it was not enough for this particular. >> i think that at the end of the day, the attendants tend to lock themselves in the booth when something is happening. >> yeah. >> at least they call, at least there was somebody there. >> some lots they just leave at 12 and there is nobody there. >> officer, methias another question for you since i don't see anyone from the command staff here.
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do you know if non-amplified sound on the street, on any street, someone saying that they are giving a loud speech, or screaming a speech, someone playing a drum and not amplified, does that rise to disturbing the peace? >> right now it is a real contention and i know on broad way, not on broad way but on powell, the cable car turn around it is an issue that the police department has been having meetings with trying to meet with other departments as well as the artists. looking at it from somebody yelling, is one thing. and also, if you are beating on a drum, but, it is easier for us when the amplification comes into play but there are a noises that are made. a lot of times we are the peace makers trying to see what we can deal to have everyone get along for that. >> sometimes it is a temporary thing where they go and they leave. but, it is hard, it is a real
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gray area. >> so we have been contacted by a tent ant in the building, which is a building building and offices about a lot of noise from tap dancing. drummer. drums, the bucket, man, who is, testified before this commission, once upon a time. and other people about non-amplified sound issues disturbing them during the day, when they are trying to work. and we either, we have no recourse to that, although he wants us to fix it. we have no recourse, it is a first amendment issue as far as we know. and so, the other question was, well, if it does not come under our sphere of influence, does it come under the police under the disturbing the peace? does it rise to disturbing the peace? >> there is no clear cut definition of what disturbing
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the peace is. one thing that they have is that a police officer's peace cannot be disturbed. what we have to do is i can't make a judgment call and say that is too loud. i have to actually get a complaint that is willing, push comes to shove to sign-off on a citizen's arrest for someone like that. >> and you can do citizen's arrest and disturbing the peace, is it a misdemeanor? >> it is a misdemeanor. >> it is? it is a misdemeanor. have you ever done that or do you any anyone that has ever done that >> usually we are able to go with a noise complaint and work it so that we basically the noise stops. that is i would say 99 percent of all noise complaints that we get. we go out there and take care of it and get the people to quiet down. we do have incidents where it is an ongoing situation so we will develop a protocol for the report and get them cited and released. >> do you know if the flood
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building on market street is in central station. >> that would be in the southern. >> that is in the southern station, you have been very informative. >> any other questions? >> okay. public comments on police questions and comments? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. item number five. possible actions. under the jurisdiction of this commission. push psh item number a. kyung kim doing business as town music studios, 1660 geary boulevard, place of entertainment. miss kim? >> as you can see nicholas is not here and so i am going to use the memo as a background for these permits and hopefully we can move through these without any problems. this is as you said, a karaoke
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venue on japan down. and this is geary is in the same building as the japan town mall. it has individual karaoke rooms for rent and has been operating for a long time. this is one of those bringing them into compliance as we have talked about in the past by the process. they have worked with the staff and the station to talk about improved security and i believe that northern station, officer freus is here and can speak to what process he has gone through with the applicant. and we did get and i think that you should have it. in your packets. a list of conditions, but they are recommending approval with these conditions. in your package. so, i am not sure who you want
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to hear from first, is the applicant here? >> the applicant. >> that one is on. >> do you want to add anything to what i said? >> no? do you want to take some questions from the commission? >> do you speak english? >> do you understand completely? >> okay, i want to make sure that you understand. >> commissioners do you have questions in >> how long have you been in business? >> 20 years. >> 20 years, at the same location? >> yes. >> have you had any incidents of people fighting inside or city incidents of violence or drunkenness? >> sometimes now, i am going to put the security on thursday, friday, saturday, so making
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sure no trouble. when i talk there should not be any problem because it always happens after 2:00 >> it happens after 2:00 >> but now i am going to close 12 and there should not be any problem. >> there should not be any problem. >> she says that she closes at 12. >> there should not be any problems. >> she is going to have a security she said. >> also going to put the security. >> no problem. >> any other questions? >> no. >> any other questions, commissioners? >> no. >> kim. why don't you have a seat, okay? and we will finish, thank you very much. >> let me hear from... >> this place has been around a long time. i know of...
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>> the permit officer. >> yes. you are jumping the gun. >> sorry about that. good evening, commissioners. dave freus northern station. the reason that i am here this evening is because town music studio, located at 1660 geary boulevard is coming into compliance to come for a place of entertainment permit. northern's station position on this permit is that town music gets approval for their permit so long as they have an adequate security plan. northern station's primary concern that one security needs to be present specifically thursday through saturday 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and on those conditions, 4:00 p.m. but we should change that to 7:00 p.m. if that is okay with you? >> i have discussed these conditions today with the applicant kim in my office. and we agreed on these
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conditions. are there any questions? >> was there activity after hours here before they were coming in here? >> historically yes. >> okay. zoning does not permit after hours s that right? >> no. commissioners. this application was initially for both a place of entertainment and extended hours. the applicant has decided not to pursue the extended hours premises. so we are now having you look at just the place of entertainment permit. >> okay. >> any other questions commissioners? >> thank you very much. >> is there public comment on town music studios, 1660 geary? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? yes, commissioner? >> i have a question about one of the conditions. does the karaoke rooms have
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windows in them now? >> or do they have to build the windows as part of the condition and all of the rooms? >> we are going to get on the record. >> into the microphone. >> each room i have a window. yes. i can look at it inside. >> okay. >> and through the windows do they measure 17 inches by 30 inches? >> four and a half by three feet? >> how big are they? >> what is that? >> that looks about right. okay. >> okay, thank you. >> anything else commissioners? >> thank you. >> so my question is, so this is a place of entertainment until 2:00 and so no more after 2:00, that is it? >> that is correct. >> she knows that. >> she is well aware of that. >> because, you know, this place has been around so long, i know a number of people after
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the club say we are going there to sing and put a big closed sign, this is mot permitted to be open after 2:00 >> so, okay. she is okay with that. >> i believe that she has acknowledged on the record that it will be closing at 2:00 >> she is tired of being opened. who knows, right? >> any other questions commissioners? >> commissioner lee does that mean that you want to make a motion. >> a motion to approve. >> second. >> do you want to include the police conditions? >> 7:00 p.m. >> to change to 7:00 p.m. and then closing at 2:00 >> is that okay with the second? >> yes. >> all right. >> okay. all right. >> we are going to do the roll call. >> commissioner lee. >> aye. >> tan.
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>> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> commissioner tan. >> aye. >> commissioner akers. >> aye. >> missioner perez. >> aye. >> doing business as joan 620 jones street limited live performance permit application. miss king you are up. commissioners this is an application as you can see for a limited live performance permit it is a bar and restaurant in the tender loin and it is between post and geary, it is primarily a large patio but there is an indoor restaurant space. the venue has been used on occasion for private parties. and they serve brunch, lunch and dinner, the purpose of this application, according to the application is to allow the applicant to have live music which was a stimulation in this llp. and the performances would be
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indoor only. and at the locations designated on the diagram in your packet and so hopefully you found that. again, llp does require indoor only, ending at 10 p.m. and an accessory used for the primary use of the restaurant. >> would you please define accessory use, for the commissioners who don't know what that means. >> the planning department defines it as not more than 200 square feet of performance space within a location that is also primarily used for a different function, not an entertainment function. >> so there are a couple of people here, i know that there gluston here but i saw him come in the room. >> you are up. >> thank you for your time. my name is pete glustern. we have been opened at jones
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for two years this week, it is going great. we have got most of our operational stuff down to a science now. what we would like to do is do music on sundays, for brunch. we would be doing performance any time from 11 until 5:00 possibly 6. realistickly it gets real cold in the afternoon. so i don't think that we will be opening passed six. or passed five. >> this is live music, and you understand that it is not dj, you can't have a dj it is going to be a live musicians. >> we are actually going to take out a couple of the tables in our patio bar and put in a piano.
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>> okay. commissioner hyde? >> you are going to take tables out of the patio and put in a piano. >> it is a room out on our patio, it is enclosed. >> how is this... i know that it is a piano but how is this sound proofing out on this patio bar? >> bullet proof. there is panel glass and doors. >> i just wanted to, you know. thanks. >> and concrete. >> any other questions? >> your smoking is it done in the patio? >> it is done outside. >> you guys i think have a floor plan, there is a structure out on the patio that is a whole room of its own. the smoking is done at the guardrail on the geary side. >> so when people go and smoke the door opens up and the music goes out? >> sure. >> is there any way to buffer
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that a little bit? >> i don't think that it is going to be that much of an issue. it is a piano and people tend to enjoy that sort of thing it is the afternoon. >> i mean you get until 10. you have that option. >> any other questions? >> i just want to make sure that i have the floor plan right in my head. so you have like a restaurant bar area and then you have a large patio that has been kind of split in half where part of it is inside and now the other half is still outside? >> correct. it is not really half, it is more like a quarter. >> okay. >> that is inside and three quarters are out. >> that is what they are looking at. >> so if you are looking... >> i don't have any conditions, do you? >> no we don't have any, we
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don't have police stuff. >> no, it is for matt, he is just talking... >> this is a limited live. >> we don't need... >> oh, we will have the police comments. don't worry. >> i don't know if that is working. there we go. so it is not exactly clear, but, this guy here right here is a building that we put up. the bar and the seating. >> i thought that this was the patio. >> no. >> yes, that is what i was getting at. >> no. >> so, question, you are going to have to keep your doors closed. >> and so, if you put the piano in there how many people will you get in there in >> how big is that room?
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approximately? you can fit 70 people in there. >> okay. >> any other questions? >> are you planning to do more outside of sundays at this point? >> no. because we do a lot of corporate events, but those generally they want a dj so we just go out and get 2 day permits for that. >> okay. >> what kind of sound system do you have? >> it is just little speakers, it is a restaurant we don't have like sound system per se. it is just for background music. >> and you are not going to mic the piano, right? >> no. >> any other questions? >> not you. not you, not yet. i will tell you when. trust me. any other questions? >> thank you, very much. why don't you
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