tv [untitled] February 26, 2013 1:00am-1:30am PST
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and hope and i would like to invite them forward to speak to the mta's efforts so far as well as your efforts moving forward. >> good morning madam chair, supervisor cohen and supervisor campos. i am from the mta. thank you for the opportunity to appear before you. before i start i want to reemphasize and remind you that this program is not a city wide program in the fact it's only effective where signs are posted and authorized by the sf mta board of directors. this will continue to allow over sized vehicles to park on some san francisco streets but it gives us an additional tool to address the issues related to over night parking of large vehicles on a focused location specific basis. these -- some of these locations
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have resulted in some negative impacts from parking over night vehicles -- over night large sized vehicles and that's what we're attempting to address. i also want to refresh your memory. we did a sampling of the neighborhoods in the city prior to the legislation being considered and over 450 type of vehicles that far in this classification we found that 42% of them were motor homes but more importantly over 50% of them consist of trucks and buss and trailers so this legislation will also capture those types of vehicles and it's very important because i think a lot of our -- the concerns that we received from the neighborhoods were for those vehicles being warehoused on the city streets, and from our survey we also found those
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vehicles that are out on the street that we sample 60% of them actually were registered with san francisco addresses, and of those only 20% are within 1/4 mile of where they're registered so that tell us us thes -- the residents are using the streets to house their vehicles. when this legislation started we committed to work with the mayor's office of opportunity and partnership and engagement for a transparent process. to give you a brief update where we are. since the legislation was passed we have been working on a host of things to prepare. first we went to the mta board and got their approval because ultimately
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each specific location has to be approved by them. we saw the designs of the signs to convey an unambiguous message. we are providing materials to provide notice and we are working with the police, the public, the board of supervisors' staff and others to solicit other locations of concern, and of course to develop guidelines for conducting the before and after study, so the locations have pretty much expanded from the handouts that we provided previously. the locations basically have doubled in size, and here's a map of where they're located graphically. >> and i would note if you take a look at the sunset it looks like there is a lot being added. it's just the way they're name
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tg because we're trying to capture sunset boulevard for the streets so it's capturing that and the streets and it's really just that part. >> right. we expect the project to be phased in because of the extent of the concerns that were expressed throughout. the first roll out we would expect to select two general areas that are fairly large in size, so we can learn from, and also where the streets are somewhat contiguous to facilitate the logistics and the evaluation and the notification which is very important. we will be working closely with hope to notify these areas through fliers of the proposed changes and also information on service alternatives for those who are living in their vehicles. each
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block phase to be signed must be ultimately approved by the mta board of directors so to go through the process we conduct two public meetings for input. the first is the mta's public hearing usually conductod friday mornings in city hall. the second one is the actual board of directors meeting so the public will have several opportunities to provide input. we will do the first roll out, the initial evaluation after about three months or so to gasht information and learn from some of -- i am sure some missteps here and there with such a program of a big magnitude and use that as a tool to phase in the other areas in the roll out. i will be glad to answer any questions that you
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may have. >> so a couple of things that i think are important to note. one when we had the conversation in committee last year one of the things we wanted to make sure to do is collect the data for evaluation because we want to see what happens when this is implemented in any particular area and i know in the timeline it does capture it and the mta has been thinking how they would measure that impact so that is through the work you have done behind the scenes and the idea in early march been there is implementation what is the ground level experience now and how will that change? so that is embedded in your timeline which i am very glad to see. i think you really reached out to the board member's staff and police officers and heard from residents about areas and i hope as you go -- this program was never intended to be a city wide
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blanket restriction so i hope there is some level at the mta board as you make recommendations about places to implement this where you do see chronic problems occur that there is that thought and not everybody wants it, everybody gets it, but how do we manage parking. >> that's correct. >> i think that is important to emphasize and finally from what i see here even though the legislation went into effect a while ago approximate in terms of the implementation date. >> >> it was march and looks like you're pushing that back to may and that would allow the mta to do direct more outreach with supervisor's offices i would imagine and go to the communities and do the fliers and the outreach that you need to do, and sounds that would create like any mta application and hear from the board and get
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feedback from the public and the supervisor's offices and decide on implementation, correct? >> we want to be very thorough and transparent. >> okay. okay don't we have bevin come on up. one other thing i know you have been doing outreach and what he does the noticing there is information on the fliers that talk about not only what the rules are, but where they might be done and hot or other resources that might be available. when you folks are doing the work you will work with bevin to make sure that the language is consistent -- >> i apologize for not mentioning that. we are working very closely together. . when we do the notification the officers will help with the fliers and we will make sure
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they notice the fliers that bevin and his group have put together for us. >> thank you. >> hello everyone in attendance. i am bevin dufty director of hope and engagement for mayor ed lee and i overwhelming there are construction vehicles and boats and other things that are impacting neighbors and the community, but unquestionably because of homelessness in san francisco there are people that reside in their vehicles and have the opportunity to work with families living in their vehicles and others and i know the coalition and individuals that are impacted are here and i am interested in hearing their perspective going forward. some information i want to share our city's homeless count was done
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and we had 500 individuals dispersed in the city that were involved and identify vehicles that people were living on. imon of them were knocked on. nobody flashed a flashlight but to identify those vehicles. that data is verified by a third party so it's carefully reviewed so we will not have that until the 20 of march -- >> excuse me. i have a question. who is verifying the data? >> it's a third party contractor and megan owens from the board is responsible it and they have a haven'tor working with them and these numbers are important and they have an impact on the resources that we get and it's actually a federal requirement to do the homeless count once every two years and that is the funding stream that provides for homeless services and they look
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at the data and the documentation and making sure it's accurate so i can get you more information. >> no. sounds like this is how they make their livelihood, this is their business. >> yeah. and so we will want to compare this with numbers and i believe last time two years ago i think it was in the range of 160 or 180 vehicles identified but again in anticipation of the legislation there was a special focus to make sure that areas where it was identified and then that helped the following week the homeless outreach team engagement specialist team went out and fliered vehicles with information that the rules were changing and to please reach out to sf hot through the 24 hour line but if you recognize that
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providence because of the transportation issues generally at about 80% occupancy but generally the other shelters in the city are running between 95 and 99% full, and the city has 234 stabilization beds and these are beds where the department department of public health don't have to jump through the system and that's for individuals have been outside for a long time and
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don't want services or need treatment or services so those stabilization rooms are an effective tool. they have been used in many circumstances and even around city hall to have an impact. the mayor's office and myself and others are in the process right now to look at expansion of stabilization beds in anticipation of the next month that fifth and king which is an area of numbers of people have been living will be fenzed by caltrans and looking at the fact we hope with these changes there maybe individuals willing to come forward. an important element of this it's difficult to ask people to make a decision between their vehicle and accepting a housing resource they're not sure is going to work with them and i think for many people that has been a non starter and very difficult for our outreach team, so from the
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beginning we have been looking for alternatives and i want to thank marian who did outreach for us so right now a program agreement is in the final stages between a storage facility on treasure island and the department of public health which would enable jason and his team to say to someone "as long as you participate in case management the city will cover the cost of storing your vehicle" and so that is going to be particularly helpful for individuals with vehicles out of registration, vehicles at risk if they can be taken from them and we hope that other individuals who really want to have a stake in san francisco will give us a opportunity with case management and we are midfiscal year but we are making a push for the stabilization
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beds and it's reality and if we say we're going to do something that we vtd ability to do it and there are not four or five stabilization beds vacant and we realize it's a population that is larger so with that if it's appropriate -- i did want to respond to some of the testimony and simply say if community meetings are going to happen i think it would be great to reach out to the coalition and see if the coalition would sponsor one with the mta. i think that would be helpful and people in the vehicles are not getting emails or letters from neighborhood associations and i think it's a good opportunity if the coalition is willing and certainly the resources we're providing in terms of stabilization beds, in terms of storage meet some of the standards that the coalition would like it's important to have their involvement and i
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recognize they're trusted by individuals not participated in the system so to speak and frustrated and not liked what they were offered previously and i would like to invite jason up who leads the team to talk about the program. >> thank you for your work coordinating with treasure island and them on that important piece. >> good morning supervisors. i am jason albertson. i'm a licensed social worker with the department of health. i provide supervision to the team and operating on a 24 hour model. bevin asked us to make specific outreach to folks that maybe vehicularly housed. we put two vehicles out on the street each staffed with two case managers last week that went to all of the designated streets with the task of fliering and speaking to each of the individuals, gentle
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knock "outreach, here we are. here is the flier. please call this number". my work with the people that have been vehicle yarly housed has been limited. i did a out of outreach to the community when i was there and from time to time i get referrals usually from the street base clinic consortium that provides health care in the street for people that health care needs have exceeded the capacity to support and sometimes we have people on portable oxygen and hard to do that in a vehicle and sometimes we have people diagnosed with a aggressive form of cancer that you can't treat in a vehicle and we had success with those folks but not others because they
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don't really see themselves as homeless so my operating hypothesis on this new outreach it wouldn't be necessarily productive that most people would get the flier and i will get my four wheels going and roll. the under part of the hypothesis was to think about who would be most likely to respond and i was wrong, so the four people directly contacted me. i had contact with them result of the fliering and outreach, and there are two more -- i am just having hard time getting in touch with back and forth with phone calls. of the four people three have been full time employed. however, they're not earning enough money to obtain housing in the city and county of san francisco. all of them are healthy in the majority of ways that we assess health,
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and all of them very much would like to get out of the vehicle and obtain clean safe affordable housing, so this is quite a challenge for our team as you might expect, and this is where the addition of stabilization units which are sro units paid by the department of public health enable us to hold somebody for a period of time, help them become more stable and locate permanent affordable housing for them and the critical needed resource and the challenge is the environments they're in and in a sense these folks are retreated to the vehicles for reasons and lack of affordable housing and lack of option and two they don't
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mention the violence and drug trends, social environments in the trernd loin or the bay view district where board of -- affordable housing is found and my other hypothesis is people most likely to be engaged are the vehicles out of registration or whose licenses had some defect at the time or the vehicles were in poor mechanical condition and out of the four people one person i think has quite a significant mental illness and has a hard time navigating the social ecology of anywhere and one person's vehicle is in that condition. they are uninsured and unregistered at that time and realize they're vulnerable to tow but don't see other options and the others'
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vehicles are registered but can't afford housing at their current income so we are focusing on those folks and upgrade of employment, obtaining better or more work but it's quite a challenge. the part of me that is here that is available to speak for the department says that there is a chance as a result of this legislation that we will see more people who are homeless on the street as opposed to more people who are homeless or housed in their vehicles and from a population and health perspective i would consider that to be a negative outcome, but it is perhaps an una vaidable one and i think it returns the search for affordable housing. i am available for any questions. >> thank you. i think one of the things that is interesting as you talked about in terms of people actually responding. i think this is one of the things we talked about with bevin and
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for the most part it's a population generally difficult to reach out to and accept services and i think you spoke a little bit to that and i think the fact that we have folks that reached out and desire to see a change i think is positive. i will agree we're always going to be chasing after resources we need for folks who need it so i think that is something that we will have to continue to do and i think this will highlight the need that is part of that that we haven't seen in the past and i think that is something that could be a positive for the city so i understand your point of view. i think it's a good opportunity for us to focus on what could be done and what more to do and what we need with the vehicle component. >> i understand. any other questions? >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you. i wanted to take a minute and complement you and your team as well as you bevin and reaching out and finding
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four people. that is something to be acknowledged and i am really excited about that. >> quite a few more people expressed interest in it and wanted to learn about the possibility of having their vehicle stored. i'm just reporting on the folks i met with individually after we fliered who called me. people spoke with the outreach workers and got the same set of information. i am looking at the second level of people who really decided to affirmatively push for contact before the legislation that wanted the information and that maybe the higher functioning folks out there. >> thank you. why don't we open up this item for public comment? are there members of the public that would like to speak on item two? i don't have speaker cards in front of me. come on up. >> [inaudible] negative aspect would be true that if you took
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-- i just got off the streets and everything. got an rv and it's more stable than what i had to move forward, but if the law passes it's like -- it would be like taking my vehicle. i would be back in a shopping cart. i am going from here to here. there's a lot of -- lots around the place. you guys maybe make a lot or section for the campers, community campers could reside like a little community. it's an idea. i feel like i paid for a house and sro before and it didn't work out for me. i'm not the richest guy in the world but i own my home. as a
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american citizen have the right to drive -- have a camper, and maybe understand a little bit about here the park and the whole bunch but it's like me saying i don't like suv's. let's ban them out here because it's a little bit different but that's the way i feel about it. i know there are other people that feel that way. that's basically what i have to say. >> thank you. >> hi. i am nick. i am a resident of district one. my supervisor unfortunately voted for this legislation. i want to say i'm still opposed to this legislation. i think it's an enforcement measure. the mta has 74 hour parking signs in my district
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and others. they're not enforcing those and why they could enforce this code. you say the goal is not to punish but the laws will result in cases seizure of a person's home because of their inability to pay the fines. obviously if they had the money for the fines they wouldn't be living in the vehicle when they could have a home. like jason said the issue is affordable housing. i am glad you admit it's a program and highlighting the pressure however the solution is not a solution. it's a criminalized effort. i see this as an attack on inpoverished people and you said they're hard to get to and i don't know why would this result them assimilate into the greater society. this is a
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marginalization target to push them out which is the goal. they choose between a vehicle where they have privacy or a shelter living on the floor with hundreds of people and one staff person to watch them at night. it's not a choice in my mind. i don't think someone should have to choose living in their home and criminalized for that or go to a shelter or sro in the tenderloin with people with mental health and bed bugs. and that four people came forward i don't think that is an achievement and happy valentine's day and i hope you consider this. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning. i guess i want to talk about why you people profile, discriminate against,
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and oppress people who want to have their own right to their pursuit of happiness. these guys are out chasing buildings. i just wish you would leave my rv alone. i don't live in the city. i am here visiting a dying friend and i already had a ticket for littering water, triple filtered water. i paid it in court. i guess this is the time you get to keep the rest. peace. >> next speaker please. if there are other members that would like to speak on this issue if i can ask if you line up along the side. go ahead. >> my name is hector vales. i live in rv. i can't
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afford rent. reant is too high even in sro's and have been applying for housing over a year now. anyway my vehicle haven't fit the criteria of being over sized. it's a van. it's a rv van but nevertheless i'm targeted because i'm living in it. i keep getting these things stuck on my window all the time even though i move it. it's just they don't want me there you know. it's all these thing about oversight. it's just that they don't want anybody living in their cars in this city and that's what it comes down to, and i do not want to sleep in the street. >> thank you. next speaker
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