tv [untitled] February 26, 2013 9:00am-9:30am PST
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>> some of the red mx new residential zoning is furnish away from the concourse community just approved and that does not make good land use sense of we want the west soma radmx to work well with the new housing and showplace. and i know radmx is not protecting existing residential uses because many of the proposed sites that are medmx are parking lots and light enough use. pearces with currently uses are zoned along 7th street between -- excuse me, along 7th between
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th and bluxom to make it more contiguous. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i earn half my income as a piano player and i probably played in every single club, including paradise lounge. i move to that area with the hope i would be closer to the places i play. i think it's important to remember i moved into the neighborhood and knew what the noise would be. it should not be possible for those moving in complaining about the noise that is going on as existing.
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thank you. >> thank you, mr. wick. thank you for being here. >> supervisors my name is vlad coug, the owner and operator of the butter bar. i wanted to first thank you all for being open and conscientious of entertainment in san francisco. it's a treasure of the city and something that shouldn't be overlooked or discarded in light of other interests. it should maintain well-orchestrated balance as it has built the neighborhood. in the beginning of the meeting you read the mandate and the mission statement of the western soma task force, when they developed the plan. it seems it's in contradiction to that entire mission statement to put residential in the middle of 11th street and limit the abilities for
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entertainment along folsom street. even how to the task force has been at it for eight years and done an amazing job, in eight years the economy has changed, but i don't think the task force is able to keep up with the changes when it comes to regard of entertainment. i think putting residents in the middle of 11th street is like putting a stripclub next to a church and needs to be corrected. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. hi name james tracy and i'm speaking on behalf of the neighborhood. we are opening up the renee casnaves homes by the bay bridge and we're very, very concerned and actually very
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excited about moving into a neighborhood that is actually having the dialogue of what it takes to keep a neighborhood complete. we want to congratulate our good friend jim niko and all the hundreds of people that have collaborated on this and have made really hard collaborations. and we're extremely excited and supportive of the additional support for affordable housing. as we know south of market is one the epicenters of displacement, but it's also an epicenter of opportunity where we have buildings like ours and now the san francisco community land trust has just acquired a building and prevented displacement of long-term residents. so thank you very much for your time and your attention to these. >> thank you, mr. tracy.
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>> praise the lord, supervisors. i live off 6th and howard. i live at the raymond hotel, which is a senior building. i sat on the board for many years and i felt like i have been lied to, because i have fought for a lot of businesses to come into the south of market and you were supposed to be building for low-income families and it's going to be a 9-story building and only 54 units will be affordable housing. i asked them if there were discounts for low-income people? i can't afford those burgers, but i voted for them to be there.
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you guys are not investing in the people. the people. the ground, you know we have some wonderful kids in our neighborhood and every year they have to come in here and fight to be well-educated, good manners and community. i am a community-lover. i have a church radically inclusive and we have to leave and go to oakland, because san francisco is not church-friendly, especially when we have to get out of our praise and go out and pay parking meters. shame on you, mayor. >> thank you, mother jones for being here. >> good afternoon, supervisor. it's been a while. my name is mark solomon and i was co-chair of the transportation on the task
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force from 2005 to 2008 and i want to thank jim niko for the hard work and thank paul lord from the planning department and charles from the sfmta for essentially giving me a bachelor's degree in transportation planning and land use planning. what paul gave me was a detector to figure out when planning is coming at me and when they are lieing? when i think we have done is pushed the boundaries, where we have done the best deal that the planning would introduce to the commission of the plan had conditions. they wouldn't let it be a completely citizen-driven process. supervisor wiener talking about funding for various impact fees we tried to push the limits by create a new way to get more benefits from the developers, and then having developers complete with extra benefits to ensure that the community get more, leveraging scarcity for
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benefit. when planning and the mayor pull all the politic strings and the task force has burned-out, it's not kosher. i think the win is saving the residential enclase district. by the same token, we don't want to mix the uses. so on folsom street, why allow more entertainment on folsom street? we need more of the seattle-based models to allow residents to have primary stake holder status in determining the out come of the communities because as we saw where i live, it was techocrats,. thank you. >> thank you, and thank you
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also for serving on the task force >> my name is mr. lucky. i singsong as round san francisco and sang the club 9, paradise lounge, et cetera. creativity is the heart and soul of san francisco and has been for over 150 years. the reputation of being a performing arts center is known around the world and admired. we have an exceptional community of talent drawn here by that reputation. they devote their lives to their craft. if there is no place to perform, everybody starts to move away. i came here to thank and commend the board of supervisors for approving the new llp music permits and to encourage support by city leadership of the critical
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improvements to the west soma plan and the continued support of the performing arts. thank you. >> thank you, mr. lucky. >> supervisors, my name is guy carson. i am a board member of the california music and culture association. i would like to applaud the efforts of jim niko and his task force for this very comprehensive plan. i would also like to urge you to adopt amendments put forth to you by cmac, who could protect the nightlife. it's been often said that san francisco could do more to plan for fun. and this is a great opportunity to do so. we should not add any more residential units on 11th street, where there is already a lot of tension.
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this is a great time for us to establish that. thank you. >> thank you, mr. carson. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is tom [speaker not understood] i am a small business owner and raising my family in san francisco and i work here. i bought 280 7th street. my job is to provide for my family, my employees, and pay my bills. i am proud to call san francisco my home. i am support small businesses like me. i purchased this business four years ago and have been waiting for zoning to be decided.
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please ensure i can have a modern and safe business. thank you. >> thank you. i'm going to call ten more speakers. [ reading speakers' names ] >> >> marqueza company and i'm here to request that the southwest corner of 5th and brannan, which is 601 brannan, assessor's block 3785, lot 132 be reclassified so the mou
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district . the purpose of the change would be to allow that site, which houses the architecture department of aau to be considered as conditional use, which is the way it could be under the current zoning. the conditional use was filed in 2012 and actually the planning department started working with a or a you in the legalization of that property. it could be consistent with eastside of 5th street, which is in that western muo district and south of the property between brooks and townsend.
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the two on townsend street are permitted to conditional uses. the one on 5th street and brannan would not be. alternatively i would suggest a grandfather clause, which was turned down by the commission. thank you. >> thank you, mr. passmore. >> good afternoon, supervisors, tim collin on behalf of the san francisco housing action coalition and i should state without ambiguity, this plan should be moved forward. it should be adopted. there has been a lot of work done ton it and one of san francisco's favorite sports is opposing any kind of planning effort. this should not be one of them. that being said, a couple of parts cause us concern and i would ask to you recall the slide that mr. teague showed that shows the west soma plan area will create 200 in the new units over what the existing
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1990 zoning contemplates. and given the proximity of western soma to so much employment and even if it's inadequate, so much muni transit infrastructure, that seems like an enormous missed opportunity. i don't think anyone could accuse this plan of being too bold. a second issue that i'm hearing from a lot, i would say well-regarded architects that their design features in west soma plan in particular you saw roof decks, rear yards and open space, that i guess can only be said to be not friendly to building. or let's say not friendly to building and neighbors so close to downtown in an urban area. might be more appropriate farther out of the and finally, i would ask you to reflect on the slide that we saw, it looks like there is 90 something
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million dollars in projected needs in infrastructure and community benefits. there is some kind of disconnect here and look at it as something that could be modified down the road to make it more friendly to the needs that we face. thank you. >> thank you, mr. collin. >> hi, good afternoon. i am at dean and founder of the san francisco institute of aesthetics and cosmotology. so i am concerned that if it turns into a residential hub, we're going to lose a little bit of that action down there.
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we have about 175-200 students between day and night school enrolled at any given time and see between 850-1,000 guests per month. we use dna lounge for hair shows as part of the curriculum for the students. there is very limited space where we can do that and definitely need that space to be open. anyone who moves into south of market knows exactly what neighbor is about. i am not in support of residents on 11th street. i am in support of folsom being a two-way street. we're superunique, you can get your bike fixed and get a cupcake and have your haircut. it's the perfect spot for that. and the live music permits we're definitely in support of that as well. you have probably heard the
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campaigns to keep soma creative and funky and live music and please don't allow people that don't support that to not move in. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello supervisors. my name is scot and i have served on west soma task force as my neighbor judy carmen was displaced like my theater and home were displaced this year. after a fair amount of spirit discussion about entertainment the task force reach and impasse, agreed to disagree and take up the discussion with the supervisors making the final decisions. our plan on this topic is currently incomplete. the expansion of the llp areas, the recognition and protection
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for the street -- are all concepts that task force members have advocated for and i believe have received community support for as well. i would like to thank sspd officer burton and others for galvanizing the entertainment community who have advocated foyer policy changes in [tpro-b/] front of you today. [speaker not understood] it's unfortunate because we have not yet successfully revisited this healthy policy for the future and i encourage us to do. so the arts have thrived here and reactivated and renovated it's
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underutilized areas. with that, the sali, we're going move most of that so the central corridor. so we need to look at what really going to happen comprehensive and let's look to the dormant basics on treasure island. >> thank you. >> hi, my name is teresa gonzalez. i live on folsom street between 10th and 9th street. i support the west soma plan. i am worried because growth is painful, but this plan allows
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the balance to protecting the community. so the years of seeing changes have made me as being a single mom vigilant. because i am worried about the safety of my family and the community. so it's been tremendous, the growth in soma. it's the in thing now. everybody wants a piece of soma and everything but i know being a mom, our bar neighbors, they do their best to clean all around. but they cannot keep up with increased foot traffic. what more, if we have more nightlife in the evening on folsom street? i don't agree to that and i know one person says they want nightlife all throughout soma, but i don't agree with that. there has been a lot of gentrification and a large scale gentrification and it's something that families and
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affordable housing that we need in soma. developers and all of these night lifes and techies want to come into soma, but this plan protects us, the families, our heritage. what more do we have to face if these developments and changes the population? what do we face in next ten years, in 2020 when it comes to redistricting and the consensus population; right? so we want, like pore me as families. i am here on behalf on speaking for families. we want this plan to that protects us as a whole. it's a holistic view and holistic plan that is safe for us. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisor. my name is luke -- i'm one of the owners and the property manner of a small office building on 9th street in west soma. i am here today to ask for your
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consideration in amending section 803.9a back to it's original state, which would allow all 11 article 1-5. i have seen the benefit of what these tech companis have done to the mid-market area and specifically the 9th and 10 street corridors, which are more traffic-oriented. a lot of these companies are energy etic and bring life to the streets. we're seeing transforation along our corridor, albeit a very early stage. my fear is if these tenants can't find permitted use they will relocate elsewhere and if they do our revitalization of the neighborhood would be lost.
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i would ask you to consider amendmenting this section back to its original state to allow all article 11 buildings, articles 1-5. >> i will call the last four speaker cards that have i. [ reading speakers' names ] >> thank you, mr. parking bolton. >> good afternoon supervisors mark bolton, resident at west soma and teacher at carmible. carmichael. as a teacher at betsy carmichael, what i am seeing in inverse relationship to the amount of progress and growth.
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we need to move forward on this plan, especially with the original intent to address the people as mother jones was saying, putting the premium on people who live here and call this home right now. as many people say it takes a village to raise a child and it really does and i think the plan as it's set up, focusing on services of cultural heritages and low-income housing is really essential and we need to maintain those components so that the people who live here can continue to call it home as it thrives around us. so i encourage you to move forward. >> thank you, mr. bolton. any other members of the public who would like to speak, please line up after these remaining speakers. >> hello supervisors. my name is ani bartanian.
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i am here speaking on behalf as myself of an owner on 9th street, as well as orthoowners along the 9-10th street corridor. i bought this building for two reasons. one it was historic in nature and beautiful building, as well as i have a small company that would like to relocate there. toby levy and jim niko, when they originally put together the plan, subsequent to their proposal, after the various changes from planning and what not. the use controls have been limited. and the current use controls -- the current use controls are limited to on the upper
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floors, residential. or five non-residential uses are permitted, which includes neighborhood agriculture, et cetera. well, where in san francisco -- we're in 9th street and can we get urban use on the third floor of our building? our only alternative is to convert to residential, but if i convert to residential, i have changed the historic nature of the building and it's contrary to the goal of the task force, which is to preserve historic buildings. and then the last piece is i'm worried about having an essex empty building. every day we're cleaning the
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corner we're located. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisor, land use attorney in san francisco. i want to commend both the planning department staff and task force for the many years' of dedication that they put into putting this plan together. i wanted to speak to two issues of the plan today. first the historic building comes. these controls promote the maintenance and preservation of historic buildings by providing relaxed use controls. the buildings are also subjected to legally binding maintenance plans to ensure that the goals are fulfilleded. so as currently proposed west soma would allow all historic boeings to take advantage of those controls except those contributors -- [speaker not understood]
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as was just mentioned there are five used permitted and we're proposing to expand historic building controls to contributors to california register eligible district. we think this provides a good balance of limit building controls while ensuring that these buildings, can have uses to put their building towards without converting to residential issue. the second use i wanted to speak to is architectural firms in the sali district. the purpose of sali is to protect the area from office uses and promote industrial design uses. so the current version of the sali will no
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