tv [untitled] February 26, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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how the new role should be staffed. if you need a piece of candy, send up a text message. we'll bring you a piece down. thank you. >> thank you, supervisors. supervisor campos. * >> thank you, president chu. iu. and supervisor chu, i'll be very brief. i think it's probably fair to say we have, you know, sort of a slightly different voting record on some issues here and there. but what i have always appreciated about you is that i always felt that i could have a pretty open substantive conversation and that, you know, you were there to listen to different points of view. and i think that's very important in this line of work. and i have always appreciated the professionalism and the respectful way in which you approached the job and you interact with your colleagues. i think someone said you can
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tell a lot about a person's soul by how they treat their dog. and you and i are dog people. [laughter] >> there is a unique bond that those of us who love animals and those who love dogs especially have. i think by that measure in terms of the quality of your soul, given how you treat and talk about bertie, i think that that makes you an amazing person. and i wish you the very best in your new endeavors, but i know that you're still going to be here. i appreciate the fact that you, as you indicated, you're going to make sure that district 9 gets more resources in your new job, which i appreciate. and i look forward to working with you. and, of course, you know, one of the things that i think it's an illustration of the kind of person you are, the kind of supervisor you are is that as you leave, you leave behind not only the work, but you also
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leave in place someone that you have mentored and someone that you have helped, and that's i think a very important testament of your leadership. the fact that you're passing it on and i look forward to working with supervisor tang as she goes on board, but the fact that she is there is another testament to your leadership. thank you. >> supervisor avalos. >> supervisor chu, congratulations. i was wondering when this is actually going to happen, when you would become an assessor. it was foretold months ago, but i think it's a good position for you to be going to. i've been very, very impressed with you the moment i met you when we actually were on an interview on television debating the budget, a very strange budget i was trying to defend. and you were trying to hold onto the budget that mayor
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newsome put together. and despite, you know, our difference on the budget, i was really impressed with you where you came from shall and where you've been, and just your poise, the grace you have about you. and then you later were appointed supervisor. and it was really great to see coming in how you were able to move and grow in the position. and the past couple years i've seen you on the board have been quite amazing to see just how you have been able to carry out the most intense decisions of the city, in budget committee. and i felt that you had a very fair process about how you put the budgets together. and actually when you first came on as chair of the budget committee when you were first appointed there, it looked like it was a bit daunting at first. you had this furrow on your forehead. but that probably lasted about
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a week, and i've been watching, you've been really impressed. so, i know you come with great skill to and knowledge to your new position, and i wish you all the best. and, you know, hopefully you're going to pull in that corporate money from downtown and make sure we can have it available to us to spend, a way to support our neighborhoods, especially neighborhoods that are further from the heart of where a lot of decision making actually benefits in san francisco. and, katie, supervisor tang, supervisor to become tang, i'm really excited to work with you and i've always felt that you've been a great representative for supervisor chu's office. and now you'll be a great representative for district 4 as well. so, i wish you all the best. i'm actually very curious to see who your [speaker not understood] is going to be. [laughter] >> thank you. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you.
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so, in november 2006, i actually won my first elected office. and i remember actually my predecessor came up to me and he said, you know, you were the surprise of that election, because i had come in first place and he thought i had come in third or not win at all. he was like, you and ed chiu. and i remember for several months i actually had the honor of being the youngest elected official in san francisco, i think for a couple months. and then soon thereafter we all know it happened, and carmen chu came in and was sworn into office. i actually remember that press conference that we spoke at. and i remember being like, ah, i can no longer hold that title. but it was exciting to be joined by another woman, young asian american woman. and then really had the pleasure of working with you over the last two years on budget committee. and i'm so glad actually that president chiu assigned both of us because i don't think i
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would have gotten to know you as well as i did if we hadn't sat through so many meetings. and, of course, our epic nights here at city hall and budget. and i have to say i really enjoyed sitting with both you and supervisor avalos, and something that i really respected about you and obviously was something that i saw in supervisor avalos in budget committee was that you stand on your principles. and whether i agree or disagree with someone, what is the most important to me is that they're smart, that they're intelligent and their reasons are based on a set of principleses and values. and that is something that i've always seen and come from. but despite all of that, i think there are a lot of issues we really agreed upon in terms of fiscal accountability and responsibility and i think, you know, on issues like that we sometimes aren't always the most understood by some of our constituents or some of our most active interest groups. it's really important to have those eyes on so many of the smaller item that come through budget committee because they
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really set precedence on terms of larger values and principles of how we build a city budget. and even when we have spared on issues, it's great to be pushed on what our arguments are and where they come from. * so, i've really always enjoyed that conversation. and i do think that you have been a tremendous chair and have been a model chair. it's clear when i come into board meetings that you introduce every single item, you know, all the presentations. and when we come to the full board, you're always able to articulate really complicated issues in a way that i think we can all understand. and i'm going to be really sad to lose you. i have really enjoyed your time here and i knew that this day would come for the past year, but i thought that you were an excellent representative and advocate. and also i appreciate you talked about the outer parts of the city. i do represent a very central part of san francisco that i
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think is so important that we continue to advocate for the outer areas and making sure that all of the infrastructure that we're closing is also being met. and i'm also very excited to work with supervisor appoint katie tang tomorrow. >> thank you. supervisor chu, before you say anything, colleagues, i'd like to pass this resolution, number 42 13, which we -- has been introduce and had co-sponsored by all of us except for supervisor chu. it has the purely commendatory and bound act finding. let me ask are there any members of the public comment that wish to speak in public comment? seeing none, colleagues, technically we need a second. could i have a second to that motion? seconded by everyone, supervisor farrell. and with that, can we take a roll call vote on this resolution. >> supervisor cohen? >> aye. >> cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim?
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kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. president chiu? chiu aye. supervisor chu? chu ayes. >> there are 11 ayes. the resolution reads let the board of supervisors on behalf of the officers employees and residents of san francisco recognize the supervisor chu's vast contributions to improving the city, her intellect, passion for numbers, her high quality work and tireless devotion to solving and being responsive to the constituents of san francisco. congratulations. (applause) >> well, thank you very much.
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i'm going to stand in honor of supervisor elsbernd who isn't here with us today, but i also just wanted to thank you all. i think before today's meeting we had talked to the mayor about when this might take place. and when we talked about this being my last meeting, i didn't know exactly how long it was going to be. [laughter] >> so, i want to thank you all for helping to extend my last meeting here at the board. thank you. [laughter] >> but i also was president -- expected to be outed today on my mcdonald's cravings. i guess that's one of my secrets, worst kept secrets. it has been my honor to serve district 4. * we have really spent the last five years rebuilding trust in the district and making sure that we're focusing on the day to day things that really matter in the neighborhood. and, so, some of the things that katie spoke about today have all been things that we have really been focusing on, making sure we're preparing our play grounds, making sure we're building our libraries, we're
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making sure that transportation works in a better way. all these things that matter to the day to day lives of our district residents is something that we're always careful to look to. i didn't want to speak too much about things i worked on the in the past, but i wanted to appreciate my time here on the board. i think that through the years, you know, when i first came on board, i don't think anyone would disagree i was more of a reluctant candidate than anything, but i've really grown, as supervisor wiener had mentioned to really love the job because of what it really means and the responsibility you have to improve the daily live of every san franciscan that we have here. so, it really is a tremendous honor, it's a tremendous privilege to be able to do that. it is very unique to be able to do that. so, so quickly has time passed by. it's been five years now, over five years now. and i find myself feeling very, very sad to leave. so, though i know there is a large opportunity at the assessor's office and i look forward to working on the issues there, it is really i
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think as many people said, very bitter sweet. yesterday i was wearing all black. i was in mourning, not only because i'll be leaving working with all of you and all our different issues that we've touched upon, but also because i'm going to be leaving my incredible staff. so, the mourning is very appropriate in that case. i think with my thanks, i do have to make a lot of thanks, i have to say thanks to district 4 for giving me the opportunity to serve. to have voted for me in two years, 2008 and '10, it's been an honor and privilege to serve the residents and to work with everybody there. to angela and your tremendous staff, thank you so much for all of your work in supporting us. we couldn't do what we do without you. and i think some of your clerks are the most amazing clerks that really help us stay on task. i really appreciate all of that work. there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. to, of course, harvey, carol adams who was with us before, john who is with us now, thank you. you guys have to sit there all
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of our meetings. and, so, give us advice even when we may not want it. so, thank you. and, of course, to each and every one of you here on the board, i can't tell you how much i've grown as a direct result of working with all of you and learning from you and just building friendships and relationships over the years. it's really been a tremendous experience and i know that we'll continue to do that in my new role. i do have to give a special shout out to sean. when i first came on the board as a supervisor, he really helped to carry me through and really helped to advise me and help me get situated. so, it wouldn't be right if i didn't mention him. too bad he's not here today, but i do have to thank him for all of his -- he may be watching, right -- for all of his support. to my family and to scott, i love you, my sister is actually right there. i love you very much. i couldn't do it without you and you guys are my rock. so, i want to thank you. and finally, of course, to my
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staff, candy, i know you're at home watching. i can't thank you enough for all the sacrifices you make as a single mother who works hard every day. your love for the district is something that i want to thank you for. day in and day out you work hard every single day. so, thank you. to katie, so, everybody i think heard that three times today. first your announcement, second after the announcement, and then third right before the board meeting. because it couldn't have happened to a better person. so, you guys will all know how much -- what a wonderful person she is. she's going to be a tremendous colleague on the board. and i think the district is in great hands. so, with that, i will stop my comments. i want to thank you all for all of your hard work and your continued leadership and move on to the assessor's office. i look forward to collecting
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all the money that is legally owed to us. [laughter] >> i look forward to doing that, officially, fairly, and i look forward to seeing how you all spend it. thank you very much again for the privilege to serve with you. thank you. (applause) >> madam clerk, could you read the in memoriams? >> yes. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals. on behalf of supervisor cohen, for the late reverend wenzel jackson and ms. yvonne harris jackson. on behalf of supervisor kim,
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for the late ms. cornelia godfrey, and on behalf of supervisor avalos, for the late lawrence collins. >> madam clerk, is there any more business in front of the body? >> that concludes our business for today, mr. president. >> superintendent assessor, godspeed. with that, ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [adjourned]
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>> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, february the 26th, 2013. madam clerk, would you please call the roll? >> yes, mr. president. supervisor avalos? avalos present. supervisor breed? breed present. supervisor campos? campos present. president chiu? present. supervisor chu? chu present. supervisor cohen? cohen present. supervisor farrell? farrell present. supervisor kim? kim absent. supervisor mar?
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mar absent. supervisor wiener? wiener present. supervisor yee? yee present. mr. president, there is a quorum. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> colleagues, we have copies of the january 15th, 2013 board meeting minutes. could i have a motion to approve those anixctionv motion by supervisor campos, seconded by supervisor farrell. without objection, those minutes are approved. madam clerk, any communications? >> i have no communications, mr. president. >> and could you read our consent agenda items 1 through 12? >> mr. president, before doing so, i wanted to present a point of information. this morning our controller mr. rosenfield identified item number 3, the supplemental appropriations specifically the
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district attorney positions on item number 3 to have originally been rejected by the board and the mayor in the annual budget for the current year. section 3.15 of the administrative code states that when any supplemental appropriation ordinance subsequent to the adoption of the budget for the current year contains an item which has been rejected by the board of the mayor and is then reintroduced for consideration, it must be subject to a two-thirds vote or an eight-vote threshold. typically the controller indicates that such within the title of these supplementals and we are able then to place it on the unfinished business pursuant to our rules as it is not appropriate for the consent agenda. it is before you today on second read. it was unanimous on its first reading. that concludes my point of information. >> thank you. colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these items, including item 3? okay. why don't we take a roll call on items 1 through 12. >> on items 1 through 12? supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell?
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farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim absent. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. president chiu? chiu aye. supervisor chu? chu aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution is finally passed, resolution is adopted, motion approved. next item, please. >> item 13 is ordinance amending the administrative code, by adding sections 16.704 and 16.29-7.6, to mandate payments to city employees to offset federal income taxation on health insurance premiums for their same-sex spouses or same-sex domestic partners and to exclude such payments from the computation of compensation under the san francisco employees' retirement system. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you, president chiu. and i want to thank my colleague from the budget and finance committee supervisor avalos, supervisor mar for passing this out of committee and sponsoring, co-sponsoring
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with me along with my other co-sponsor, supervisor wiener and supervisor campos. this legislation mandates an annual reimbursement to city employees to offset federal income taxes on health care insurance premiums paid by the city for the same sex spouse or domestic partners. this legislation supports our lgbt community here in san francisco's -- san francisco and counters what is very much a discriminatory federal tax policy. and it provides a higher level of equality for same-sex spouses and domestic partners who work for the city and county of san francisco. currently city employees with same sex spouses or domestic partners elected to add their spouse or domestic partner to the health plan and additional federal tax is taken out of their paycheck. the federal government views health insurance coverage provided by same sex or domestic partners employers to be taxable income. therefore city employees in these situations are taxed more than other city employees simply because their spouse is of the same gender. this discrimination in our federal tax code has cost individuals affected by this tax thousands and thousands of dollars each year.
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and the number of city and county of san francisco active members with same sex spouses and domestic partners is close to 400. san francisco has always been a leader in supporting our lgbt community. following the example of other municipalities such as cambridge, massachusetts, private employers such as google, who have already shown leadership on this issue and stood with our lgbt community, today we're asking to do the same. this legislation will ensure same sex domestic partners who work for the city and county of san francisco will not be burdened with these taxes. this ultimately is an issue of equality and is one of the many unfortunate results of the defense of marriage act or doma. this initial tax on married same sex spouses and domestic partners adds another sting to the injustice of doma. this year we are very hopeful with a number of decisions that are going to be coming before the u.s. supreme court when they will hear the proposition 8 case, perry case and various sdoma cases in late march 2013. however we should not and
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cannot stand still in san francisco while this discrimination continues. i'm proud this legislation is supported again by my co-sponsor, supervisor wiener, campos, chiu, avalos and mar, as well as the alice b democratic club and harvey milk democratic club. and san francisco we have always been the city that has prided itself on being ahead of the curve and one that is willing to tackle difficult unjust issues in the name of equality. as a city we shouldn't stand idle contributing members continue to be discriminated against purely because of their sexual orientation. with hope and uncertainty that the supreme court will find prop 8 and doma unconstitutional, there is no time to wait to pass this legislation and, colleagues, i ask for your support. if there are no other comments, i will note that i have a few technical amendments that i have to -- have been advised by our city attorney we will have to delete a few line items. this is nonsubstantive. but we can still vote on the matter today. >> supervisor farrell has circulated amendments to item 13? >> yes. so, i'd like to make a motion
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to, in this legislation, delete section 3 as well as in section 4, delete starting online 22, starting with the words "and section 1" and ending at the end of line 25, and notion to delete those items. >> so, supervisor farrell has made a motion to a medv. is there a second to that? seconded by supervisor chu. colleagues, any objection? motion to amend? amendments are made. supervisor breed. >> thank you. i'm really proud of my colleagues for taking the leadership in this role. * any further discussion? and i ask that supervisor farrell please add me as a co-sponsor. >> thank you, supervisor breed. i'd actually like to be added as a co-sponsor as well. with that, if there is any additional discussion, colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? >> as amended, mr. president. >> as amended. this this item passed in the first read as amended. item 14.
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>> item 14 is an ordinance appropriating $6,589,395 of state revenue loss reserve to fund the de-appropriation of state revenue of $534,406 at the department of public health and appropriating uses of $50,000 to the department of juvenile probation, $2,424,528 to the department of public health, $3,180,461 to the human services agency, and $400,000 to the art commission in fiscal year 2012-2013. >> same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first reading. item 15. >> item 15 is a resolution approving a lease agreement between the municipal transportation agency and the city of san francisco japan center garage corporation for the japan center public parking garage with an initial term of 10 years for a base rent of $1 and two 5-year options for a base rent of $1 for each option. >> any discussion, colleagues? supervisor farrell. >> thanks, president chiu. colleagues, this came out of budget committee last week and admittedly this is a very tough item for me. as i thought about it in budget committee, i think a few issues here, we have these leases with different garages throughout san francisco.
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and as i articulated to the mta and a number of the community members, from my perspective there is a little bit of of consistency on how we handle these leases and to have a nonprofit agency manage them, to me, i had a lot of questions around that. and whether we should be sending additional money or the mta should be spending additional money to pay for this operation to me was very questionable. however, in speaking with a number of folks, i think two things. one, if i was asked should we be spending x amount of money and the same amount of money just to improve our neighborhood commercial corridors or certainly neighborhood commercial districts that especially japantown and the next item represent, but especially japantown, the answer is absolutely i would spend that in a heart beat. i think having thriving commercial corridors in our city, especially one such as japantown which is very ethnically oriented i think is critical to our city and i think something that i -- i
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know something i will always support. it's just the america nic many here seemed a little bit off to me but i want to thank the members of the community that came and spoke with me last week and for taking the time to do so. * it meant a lot to hear from you how this board was structured, how much it meant i think to the merchants but also to the community members and the board members and how it really facilitated i think what i said almost in essence a better japantown and a more thriving community. so, for that reason i will be supporting this legislation today, but i want to note why i had some objections earlier on. but really want to thank the members of the haunted that came out to speak with me. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you, president chiu. i also wanted to echo some of supervisor farrell's points. i think the japan sebastianver stir showed that they had tremendous support and they gave us a sense of history of the neighborhood from the geary boulevard that cuts the fillmore district off of japantown historically and how community-based nonprofits running some garages, whether it's [speaker not undeoo
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