tv [untitled] February 26, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
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couple years back, all the santa klaus hats and all that. you've also been part of showing young people their talents in arts and crafts, the craft club. you've been working with young girls as well making sure that they can have the self-respect and dignity that we all deserve to have, something you help people to see in themselves. it's really great to see. one of the things we just had recently, we have a women's group, african-american student honor roll a couple fridays ago, showing african-american families in san francisco, just how they are providing that space for young people to grow and contribute in education. so, it was a really wonderful event we were at, missouri women's group is the name of the group. missouri is swab swahili for beautiful women. just want to say thank you for your great work in san
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francisco. thank you for your work at the school, and thank you for -- you worked with my children as well. thank you for your service. >> thank you, john. [cheering and applauding] >> wow, i just feel so blessed and honored. first giving honor to god for me even being here. i just feel like i'm just representing one of many educators, parent educators, counselors, janitors, everyone that works in the schools with our kids. i want to really thank my daughter erica and my granddaughter jerica and my niece laurie who are here today. but also the women missouri women's group. if you could please just stand up. dianne johnson started this group. (applause) >> my aller jais. -- allergies. she worked tirelessly to get women and grandmothers, mothers, nieces, aunts, and
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even men are coming a lot to our functions. you know, i just want to charge you all with one really important thing. there's no song that goes no man is an island, no man stands alone. each man's joy is joy to me. each man's grief is my own. we need one another. so, i must defend each man as my brother and each man as my friend. we must take hold of each other's hand. we must take care of our children. this is black history month. but black history is everybody's history because civilization started in africa. (applause) >> so, we need to know from the beginning no matter what you believe in, there is only one beginning and there's only one race and that's the human race. everything else is culture. (applause) >> so, we've got to hold onto
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each other and bring up our children. we have got to provide the space for the kid who are disenfranchised, for the parents who are disenfranchised, for the people who are homeless. we cannot turn our back on the homeless here. so, i just charge you with caring about everyone. yes, this is black history month, but this is people's month. this is people's month. and i just so thank you for this honor and i accept it on behalf of all the educators here in san francisco that work tirelessly with the children here. thank you so much, john. (applause) >> [speaker not understood], my granddaughter is going to ecuador. [speaker not understood].
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festivities that are going on as we close out black history month. i also want to acknowledge and welcome the public to join us downstairs in the north light court. we will resume in 15 minutes. >> at 5:40. >> good afternoon. welcome back to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, february the 26th, 2013. madam clerk, could we call item 35, general public comment? >> the next item on the agenda is the opportunity for the public to comment generally for up to two minutes. on those items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including item on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note the public comment is not allowed on those items which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to
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testify. if you would like a document displayed on the overhead projector, please remove the paper when we go to the live meeting. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your patience waiting for us to end the discussion of black history. with that, why don't we hear from our first speaker. each speaker shall have up to two minutes. thank you. [speaker not understood] please give me few seconds to give message to our supervisor carmen. carmen, thank you very much for any kind of job you did to my community. we're going to miss you, but we still love you. and i would like to be here next time to give warm welcome to the lovely lady who going to bless you, katie, i wish her good luck. and thank you for what you do
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ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. my name abdullah miguel. i am here today to thank the president of the united states, barack obama, who has received my voice in the white house. finally, after i used to be here fight for the veterans who go to the war, and after he finish his war, he come here to be one homeless in the streets of san francisco [speaker not understood]. our president decided to ending the veteran homeless. he's going to give them housing and we're going to ask every one of you as the oldest
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homeless advocate, i would like to ask the supervisor [speaker not understood] my city to have list for each one of the homeless in your district. if they are veteran, they are going to get housing. if they are not veteran, i work now behind this issue to help our sheriff to give warm job for the people who ending their own time in the jail. god bless you and god bless everyone who work and try to make it his district better than other. and i would -- i don't for get to tell our supervisor, happy, happy african month day. thank you. carmen, good luck for you. we still love you and i would
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like to [inaudible]. good afternoon, supervisors. [speaker not understood]. don't give money to the friends and foundation, don't accept money from the friends foundation. [speaker not understood] little corporate northrop philanthropyists give [speaker not understood]. when the friends of the library made its original claim that it would raise $16 million for the branch libraries in the year 2000 in assets of $23 million. at the end of the most recent year for which we have figures, the friends net assets of 8.9 million. thus during the 12 years of the branch library improvement program, it had net lost assets of 11.3 million.
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and as required under the san francisco administrative code, the library administration has reported that funds extended to carry out or assist any function in the library during that period was only 4.9 million. this means that after having received income in that same period of $40 million of which the public library got not one red cent, the library received only 43 touch-tone 2% of the reduction in assets. having claimed it would raise $0 million for furniture, fixtures and equipment, the library would have been ahead and received four times the benefit if the friends had gone out of business and turned over its assets in the year 2000. not only to the board of supervisors not hold these fund-raisers accountable, but the most unscrupulous supervisors will go to library openings to support the friends of the library and present themselves as benefactors of the city. the corporate philanthropyists
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like the friends are exempt from accountability because that is what they get for their money. the real damage is to our democracy and the public institutions of our city. that is why having me arrested doesn't solve the problems and the lies cost more than the money. thank you. member of the board of supervisors, ray harte, director san francisco open government. and i would like to completely and with great admiration associate myself with the comments from mr. james chafee. mr. chafee has been attending and participating in library commission meetings for over 38 years, and i would say his knowledge and understanding of them and the friends of the library and the library itself exceeds that of all of the library commissioners, the city librarian and every member of this board of supervisors. and yet when he come up here and talks about all these enormous sums of money, you all stand there in silence.
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thomas equinas teaches that willful ignorance of what one ought to know is a mortal sin. i say more than a mortal sin. i say it's a breach of your fiduciary and trust placed in you by the citizens of the city when you were elected. the bottom line is, as mr. chafee pointed out, the friends raised in a 12 year period over $40 million. they in addition spent down previously raised money another $10 million. and when document requests were made of the public library, mr. luis herrera has been found in violation of the order of the sunshine order task force to produce the records and has withheld public records. and the reason for that is very simple. the library commission nor the librarian can account for $50 million. and yet they have repeat
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petedly come before the public and said what a wonderful job this group did. * at the same time mr. herrera himself was accepting 25 to $3,000 a month from the friends for reimburse many of expenses that would otherwise have to come out of his pocket. if that isn't a conflict of interest, what is? pay attention to mr. chafee. he's been coming here for years and you've ignored him long enough. (applause) >> thank you. next speaker, please. i will be using at some point in my talk the slide displayer. my name is peter war field. i'm executive director of library music association and i'd certainly like to chime in with the previous speaker that mr. chafee is a treasurer and
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might one day be acknowledged as such by other members of the city and especially the board of supervisors. i want to talk about the library's bad budget priorities , particularly with respect to collection problems and catalog problems. the catalog being the key to the patron's success in finding material. we are glad that our library commission approved extending hours somewhat, that's something the library uses association as advocated for years. but there is a really serious neglect and de-emphasis on books. let's talk about materials related to ralph nade he r. ralph nader as time magazine
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reported he is a conscience of reason sticking up for the little guy in the face of power and privilege. nader's book unsafe at any speed, was about the auto industry's calous disregard for the motoring public. guess what, the library doesn't have a single copy of mr. nader's famous book. the one copy that they had was billed after it didn't come in on march 19th, 2012. and the library further does not systematically review how a collection is losing books [speaker not understood]. the computer system tells you you can find more information about this, but when you get there, no additional information. the library needs to stick to basics. thank you. (applause)
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www.mark is the best caller in talk shows. jessie ka stand is the best talk show host, kfax 1100. is the best [speaker not understood] and you can download 3,000 of the sermons from the first of february 1969 to this february's broadcast on satan, what is he like. [speaker not understood], family radio is the best radio station because family radio kear is the only radio station that reads the bible and it's the the only radio station that reads good books. they're presently reading f.w. krumacher's book, elijah the tishbite. today is acts 26. paul is before king agrippa. he stretches forth his hand and says i'm really happy to give my defense to you today because i know you're familiar with the prophecies about the messiah in
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the old testament. he said, i used to persecute this way, this christian faith. i went after them and it was on my way out of israel into syria on the road to damascus when jesus christ knocked me off my horse and i saw this bright shining light and he said, saul, saul, why do you persecute me? and he said, delivering you from the people and from the gentiles unto whom now i send you. to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan to god. that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. the biggest sin you can commit is not to believe in jesus christ, according to jesus christ. that's the biggest sin you can commit. >> next speaker.
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hi, my name is trevor johnson. i'd like to bring an issue to the attention of the supervisors. this affects all your districts. there is literally a scourge on the streets of san francisco right now, putting all our citizens and visitors alike in danger. there are two illicitly operating taxi companies operating under the guise of ride sharing smart phone apps that have collectively over 1,000 unlicensed and underinsured vehicles operating as taxicabs in the city. both of these companies prey on the under employed and fib experienced of the city putting them to work in under insured nonlicensed and under regulated vehicles for the purpose of in town point to point transportation for hire. thea companies also heavily promote heavily to their driver during busy time to tell them no special license or insurance is required and the transportation that they are providing is on a for-hire
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basis. this makes them taxi companies in practice, definitely not ride sharing, especially when these companies are taking 20% of what the drivers are getting paid. both of these companies are publicly claiming that they are exempt from regulation, that they are providing ride sharing. and the moneys collected are donations. however, they are actively recruiting drivers with claims of making extra money and meeting interesting people just like you do as a cab driver. i've seen many incidents reported on one of their internal driver lounges on facebook reporting accidents, extortion up to threats of vie will betionv. i've heard anecdotal reports there are as many, many people driving under one driver's registration with lip specifically, and legal threats by ceos of lift and side car to drivers asking for proof of extended insurance. this is a problem. we are des mating the taxi industry. we are making it hard for hard
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working honest people who are getting licensed and insured legally to drive [inaudible]. * we're ruining it for the city, guys. we need to do something about lift and side car. >> thank you very much. next speaker. thank you, very honored to be here in this illustrious halls and particularly after the amazing presentations of your honorees this afternoon. it is a very, very exciting afternoon. i am a member of the revolutionery poets for gays and they are poet laureate has asked us to introduce poetry into the politics of our city. so, this will be as quick as i can get it. a song for san francisco. and i am delighted that you are considering rebuking our fed who are the nbaa but that come
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at the end of this. so, i don't want to have too many bells before that. (applause) an increase in homelessness [speaker not understood] because benches were removed elsewhere. why remove benches to take seats away from people who live and breathe in san francisco? and make sitting or lying on the streets an offense? send the homeless to different neighborhoods like playing [speaker not understood]. people need to sit somewhere out of sight cannot be out of his mind and for the car owners who seek a sunday, 1800 citations for parking on sunday, $72 for the city coffers for each offense. bike theft increased and remind me why i bike no longer. three box stolen from me by lock cutting, that was in europe. gangses, violence, theft is universal. neighborhood courts with volunteers, unpaid judges earn money for cities with restorative justice for first offenses.
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pay a stipend for those administering justice to ensure a fair playing field for unemployed. work requires compensation. our country is wealthy. 37,000 unemployed in san francisco, our city is wealthy and can spend money on competition for boring machines for historic women who might or might not become symbols. san francisco stands up for human rights. >> thank you very much. thank you. (applause) good afternoon, members of the supervisor supervisors, members of the public. star child, [speaker not understood] director for the chapter of the libertarian party here in san francisco. i had a question regarding item 36, the indefinite detention provisions of the national defense authorization act. will there be an opportunity to comment on that separately? >> this would be the time to do it.
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okay, i will comment on that now in that case. thank you, supervisor chiu, for introducing that, and the supervisors who co-sponsored it. i'm just wondering about the other supervisors farrell, carmen chiu, yee, wiener and cohen, encourage you to add your names to that list of sponsors so that we can have unanimous sponsorship as this is a horrible measure. and it's very important that we speak up now about the civil liberties abuses and constitutional rights, violations happening under president obama, a democrat president so that we have the credibility to speak up later when it's republican president committing these abuses as happened in the past. and many of the members of the public don't have the opportunity to interact with someone like obama when he comes to town. they typically hide from their detractors in the public. but as representatives, you may have the chance to perhaps say a few words to obama at some point. so, when you do i hope you will ask him why and under what constitutional basis does he claim the authority to have
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anyone anywhere in the world at any time including u.s. citizens killed just on his say so that they are terrorists? and you might ask him when his forthcoming book, the audacity of power is going to be coming out. please speak up about civil liberties. as quiet as bradley manning has been kept in detention for over a thousand days now without trial, without due process. he's the whistle blower who reported on war crimes being committed by u.s. government troops in afghanistan. and he is still sitting in jail as we sit here today. in honor of african-american history month, i would encourage the board to think about renaming justice herman plaza -- >> thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. i'm sorry, we provide everyone the same amount of time. so, i very much appreciate your comments. (applause)
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>> and if i could mention, we do have a rule in the board chamber to keep the proceedings going and be respectful of those folks speaking for people to not applaud or express dissatisfaction with comments. and let me also mention for anyone who wishes to make public comment on any of the resolutions we have, this would be that time to speak. next speaker. good evening, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood] and i have lived in san francisco for 61 years. i was instructed to come down tonight based on a news item carried by kcbs. in my opinion, tomorrow's swearing in is a low point in san francisco. in my opinion, it continues the continuing trend of corruption in san francisco. when someone so young can be given a seat, something tells
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me that something is wrong in this city of san francisco. i was totally [speaker not understood] that district 7 was independent and i would like to see whether that's going to be really true or not. also, if ex supervisors elsbernd and chiu who are so sharp financially, how come they didn't contribute to any plan to save the 49ers? losing the 49ers is a black eye to the city of san francisco. and mayors brown, newsome, and lee, you share the blame along with board of supervisors. let's put it this way. somebody has to be blamed when things go wrong so, why not blame our leaders? in my opinion, detroit has been solved. norxv
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new orleans is on the way. and eventually, eventually, sadly i'll have to say san francisco will be added on the list and eventually it will be served. * and let's put it this way. i never thought the mayor had to have the help of districts 7 and 4 in order to do a decent job. thank you. >> next speaker. hi, i'm auberry friedman from the libertarian party in san francisco. and we fully support david chiu's resolution against the detention provisions of the ndaa. under the guise of the war on terror, the detention provisions were slipped into the ndaa giving the president unlimited power to detain and hold in military prison
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indefinitely, without being charged, any person who provides substantial support to terrorism or commits belligerent acts against the united states. what exactly do substantial support or belligerent acts mean? that wording is so vague that almost anyone who exercising their first amendment rights can be interpreted as being belligerent and end up in a military prison without even being charged. this resolution is an excellent first step in ensuring that our basic civil liberties are preserved. we intend to push for full state nullification of the detention provisions in the ndaa. thank you, david chiu, for introducing this resolution. >> thank you. thank you. >> next speaker.
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