tv [untitled] March 1, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm PST
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>> president i would like to call roll. >> please, do. >> president mazzucco. present >> vice president marshal? >> here. >> commissioner dejesus. >> excused. >> chan. >> present. kinsly. >> present. >> commissioner loftus is in route. >> mr. president, you have the quorum. >> well, thank you very much, inspector monroe and welcome ladies and gentlemen to the san francisco police department's
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police commission community meeting we are going to have a few words from supervisor ferrel who represents the district. supervisor, ferrel? >> thank you. >> can you guys hear me okay? >> yes. >> all right. >> well, thank you, first of all, thank you pr mazzucco and thank you for the police commissioner for coming welcome back to district two. and i want to say thank you to all of the residents who are here and i see not only a lot of the fellow san franciscoans here but i see a lot of other members and i want to thank fellow westrake for hosting us here. as he mentioned the police commission does this once in a while and comes on for the different districts and it is a chance for the members to see what happens with the police commission and more importantly give a voice to people, and
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allow people to come up to speak to let people know on the police commission what is going on in the district. i know that i have been in touch with a lot of you with the recent crime activities and i hope that this is a chance and i hope that you take the opportunities to let the police commission know what is going on in the neighborhood as i am in contact with them all of the time and the captain, who is the new captain for the police station who is a fellow born and raised san franciscoan, i think that this is an opportunity for everyone to speak but also to witness, kind of the process that goes on in the police commission, we are lucky to have the commissioners to serve us in the city and here in district two. thank you guys for being here. look forward to a great dialogue tonight, thank you. >> thank you, supervisorer ferrel. >> ladies and gentlemen we do is give the commissioners a chance to tell you about the day jobs and how we got here. by way of background, we always
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meet at city hall but we have chosen on the last wednesday of the month to go to one of the communities represented by the ten district stations. the san francisco police department has ten stations, here in the northern district, as you heard. the captain is the new captain, but we go to the communitieses to hear from you what your concerns are. we are in charge of all policy and procedure with reference to the san francisco police department and our role is to hire and i have not had to do so far but fire the police chief because they are not responding to the community and our role is to be your liason everything from whether or not the police department should have tasers and whether or not we have fair and impartial policing. so there is a lot of issues that we deal with and also deal with disciplinary matters and we sit as a quasi, judicial body and we hear the hearings, and we have the director with us today dr. hiks which is the office of citizen complaints.
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they investigate complaints regarding police officers and we also have management control from the police department that brings cases against the police officers, we hear those case and we make the final determination on their careers. and what type of discipline should be met out by the commission. so it is a busy job that we have and it is a great job where i guess you can consider it volunteers, but before we go any further, i am going to start to the right and have the commissioners tell you about how they got here and what they do in their day jobs, commissioner chan? >> good evening, my name is angela chan, i have been on the commission for three years, the community members are my favorite meetings of the month. i live in the inner sunset and a work as a day job in the caucuses and i manage the criminal justice reform program and i come to this area quite often to eat and shop and you have many great restaurants here and i am happy to be here tonight and i look forward to hearing your concerns and your
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questions and make sure that we respond to any suggestions that you have. >> dr. marshal? >> dr. bill marshal. i have been on the commission eight years. i live in the 8, and my office is in the bay view, and i am the executive board. >> commissioner kinsly? >> i have been on the police commission for about two and a half years and i have lived in the city 20, 25 years. i would like to thank the captain tonight as well as the st. vincent paul school for hosting us and all of you in the community for turning out tonight, as smf the fellow commissioners stated, this is a highlight for us to be able to come out and talk to you. and mostly, listen to what you have to say to us. my day job is as a mediator and
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i worked as a business lawyer for a few years and mediate the points and i have also served on and impart of the board of the executive committee of the law center to present the gun violence and i have been working on the gun violence prevention issues in the last 20 years, i raised my son in the city and my heart is in san francisco. and so thank you again for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> commissioner loftus? >> i love to get to hear the fellow commissioners talk about themselves and the love of the city and it is wonderful. i'm native san franciscoan also. i live in the sun se. my husband and i are raising our three daughters in the city i am a former prosecutor with the san francisco district attorney office. and one of fast vorite things to do is to get to be the neighborhood prosecutor and so i am very familiar with the
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great community partnerships and the legacy of the chiefs who respect the community's ability to help to solve problems together and i think that is just really great about coming out to these meetings. for my day job, now, i, like dr. marshal, i work in the bay view for a non-profit for the center of youth wellness. where we are trying to improve the health of children who have been exposed to abuse in the home. and i encourage you, now is your time, sometimes we will hear issues that come up at community meetings and get followed up with the department and things change and since you have taken the time to be here tonight, we encourage you and we would forward to hearing what you have to say. >> i am tom mazzucco. and i was born is raised here at the marina district and i served mass here and i went to school here at st. vincent. and i used to have an alter for
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the lower chapel, i served mass. >> and thanks a lot, father, my pastor is over here helping with the technical difficulties. i'm married and my wife is present and my mother is present and a lot of my friends are present, i have raised my children in this neighborhood and i go to church in this church on sunday. and my career and my day job, i am currently an attorney at a partner, and prior to that i served the city for ten years as an assistant district attorney and i served the country as a u.s. attorney in the united states attorney office's so i have 19 years of experience, this means a lot to be here in this neighborhood and in this parish hall and again, father, thank you very much. >> was he a good boy, i just have to ask? >> just for the camera? >> he was. >> and we were going to move into the meeting but we have
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with us now supervisor london breed. who is part of the district to say a few words >> yes. >> i want to make sure that i say hello to the police commission and thank you for your service and i see many of my friends on this commission, the reason that i am here is because we are dealing with a tremendous amount of problems in the district five area, especially around the public housing developments. we are still dealing with issues of violent crime and we actually pay the housing authority, actually bays the police department an extra $1.3 million for additional services so i am constantly getting requests for folks in the community to have more
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officers, patrolling outside of their cars and i know that we had a class just graduate and we expect to have two more classes graduate. i know that you are looking at statistics and you are looking at what is happening in all of the neighborhoods and we are the most needed and i want to make sure that we are looking at the areas especially where there have been some games made in terms of helping to curve a lot of the violence, but more importantly, of course, we all know that having more police officers on the street means that we will have less crime because that in itself is a deterrent and so i am just here to advocate for those particular areas and i'm hoping to really push to staff up the police department especially with the numbers that we need to really effectively impact the entire city. because we know how important it is for public safety and i just wanted to stop by and say hello and express my interest in getting more folks out in
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the district especially in the areas where we need it the most and thank you very much for this community. >> thank you, supervisor, also a native and she graduated from uc davis and came back and she served at the african american cultural center as the director and it is great to have her on the board of supervisors because she is a true san franciscoan and her district is in the northern district along with the park district and so she deals with the captain all of the time. we need to look at oakland with the crime rate skyrocketing because they are laying off police officers and we are hiring police officers that is because the board of supervisors have decided that the public safety is their first concern and mayor lee has made the same commitment and we have two academy classs in there now and for that we thank you. >> yes, thank you. [ applause ] >> so what we would like to do
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is we will move to our agenda and first thing we will do is simple things of adoption of our minutes from the prior meetings while we could report from the acting police chief tonight denise smith and we will go through the quick reports and the main event which they are trying to prepare is the presentation by captain mceachern. could you call line item one? >> item one, adoption of minutes, action. for the meetings of january 9, 23, 30 excuse me, and february 6, 2013. commissioners, you have in your packets, the minutes from the prior meetings. and i want to thank commission second monroe for putting these together and do you have any additions or corrections? >> no. >> okay. >> a public comment regarding these matters, hearing none, do we have a motion? >> i move to adopt? >> all in favor >> aye. >> please call number two. >> line item two, reports to
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the commission, discussion, chief's report, review of recent activities. >> acting chief is on the way up to the podium and the chief is in washington, d.c. this evening and so his number two in command is going to make the presentation >> number two, that is good. i promised the captain that i would talk long enough to get that working program. i am praying for good technological. >> thank you very much there president, and commissioners and director hicks and supervisors it is good to see you. and members of the public. thank you father for being here tonight and it is always a pleasure. i was born and raised in another district, but i did go to a school over the hill, st. rose academy which is no longer there. but the church next door is still there. the president mentioned that the chief of police is away. he is in washington, d.c., he
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is honored to have him attorney the former district attorney harris, very, very tough financial times and this is a critical week for funding not just on the city level, we have been struggling, but federally we are struggling with decision and friday is going to be a big day and the attorney organized a contingency to go back and meet to the caucus and bring to the attention of the ways that we use the federal funds to combat violence and property crimes. it has been discussed here, the armed and prohibited person's list which is a tool that we use to get the firearms of the street. we have been effective with reducing the number of firearms on the street. using that is funded by the federal funds. we have used it to improve the technology and hire the officers, and make us more efficient that is federal funding. burn grants which are also
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hiring grants, all of these, this is the week to really make sure that is on the front burner for the members of congress as they make their decisions which i would not trade jobs with them this week for decision making just for the fact that i am sitting in the chief's office for two days. any way we use these moneys for violence, reduction, but saturation patrols, narcotics enforcement and things like this, the chief is the only sitting chief of police that has gone with the attorney general to make the case for the federal level. that being said, they should be done and he will be back in town on thursday and since it is not football season or baseball season and there is no rugby team that i know of in washington, d.c., i hope that he will be back on thursday and i can go back to my usual job which is the deputy chief of special operations bureau. the special operations bureau over sees the tactical division, the motorcycle division, the hondas and the mounted as well as the department operation's center which is sort of a 24/7 nerve
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center for the police department and that is what i call it. and we serve as the conduit for the officers and the resources that they need any time of day or night and so we bring in the investigators or the crime scenes units and things about it. every unit that i see is small but powerful. expectly the tact people, very powerful. i am aufully nice to them, that is why i am here in stead of greg, who i know enjoys being with the commission on wednesday night. and he likes to be in the community meetings but he was bumbed to miss that. >> on his agenda for the chief's report, highlights of the week. we did have three sort of significant many things that happened throughout the city in the week. crimes to speak of, we had a stabbing on the 25th at 2:15 in the morning altercation in the central district. the victim was in an alter
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indication and collapsed and a security guard intervened and the suspect fled. it was discovered that the victim had number views stab wounds to the upper torso. he was identified as a local but was discovered with a passport but he had keys. he had no wallet and we don't have an account that this was a robbery. bebelieve that it was an, altercation, the he is in better condition now. >> the suspect was a white man with long hair in in his 20s. >> on the 22nd we had a homicide occur, a young man was playing basketball at the ward rec center which is over in the omi section of the teravel
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district out by where 280 hits. he had been playing basketball for about two hours, he left the rec center and was discovered shortly after 7:00 p.m. in the courtyard with suffering from the gun shot wounds. two suspects with ski masks were seen running from the area. paramedics were called but the victim was pronounced deceased at the scene. the victim had the gun shot wounds to the upper body and we have no suspects in custody and that investigation continues. in the paper this week, on january 28th an assault at 11 a.m. and 77-year-old male was smoking cigarette in front of 600 market street when an unknown suspect picked him up and threw him to the ground. the victim was transported to the hospital for a fracture and succumbed to his injuries and there is no suspect in custody and that remains under investigation.
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>> we do have arrests i know that you did not meet last week but we had major arrests that i wanted to draw to your attention. february 11th, the cia unit arrested three suspects 34, 20, and 18, all from san francisco, involved in a violent robbery series. and also found in their position during their arrest were loaded firearm and ski masks. these suspects were identified and two more robberies in san francisco and as you know, robberies, you know, none of our most difficult violent crimes that we are addressing, so it is a significant event when you get a work that is working in concert together and you can tie this many robberies it is a great event. >> february, 11th also, bay view officers conducted a traffic stop in oak dale and led to the arrest of a suspect after found several rounds of ammunitions and a gun. and was involved in a incident on february 10th where he fired shots to the victim using a silver hand gun.
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>> one of the things that we do and all of the officers do in the daily basis and the traffic stops, frequently, they end with just a ticket and a warning, but they often times yield much greater price. on the events of significance that the command staff and the rest of the department participated in. i know that commissioner loftus has well as director hicks was able to be with us on february 20th where we held a ceremony for 56 of the members these people were promoted to the ranks of sergeant, lieutenant, captain and even two deputy chiefs. ats an infrequent occurrence when we get to this these celebrations, but it is a real chance to for the people who get promoted but it is the chance for the families to get to celebrate all of the hard work that come out of that. and i thank you commissioner and i thought that you spoke nicely and it was nice to sit next to you and make small
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jokes. that was february 20th. >> the chief attended a panel on tracysingal age and partnership and described our relationship of working with the youth. we have collaborated and continues to build a relationship with agencies. others on the panel were the district attorney, chief probation officers, wendy seal and jeff danace and the mayor's office. >> on february 20th, to the 22nd, the wilderness program, provided a backpacking trip to angel island, 11 students, two teachers and one very over worked officer, spent the three days camping out in the wilderness, at angel island
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park. on february 23rd, very busy day for the command staff and the police department. some of the members of the command staff in the morning and other officers participated in what is called the polar plunge, at the park which is a benefit for the special olympics and the members of the public were there and you go straight to the park and you go outside in the water and you plunge around to raise money for the special olympics and it is a lot of fun but i missed it this time but i have done it twice, that is great. there were several members of that and later in the evening, along with many in the family, the command staff and others including the officer's association participated in the chinese new year parade to welcome the year of the snake which happens to be my birth year. it is great and it is going to be a good year for me. >> and that is pretty much all that i have for the chief's report. other than to say that obviously, i know that along with everyone here, probably,
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the police department with all law enforcement mourns the loss of the two officers in santa cruise, it is always in our minds somewhere that these can come but the horrible tragedy that occurred down there was two veteran officers and their lives being taken senselessly while they are just doing their job to help the public. and i know that you all share in our just sense of loss for them. and obviously we have extended every, you know, effort of condolence and support and we will be there for the fellow law enforcement officers to get through and that a very difficult time for them. >> we are going to adjourn the meeting tonight in honor of the two fallen officers, and there is a brethren and a sisterhood and we are going to adjourn in honor of laren bufp baker and elizabeth butler who left extensive families and some of
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you may know sergeant butler played football and we will adjourn the meeting in their honor tonight and that is why the chief is wearing a black band over her badge this evening. >> any questions for the chief? >> thanks for the report. >> thanks very much, chief. >> call line item two b. >> occ director's report, review the recent activities. on joyce hicks the director of occ. >> good evening, director hicks. >> good evening, president, mazzucco. members of the commission. supervisor breed, deputy chief smith, and captain mceachern and members of the audience. i am joyce hicks the director of office of citizen's complaints and in addition we have here this evening, very
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investigator dennis max from the office of citizen's complaints. it is a pleasure to be here, and we are also known as the occ. the occ is the third largest civilian oversight of law enforcement agency in the united states. only surpassed in size by new york, and chicago. the office was created by a board of supervisors sponsored charter amendment in 1982 and game operational in 1983. we are 30 years old. it was originally an office in the san francisco police department but later placed under the direct supervision of the san francisco police department as an independent commission. >> the function is to assist
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the police department in building trust with the community by being a bridge between the public and the police in matters of police misconduct and police policy. to that end, the office of citizen complaints has a mission to insure police accountability by conducting fair, full-timely and unbias recommendations. >> and finally conducting medations between the sits sens and the complaints. >> we investigate the xlaipts against the san francisco officers and make policy recommendations on the san francisco police department policy. in california, law enforcement agencies must have a procedure to investigate complaints by members of the public against peace officers. in san francisco, the office of citizen complaints serves that purpose. the diverse group of civilians who have never been san francisco officers, staff our office. the occ has a 33 member staff,
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currently have two vacant investigator positions, which we are in the process of filling. the majority of our staff does consist of investigators in the balance of staff consists of attorneys and support staff. our main purpose is to conduct investigations to find out what happened, we followed the evidence by interviewing the person who brought the complaint. also, interviewing the involved officers and civilian witnesses. we have subpoena power to compel testimony and obtain evidence. we obtain evidence from the police department and form a police department and other documentation that the department generates. we also visit the site of the alleged occurrence and may take photographs of places or persons and also analyze cameras that may be at that location. we aim to complete our investigations in nine months
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and with limited exceptions we must complete the investigation within a year. once we complete an investigation, we make a finding of whether or not the complaint of misconduct occurred that are an officer violated in police department rules or local state or federal laws. we have a standard of proof that is the preponderance of the evidence. which means that the complaint of conduct the likelihood is greater or the probability is greater than 50 percent. if after the investigation we do find that an officer violated a rule we forward a report to chief sir for further action. he may impose discipline up to a ten-day suspension. this is the violation is more serious than as president mazzucco mentioned earlier, the police commission has jurisdiction over those case
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and we prosecute those cases before the police commission and that could be the places where the discipline could be greater than ten-day's inspection. >> in addition to conducting investigation we provide medation service. it is an alternative to discipline. last year the occ mediated 62 cases. those 62 cases that the occ mediated report the work of one investigator it was 8 percent of the cases that we closed last year. it allows them to resolve the issues with the accused officer in person in a dispute resolution format. it goal is to bring the parties together in an effort to achieve mutual understanding
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