tv [untitled] March 1, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PST
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and we have a partnership with the bar association who provide us with neutral mediators for the program. we have conducted medations in languages other than english through interpreters. our medation program is voluntary, both the complainant and the officers have to agree to mediate pi am proud to report that in 2012, eligible officers participated at a 90 percent rate in our medation program. in addition, the office of citizen complaints the member of the community boards 2012 excellence in adr practices award. now, i would like to share a few statistics with you about the cases that the occ received. in 2012. and how we resolved them. in 2012, the occ received 746 complaints.
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this is a 6 percent reduction in complaints they received in 2011 when we received 784 complaints. last year we sustained allegations in 60 percent of the cases we closed. we found proper conduct in 31 percent of the allegations we investigated and we found that 4 percent of the allegations were unfounded or not true. the largest percentage of allegations we received were for unwanted action, 33 percent of the allegations followed by the conduct reflecting discredit. 29 percent of the allegations. unnecessary force comprised only 3 percent of the allegations we received and last year we did not sustain any of the allegations of a necessary force. in 2012, approximately 26 percent of the complainants were african americans, cacasions and other percentage declined to state their rates.
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additionally, asian americans at 7 percent, latinos at 12 percent, native americans and pacific islanders at 1 percent and 3 percent other. the occ is located on the 7th floor on the corner of sanes and marcus. we are usually accessible by public transportation and we receive walk in complainants from the public between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. monday through friday, in non-open hours we receive the complaints by an answering service. we also received the complaints by television, e-mail, mail and fax. you may also file a complaint at your local police station and station personnel will forward it to us. our staff speaks several languages including can toe knees, man da raoen and
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spanish, two of the investigators are bi lingual speakers and that is important because the largest number of our non-english interviews are conducted in spanish. for languages other than the ones that i previously mentioned, we will obtain the interpretation services, last year we conducted 14 intakes in spanish, and five intakes in can toe knees, one in russian and one in american sign language. we have a website, which is and if any of you would like additional information on the occ, this evening, in your investigation dennis max um is in the back of the room there and we also have brochures available on the table. and that concludes my remarks. thank you. >> thank you very much director hicks. any questions for director hicks from the commission. >> just want to tell you a little bit about the medation
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and it is a real helpful process. when the people interact with the police the officer use the person's voice as the first level of force, they need to protect themselves. they don't understand when you sit in a room and you understand that is why i did it. and the officer said that really upset me. so it works really well in the medations and the officers are participating and i wanted to thank director hicks and it has lessened the caseload, thank you. >> i sat in on a medation and a comment that the officer made at the end of the medation, and the officer had not answered a question of the complainant because the officer was very busy, and what the officer said what he learned from the medation, even though he had not violated any policies that if he had taken a moment to speak with the complainant and he would not have been there at the medation. so i think that it was a very
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positive works both ways for communication. >> thank you very much, director hicks. >> you are welcome. >> please call line item two, c >> excuse me. commission reports, commission president's report and commissioners report. >> just briefly i attended for the break the officers of justice for which the secretary john monroe is the president of and we celebrated several former san francisco officers and one that worked in this parish for the role in the civil rights advocates in the 60s and 70s raising the rights of the officers. and you probably know that san francisco is the most diverse police department in the country and it is because of the work of these men who received the awards and put in the hall of fame because their hard work that we have the police department that we have today that was a great ceremony and that is all that i have to report and commissioners, anything to report? >> i would like to report that the coffee was delicious. i am sorry guys.
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>> it has been a long day. >> i wanted to report that it was a fantastic promotion ceremony, some great family and i just wanted to echo the points that the deputy chief made is that our job is to be critical and hold the police officers accountable every day and we do that well in san francisco and it is also nice to celebrate some people who worked really hard to become leaders in the department at a time when there is so much transition and so many young officers. and these leaders are going to teach these young officers how to be and their families were there at a day when we are mourning what happened in santa cruz. how grateful we are for their service and i just wanted to under score that. >> call line item two d. >> commission announcement and scheduling of items identified for consideration at a future commission meetings. >> any announcements? >> well, on march 6th, we will be back at city hall in room 400 at 5:30 p.m. and that will be the next meeting and after that it will be march 13 at
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city hall also, the third wednesday we are dark there is no meeting and we try to do a community meeting on the last wednesday of every month. >> thank you, commissioners, any announcements that you would like to make? >> commissioner chan? >> i wanted to ask about the department general office, 5.05. the driving and i know that that was continued and i wonder if there is a date for when we are going to set it for the department general orders anything that we have ready to go is it gets put in front of the commission. >> excuse me, when the chief returns i will speak with him and we can set up a date. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> this should belong in the commissioner reports and i did not get a chance to see and you would intend to be good bye and thank you for the chief investigationer who spent a lot of time with the office of citizen complaints and contributed a lot to the department and also the occ. we will be honoring the chief investigation from the occ and it was a great ceremony
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yesterday and he is a goodman and we have lost a good, man. >> we will move the public comment to the end because now is the main event. forget the commissioners and the command staff, it is time for the captain to talk about his district. call item 3. >> everybody in the audience just perked up. >> we know who the star of the show is. >> line item three, cap pain agreeing mceachern commanding officers in the northern station to address the commission of police activities in the northern district >> good evening, everybody, thank you very much for coming out tonight. i want to tell you a little bit about myself for just a moment, and there is quite a few of you that have talked about being born and raised and i too was born and raised in san francisco. i grew up in the richmond district as well and i spent quite a bit of time out there as well as in the north beach and went to school here in san francisco and including college and i'm very proud to say that i'm a second generation police
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officer here in san francisco. on both my father and my brother are in the department. and it is something that i am very proud of. before i begin the presentation, there are a few people that i want to thank for coming out. first of all the commissioners for coming out here tonight and setting up this in the neighborhood i think that it is a fantastic thing that we get to do once a month and the fact that it is in the northern district at this time, it is great because just coming here, two months ago gives me an opportunity to see that many more of the community members and so i want to thank the commission for that. i saw father canter earlier, there he is back there. thank you very much for allowing us to use the perish hall and the school, it is a great benefit to us in the district and i want to make sure that we thank you and all of the members for allowing us to be here tonight. >> and most importantly, i want to thank all of you that were sitting here i know that i have met a number of you in the last two months but i had the
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opportunity to meet all of you and i am glad that you are here tonight to hear a little bit about the northern district and the northern police station and some of the things that effect us. the commissioners have seen presentations like this before, at many of the district stations each month, it goes from one to another. but really this presentation is for you, for you to see, you know, really forward things and what i am going to talk about tonight is we are going to talk about the overview of the northern district, so you have an idea of exactly where the northern police station encompasses. and then we are going to look at the crime issues, and events that are in the northern district and we are going to look at, northern station, some of the members and talk a little bit about staffing and where we are and we are going to finish up with what i think is one of the most important things of the presentation is goals that we have for the station in 2013 that is important to get out to you. with that we will go ahead and start. most of you should have copies
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of this if not, it is up on the board. northern station, for those that don't know encompasses a fairly large area of the city and council of san francisco. but when you look at that map, you can see that northern station really starts at the corner of church and market. and it goes all the way down market street to larkin, from there, everything north all the way to where you hit water is northern station. so, we have the lower hate, we have the haze valley and the middle fillmore and the western addition, and upper fillmore and pacific heights and the marina, and it is a large area and as you can see within the northern district there are ten districts and a number of smaller communities that we encompass. >> this is number two. one of the things that this picture shows you here is the
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five district sectors that the police department polices during a normal workday. the northern is broken up into five sectors as you can see the largest one is the year that we are in now, which is in the marina area which is the five-car sector and we also have a four, a three, a two, and a one car sector where we have police officers that are in regular cars and foot beats and plain clothes and a number of other aspects policing the specific districts. go ahead. some of the things that i wanted to talk to you about the facts of northern station is that it covers 5.3 square miles, which is about you know, ten percent of the district, with 49 square miles in the city, population of 96,000 which is ten percent of what we have here. and we have five supervisors
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that police or that are in charge of the community and the districts that we have. we have supervisor mark ferrel who has district two which is this area and i have supervisor david chiu which encompasses the polk street and nod hill and we have the lower hate, haze valley and the western addition. and supervisor kim who has the lower polk street area and civil center and we have scott weiner who is the supervisor for the area encompassing around the border of mission station, the church and debosa area. >> these dem graphics that you see here kind of gives you an idea from the census is what the northern station has as far as the public is concerned. there are 50 percent of the district is male and obviously 50 percent is female. one of the things that i wanted
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to show you was very telling for me when i looked at this on the census is that currently the children that are under the age of 17, that we have here in the northern district is only about 7 and a half percent, many of you know that that number has decreased quite a bit in san francisco over a number of years. back in the 70s, 80s and early 90s, we had upwards of 15 to 20 percent of the community in san francisco that was children under the age of 17. and i think that that is something that we are losing, that we need to really address as we move forward that, you know, through time, because without some of the programs and without some of the things that engages our youth out here we are going to continue to have the numbers diminish and so it is something that i am concerned with and i know that the commissioners are and it is something that we will be dealing with here in the northern as well as other districts in san francisco throughout the years, all right? >> before i get into a little
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bit of staffing, the first thing that i want to talk about northern station is what is called a community mrition advisory board. some of you may know what that is, and some of you may not be quite aware of exactly what the community police advisory board is. a few years ago, when chief gascon was here he implemented the community police advisory board and each district station has one. they can range from just a few members up to 16 to 20. northern station, currently has 16 members that are on the community police advisory board. there are actually some of them are here tonight and although i don't want to embarrass them i think that i will if they could stand up for me because i would like to recognize them with my advisory boards thank you very much. [ applause ] what the community police advisory boards do is they meet with the captain of the district station and they serve as a liaison between the police district and the community.
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often times we work on certain projects that are important to the district. they bring problems to the captain, to the district, that they feel need to be addressed in the community and then the captain and the district works with them to engage the community to solve and work on solutions for some of those problems. one of the current things that we are working on in the community police advisory board in the northern district. some of you may have seen just a couple of days ago, the issue about some of the bars on polk street. it is one of the areas that was here. we had our community police advisory board meeting last week and they kind of roundtabled some of the things that we wanted to work on it and we decided that we were going to work on identifying some of the problem areas on polk street. some of the bars and some of the businesses, and some of the residents, merchants and figure out a way to do better community engagement and involvement with them to reduce the crime that have better quality of life issues and educate the public that is
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coming down there. there was an article in the paper that talked about it being a concern of the neighbors that were there and so i am really looking forward to working on that with the individual project with the advisory board. but that is one of the things that most of the advisory boards do and that is since that is the current project that we will be working on. we will move on to the second portion that talks about the staffing that i have here at northern station. and as you can see by the presentation, it is there, i have 132 sworn police officers assigned to northern station. and i have five civilians, but of the 132 officers that i have, myself as the captain, i have five lieutenants and four of them that work patrol and two of them work days and two of them work at night watch and i have one lieutenant who over sees the sergeants and the detectives that do the investigations of the major crimes that occur in the
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district. i have 22 sergeants, their sergeants range from being involved in investigations, like i mentioned. they can be involved in supervisor street crimes unit and they would be supervisors on patrol, patrolling or supervisoring the officers that were on patrol as well as a sergeant that works on my staff and then i have right now, 104 police officers that you are or you will see every day on the street. in the same fashion and manner that i spoke about earlier, you will see them in uniform and plain clothes, some of them are school resource officers and some of them work public housing. and some of them work the beats, which we will talk a little bit more about in a bit. and i have 104 officers including eight that are in training and we will talk about the 8 that are in training, in a bit. >> this next slide that i show you here, is really one of the most important ones that i think that i want to bring forward to you. as we have mentioned in the
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past, many police stations within the city have suffered losses of police officers for retirement, and disabilities, and budget cuts, because the funding was not available to have academy classes, thankfully with the help of commission and the board of supervisors the mayor has allowed us to have a number of academy classes that are going to be coming through and are beginning to come through the city over the next three to four years. when you look at these numbers here, you can see that in 2010, i had 121, or i didn't, but the northern station had 121 officers that were out and available for patrol. at the beginning of this year, i was down to 96. well we were down to 96. we are currently up at 104. if you look at that, that is a significant reduction in police officers. those numbers thankfully, are going up, and i'm hopeful that they will continue to go up because as i will mention in a
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couple of slides, there are certain things that we need to do to help you in the community to address some of the issues and concerns that you have and to help us bring some of the crime rates down that unfortunately have been criming a little bit in the past few months, we will talk about that. but i'm hopeful that the numbers will come up, and we will talk a little bit more about, i see that the deputy chief of patrol is here john loftus and i think that he is hearing it because he makes the decisions on the officers that i will be getting. >> i am glad that he is here. we will go to the next slide. >> this talks about the officers of the work in nigh station of the 124 patrol officers that i have, you can see that i have asia pacific islanders and latin o and all of the races and the dem graphics break down to 19 women and 105 male officers which is about in line with what we currently have in the
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department. the officers that work in northern station, speak a number of languages and i am proud that we speak spanish, italian, and danish and polish. however, one of the things that i will be requesting as we move forward, and get additional officers is for more officers that sfaoek other languages. it is not one of the largest districts where we have language issues. but, i never want to be for lack of a better term, under staffed with the officers that can speak a language that is necessary, because when you are a victim of a crime and up can't speak the language, or you can't speak english and your primary language is another one, it can be very frustrating if you can't get your issues or concerns across and i want to make sure that we have a number of officers so that does not become a problem. we are going to move in to the last two sections of my presentation which i feel are the most important. we are going to talk about the crime rate and some of the issues addressing the crime in
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the northern district and then we will lastly finish with some of the goals for 2013. the first slide that you see deals with the violent crime, aggravated adults, homicides robberies, and rapes. if you look at the current percentages up there, northern station is up one percent for the year. is that a number that i am proud of? no because i want it to be down. compared to the city, which is about 4 percent, we are doing better. but those numbers flutuate but i want a decline not an increase. some of the things that we have seen on the street that you may have been a victim of or read about or heard about is some of the higher incidence of robberies, you can see that in the northern they were up 16 percent, i can sit here and tell you that over all, violent crime is down. but, i think that all of us
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know that perception is reality. and if you perceive that the crime is up in whatever manner that you think that it is up, if i tell you that it is down, in your perception is that it is up, it is up. and i need to hear about those concerns. so, one of the issues that came up with the last couple of weeks was there was a robbery that occurred down here in the marina area. and i received the e-mails and copies of blogs where the victim notified her friends about the violent robbery that she was a victim of. and within that there was kind avenue question about whether that was an individual isolated robbery or a number of robberies that occurred over a short period of time. i spent 35 minutes talking to her on the phone about her incident. and about whether or not there
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were other crimes that occurred and what her perception was and then i found was that there was a little bit of a miscommunication as to whether there were other robberies in the district and there weren't. but the fact of the matter was that she was a victim of a violent crime and was quite traumatized by it. if her per speption was that crime was up, then it was. when those happen and i get e-mails and thats concern you about crime, you will get an e-mail or a personal call from me or the officers to talk to you about that issue or concern. and we will move on to the bigger problem in the district. that is the next one. and that is property crimes.
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violent crimes are very, very traumatic but at the same time you are a victim of property crime you are just as traumatized by what happened. if you look at the numbers here, property crimes include burglaries which are thefts from the vehicles and auto thefts and business and an arson. well that number that says that the auto break-ins are up 83 percent does not make me happy at all. that is an unacceptable level in san francisco. over all in the city, i know that there are times where our numbers with the com staff may be in flux but in the city we are up over 50 percent for the year. it is not just anomaly here in the northern it is occurring at different locations but there is a number of things that we are going to be doing to reduce that and i will talk about that in a minute. having the property crime rate up 34 percent is way too much for me.
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we are going to be working hard on this to make sure that we are arresting the individuals, and doing community out reach to you to become aware of some of the things that you can avoid becoming the victim of those crimes. the arrests for northern station and as you can see the number of arrests are up, we have arrested more than 94 percent, as the crimes are up the arrests are up. that is going it happen. i would rather have the arrests down because the crime is down. what are we going to do for that? there are a couple of things. we have enforcement actions that a lot of my officers are going to be out conducting. whether they are in uniform, or whether they are in plain clothes. there are high crime areas for property crime and violent crime and we will have a number of enforcement actions to address that. and the second thing that we are doing on a daily basis is
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briefing our officers at the station, as to where the incidents are happening and showing them maps and locations of high crime areas, and telling them they need to be aware of cognoscente of all of the criminals and the issues that are in the area that are patrolling. by doing so, we are hoping that they will encounter some of these individuals and arrest them and engage them and that we will watch the actions that are taking in before they actually commit crimes. we have had very good involvement with the district attorney office. i know that commissioner loftus used to work with the district attorney office and we have had great conversation s with them to make sure that the district attorney office is aggressively prosecuting them so that we can get the individuals off the street. we know that if you take one criminal off the street who is out breaking into cars, we have probably saved ten car break ins for the day and that is an important thing for us to work
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on. >> we have a representative from the da's office >> we do, we have mark who is my community, district attorney, and he may come up and introduce himself when i am done here. and i invited him and he works hand in hand with the officers at northern station, when we have issues involving community courts or other concerns whether we make arrests and he is the person that i would go to to talk to the district attorney about getting more engaged with the prosecution and incarceration of the individuals that we are looking to take off the street. >> the last thing is and this is the most important thing for me to tell you about what we are doing. and talk to you about some of the community education that is available to you. i went this morning to a merchant's association on union street and i spent probably an hour and a half talking to them and they had a couple of concerns, the first concern was some of the burglaries of the
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residence, i am sorry of the businesses and some of the street robberies and some of the robberies of their businesses, are there numbers up, the burglaries in yes, they are they have gotten the windows broken and i brought two of my officers from my midnight watch down who worked plain clothes for me at night so that they could tell them exactly what they needed from my officers and my officers were there to engage them on exactly what it is that they could do for them. i provided to them, four different fliers and i have left a bunch of them here tonight and i am hoping that you will grab on your way out. and they are tips for you to give to anybody to avoid being a victim of a street robbery to avoid being a robbery of a commercial burglary and to have avoid having your car broken into and to avoid being a victim of a commercial robbery or burglary. they are there what i need from you is to take those and give them to your community members and educate them, and continue to talk to them about some
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