tv [untitled] March 2, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PST
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done. we live and we live on bakers street close to lumbard from my window we can see traffic walking traffic on lumbard and richardson avenue and just a wondering procession of wondering homeless people. and those are the people, i can't help but think there is a large correlation between the burglary break ins and, and the break-ins, okay, i think that that covers my list. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> pat, come on up. >> come on up. come on up barber i have not seen you for a while.
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>> welcome back. high name is barbara growth and i am a resident of san francisco, and i attended the last meeting, of your taser demonstration or on the tasers. i had brought this out, i know that i can't bring it into the city hall which is why i come out with it again. this is called a raptor. sas i sat down i figured that i forgot to say what this is. this is the raptor. i went by the place where they sold it. gee they have moved. no forwarding address and so i am going to run around the city to see if i can find where they sell these again, this is 31 dollars, this is much cheaper than the other that you people
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have. >> it does not cost me as much as the gun that you have. this is a a lot of growth in the directory and i called it it is not my naum and i called it. i find out through a friend it is registered to my ex-inlaws. down on caesar street. i was wondering isn't that against the law for them to do something like that. and the nitwit does not want to pay alimony but he will because he is make shoinger that no one can get in touch with me. i think that he is silly >> be careful with your taser. >> thanks. >> expect speaker? >> my name is vick preo from the marina and i think that the
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police do a wonderful job and thank you for making yourself open and available to us and the commissioner as well. we all have concerns, and one of those that we have is that they are trying to open the restaurant going on the up on the top, and it has a potential to attract a nuisance and what the police are going to do if this place opens up in a homeless move from the park to the marina green and what is going to happen now. probably once a month i will find sleeping on the street and the homes. we have had concerned and a cook of break-ins on the car and we did not walk in. and obviously we cannot get in the city. what we look forward to is when this place an attractive nuisance for the homeless and for anyone else. one of the big destination points is the mystery, and the
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bars and restaurants and the people come from all around and invite and they hope to do it from chest nut street and from all around the bay area. and what is going to happen here in this nice area and the restaurant in there, what are we going to do now? what are the police going to do when we get these limos with the cars pull of people who want to drink and enjoy them up on the marina green, where are we looking for? the future? for protection? as home eners? we paid taxes and that is why we lived there. and they are not cheap. and i would like to know, you know, because my (inaudible) is back, the fact that we are playing high taxes i did not live there for free. i look in the future. you see?
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>> thank you. >> the next speaker? >> patricia, neighborhood merchant. we have several issues coming up, number one the homeless issue that was discussed, our dear procidio (inaudible) trusts the police officers and all of the homeless that they ran up in the morning out on the lumbar gate and not on the procidio, gate, we should be able to share the wealth. they dump all of us to here. okay? number two, and i think that we need to work on a system where (inaudible) was over at that and (inaudible) was here, and i think that it was along the (inaudible) one of those with
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the others, they worked out a system where they contacted (inaudible) if they saw a pattern like and they worked it out. and there needs to be more (inaudible) to the trust. number two, we have, or i have 60 percent of the merchants now have the green, no trespassing signs with the buildings that have the indented signs. and i have to go back to northern and get them copied. but we are doing something about the people sleeping and in the middle of the doorway. but it takes time and you have to get the manager and if it is a corporation and it is a corporation ration, it is very long. we have a new problem on our hands. we have corporations who are lying to the planning submission saying that they are not going to formula retail and recently we are losing one of our best. who has been here for 30 years, is being chased out by pete's
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coffee and the rent was increased by $5,000 a month to $20,000 a month. and so, we have this problem coming up, we need more help among the people here in this room, to help us to help us to start looking at what is really happening and we like to set up to set up a committee. and we have a police issues. (inaudible) weiner wants to put food trucks and (inaudible) trucks within 50 feet of existing-like businesses. in other words, the coffee roasterry could have a coffee food truck in front of crutch. we are working very hard and it was done behind the scenes and they tried to bring it up and this goes into the potential of not all food trucks are bad.
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but this is potential of possibly dealing out of trucks like they have right now downtown. we need to look into this. number five. pedestrian ans say that greg are you here? one saturday i heard about saturday traffic on chest nut, and i drove it three times and it was outrageously scary. the pedestrians do not stop, period. and what happens is you start to go in and you think that it says and they just run right in front of you. someone is going to get hurt and i almost hit somebody because a lady had five children under five and did not have them holding hands and one of them ran right in front of me and while i was watching to make sure that they are corraled before i moved. another one from this side tried to walk in front. and this is something that we have to work out about how we are going to solve this problem and have a problem.
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it was very, very, very scary. number five, is the break-ins, i have talked to greg and the break ins, and some of them in the robbery so i could worn the lady was robbed. on the far send of chest nut now they have never had any experiences out there except for once every ten years, but some of our friends that the famous hotels that we are trying to clean up moved down to the sister motel and i believe that some of this is coming from there. and what else? have i forgotten anything? for the merchants? anything from the neighborses? have i forgotten anything or the restaurant. for three years, (inaudible) worked on this restaurant issue
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and did not tell the neighbors. we presented it to the public as a take out in the take out room. and it has been expanded to approximately 2500 square feet larger. it is not a take out it is a full restaurant and what is disturbing me more about this issue is the one thing that it has been wonderful about the marina is that the people from all over the city or on weekends come and i actually took about three or four years ago was camcorder down there and interviewed them from omi, the western edition. china town. tourists. and then this it is a wonderful melting pot. what i am seeing is that middle and lower middle incomes are being chased out of it by the park and rec commission and this disturbs me. i talked to someone from asl hutch and he said what do you
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think about the projects in marina green, don't do any more i bring my child with cerebral palsy to come down and have a nice night in the event and be on time with him and to come down now. we have to look at what we want for this city. and i am very concerned about this particular restaurant, because of what one of the partners said. and oh, we want to go down there so we can serve a lot on fleet week. i am sitting there going wait a minute, we have bars and restaurants up here that are or have been doing this for years why do we have to have the competition, number one and are we going to have another drunk situation that we had with the union street merchants? so there, not the merchants the fair. so that is it. greg, has been here for, i call it 6 weeks, even though it has been 8 or going on ten because they send him to europe in the
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middle of the path for it for two weeks. he has done more in the time that he has been here than we have in the previous three years and i think that we should give him a chance. [ applause ] and he is a very bright and he is a very fair man, thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> come forward. >> it is great to see one in my neighborhood for a change. is your name greg too? hi. my name is carroll harvey and i have one kind of serious concern, i don't know how easily fixed this is, but
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carson rombard by walgreens extremely dangerous, i don't know the number of times that i have nearly been hit, seriously people come in very close to me. and the last incident, a woman was texting, turning from was the street divisedero going east and i was crossing, going toward the bay. and she came within an inch of me she had her head down and she was texting. i was furious. you know, at that point i was so angry at her, i did not care if i get hit and the other traffic and i went over to the window and she took off like the co-ward like i think that she was. at any rate about an hour later i was down at (inaudible) and feet where i also do some business and coming out of it, a police car went by and i said, hey, just making light of
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things, still pretty shook up, i waived to the police officers and i said, you know, i was nearly hit down there about a block away and he said, as a... he said that it is okay. i am sending a patrol car and friday happens to be a particularly bad night, friday and saturday when people are, you know, rearranged on various substances texting in their cars. and going to the bars. and also, when you... and also
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a great job in general but i don't know, if i should be calling or as a citizen or a property owner to buildings just like i have a number to call and i don't mean to complain but it is frustrating. >> next speaker? >> hi, my name is pam hebal and i am a resident a merchant in the marina, chest nut street, and i wanted to actually pay a special thank you, i am very appreciative small business owner and i want to say thank you so much to northern station and especially to greg mceachern for the wonderful, like i should not say perfect, i don't know... but, for the work that they did for super
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bowl sunday and, you know, some of the merchants have spoken to northern station prior, maybe about a week prior to the super bowl expressing their concerns that chest nut street would become an area where it has become a block party and windows have been broken and cars have been vandalized and bon fires and things like that and we were told that there was going to be additional police that was going to be assigned to the northern station and especially to the chest nut street area and the last minute that we had hurt as merchants that most of the police will be assigned to the mission area and also to lower polk and so i personally called the captain at the time and i talked with a couple of other police officers and said, please, if there is anything that you can do, as a small business owner, i mean, it is definitely has the huge financial impact on us and i know that people think that our
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insurance takes care of everything, it does not if they break your windows because it is about from 1,000 to $5,000 and most of our insurance policies are $10,000, so it is a huge, as you know, it is a financial hardship on us. and so, but to fast forward to the big chunk that they do and i actually did go down there on sunday and watch my windows and the store and make sure that everything was okay. and i can't tell you how many police officers i saw, on chest nut street, patrolling and the bomb squad was there and there was actually still problems but they did a fantastic job and even, i would like to pay special mention to the officer saliano and what he did was fantastic. and so what happened with the giants winning the world series, back in the fall, is some people, they became very creative and they rent a u-haul truck and they pay for the insurance on the truck and they
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park it on chest nut street and what they do is they set up speakers and turned it into a sound stage and so basically you have got your own music stage on chest nut street which does really encourage a block party atmosphere and i am a fun person and i like fun, but i don't enjoy vandalism, i don't want the windows or anything broken or people hurt. >> so what matt did is he knew about the problem in the fall and he fell in front of the store in front of the pipsie pig he saw a u-haul truck with three levels professionally down, steel and i saw matt around the truck and i said what are you going to do? he said that this truck will not be here by the end of the game and that truck was not there by the beginning of the game. and so, i really thought that northern station, they did a
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fantastic job and i am very appreciative. thank you. >> next speaker. >> we will hear from the cpap members, do you want to add anything about the group that you do? >> evan is a retired da investigators and i worked with her in the da's office. >> i do the volunteer station and i do a lot of crime prevent and similar issues. i have been working with the merchant association in training in crime prevention when the shoplifters come in. i have been teaching customer service, i teach them things like excuse me would you like me to gift wrap that? or i teach them how to (inaudible) items instead of hangers and talk to people instead of escalating it and diffuse it. to say happy or glad, because a
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lot of people want to scream and yell. and so i have taught them to say, what can i do for you,? how can i make you happy? i teach the customer service and how to deal with shoplifters because a lot of people get scared. >> during christmas there was a lot of theft and whenever they have special function and holidays, i just walk the streets and i am going back to what the captain said about the cell phone, i walked into several new retail stores that open on fillmore, and i gave them a sheet that i put together on the crimes that occur and what happens. and a couple of people walked into the store and for some reason i hate the retail stores that have the long narrow where the register on the other end and we had somebody texting and i went to give it to that person and he opened the door and he shut the drawer and i explained that you have all of these people in the window where people could steal, two
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weeks later he had four items taken that were $500 each. another retail store which is in the lower end, right by sutter and fillmore and i went in and talked to the woman, i tried to get the sales people from behind the register, they are always glued to the register, when you outside of the register, you seem to see what is happening most of the times and this one girl that i spoke to i said be careful, you can't see anybody, something could happen. and sure enough, a week later, a guy comes in and he robs her and so it is just on that and anything to do with consumer issues. i used to work in the da's office, and my experience was consumer issues, i teach them what to look for and the blind areas instead of shielding the areas so the people can't hide
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behind the price tags and catch the customer and people yell at me and say you don't have to follow me around i am not going to steal, you could reply by saying, i apologize by was taught by the manager just to greet you, have a nice day and enjoy shopping, and then somebody with catch them and not be on top of them. a lot of retail theft is part of the staff that again is the key word of being aware and when you are behind the register texting and not selling or you are folding up garments that is what happens. >> thank you, you are retired and you still do it. thank you very much. next speaker? >> let's hear from the district attorney who is assigned to the station if you want to come forward after the next speaker. >> sure. >> good evening, commissioners. i have two issues that i just want to bring to your attention, following up on the people that spoke about the
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proposed restaurant on the liquor license and that the lease agreement mandates that the leasee apply for a beer and wine license, a 65 seat restaurant with take out service and we think that this would be an absolutely inappropriate thing to have liquor on the green like that. and when abc asks the police captain here, for his input on the liquor license, we hope that you will recommend that they not grant a beer and wine license for this restaurant. we are fighting very hard and we have nearly 2,000 signatures against this restaurant and we are hopeful that it will not go through but the liquor is a no-no. and the second issue that i
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want to raise is 1183.1. which is very familiar with that, because i am one of the people that got that enacted in our area, early on. and that is passenger vehicles capable of carrying eight or more passen gers. there is no enforcement along the shore line recreational space which has special considerations in the cities general plan. and we have tour buses in all of this regularly coming down marina boulevard and other streets in the marina and i happen to know that that is the $500 fine. and a number of years ago, my next door neighbor, benny yi, requested from the ten police chief for listing of how many tickets had actually been
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issued. and there were none. absolutely amazing. because this is a $500 fine. and i would urge you to look into this. and i know that there is no, i know no one can give a variance to an ordinance and this is an ordinance and yet for every special event, you are breaking the law, the city is breaking its own laws, it is a city exempt from its own laws? >> they are breaking the law, time and time again, with the load limit law on the marina boulevard at area and the access and also, for the buses which bring people in and the last time when we had the golden gate bridge anniversary, i mean the city actually had muni bringing the buses up and down the streets which have an
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ordinance saying that you can't do that. and you know, i think that we need to respect our own laws. i think that the city needs to respect its own laws. and do something about this. but, every time citizens have brought up the issue of these renegade, passenger vehicles, these commercial vehicles, cap able of carrying eight or more passengers absolutely nothing is done, it is just a quality of life issue. but it is important to people who live in the marina. thank you. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> as the da makes his way up there, i know that commissioner loftus was the commissioner assigned to northern station and i was at first and the commissioner lives in the district and he is here. >> my name is mark soring and i am the neighborhood prosecutor
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for the san francisco district attorney's office. i have met a lot of you at other neighborhood meetings and most of other commissioners that i used to work with commissioner loftus. i also live in the district. so, just to introduce myself and give you guys a brief overview of what i do. this changed a little bit since you guys were prosecutors for this district. it is my job is kind of three-fold, and the way that i see it, it is one to help the community, by coming to the community meetings like this and hearing what people have to say, specifically on criminal justice issues. two is to help the officers in the northern station and the captain by kind of providing a link between them and our office that is right at hand. i work for part of the day out of northern, out of northern station, so, i am there most mornings, and third is to help
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our criminal court system. we have neighborhood courts for each police district and part of my job is to divert appropriate low level, non-violent crimes from criminal court where specific cases that fit this profile don't belong to our neighborhood court in northern district where a panel of neighborhood kind of adjudicaters can hear what is going on and make a decision that is best for the community. so that is kind of a little of what i do. and i will be in the back if anyone has any more questions and if it is next to you i will be here >> thank you very much. >> any further public comment? >> captain? >> i appreciate everybody that came up and had some comments or some concerns, for those of you that i have not had a
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