tv [untitled] March 2, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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to be present specifically thursday through saturday 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and on those conditions, 4:00 p.m. but we should change that to 7:00 p.m. if that is okay with you? >> i have discussed these conditions today with the applicant kim in my office. and we agreed on these conditions. are there any questions? >> was there activity after hours here before they were coming in here? >> historically yes. >> okay. zoning does not permit after hours s that right? >> no. commissioners. this application was initially for both a place of entertainment and extended hours. the applicant has decided not to pursue the extended hours premises. so we are now having you look at just the place of entertainment permit. >> okay. >> any other questions commissioners? >> thank you very much.
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>> is there public comment on town music studios, 1660 geary? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? yes, commissioner? >> i have a question about one of the conditions. does the karaoke rooms have windows in them now? >> or do they have to build the windows as part of the condition and all of the rooms? >> we are going to get on the record. >> into the microphone. >> each room i have a window. yes. i can look at it inside. >> okay. >> and through the windows do they measure 17 inches by 30 inches? >> four and a half by three feet? >> how big are they? >> what is that? >> that looks about right. okay. >> okay, thank you. >> anything else commissioners?
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>> thank you. >> so my question is, so this is a place of entertainment until 2:00 and so no more after 2:00, that is it? >> that is correct. >> she knows that. >> she is well aware of that. >> because, you know, this place has been around so long, i know a number of people after the club say we are going there to sing and put a big closed sign, this is mot permitted to be open after 2:00 >> so, okay. she is okay with that. >> i believe that she has acknowledged on the record that it will be closing at 2:00 >> she is tired of being opened. who knows, right? >> any other questions commissioners? >> commissioner lee does that mean that you want to make a motion. >> a motion to approve. >> second. >> do you want to include the
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police conditions? >> 7:00 p.m. >> to change to 7:00 p.m. and then closing at 2:00 >> is that okay with the second? >> yes. >> all right. >> okay. all right. >> we are going to do the roll call. >> commissioner lee. >> aye. >> tan. >> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> commissioner tan. >> aye. >> commissioner akers. >> aye. >> missioner perez. >> aye. >> doing business as joan 620 jones street limited live performance permit application. miss king you are up. commissioners this is an application as you can see for a limited live performance permit it is a bar and restaurant in the tender loin and it is between post and geary, it is primarily a large patio but there is an indoor
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restaurant space. the venue has been used on occasion for private parties. and they serve brunch, lunch and dinner, the purpose of this application, according to the application is to allow the applicant to have live music which was a stimulation in this llp. and the performances would be indoor only. and at the locations designated on the diagram in your packet and so hopefully you found that. again, llp does require indoor only, ending at 10 p.m. and an accessory used for the primary use of the restaurant. >> would you please define accessory use, for the commissioners who don't know what that means. >> the planning department defines it as not more than 200 square feet of performance space within a location that is also primarily used for a different function, not an entertainment function.
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>> so there are a couple of people here, i know that there gluston here but i saw him come in the room. >> you are up. >> thank you for your time. my name is pete glustern. we have been opened at jones for two years this week, it is going great. we have got most of our operational stuff down to a science now. what we would like to do is do music on sundays, for brunch. we would be doing performance any time from 11 until 5:00 possibly 6. realistickly it gets real cold in the afternoon. so i don't think that we will be opening passed six.
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or passed five. >> this is live music, and you understand that it is not dj, you can't have a dj it is going to be a live musicians. >> we are actually going to take out a couple of the tables in our patio bar and put in a piano. >> okay. commissioner hyde? >> you are going to take tables out of the patio and put in a piano. >> it is a room out on our patio, it is enclosed. >> how is this... i know that it is a piano but how is this sound proofing out on this patio bar? >> bullet proof. there is panel glass and doors. >> i just wanted to, you know. thanks. >> and concrete. >> any other questions? >> your smoking is it done in the patio? >> it is done outside. >> you guys i think have a
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floor plan, there is a structure out on the patio that is a whole room of its own. the smoking is done at the guardrail on the geary side. >> so when people go and smoke the door opens up and the music goes out? >> sure. >> is there any way to buffer that a little bit? >> i don't think that it is going to be that much of an issue. it is a piano and people tend to enjoy that sort of thing it is the afternoon. >> i mean you get until 10. you have that option. >> any other questions? >> i just want to make sure that i have the floor plan right in my head. so you have like a restaurant bar area and then you have a large patio that has been kind of split in half where part of it is inside and now the other half is still outside? >> correct. it is not really half, it is
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more like a quarter. >> okay. >> that is inside and three quarters are out. >> that is what they are looking at. >> so if you are looking... >> i don't have any conditions, do you? >> no we don't have any, we don't have police stuff. >> no, it is for matt, he is just talking... >> this is a limited live. >> we don't need... >> oh, we will have the police comments. don't worry. >> i don't know if that is working. there we go. so it is not exactly clear, but, this guy here right here is a building that we put up. the bar and the seating. >> i thought that this was the patio. >> no. >> yes, that is what i was getting at. >> no.
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>> so, question, you are going to have to keep your doors closed. >> and so, if you put the piano in there how many people will you get in there in >> how big is that room? approximately? you can fit 70 people in there. >> okay. >> any other questions? >> are you planning to do more outside of sundays at this point? >> no. because we do a lot of corporate events, but those generally they want a dj so we just go out and get 2 day permits for that. >> okay. >> what kind of sound system do you have? >> it is just little speakers, it is a restaurant we don't have like sound system per se.
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it is just for background music. >> and you are not going to mic the piano, right? >> no. >> any other questions? >> not you. not you, not yet. i will tell you when. trust me. any other questions? >> thank you, very much. why don't you have a seat. is this yours? >> yes, right? steve methias from central station. normally i am for these limited live permits. in this particular one, i'm not at this time. currently, jones is required to come before the full board for even a one-day entertainment permit. this is based on last summer where we had basically a rock concert and this is after they spoken to as far as not having speakers outside.
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i have to say that they have done out reach with me. i have met with them at central station, i like where we are going with it as far as we talked about how to engage the public. they have talked about how or putting something on their website as well as having a hot line for the neighbors. what i am looking for or what i would like to see, is kind of to go to maybe some one-days, where we have a good track record. because we do have some opposition from the community, the neighbors, we have a large, large hotel, that is right, you know at the base of the restaurant. the patio area, i mean, it is a beautiful restaurant and club. part of the thing that makes it so beautiful is that it has a real open look to it and all of that noise travels up and to be able to contain the noise. when i think of the llp, i think of a nice background music but also, the permit allows for corporate events to have other things as well.
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i brought in the photos from or that we brought up to the commission during the summer time, i don't know if you want to see those again, you are welcome to if you like. >> i have a question, when you said the noise travels up. are you talking about amplified noise or people's voices? >> actually both. and if the entertainment was all the way inside and the windows were closed that would be one thing, but even that would be having a problem with outside noise. >> but this permit is an inside permit. that is my point. >> correct. and so was the one-day entertainment permit that was from last summer time. and we have these photos and you can see... >> are you saying there is a trust issue here? >> no, maybe it was a misunderstanding. vaj could you? >> and just some e-mails that i
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have gotten recently, although, steve i cannot attend the hearing but i am against it who are paying guests this is from the best western and this is a neighbor in the area, this is object to any live entertainment granted to this business this is for the february 5th hearing. frankly after the officer admitted that he was inundated with complaint calls i am appalled that you would have considered this. jones should never have opened as an outside bar they get drunker and drunker as the night goes o >> there are complaints as far as the noise and another one from, let's see. this was one of the women, or one of the neighborhood associations at the very end, thanks for keeping us informed of this as this individual poses a serious threat to the habitat or the quality of the area. and i just wanted...
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>> i have another question for you. do they have speakers outside? on their patio? do they project the music on to the patio during the operating hours? >> they did when or during that one-time. >> but that is one event. >> i mean normally, do they have speakers outside? >> i have some cads here that talk about amplification and some of them are newer than the others. >> do you have speakers on your patio. >> no. >> you have no outside speakers. >> so, i don't know how other people feel. but, conversation, laughing, among people is speech. speech is permitted. if you have two people speaking it is louder than one person, if you have ten people speaking it is louder than two people. and so on and so forth.
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and there is a... that is created by human speech, however it is protected and it is human speech. if they had amplified speakers on the patio then they are in a clear violation. >> here is a cad from december 13th, 9:36 p.m., the jones restaurant does not have a permit to have live events or amplification outside. there is a drunk female using the amplified system and request that it be turned down. >> there is a dunk female using the system that is outside? >> inside? >> i don't know. >> this is one of the noise complaints that we received. let's see. >> on november 14, there was a
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domestic violence, i don't know if that was associated with it. october 27th, two party buses, basically this is just going over the calls for service. two party buses blocking the lane of traffic. >> okay. >> i think that we have... >> loud music coming from the bar. this was september at 9:30 at night. i have some cads here if you care to look at them. >> no. it is the music coming from inside the bar. but there is no music coming from the patio i just want to be really clear, that is the only thing that i want to be clear about. >> some things are off the cad. >> live band and pouncing off walls, this was 7:31 for a noise complaint. >> is that the day of the one-day permit? >> 7:31. >> i think that it was because
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there were several complaints on that. >> any questions, commissioners of the police? >> okay pthank you. public comment? >> on jones, 620 jones street. come on up. now it is your turn. . >> my name is stewart... >> could you speak into the mic. >> my stewart selic,s and i live at 620 jones and i am pretty much overlooking that side of the building. there is quite a bit of noise that comes up from people not just conversation, but when people get a little high then the shouting starts and so on. my question here is exactly what kind of music are they going to play? i have been there and they have had a mariachi band come in, you figure this is just one night and so on. they have a couple of other times when there was some kind of brass band playing.
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i have not seen the specific about what kind of music they want. i would think as he said that if inside and indoors and a piano and maybe a jazz combo that would be all right and i personally do not know and maybe it it is on the record but it should be on the record, what kind of music he is playing. and maybe, you can get a decibel level permit or something like that. i don't know. but he is a little bit under estimated the noise that does come up from the patio and i don't know about free speech. when people are starting shouting and so on. and then that is not, i don't think that is too good. i am finding out now that it is from eleven to what, 6 p.m. he is permitted to do it. frankly, enough noise comes up so that i would like to listen to my own music on just the
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stereo and so on and in a few years with that too. >> so i think that he is a little down playing the type of noise. >> the question for you. >> yes, sir. >> have you spoken to mr. glikshtern and asked him to turn the music down. >> would you consider doing that? >> if you did it he might turn the music down. you got to try. >> what came up was this mariachi band and a couple of brass bands, and there was a brass instrument for the band or i don't know, i think that is the boss and they were talking about it and that can rise to a pretty high degree. i am not sure how you reach it, do you have to go to the bar? is there a telephone number. >> mr. gliksthtern will give you his phone number now. >> further comment public on 620 jones.
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>> hi. >> i'm laniand i am a resident of 620 jones and i have lived there from the time that they first started construction. and my experience with both pete and jordan and the guys that run this is that if you are going to have someone put in a restaurant bar, these are the exactly the kind of people that you would hope for. they have been nothing less than accommodating, and courteous and respectful. and you know at the end of the day, it is a restaurant, bar, so there is going to be the realities of that. but, there has not been one time that i haven't you know, approached them, or asked them for any type of accommodation that they have not given me 100 percent of their attention and treated me respectfully. also, they made it available to me, and to all of the other renters they offered to put in
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new double pained sound-proof windows. i used to live on the first floor, literally in the eye of the storm and they bent over backwards to assist me with another unit that might be a little further from the restaurant. as well as when they do have events they post up notices in within the building, and every public place and letting us know in advance what times and what to expect. and i mean i can't say enough about these guys. i... my experience with them has been absolutely, 100 percent and i have no reason to believe they have kept their word up until now and made themselves available to me through texts and phone calls, and personally coming to my apartment to discuss issues with me. and you know i was there when they were building the place. and they even helped put me up
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someplace else for a few days because they knew that there was going to be some extreme construction and you know, that was above and beyond, they didn't have to do that. and just based on my experience and i don't know these guys from adam, you know, before they started building, i have no reason to believe that they won't continue, you know, being the respectful and courteous and accommodating neighbors that they have been. since day one. so i would... >> thank you. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> anyone else? >> good evening, commissioners, my name is robert garcia and i am here to oppose this application. i have been getting a lot of calls from the merchant's
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association, and we had 43 protests against the entertainment permit at this address. there have been a lot of problems and noise can be heard sometimes three or four blocks away. and the people are complaining about it. i recently spoke to both hotels on either side and they say that the guests are complaining and they could not... this particular hearing, but they will be at the abc hearing. noise not only coming from the patio, but also from the restaurants. and now you want to give them a permit? no. i think that is just another example of them taking one more step and another step and another step. until they have complete bands and everything else out on that patio. >> as far as structures are concerned, smoking or not, the planning commission stated
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clearly there should be no structures out there on that patio for any reason whatsoever. no amplified music. they did allow 6 cabanyas. and they have to be have their own sound system. and that has not been done. and in lieu of that, the heaters out there. so it is creating a problem. so i hope that you don't approve this. thank you. >> only appointed information, about him personally, like did he call or did he ask. any other public comment? >> you are an applicant, you can't do public comment. >> is there any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> miss king?
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did you know offhand if this venue is in violation of anything, i mean, anything with regard to the planning department? >> i do not know of a violation of from the planning department. we got in writing and i don't know if it is in your package, but i have a memo from the planning department. that was dated the fourth of february. stating recommendation of approval in the rc four, limited live performance and accessories must be conducted in doors and must not exceed 200 square feet and must conclude by 10 p.m. there is nothing else in this memo from planning and indicating violations. >> did we also have a complain from this venue when they didn't have a one-time event permit? that they had a brass band? >> i have had numerous complaints and i don't have the specifics for you, but, again,
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i think that officer methias indicated noise complaints and we have had them and i have not had any recently, directly to me, and i have vaj have you gotten any recently? >> but, we have had a pattern of noise complaints over the time at 620 jones. >> okay. >> commissioners? >> discussion? >> i know that for some other limited live performance permits. we have asked that they have sound curtains, or you know, just to block off the doorway from actually emitted sound that is coming from indoors. is that a condition that we could add or consider? >> i have been to this venue. the way that their doors work, i don't think that would work. the doors are really large glass doors. they are very, very large glass doors. and the way in which the door operates, in my opinion i am not sure that sound curtain
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would work at all. >> could they figure out some way, because we had a similar complaint on urban street at the black horn. and i mean, this is surrounded by hotels and it is like a little air lock there in the patio and i think that the noise is going to go up so it is going to help a lot if you could contain some of that in there. and i would say if the applicant really wants it he would try to do the best to try to fix it if possible. >> one of the things that i think that we can do and please staff correct me if i am wrong, is that if we wanted to go forward with this permit, we can condition it, can we condition it to end early? and only be a certain amount of days of the week? >> you have wide latitude in conditioning this permit. >> so we could do that and then they could come back in six months and ask for a release of their conditions or something. i mean that is something that we could do. if that is a problem, rather
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than to deny the permit. >> i think that i would like to pursue that kind of avenue. i have a feeling looking at the map and the way that the doors are that the piano may have to be situated somewhere else. but i think that if there was a time and that they could come back and we could reinvest gate this that i would like to do it that way instead of denying it. i do feel like they would take responsibility for any actions and they have since the last time we saw them. so, i kind of believe that they would do that, but i would like to restrict it a bit right now. >> anybody else? >> no. real quick question. the back doors, is there closers on the doors? are they just swing open and... >> they are hung, you have not been to this place? >> i have not been. >> the doors are tall, and
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enormous and they have this function where they open in such a way that they... >> what these are are center pivot doors they are not as tall as they are wide. >> they are 8 by 8 but they don't open. so it is on a pivot. >> right. and it rotates so it was... >> that is why you can't have it. >> commissioner joseph is right, it would be pretty... it would not be possible for us to curtain these. >> so when people leave to go out to smoke. >> they are always closed. >> how do they get outside? >> we open and close one of them at the end of the bar. >> do you actually have a security there that opens and closes for them? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> the doors that we use for the main space are way up front. they are away from the main bar and away from all of the noise. the doors on the patio structure, are actually the doors on the patio are not center pivot. they are double door
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