tv [untitled] March 2, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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playground pictures. what you see on the playground is the magic that john talked about happening. the representation of the cultural diversity in potrero that you can find almost nowhere in the city. and on the next page we have a couple of parents as you see, we are attracting the young middle-class families that are a part of the workforce for this high-tech boom that we previously discussed. i want to read one quote from a mom, jennifer cogener at the bottom of the page. she used to work for adobe, that was on our list of maps inside our attendance area, she says: while i was executive director for adobe, i can tell you that having high-selling homes is
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key, adoeb is a family-friendly company, and to drop off kids prior to work without getting in a car is huge. going back to our map here, we will move from elementary schools on to middle schools. bessie carmichael and isa are the middle schools in our attendance area. carmichael is k-8; and isa middle school is 180 students. it's the least requested middle school in the district. it's a middle school that is mixed with high school. and it's the only 6-12 configuration within the district. and last year it was considered for closure. so based on the advice from supervisor cohen. john and i had the opportunity, we requested a meeting at isa. and we met with them on monday. so for three hours we met with
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principal paul koe. two parents, one was a parent liaison and five fantastic students. we learned so much about isa. i will talk about the high school portion on the next page but focus on the middle school section. one thing we learned there is no spanish emersion at isa. and the middle school funding is under funding. the school gets their funding as 6-12. but because they are high school, they have a-g proportions so it supports the high school to meet those requirements. which is fair. but yet it deems the middle school under funded. moving on to the next slide. looking at high schools in our area. i will mention downtown high just for completeness.
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it was also the former home to isa. but it's a continuation school that nobody can request. so moving on to isa, it is the least requested high school in the district. it is a great program for at-risk kids. principal koe mentioned it has one of the highest graduation rates in the district. and we took a tour with four of the high schoolers, and i was so impressed by these kids. and the classes that they took us to, ethnic studies, english, and history both john and i were very impressed by these classes we saw. the one thing i do want to note here is that there are 270
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student at isa. and previously i mentioned there were 180 students in the middle school part. maxwell campus that houses the program, can seat 800 students. currently there is 450 students at that campus today. >> so as i mentioned before, one place where we seem to be in disagreement is about sort of the capacity of kindergarten seats, particular in our -- attendance area. and so there a quote in the potrero view, and obviously it represents the position of the district as presented earlier. you know, we see a lot more growth. and you saw some data behind that. we look forward to see what the
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results from the demographer are. and these should be something that is a fact. and we are looking forward to that particular point. but anyway, what we want to be sure doesn't happen is this irony problem. you can people that can walk to work but drive their kids to school. that's not an ideal situation. what is next? given what the district said a few minutes ago, they are offering exactly what we are asking for here. but what i would say to add to that is two things. one is that we really see the strategic context in terms of having a school system that supports the city's growth area to be important. i didn't hear them talk much about that. and we encourage them to think more broadly and strategically.
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and if you look at the timeline, they don't make a recommendation until june and something is not decided until the summer. that means that the people that are going through the sort of enrollment process next august, we are still going to be communicating to those that i am giving tours to as middle school feeder isa. that's not a positive for daniel webster. we are losing people already because of that feeding path. we think it could put our school at risk if we go through another whole enrollment recruiting season and i am the share of the enrollment community, and to have to tell that's our middle school feeder. it comes up and it's a problem. to wrap up, anyone that has engaged. >> i will have to ask you to
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wrap up, we are at 15 minutes. >> i want to say one last thing. >> sorry, we have to ask you a question in order to extend your public comment time. if i could ask you to wrap up your last comments. >> okay, it's the slide that we presentedi presented earlier. the proposal to the district and pre-k through 8. you will have more families in this district. we have passion and insight and we ask that the city engage with us of the families that we face in keeping families in the district and our city. >> thank you very much, any other members that want to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed
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[gavel] i want to thank the district for your presentation and the parents from potrero hill for coming. i remember sitting on the board and questions of 6-12 and the questions of the parents and this came up when we had leadership high school. and i know this has come up through multiple periods. and i look forward how the school district moves forward on this issue. i think we have closing remarks from supervisor cohen. seeing no other comments from committee members. >> as we begin to close out, thank you, parents for coming out and presenting your perspective in district. and it was hopeful to see you at the table, and between daniel
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webster and bessie carmichael and the southeast part of san francisco. that we can continue to come to the table and have thoughtful and key conversations. i want to highlight on, there is an expressed commitment from the school district to help us and i will assist a robust discussion between parents and myself and my office and the school district. the three of us making sure we are in constant communication. and i want to compliment the parents for coming out. and thank you for meeting with the isa community and it sounds like it dispelled rumor and sounds like you got a lot out of that field trip. that's it for me, and thank you for allowing the parents an opportunity to speak. >> thank you, supervisor cohen. i see nothing further on this
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item. colleagues can we take a motion on this item? since you are the sponsor of this request, would you like to continue this to the call of the chair or file this item as heard? >> i would like to continue it to the call of the chair. >> do we have a motion to continue to the call of chair. we have that motion and can do that without opposition. thank you. in terms of our next meeting, we will be meeting monthly. i want to be sure that we are not canceling as it was happening when he met twice a month. i did as much as possible and to my colleagues, to stick to items that involve both the city and the school district where we both have jurisdictions over an issue. clearly this is something that is solely under the jurisdiction of sfusd. that we don't have decision-making power over. not that i don't want to take requests that involve just one party or another. but i think as much as possible
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i think we should try to call items that involve the city and school. so we can have input and feedback on how to contribute to that issue. and i have made a hearing request for march, to have an item on prop h. and how we are able to back fill the states cuts through the public enrichment fund. and we asking for comments for school and that grant cycle and want the school district and weigh in on to the board of supervisors to help us in that decision-making process. madam clerk, anything else on the agenda? seeing none, meeting is adjourned. [gavel] thank you everyone for
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attending. >> good morning, everyone, and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for wednesday, february 27th, 2013. my name is mark farrell. i will be chairing this committee. i'm joined by committee vice-chair supervisor eric mar and supervisor john avalos. mr. clerk, are there any announcements? >> he yes. please turn your cell phones
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and electronic devices. completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the march 5th, 2013 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thanks. and i would also like to thank the members of sfgtv who are covering this meeting jessie larson and nona as well as the clerk of the board, mr. victor young. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 1? >> item number 1, resolution authorizing the department of public health, laguna honda hospital, and rehabilitation center, to retroactively accept and expend a gift of $500,000 to the laguna honda gift fund from the knight living trust for the period of july 1, 2012, to june 30, 2032. >> thank you. and i believe we have ms. ma here. the deputy finance officer for laguna honda hospital. >> yes. >> thank you for being here. >> good morning. [speaker not understood], deputy finance officer laguna honda hospital. i'm excited to be here to ask
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for your approval to retroactively accept and expend the $500,000 bid to laguna honda hospital patient gift fund. [speaker not understood]. last year we received the news fund, trustee, [speaker not understood], told us that laguna honda hospital is the recipient of ms. dolores knight's $500,000 donation and that the money is deposited to -- actually in january just last month, we had received a complete disbursement of the $500,000. the money is deposited into the patient gift fund. so, let me talk a little bit about our gift fund. the gift feud at laguna honda hospital provides activities and experiences that enrich the lives of laguna honda hospital residents that includes the expenditures for musical entertainment, cultural celebration, special holiday meals, outing to the parks,
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ball games, [speaker not understood] and other events. so, for the end of the last fiscal year, the sum balance of this gift fund was at $1.9 million, including both in cash and in donated stock at the market value. at the hospital we have committees called the gift fund management committee. it's the oversight of the gift fund. so, this committee will meet and then make a proposal to the san francisco health commission, the annual budget based on our prior year's expenditures and also anticipated coming year, following year's needs for the residents. the gift fund mentioned committee also meets regularly on the alternate months to review the activities of the fund, the fund balance any new spending requests out of the budget.
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and we will present that to the laguna honda county consulate outside of the health commission for the approval. so, this generous gift of $500,000 will be used to enhance the general comfort and benefit of laguna honda residents and positively impact their lives for many years. so, i'm now, you know, [speaker not understood] the approval and i can answer any questions that you have. >> thank you. just a quick question. how much do you spend generally every year out of the gift fund? how much do you draw down usually? >> for the past two years, the average expenditure is 180,000, yeah, and the way we receive the balance of the donation, include the interest [speaker not understood]. >> thank you. great. colleagues, any questions? okay. seeing none, thank you very much. much appreciated. we do not have a budget and legislative analyst report. at this point i'd like to open up to public comment if there are any members of the public who wish to comment on item
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number 1. please step forward. welcome back, [speaker not understood]. good morning, supervisors. my name is douglas yip and i've lived in san francisco for 61 years. i would like to speak in favor of this item. i think in order to be fair to everyone, i should mention for the record the examiner article, i think it's dated either 2/19 or 2/20. headline reads san francisco doctor laguna honda hospital whistle blower lawsuit, set to cash in. in that article it mentions two, not one, but two suspicious use of funds from the patient fund. and if i remember correctly, those major newspapers carried articles in the past years
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regarding complaints from the staff at laguna honda regarding suspicious use of patient fund money. now, i'm thinking that there should have been some sort of public report done on this, but then i don't remember hearing about it so i might have missed it somewhere along the line. so, i think it's within the jurisdiction of this committee since we're talking about $500,000 to make sure that it doesn't get suspiciously used. and in my opinion -- in my opinion, ex-supervisor elsbernd and ex-supervisor chu had a hand in slowing down an investigation into the patient fund. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public who wish to comment on item number 1? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. we have a motion to approve the recommendation. we have a second and we can do that without opposition. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 2? >> item number 2, resolution amending resolution no. 529-11, to retroactively increase fiscal year 2009 buffer zone protection program grant funds from $199,820 to $282,506 for the period of april 1, 2009, through march 31, 2013. >> thank you very much. we have amy [speaker not understood] from the department of emergency management. >> thank you, chairman farrell. good morning, answers. supervisors. amy alden. [speaker not understood] it's a grant from the u.s. department of homeland security that goes to local law enforcement agencies to protect critical infrastructure, enhance the security. it's for protecting facilities like power plants, financial institutions, stadiums, utilities, things like that that are critical around the
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country and here in san francisco. and it pays for planning, equipment, training and other things [speaker not understood] law enforcement to [speaker not understood] critical facilities that we want to be sure nothing bad happens to. the original amount of this grant, the grant actually came to us in two parts. back in december 2011 the board approved a first amount of money for this grant which was about $200,000. and then a few weeks ago we got a call from homeland security saying they had an additional $82,000 did we think we could spend it and we said yes we can. so, that is what is in froth of you today. it is the additional 82 that they would like to give us. there was no local match required. it's free money for san francisco. there's no new positions created. and i'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. colleagues, any questions? okay, thank you very much, ms. alden. again, we have no vla report. at this point like to open up to public comment. if there are any members of the public that would wish to comment on item number 2, please step forward. seeing none, public comment is closed.
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>> motion to approve. >> we have a motion to approve item number 2, we have a second and we can do that without opposition. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 3? >> item number 3, resolution authorizing the children and families commission to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,269,400 from the united states department of education through the california department of education to support an early learning quality improvement system, for the period of july 1, 2012, through december 31, 2015. >> thank you. and we have laurel here from first five. thanks for being here. got it. >> okay. so, this is a good thing to hopefully you'll accept and expend. this is money, federal money that comes from the california department of education to the california department of ed down to first five san francisco. it's to develop a model for our
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quality rating and improvement system for early care and education. the money was given to first five because we were leveraging our prop 10 dollars and in san francisco leveraging our prop h dollars, and it's to continue what we've already been doing about building a quality improvement system in san francisco. >> great. thank you for being here. colleagues, any questions? supervisor mar. >> i wanted to ask ms. [speaker not understood], if you could talk a little about what first five has been doing to increase the quality already and how this would enhance what we're currently doing. >> sure. well, because of our city's universal pre-k prop h dollars and because of our prop 10 investment of uce, we have been not only reimbursing programs, families to have a free half day program for four-year olds, but we've also developed a
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pretty comprehensive quality approvement system with pathways to quality. so, we invest in a lot of ta, a lot of coaching on-site, a lot of other things like mental health consultation, developmental screening, things like that, all to improve the quality. within the long run, to improve outcomes for children and that they're ready for kindergarten once they turn five. >> thank you. >> other questions? all right, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we have no vla report here for item number 3. at this point like to open up to public comment. any members of the public who wish to comment on item number 3, please stip fa step forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> approve with recommendation. >> we have a motion to a march aye number 3 and we can do that without opposition. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 4? >> item number 4, resolution correcting the not to exceed amount in resolution no. 384-12, a resolution retroactively authorizing the office of the district attorney to accept a grant from the california victim compensation and government claims board for a project entitled "joint powers agreement," from $714,138 to $2,142,414 for the period of july 1, 2012, through
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june 30, 2015. >> thank you. we have terry anderson here from the d.a.'s office. >> the joint powers agreement that we have with the california victim compensation and government claims board requires a correction. the resolution that was passed on october 29th of 2012. traditionally the claims, state claims board required an annual resolution, certified copy of that was sent to them that then would allow us to then seek reimbursement for the costs associated with that joint power agreement. after they received our certified copy this fall, they indicated that they had changed their requirement and actually requested that the three years be bundled into a single
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resolution by the local governing body. so, that's why we're here before you today, to request that correction. ultimately this will reduce what was an annual administrative requirement and streamline things in the long set, but thank you again for hearing this correction before you today, and we're here to answer any questions that you may have. i'm accompanied by the deputy chief of victim services, jackie arties. >> thank you. colleagues, any questions? okay, much appreciated. thanks for being here. we also don't have a vla report here. so, i'd like to open up to public comment. any members of the public who wish to comment on item number 4, please step forward. mr. folsom. good morning, budget and finance. ♪ hail, hail, the budget gang's all here want to make it clear hail, hail
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the budget gang's all here won't you bring it in like a whale budget whale right here >> okay. any other members of the public wish to comment on item number 4, talking or singing? seeing none, public comment is closed. have a motion to approve item number 4? >> so moved. >> we have second. we can do that without opposition. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 5. >> item number 5, resolution approving the contract modification with the children's council of san francisco to manage preschool subsidies to eligible children of the city for an amount not to exceed $40,730,000 for the period of july 1, 2012, through june 30, 2015. >> thank you. and we have laurel back from first five san francisco. >> good morning again, supervisors. so, this is -- we haven't been before you because we haven't
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exceeded the $10 million mark, but this year because of our wanting to backfill some state's cuts -- state cuts and also to increase enrollment for children who are losing their voucher, so they have another -- a fourth year of preschool, we are asking to amend our contract with children's council by $9.9 million. that would cover the reimbursement for these children based on the expansion and the backfill. >> okay, thank you. colleagues, any questions for laurel? okay. appreciate it, thank you very much. we do have a budget and legislative analyst report. mr. rose? >> mr. chairman and members of the committee, on page 4 of our report, we report that the three-year budget for 12-13 through 13-14 of 40.7 million dollars under the proposed modified agreement, that's shown in table 2 on page 5 of
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our report. * as noted in table 2, the 136 preschool for all providers would be paid 9.4% of that 40.7 million or approximately $40,5 01,000. the children's council which simply provides the fiscal intermediary services would be allocated 6/10 percent of that amount or 229,000. so, nearly all of the money goes to the 136 providers. we recommend approval of this legislation as stated on page 6 of our report. >> thank you very much, mr. rose. and again, just to summarize, this is to provide some retroactive payments, but also for future enrollment increases that are projected, correct? >> that is correct. >> okay. and i think we all agree that is a good thing when we have more enrollment in this situation.
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colleagues, any other questions? okay, thank you very much. at this point i'd like to open up to public comment. any members of the public wish to comment on item number 5? mr. folsom, please step forward. hello. ♪ we thank you you make the school budget brand-new and now we'll have more from you you make it all school brand budget new thank you and if i could i'd like too big, big budget budgets -- if i could i'd sign a budget star so i'll know where your budget are ooh, ooh, ooh never knew that budget miracle came true and the school thanks you thanks you
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