tv [untitled] March 2, 2013 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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i am very, very proud of all of you that are signing onto support this law. i would like to offer an international perspective here. as a naturalized citizen in this country, i inherited the history of this country and that involves the good, the bad, and the really, really ugly. and as a political science major and history major, it [speaker not understood] me the interment of the japanese american and the japanese latino that we did in this country without due process of law. this is the history that i inherit in becoming an american. as an american, i also carry the burden of current events and current laws. and let me tell you where i was during /11.
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-- 9/11. * i was teaching american political science abroad in asia. and it was very, very difficult to explain to my students what was happening in guantanamo, holding people without the due process of law. coming back to america now for two years, it's amazing that we have to tell the government to obey the law? there is no debating that. it should be absolute silence in appreciation that we have a law in place already. >> thank you. clam clap (applause)
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* hello, my name is robin crop, i live in san francisco and i'm a member of the l7 99 coalition that's working hard on this issue. first of all i want to thank you all for the wonderful commendations today. it was so exciting and so wonderful to listen to everyone and what they have done and to watch your appreciation for everyone. so, thank you for that. i want to say that the ndaa has -- the opposition to it has already occurred in two california cities, evidently santa cruz and fairfax. and if san francisco also passes this resolution against indefinite detention, it will be the 18th city in the country and the largest one. so, it will be very proud if you pass this resolution. we we'd also like to encourage more cities to pass it as well. i consider this a very historic vote. i wanted to tell you all, we also had a press conference outside about it today, which is going on live. for me personally, i went last
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week to see some film, it was called films of remembrance. last week was the 71st anniversary of fdr's ordering of japanese americans into camps and we got to watch footage of people having to leave their homes, be held in holding areas, be bused to these camps, live in the camps, and also getting out of them. we listened to people say, what is this nonalien business? i'm an american business. they had nothing to do with the bombing of pearl harbor. we also watched a very moving film called the flickr in eternity. i believe it was about a young man named stanley who was 19 years old and he made a journal about his experience in the camps. they consider him like an anne frank at the time. it was really interesting. he was actually drafted into europe world war ii and was killed over there. they found his journal. they made a film and it's wonderful. and he, to me, -- he was able to tell the experience in the
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first person and i really want to encourage that more people see that film, a flickr in eternity. that's the human side of this, thank you. (applause) >> thank you. let me ask, are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? okay. seeing none, general public comment is closed. and with that, madam clerk, could you read our adoption calendar? >> items 36 through 37 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. a single roll call act of these items is [speaker not understood]. can remove the item and consider it separately. >> thank you. colleagues, would any like to sever items? i'd like to sever item 36. why don't we take a roll call vote on item 37. >> on item 37, supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar absent. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye.
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supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. president true? chiu aye? supervisor chu? chu aye. there are 10 ayes. >> item passes. madam clerk, if you can please call the next item. >> item 36 is a resolution opposing the indefinite detention provisions of the national defense authorization act. >> president chiu. >> thank you, mr. chair. colleagues, i appreciate your consideration of this resolution. as you know, i don't offer -- i don't often offer resolutions that impact federal matters, but when i learned about the indefinite detention provisions and the national defense authorization act, i frankly was so offended and so surprised at them that i thought it was important that we as a city speak up on this issue. and we will be joining in solidarity states, counties, and municipalities around the country at this moment. i believe we would be the 17th city to support this if that
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were the case and the will of this body today. the national defense authorization act, the specific provisions that we're talking about, allow our military to arrest and detain american citizens on u.s. soil without a warrant or due process. this would repeat the forced incarceration of the 1940s of 120,000 japanese americans who spent years in interment camps without notices of charges, right to an attorney, or right to a trial. from my perspective and the perspective of many constitutional scholars, these indefinite detention provisions violate fundamental american legal principles of the presumption of innocence, our fifth amendment right to due process, the sixth amendment right to fair trial, the eighth amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, and these provisions would allow activists and journalists to be detained for exercising their first amendment rights to free speech. i want to take a moment and thank the large coalition that has come together to ask us to
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support this. there are dozens of organizations in the city including the bill of rights defense committee, the coalition for safe san francisco, the asian law caucus, the labor council, the san francisco 99% coalition. i want to thank supervisors avalos, breed, cam pos, kim and mar for their co-sponsorship. from my perspective, i know we have a different perspective today in 2013 than we did in the early 1940s, but i really do believe those who forget history are bound to repeat ti want to make sure we don't forget our history. with that, colleagues, i would ask for your support. (applause) >> thank you. colleagues, any other comments? madam clerk, can we have roll call on this item? >> on item 36, supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? fair ill aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. * supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos?
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campos aye. president chiu? chiu aye. supervisor chu? chu aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution is adopted. (applause) >> colleagues, we do have a couple of imperative items today. the first is one that is offered by supervisor mar. supervisor mar, do you want to discuss it? >> no. >> mr. president, may i read the item? >> sure. [laughter] >> it is a resolution offered by supervisor mar requesting president barack obama to award posthumously to mr. fred ross senior. >> thank you. supervisor mar has offered the imperative agenda. is there a second to it? seconded by supervisor wiener. is there any public comment on this imperative item? okay. seeing none, this imperative item has the requisite purely commendatory act and brown act finding.
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and with that, let's take a roll call vote. >> on this item, supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. president chiu? chiu aye. supervisor chu? chu aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution passes. and, colleagues, i have circulated to all of you except to supervisor chu a resolution commending and honoring her for her distinguished service as a supervisor of the city and county of san francisco in her last day as supervisor. i have a feeling that different colleagues will have things to say, but i think from my perspective, today is a bitter sweet day. we know she is leaving. we know she is not going to go far, and we look forward to her bringing in millions of dollars
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of property tax revenue so we can figure out how to spend it. but i first want to start by reading some excerpts from this resolution and i want to take a moment and thank her incredible staff, kenny blackstone and soon to be supervisor katie tang with whom we look forward to serving together, who helped to draft what i think is an outstanding resolution. and just a couple points from it. whereas supervisor carmen chu has served the people of the city and county of san francisco with dedication for five years, whereas supervisor chu was happily crunching numbers and keeping the city fiscally sound as a deputy budget director when she was appointed in september 2007. whereas supervisor chu not only brought her trustical klatch era long with her to the board of supervisors, but also her budget prowess, all of which were of incredible importance as she served four out of her five years on our board's budget and finance committee and i would just add to this surpassing the expectations of
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her toughest critics. whereas supervisor chu served on the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district board, the county transportation authority, abag, health system board member. whereas supervisor chu has always been a class act with a level professionalism that has been unmatched on the board. and whereas supervisor chu appears calm, cool, and collected on the outside, but she has represented her district with fire and determination at every turn. whereas supervisor chu has broken new ground in district 4 with the nation's largest solar facility, park lets movie night series, working to pro serve the sunset history by bringing the soap box derby racing and larson playground back to the community, she put the cool back in school. [laughter] >> convening many things with
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our local schools, our school principals and our parent teachers associations. i could go on and on. but, colleague, i think we all know that carmen has been someone who has been an incredible colleague, amazingly hard working, generally even tempered with a very deep knowledge of city government. i just want to take a moment and say there are a couple of less obvious things that i'm going to miss about carmen chu. i'm going to miss the fact that she is the best source of chocolate and french fries at the board of supervisors and i'm sure that some of us will be glad that we won't have a regular mcdonald's patron in our midst. [laughter] >> i think that we will miss the fact that -- well, actually i'm not sure we'll all miss the fact that carmen rarely breaks with her modern colleagues, except on the critical issue of cat de-clawing. oh, you remember that. i think many of us will miss the fact that she has been so
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hard working that we were all surprised that today she didn't submit any new legislative proposals and at the last minute she asked me four tough questions about the ndaa which i appreciated. and i will just say for me, one thing i'm not going to miss as you leave is that no one is going to wonder after today if i have a sister on the board of supervisors. [laughter] >> but to just wrap it up, carmen, thank you for your service. you have been a tremendous colleague. we all look forward to working with you and serving with you as co-elected officials and we wish you all the very, very best. thank you. and with that, does anyone else have any words you'd like to say? supervisor farrell. >> thank you, president chiu. geez, carmen, today is certainly a tough day. i guess one i knew that would come. i think you probably thought it would come, too. many ways i thought it would be better to come two years from now, but i think this is really
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a great outcome. and i think mayor lee could not have made a better pick in katie. i know we all look forward to working together with you, but really look forward to working personally together with you. you have the respect and admiration of everyone around here, aides, supervisors alike. the mayor couldn't have done a better job. but today i'm also very extremely sad, actually, to be losing carmen here on the board. carmen, you've been not only a friend, someone certainly we share a lot of political views together, but really been a mentor. and, someone i've looked up to. and i think, you know, to me you're exactly the example of what a supervisor should be. you do your job, take your job very seriously. you're incredibly humble. and you are so authentic and i think you just don't even realize how beloved you are
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when you're out there in the community. and i've seen it time and time again. people cheer you on and you just have no idea. and, you know, i know this is the right move personally and i'm very excited for you. i'm sad for the rest of us, but i know you're going to do an amazing job as well and take that job as assessor to the next level. so, any ways, i will miss you on tuesday afternoons. i will be down in your office quite a bit. i hope you come up and visit us still. but thanks so much for all you've done last year working together with you has been an absolute joy. and it wouldn't have been the same two years for me without having you here. congratulations on your new gig. >> thank you, supervisor farrell. supervisor mar. >> thank you. i just wanted to first say welcome to katie tang. and your remarks today were so great that you showed tremendous knowledge and active involvement. so, you're going to be hitting
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the ground running indefinitely as the district 4 supervisor and it will be wonderful to work with you. and i know many others that i've talked to feel very similarly but it will be great to work with you. my view, carmen as one of the wisest and kindest people that i've had a chance to get to know on this board. she's been a tremendous representative of the sunset and park side districts as others have said, i think you've been one of the fairest people as well chairing the budget committee, always taking time with all of us to break everything down and to give us a process and to take our input and to really do your best to listen and to try to integrate different ideas that we all brought. so, i think that's what represents tremendous leadership of being fair and really listening to all of us. i think you're going to make a tremendous assessor-recorder as well. but my memory of you will come from the look on your face when we enter your toys on village, your marching band. there is a marching band there and little kids, elders. [laughter]
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>> but i felt very proud for also being a tucson route. my village wasn't near as grand as yours. the mayor's village was close to mine as well. i remember the look on your face. it just shows you come from tremendous roots. i hope your family is very proud. i'm very proud of you as our new assessor-recorder as well. it's been an honor to serve with you. thank you. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you. it's -- it is sad and especially it's a one-two punch with supervisor elsbernd's leaving and now supervisor chu, but she won't be gone very far. although certainly perhaps different approaches at the same time. equally just amazing upstanding people. carmen, i really -- i know i was quoted in the press after your appointment saying that --
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i really mean it, that we all -- how shall i say this delicately? we all meet and work with a lot of different kind of people in politics. and sometimes i wish there were more people like you, carmen, one of the most just completely authentic down to earth well adjusted, just real people that you would meet. not just in politics but in any aspect of life. whether you agree or disagree, just communicating with you, you know you're having a conversation with someone. and you are just so thoughtful about every issue. you can see it just working through in your mind where you're just talking through the pros and the cons and i know that every decision you make is completely thoughtful and even today in the parking garage,
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one maybe a political advisor might say you're about to run for city-wide office. you don't want to make anyone upset about anything. but you did what you thought was right and i always know that to be the case with you, even when we're not on the same side of an issue. and i also just know in talking with you over recent months about the possibility of the assessor appointment, i could see, even though i think you knew and i knew and we all knew it was the right move for the mayor and for you, that you, as difficult as this job s i know that you truly enjoy it. and i can always tell that you never seem to get exasperated. maybe at 3:00 a.m. on budget night maybe a little bit. [laughter] >> but it's always honestly enjoyed, that's what really made you such a great supervisor. now, i will say i do have a bone to pick, and that is i know your addiction to mcdonald's. i actually in high school, i
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worked at burger king. and we always had a chip on our shoulder because when i'd be working a drive through, someone would drive through and say, i want a big mac and i'd have to explain we don't have big macs here, we have whopers. it was always a mcdonald's shadow over burger king. but i've moved past that and i know you made fun of me for my liking peanut butter and jerry sandwiches. notice you didn't seem to get it i said, you eat amedthxctiontion. mcdonald's. because to you that's normal hearty food. i also, carmen, i enjoyed helping you get to know the lgbt community. * one of my favorite carmen stories is one time i got a text from carmen. i just drove by a marker and there is a different flag flying above the muni station. it's not the rainbow flag.
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what is it? i said, oh, it's the bear flag because it's bear week. and so, she said, what's a bear? and i said, go on wikipedia and put in gay bear. and she did and i got the oh, with an exclamation point back. so, i look forward to introducing you to the bear community and to all the other wonderful aspects of the lgbt community. [laughter] >> and seriously, carmen, we're going to miss you, but you're not going far. and we're going to work together for many years and i look forward to that. >> supervisor yee. >> supervisor chu, i mean, i don't know what you heard about me from the board of education that you're scared away to leave the board of supervisors when i'm just coming on, or is it because there's two lions, you know, on the board of supervisors that you're running them? seriously, you know, i feel
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ripped off that i only get to work with you for less than two months. but even though i'm new on the board of supervisors, throughout your tenure as a supervisor, you've always reached out across the street to the board of education and wondering about issues and advocating for the young community in district 4. we had many discussions around issues that you cared about with public schools. and during those discussions, i realized what a caring person you are and -- and we'll miss you. and i hope you do well.
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i know you'll do well in your new job and we'll talk some more. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. one of the things that you and i had a conversation a while back, and i remember you told me about how your mom was worried about you being more social and more outgoing with people. and i just thought, wow, every time i talk about the board of supervisors everyone is like, well, carmen chu, she's one of the best -- i'm sorry, colleague, please don't hold this again me in future, but carmen chu was always the name that came up in terms of how you do your job, how you pay attention to detail, how you're friendly and you're open with folks. and you just make the job look easy, although we all know how challenging this job is. and i couldn't believe that you weren't a social person growing
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up. and i just -- i look at you now and i think, wow, i just don't see it because you are very open, honest, you communicate clear. you're friendly. you make time for everyone that tries to interact with you. and you just move along a if it's effortless to do and i just wonder oftentimes, how are you able to just maintain your composure while doing this job? and from afar, i've always admired you and i'm so disappointed that i'm not going to have the same experience of working with you for years to come as some of my colleagues have had. and i know the city is going to be in great hands with you as assessor. the mayor couldn't have picked a better person for that position. but i wish it could have happened at a time when it was time for you to go from the board. but thank goodness you won't be far away and i'm looking forward to working with you in that capacity.
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but i truly will miss the opportunity to work with you on this board of supervisors. thank you so much for your service. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you. to my friend and colleague carmen chu, it's been wonderful watching you grow and bloom starting back in the days when we both worked for mayor newsome. i remember meeting you, i think it was the first time was actually in the ladies' room. sorry, fellows, lot happens in the ladies' room, deals are made. that was one of the first times we met. i am always grateful for the opportunity to grow with you on our trip to israel, a strong bonding point. i'm excited for you a newly we had, new personal life, you and scott get to enjoy and also now an opportunity to have a new pathway on a career -- on a public service career. you've already embarked on that
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career, but it's amazing how the road has taken a brief split from what you have known. and i am also enthusiastically excited to welcome katie tang to the board. of course, always remember her when she was an intern in the mayor's office and doing -- at the time what seemed like menial taskses. it's amazing when you do things people aren't paying attention and you build on them incrementally how it can manifest into something very great and katie has already an outstanding public record that she can stand on as a result of being under your leadership and your tutelage. so, i'm excited for san francisco to have a new assessor-recorder. you are going to do amazing things in sacramento, but now we have an opportunity to get, i don't know, lack of better way to describe describe it, one of our own, bring an interesting policy perspective.
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and i would imagine that carmen will be introducing legislation from her seat downstairs. how the new role should be staffed. if you need a piece of candy, send up a text message. we'll bring you a piece down. thank you. >> thank you, supervisors. supervisor campos. * >> thank you, president chu. iu. and supervisor chu, i'll be very brief. i think it's probably fair to say we have, you know, sort of a slightly different voting record on some issues here and there. but what i have always appreciated about you is that i always felt that i could have a pretty open substantive conversation and that, you know, you were there to listen to different points of view. and i think that's very important in this line of work.
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and i have always appreciated the professionalism and the respectful way in which you approached the job and you interact with your colleagues. i think someone said you can tell a lot about a person's soul by how they treat their dog. and you and i are dog people. [laughter] >> there is a unique bond that those of us who love animals and those who love dogs especially have. i think by that measure in terms of the quality of your soul, given how you treat and talk about bertie, i think that that makes you an amazing person. and i wish you the very best in your new endeavors, but i know that you're still going to be here. i appreciate the fact that you, as you indicated, you're going to make sure that district 9 gets more resources in your new job, which i appreciate. and i look forward to working with you. and, of course, you know, one of the things that i think it's
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an illustration of the kind of person you are, the kind of supervisor you are is that as you leave, you leave behind not only the work, but you also leave in place someone that you have mentored and someone that you have helped, and that's i think a very important testament of your leadership. the fact that you're passing it on and i look forward to working with supervisor tang as she goes on board, but the fact that she is there is another testament to your leadership. thank you. >> supervisor avalos. >> supervisor chu, congratulations. i was wondering when this is actually going to happen, when you would become an assessor. it was foretold months ago, but i think it's a good position for you to be going to. i've been very, very impressed with you the moment i met you when we actually
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