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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2013 9:30pm-10:00pm PST

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smaller projects one agency wants to move forward and other agencies have issues so we're not as coordinated as we need to be. we want to make sure that all agencies are working together effectively. i think over the last month we have - i want to make sure that we're not going to have any delays. i want to say that we should have a clear order so when theirs delays we can resolve the issues
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>> thank you we have general manager ed here. >> good morning, mr. chairperson, members of the commission. commissioner chu honored to be here at your last meeting as the commissioner of the t a. so i appreciate the opportunity for me on behalf of the whole supervisor large city family that's involved in this project to give you an update to answer some of the questions you've raised in you're opening rooshgz today. i have a brief presentation that i'll walk through i'll try in the course of running through this. i have all the relevant key city
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staff here to answer any of your questions. >> so first there are a lot of parts of the city that comes together on market street. the project is lead by the department of push works. that's what we decided at the start of the project they would be the implementing agency. and i think we agree are still the right agency to lead this effort. but market street is a place where the city comes together figuratively. a lot of key agencies from the planning department and the
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public utilities committee as well as the transportation authority. we are between project managers right now by mahammod has appointed someone to lead the project. and she has significant experience within the public and private sectors in moving this forward. i also want to note that on top of the staff that are shown on this slide we have some levels of authority that provided for that supervision in this executive level. a number of us meet regularly each month and this project is
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always on the agenda. we do have a quick process to move through that. those 5 or 6 agencies try to make sure that the project moves forward. we all get how important market street is to san francisco. it's the most complicated straight and that's why it's not moving as quickly as we'd like it to. on day one i can. for the entire group that this is not moving faster and it's because of the market streets mitigating facts that we need to
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contemplate. you have director level focus on that i want to assure you have that. similarly that is an integrated team we have a private sector team and a public team. there's a design consultant and transportation consultant. there's special departments that need to be wound together. i hope the public understands that we have some good options that were we have the private sector side and the public side and the community working together to make sure this gets
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done right. which does mean it's not a face process. there was discussion at this body a few months back and some of the same surrounds were heard by city team. as a result we convened some off-site areas. and out of that one of the things we recognize as it is market street it tries to be all things to you'll people and this project was going to fix everything maybe to come up with a magical seclusion. so we sat down and - i think it
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was very smart that we came up with things to improve what we're trying to achieve on market street. but there's bigger things we want to keep on the table and one of the things is to get to a 25 year vision. out of this i think we have a much stronger and coordinated team. so at a high level the outcomes of that process in terms of the 5 and 25 is what's before you it - i want - i want to call them midterm but really keep in mind
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this border 25 year vision is including things we're not going to be able to do perhaps looking at under groin expansion capacity. looking at more like congestion pricing. and looking at the future mix. none of those can happen on a short time process but we're trying to move forward where we want to be in the next generation. just to refresh the goal is the revitalization of marketing street. there's some aspects of market street that were descended more
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to pass through so focusing on the place of market street is a goal in and of itself. when your riding your bike it's important to have been mobility. to go through the construction of the rails we have hard-wired market street and it will also be one project to improve the mobility and safety. there are different market streets and they're at different stages of development. we see a great opportunity in terms of everyone being bend through this project on market
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street. so we've tried to frame this starting with what the city goals are and we've got to general plan. a lot of high-level plans that are guiding and getting us down to specific improvements that we need to get out of that. this is a criteria that we're using to of the project. specifically bicycle safety and mobility, at the speed of traffic we're addressing taxis and other modes that used this street. we're trying to evaluate the
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different pros and cons here. so where we are at this time and this is one of the things we're getting down to 3 option that wengd define. there are certain things like auto restrictions, maintaining the street light zones like the sidewalk. but aside from knowing what we're going to do regardless of the options we're not seeing which option is better they all have pros and cons. we don't have enough community consensus.
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we are also precluded from the city to make decisions before we ask the committee to make decisions. we expect federal funding to be part of the costs here. just important the fact alone we're going to be going through a federal process we're just trying to come up with the options to go through the review. i'll walk through those quickly. the first option which is here titled market street shared lane. is really trying to take the basic structure of the current market street and improve it.
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the - one of the threshold issues you'll say that will delineate that from the next is whether we move the curbs. it has large curbs and significant infrastructure stuff on the sidewalks. it has entrances as well other typical sidewalk structure. so any proposal that requires the - one of the processes of this market street shared lane option is that it keeps the mostly the existing right now u right away it doesn't move the curbs it leaves the 4 vehicle traffic lanes just to
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accommodate the traffic. it doesn't reduce the sidewalks and the widths. it provides for improvements that makes it better for cycle folks. we still have some of the challenges we have keeping the same mix like i said this would make some auto restriction from what we have today. the second option that we've narrowed down to is what we're calling a market street bike way. this would create a top level
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bicycle facility on market street. the biggest challenge with this approach is that we have a really an overarching challenge is market street is a fixed right away. from building front to building front although it changes a little bit over the street is still a fixed amount of geography. so we're going to try to figure out how not to move buildings back but how do we accommodate all of the diverse trucks and pedestrians and traffic. it's difficult to make it all work. so that first option makes
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modest improvements. in this option is makes significant improvements for cycle folks but without compromising this the trade-off would be it would be a great bicycle facility but there's a separate bike lane in both directs. it would still leave the 4 vehicle traffic lanes and still leaving for the space here. the downside is it makes the sidewalks smaller. but we -- there's some areas
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where we don't have space in order to do that such as where the cycle folks would have to come back into the traffic. so we have conflicts. so the third opening statements and this really came out of the team and some other discussions we had of some inability to get out of fixed straight of what you. that maybe came as a surprise and look at it market mission as a quarter and not just market street. so once you admission street
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into the mix now you have a whole a lot more right away and it expands the project so all of these have pros and cons. the concept here is market street would retain in the first option, however, it would expect the counter traffic that runs on market street and we would use market street to make the top class bicycle facility and in a better way then what we could on market street because we don't have rails we have all perpendicular intersections were we would be able to time the signals like we have on van.
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so in your protected bike lane i don't have to stop. it would make it easier to move for automobiles off of market street. and we still have one of our busiest bus lines. did you have a question? >> before you move on to your final phase of the presentation. just some questions about the 3 options. do you have a sheet which has a relative costs that you could provide to us for the 3 options?
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and if i'm reading it correctly in comparing the market street options the shared bike assess and the bicycle tracks which requires the curb changes etc. the bicycle track option is approximately a 10 percent more expensive than the shared bike options. am i reading that correctly? >> yeah, that's correct. >> that's actually very encouraging if one were to take the position to take the bicycle path is a good thing. i know with one of the down sides to having that bicycle
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track as opposed to the shared lane is the costs of the shared lanes but the cost 10 percent is not a dramatic enable >> yeah, that's correct and there's costs obviously going to mission street there are costs. the main kind of down side is that it eats into the sidewalk. to the ability to use the sidewalks is more limited are there's a cost compact but it also has the strongest point is that market street is a nature place for cycle folks to go. so that's a very strong selling
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point. >> but this 10 percent differential between the two we can have a policy debate about what the sidewalk and bicycle assess etc., as opposed to this is going to so dramatically increase the costs it's not feasible. >> absolutely and we're trying to advance the options. >> and the other point is that mission street dual ox action is the most expensive. one other point is you mentioned the mission street option and this hadn't made it into the press yet. the mission street would require moving all parking east of that;
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is that correct >> yes. >> so we can move all the parking lot on market street. >> so under the mission street option we wouldlize one side of the parking on mission street. >> yes and so for the publics certain it didn't just cover the question about street assess by also parking. >> you can see the ranges are very large. you can argue with the market and mission is couple of options for a relatively small cost it
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covers two streets >> one could there would be a debate if he move all parking on one side of the street and generally parking removal generates debate. yeah, just a point so there are proposals that we have in the traffic project currently for that stretch of admission street it would also contemplate a significant amount of removing parking spaces. >> so we have a flight on the
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pros and cons we've covered that. we can go much deeper at any point on that >> we actually have a board meeting coming up at 2 clock. i know that our clerk is going to have to get set up here. i know that commissioner wiener and one of the commissioners is going to be having a meeting on this subject. typically i wanted to have a full meeting and some of my colleagues need to get going. i know you've branch out a lot of staff here to debate this, however, i appreciate your patience thank you. >> thank you. i think we can
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come back here. so a lot of these opportunity for debate. just in terms of where we are now. we're aiming to refine those 3 concepts bring them to a final round of public out research and this will take a couple of years. during that time we would continue with pilot projects. we have done a number of them and a number of permanent improvements particularly on the western end of this area. we've done quite a bit of street
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recess traths. we would continue pilots and then into design and construction. and i want to say we're all impatient to see this project get done. i think it was our error in communicating expectations that this was never going to be a project done in 2013. i apologize and i take responsibility. we did over the course of the last year have some it's and starts as we ran into walls. this has taken longer than we anticipated. even the 5 year approach we know
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that still this will last for generation. so we can spend more time at a later time. and then finally, in terms of budget all we have is planning and design funds that there will be an additional cost. we have most of the funding in place or proposed for the next budget cycle to get us through the next phase on how much more we're going to need. we've identified a couple of
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options. i want to clarify this isn't money that doesn't exist. some things that agencies would have in their capital budgets the enhancements is the delta we're going to have to figure out to fund. this is something i think would be an appropriate topic for the mayors staff. it's very common more than normal or not we start a project before accident funding is there. if we started the project only when we had enough money we wouldn't start the projects. i th think